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You don't want to talk reality. You want to talk Hillary. merrily Nov 2014 #1
Agreed Sherman A1 Nov 2014 #2
Trying to go against the perpetual motion meme machine is a bear, isn't it? merrily Nov 2014 #3
Bears! Sherman A1 Nov 2014 #4
Bernie has a good message, but he isn't a messenger who can win a national election. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #6
Whether he can win or not, his message is extremely important to the national debate. MoonchildCA Nov 2014 #132
Cuz you say so... AgingAmerican Nov 2014 #226
If I were Jon Stewart at the Daily Show, I might say, "Sherman AI, meet me at camera three." merrily Nov 2014 #7
Your last paragraph raises an interting point. pangaia Nov 2014 #84
People have to want to run. They also have to have money or access to money. merrily Nov 2014 #95
For two years now? More like since the day after Obama was nominated! arcane1 Nov 2014 #234
I started hearing it all over TV, like a modern Greek chorus, shortly before the 2012 election. merrily Nov 2014 #235
Good point, the "inevitable" stuff is more recent. arcane1 Nov 2014 #236
I do remember hearing "inevitable" in 2007, but then it stopped, as far as I heard. merrily Nov 2014 #237
Flip that sentence around..... brooklynite Nov 2014 #173
Please, Sherman A1 Nov 2014 #199
Simples...supporting progressive policies does not translate to supporting liberal candidates brooklynite Nov 2014 #210
And yet, Sherman A1 Nov 2014 #222
the polls beg to differ.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #31
Polls TWO YEARS out are utterly worthless. In 2006 HRC was polling to have a cakewalk coronation peacebird Nov 2014 #68
Yeah you keep telling yourself that 64% is going to vanish... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #69
It will vanish, all she has to do is speak off the cuff. She forgets the internet is here.... peacebird Nov 2014 #76
and THAT is your plan???? VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #79
You think we should settle for a warhawk centrist because they run with "D" after their name? peacebird Nov 2014 #85
that is what YOU say...here is my proof to the contrary....you don't get to cherry-pick issues. VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #86
Now you are just being redundant. I answered this below. Nice try! peacebird Nov 2014 #91
No you didnt....you think its an online game Hillary herself played. VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #92
Fantastic list. Thanks for posting this. leftofcool Nov 2014 #121
you are very welcome VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #125
It will inevitibly diminish Scootaloo Nov 2014 #178
Independents would rather FERVERENTLY wish for Hillary's demise..... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #180
This isn't the 9th inning of the 4th quarter. It's not even the preseason yet Scootaloo Nov 2014 #182
You will think so if Ted or Jeb wins.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #183
Or you can stick your fingers in your ears and keep ranting Scootaloo Nov 2014 #184
You are correct. RB is expressing only his/her own opinion -- and it's exactly that, nothing more. Cal33 Nov 2014 #74
No, Warren isn't running and Bernie can't win, and anyone on the real planet knows it. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #5
Insulting me and repeating yourself is not going to change my mind. I wrote my thoughts merrily Nov 2014 #8
The same posters are going to keep pushing the same inevitability meme until the primary is over peacebird Nov 2014 #61
When it's my friend, I use it. Maybe you should recommend ignore to the meme machine. merrily Nov 2014 #66
: ) peacebird Nov 2014 #70
Agreed INdemo Nov 2014 #27
There is at least one other demographic Hillary might lose as well. merrily Nov 2014 #58
Warren isn't running. It is insane to think she is and hang non-existent hopes on it. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #93
Yet you think that your heroes Elizabeth Warren Legalequilibrium78 Nov 2014 #90
The ultra left is as tone deaf to reality as the ultra right. This crowd backed Kucinich. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #94
He or she posted to me, not a crowd. As to me, your bit about Kucinich is a lie, as merrily Nov 2014 #110
you seem to have a problem with the primary process noiretextatique Nov 2014 #189
Ultraleft, Tealeft, what other names do you have for those on the left? davidpdx Nov 2014 #191
Link a post of mine saying Warren and/or Sanders is my hero. Try to get yourself some civility, too merrily Nov 2014 #100
Yep. LawDeeDah Nov 2014 #152
I worry about Hillary not winning also. airplaneman Nov 2014 #197
I don't think that is it. merrily Nov 2014 #230
Message auto-removed Name removed Nov 2014 #233
hillary vadermike Nov 2014 #9
If HRC is the nominee then we will get a continuation of the militaristic, procorporate regime peacebird Nov 2014 #60
Are you wanting a TP Ted Cruz? How much do you think he would push your cause? Thinkingabout Nov 2014 #122
FFS... is there not a primary nominating process? kysrsoze Nov 2014 #196
Actually I was responding to peacebird, I did not mention the primary process. Thinkingabout Nov 2014 #212
