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(392 posts)
Tue Mar 27, 2018, 11:54 PM Mar 2018

Roseanne proves Russian propaganda worked: 7 reasons we can't allow Roseanne to normalize Trump [View all]

I hope Roseanne’s reboot is all one big satire. One big “bait-and-switch.”

What do I mean by that, exactly? What I mean is… I hope what Roseanne is secretly doing is showing us how the working-class lost its way and ended up voting for Donald Trump. And that through Darlene moving home, and presenting Roseanne with a gender-fluid grandson, she slowly starts to realize her vote for the #1 bully of all-time was a mistake.

I hope the entire 10th season of Roseanne shows this evolution in Roseanne’s character – Trump supporter realizing the errors of their thinking when presented with modern America. And who knows… maybe Roseanne herself is the only person able to reach these misguided working-class voters.

But if that’s not the case, and this isn’t one big ploy by Roseanne to change the hearts of Trump supporters, this is required reading for all Americans.

For better or worse, we all know Roseanne Barr is a bit of a bully like Trump.

Roseanne constantly fired people from her show (sound familiar?), viciously attacked critics (I can’t wait for her to read this), threatened to sue people, and thrived on constant controversy, celebrity feuds, and tabloid sensationalism. Roseanne and Donny are more similar than one might think.

Is Roseanne the female version of Trump?

Many on her show thought she was a tyrant, something Donald Trump wishes he could be in real life. Which is why all of these similarities between Roseanne and Trump make it all the more ironic and hypocritical when Roseanne attacks the bullies her grandson faces at school for wearing girls clothing.

Roseanne… you literally voted for a man that enabled the bullies that attacked your grandson. To ignore this glaring hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling. Bullies across our nation were given the “green-light” to attack minorities when Trump won the Presidency. Roseanne should do some serious self-reflection and soul-searching on how her vote for Trump (the #1 bully of all-time) emboldened the very kids who bullied her grandson.

So all of this hypocrisy begs the question:

How did feminist hero Roseanne Barr go from supporting Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton during the 2008 Democratic primary (even writing a pro-Hillary article for the HuffingtonPost), to supporting Donald J. Trump (con-man and pussy-grabber) for President in 2016?

The answer is simple: Russian bots on Twitter.

After using Twitter to run for President in 2012, Roseanne submerged herself in political propaganda on Twitter (which she has since deleted).

There is no better proof than Roseanne herself that the Russians were successful with their online propaganda campaign. How else do you explain a feminist hero voting for a pussy-grabber over the most qualified woman to ever seek the Presidency?

Putin feared Hillary, and turning former supporters like Roseanne against Hillary was part of the mastermind. The ultimate con in American history to destabilize our nation in Putin’s favor.

Sadly, Roseanne is using her shows reboot to justify the unjustifiable: voting for a proud bigot who conned working-class people by scapegoating minorities and promising to return us to an America we will never be again.

So how will Roseanne go about justifying the unjustifiable?

By trying to say Hillary was an equally bad candidate – the “lesser of two evils” argument. Which was, after-all, Russia’s ultimate goal: muddy the waters so the American public thinks both candidates are equally bad.

“Neither Trump or Hillary will change anything, so why not give the finger to the establishment by voting for Trump? At least he gives the illusion of being on our side. He looks and sounds like us, right? Burn down the system!!”

This is a very petty and immature rationale from a group of people that have felt forgotten by the “establishment.” But it’s a rationale I fear far too many working-class people used to convince themselves that Trump (a 4-times bankrupt silver-spoon Daddy’s boy fraud) was somehow their guy.

Or maybe the working-class simply supported Trump in order to seek revenge against America for feeling ignored? But why is it always liberal America’s job to understand conservative America’s bigotry and ignorance? Didn’t 3 million more people vote for Hillary?

Given that blue America is the majority, don’t allow Roseanne to use her reboot to justify the unjustifiable. Never allow the minority support of bigot Trump be normalized or rationalized.

So in preparation of Roseanne’s reboot, I present to you 7 reasons why Roseanne is wrong about Hillary, Trump, and America:

1. Roseanne’s reboot tackles the skyrocketing cost of prescription medication.

Hillary Rodham Clinton fought for universal healthcare in the early 1990s, and eventually helped pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program – a program that covers 8 million children.

Hillary also secured healthcare for 9/11 first-responders as New York Senator, and President Bill Clinton passed the Family and Medical Leave Act.

I guess in addition to believing Russian propaganda, Roseanne doesn’t remember history, either.

The Clintons have been tackling the issue of healthcare for decades, and deserve credit for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Family and Medical Leave Act. Two achievements we take for granted now days but are actually a result of the pragmatic Clintons.

Heck, while Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, the Clintons helped expand access to healthcare in poor, poverty stricken communities. Around the same time, Donald Trump was being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination (doesn’t Roseanne have an African-American grandaughter in the reboot?).

The Clintons have a long record of achievements on healthcare. Why is this well-known history ignored by Roseanne? Did she forget?

2. Roseanne says Trump talked about “jobs.”

Hillary talked about jobs, too. But the media never covered it. Studies show that for the most part, the media only covered Hillary’s fake “e-mail scandal.”

Hillary had detailed policy plans to create jobs in 2016 America, such as clean-energy jobs. She even gave numerous speeches on her plans – speeches that weren’t covered by the media.

Meanwhile, con-man Trump promised to bring back coal jobs that will never come back to America. The original Roseanne Conner would have easily seen through Trump’s deception. Unfortunately, Roseanne Barr spent too much time on Twitter being subjected to Russian propaganda. I guess technology has unfortunate, unintended consequences?

Roseanne should have spent more time doing independent research regarding Hillary’s jobs plan rather than re-tweeting Russian bots on Twitter. Hillary promised green energy jobs of the future. Con-man Trump promised coal jobs that will never come back to America.

Oh and does Roseanne remember that President Bill Clinton created 22 million new jobs during the 1990s?

If you want to talk about jobs, let’s remember the prosperous and pragmatic Clinton Era. Meanwhile, con-man Trump shipped jobs overseas to China, stiffed American workers out of contracts, and hired immigrants rather than American workers to build his buildings.

Hillary’s jobs plan was crafted for the future. Trump’s jobs plan was crafted to con Americans into thinking we could transport back in time.

3. Roseanne says Hillary is a “liar, liar, pantsuit on fire.”

That’s only if you believe Russian propaganda and 40 years of manufactured “Clinton scandals.” Hillary was rated by fact-checking websites as the most honest politician running for President in 2016.

Furthermore – Hillary has never been found guilty of anything in over 40 years of “investigations.” I guess that would make Hillary the best liar of all-time, right? 40 years and not a single guilty verdict. Personally, I hope one day there is a book written debunking every single Clinton conspiracy theory.

Meanwhile, Trump has the all-time record for false and misleading statements. No President has ever lied at the rate Trump has lied. There is