Agree. To me that has always been obvious. n/t lamp_shade Nov 2014 #10
Reality shenmue Nov 2014 #11
Boo GeorgeGist Nov 2014 #12
Stating that Warren or Sanders cannot win is a defeatist attitude settling for Hillary is just that IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #13
+1 nt freedom fighter jh Nov 2014 #20
have you seen their polling? VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #32
Don’t believe the hype! IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #36
that is NOT hype....they don't pull those numbers out their asses! VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #37
OK You Win! You are now superior and I bow to the greatness of the highly IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #46
Good come down to the ground where reality lives! VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #48
Your reality is a path to doom, enjoy, happy trails! IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #54
My path is not to be an idealist and lose ALL THREE branches in the next election.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #57
From where I am sitting if it were between Hillary and Bush we will be looking at IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #115
From where you are sitting that is utter horseshit.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #161
See http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1251&pid=386992 IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #167
I have seen it..... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #168
I never said anything about Bernie why do you try to put words in my mouth? IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #169
Polls are 100% meaningless this far out from the election. Odin2005 Nov 2014 #154
Bingo. Young voters feel hoodwinked by Obama, right or wrong, and will not mobilize for the same peacebird Nov 2014 #62
Warren isn't running, so that point is moot. Sanders can't win nationally, and even he knows it. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #98
It could be Carrot Top and Bozo the Clown Running IdiocracyTheNewNorm Nov 2014 #104
But but LiberalElite Nov 2014 #137
Nicely said. Thank you. I'm tired of settling for the establishment candidates kysrsoze Nov 2014 #198
ok; reality: ellennelle Nov 2014 #14
so you want to draw to an inside straight? VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #50
Not at all. Progressive IDEAS won in 14, and can win the presidency in 16 if we run a progressive peacebird Nov 2014 #65
Ideas don't run for president...Candidates do. VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #67
Where is the data behind the pretty picture? peacebird Nov 2014 #82
Oh you want data? Here you go... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #83
My my my. She can answer correctly on an online game. I meant her actions/votes not her weasle words peacebird Nov 2014 #88
Uh no not just words....those were votes and speeches she has made....you know voting and speaking VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #89
Likes Puppies LawDeeDah Nov 2014 #158
Uh you need to go look at the site....you obviously do not know what you are talking about. VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #160
Completely unrecommended. Far left? What far left? There is no far left. Enthusiast Nov 2014 #15
No Bernie is the furthest Left of the group VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #33
Yes and the furthest left Alittleliberal Nov 2014 #49
Not in America....THAT is called reality! VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #51
Wrong! Check the polls on the issues. Continually repeating it doesn't make it reality. Enthusiast Nov 2014 #170
Issues are not on the Primary Ballot.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #172
The recent election perfectly illustrates why issues are the answer. Enthusiast Nov 2014 #206
+1 Enthusiast Nov 2014 #171
2016 Obama - Biden Reformed Bully Nov 2014 #16
No one is running until a formal announcement Hari Seldon Nov 2014 #17
We need a new DNC chair. DFW Nov 2014 #18
I will only vote for a candidate that represents my interests. It's not HC. Tough S^%$. GoneFishin Nov 2014 #19
Maybe Ralph Nader will run and you will have a 3rd party vote leftofcool Nov 2014 #25
Pick scorpions or we'll get anthrax! nt truebluegreen Nov 2014 #29
Hillary and Cruz are not the only two possibilities in the universe. merrily Nov 2014 #75
Actually, Jill Stein is running for the Green party. HappyMe Nov 2014 #232
Hello Independent Voter! VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #34
No you can vote for OUR choice....or not.....but you risk taking some blame for VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #59
Protest votes are wasted votes. Good luck with wasting your vote on some Nader-like loser. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #101
Reality is the following: ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #21
but we DO have polling numbers..... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #35
Polling numbers mean squat, a year out. ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #41
NO they are the FACTS we have at the moment..... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #44
They may be 'facts', but once again, they MEAN diddly squat. ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #47
Its the reality we have today.....YOU are into dreaming....and Idealist! That is what that means... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #52
I'm not dealing with reality, eh? ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #56
No you are not.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #96
I beg to differ. ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #105
begging gets you no where....the facts ARE she IS Progressive..... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #106
Who appointed you as the supreme judge of what is or is not reality? ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #116
no one but facts bear it out... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #126
No, they don't... ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #149
Yes they do.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #176
No, they don't... ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #204
the last election.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #175
Wrong again. ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #203
What facts aspirant Nov 2014 #174
Good, succinct post. Thanks. nt ladjf Nov 2014 #38
Thank you, and you're welcome. n/t ColesCountyDem Nov 2014 #43
+1 merrily Nov 2014 #81
Let's talk reality Robbins Nov 2014 #22
A simple look shows If she runs, she will lose Android3.14 Nov 2014 #23
The only Dems that will stay home if Hillary runs are on DU. leftofcool Nov 2014 #26
Keep telling yourself that. merrily Nov 2014 #87
Thoughtless comment from you Android3.14 Nov 2014 #141
I'm really confused watoos Nov 2014 #24
You need to stop thinking YOU are part of the majority of Americans....this thread is about reality VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #40
With all due respect Alittleliberal Nov 2014 #53
No they do not.....that is called reality....they wont vote for it.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #55
The last election told us nothing but Alittleliberal Nov 2014 #64
No the last election tells us that though people support Liberal or Progressive values... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #103
So you're saying we need to run someone who supports conservative values? Kermitt Gribble Nov 2014 #138
i am saying we need to run a candidate that VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #143
But you said people don't vote for liberal or progressive values at the ballot box. Kermitt Gribble Nov 2014 #151
No I did NOT fucking say that... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #162
Post #103 Kermitt Gribble Nov 2014 #213
She is NOT a fucking Conservative! VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #163
You can post that graphic all you want. Kermitt Gribble Nov 2014 #214
Here is why he may not. Let's use the example of Howard Dean. He had built an enthusiasm and still_one Nov 2014 #73
The idea that Bernie can win redstateblues Nov 2014 #109
You're shoveling sand against the tide trying to talk sense to the dreamers, here. MADem Nov 2014 #28
YUP!!!! +1000 VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #42
What Is 'Far Left' RadicalGeek Nov 2014 #30
believing in those things....and getting the Republicans out of the way to allow them to happen VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #39
But who defines 'Reality' RadicalGeek Nov 2014 #97
certainly not ideologues.... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #99
Comapred to whom RadicalGeek Nov 2014 #140
compared to all the other american candidates VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #142
So far RadicalGeek Nov 2014 #150
Who you got that polls ahead of ALL Republicans... VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #164
I will support without hesitation the Democratic nominee, and have no problem supporting Hillary, still_one Nov 2014 #45
Yet centrist have fucked up the Democratic party 4dsc Nov 2014 #63
The fact is that if Bernie runs as a Democrat, one would think that whoever has the most persuasive still_one Nov 2014 #80
"very well cause the election to be decided by the House"? A highly unlikely scenario, IMO. merrily Nov 2014 #114
I agree, I do not think it is a likely scenario. If Bernie runs, he will run as a Democrat, and still_one Nov 2014 #123
I don't know about about Bernie. He will run however he thinks he has the best chance. merrily Nov 2014 #124
No real disagreement with you thoughts, however, I think apathy was a huge reason. This was the still_one Nov 2014 #127
If the pundits are correct, the state level may be our only shot. merrily Nov 2014 #130
you are right. I don't think every state has absentee ballots, not sure though. still_one Nov 2014 #135
McGovern, Mondale, & Dukakis got clobbered. Clinton won. Case closed. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #218
your most happy with Hilliary obviously, but there are so many more Dems. RedstDem Nov 2014 #71
Why the constant need to push Hillary? djean111 Nov 2014 #72
I am sure some are sincere Third Wayers and some have economic or other incentives to push. merrily Nov 2014 #117
That would actually explain a lot of the grimly determined Hillary pushing. djean111 Nov 2014 #119
I don't they they give a shit if we're enthused as long as we vote. merrily Nov 2014 #144
Oh, yeah, I know what you mean......and like everyone else, djean111 Nov 2014 #146
The Clintonistas are baiting people into violating DU rules. Odin2005 Nov 2014 #156
How so? I am a Clinton supporter and I have baited no one. hrmjustin Nov 2014 #192
DU is infested with paid DLC shills. Odin2005 Nov 2014 #155
It looks like Hillary will be our nominee and it is going to take a long time for some to get hrmjustin Nov 2014 #77
I don't care, I'll just write them in. TheCowsCameHome Nov 2014 #78
Here is a tiny bit of reality. Half-Century Man Nov 2014 #102
Reality: lots of voters won't go to the polls for another corporate tool. polichick Nov 2014 #107
This is the absolute truth. The only thing that could save Hillary at the Nay Nov 2014 #133
Looks like the "left" and the "media" will team-up to... Mike Nelson Nov 2014 #108
More fear tactics Can't wait aspirant Nov 2014 #181
Joe Biden 2016 craigmatic Nov 2014 #111
The Democratic Party should endorse the Republican candidate. Then we'd win for sure!!! Scuba Nov 2014 #112
I voted for hillary before I'll vote for her again gwheezie Nov 2014 #113
That's fine. But I'm still not voting for Hillary. bigwillq Nov 2014 #118
The Dem will win my state, too, unless maybe Ike run agains again. merrily Nov 2014 #120
Oh goody, a protest vote to help the Republicans. I think that is entirely insane. But whatever. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #217
The DEM candidate will win CT with or without my vote. bigwillq Nov 2014 #219
Since when is onecaliberal Nov 2014 #128
Good luck with that meme corkhead Nov 2014 #129
Hillary = business as usual Warpy Nov 2014 #131
Why exactly can't Bernie win? Fearless Nov 2014 #134
Let the System Work. Blue Idaho Nov 2014 #136
Another Third Way post painting Traditional Democrats as "far left". n/t Kermitt Gribble Nov 2014 #139
+1000 noiretextatique Nov 2014 #190
"Much as some here would like the nation to be on the far left, it isn't" demwing Nov 2014 #145
Did you copy-n-paste this from 2006? (nt) jeff47 Nov 2014 #147
You know how delusional the Left has become when they propose Sanders as a Democratic nominee. Beacool Nov 2014 #148
Seattle elected a socialist,what does that say about the trend of the country? aspirant Nov 2014 #185
You are comparing Seattle to the rest of the nation? Beacool Nov 2014 #223
Who's relevant? aspirant Nov 2014 #227
The Establishment Bubble is not reality. Odin2005 Nov 2014 #153
Shrug. Erich Bloodaxe BSN Nov 2014 #157
Reality is Hillary does not connect well with people, Joe Turner Nov 2014 #159
Are you concerned that Hillary's economic plan Htom Sirveaux Nov 2014 #165
Here's our problem jmowreader Nov 2014 #166
If Bernie Sanders runs, it is highly likely Ilsa Nov 2014 #177
And it is highly likely he won't come close to winning the nomination.We need to support the NOMINEE RBInMaine Nov 2014 #207
I'll probably vote for the nominee. But Ilsa Nov 2014 #209
no one sees a problem when half our party doesnt like Hillary? TheFarseer Nov 2014 #179
The right path aspirant Nov 2014 #187
I dont claim to know any percentages TheFarseer Nov 2014 #195
Prove the "half our Party doesn't like Hillary" argument brooklynite Nov 2014 #211
Obama shocked the world in 2008. In 2007 it was all Hillary and he was running third behind Edwards. Zen Democrat Nov 2014 #186
Why is it so important that everyone agree on a nominee before the primaries even START? Warren DeMontague Nov 2014 #188
Not easy being a Clinton supporter on this site. hrmjustin Nov 2014 #193
Defeatist nonsense. Maedhros Nov 2014 #194
When people talk about Warren or Sanders running... Zenlitened Nov 2014 #200
You have just said that your "reality" is a "dream." Case closed. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #216
"What now is real..." Zenlitened Nov 2014 #224
Not gonna happen with my help. I cannot make it any clearer. nt silvershadow Nov 2014 #201
The reason people talk so much of reality DonCoquixote Nov 2014 #202
The middle class is screwed no matter CentralMass Nov 2014 #205
This message was self-deleted by its author Corruption Inc Nov 2014 #208
How did yours work with McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Nader, and Kucinich? RBInMaine Nov 2014 #220
Anyone but Hillary. Someone will run against her, in the primary, and I will support them. (nt) w4rma Nov 2014 #215
Right now no one stands a chance against her. We need to support the nominee. RBInMaine Nov 2014 #221
Reality: right now THERE IS NO NOMINEE. Zenlitened Nov 2014 #225
The nominee? HappyMe Nov 2014 #231
So basically, this country is over and we're doomed to moving ever rightward. PeteSelman Nov 2014 #228
I think the OP is pretty accurate. WhoWoodaKnew Nov 2014 #229
Ok then, apparently we are hosed. quaker bill Nov 2014 #238
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»Warren isn't running and ...»Reply #88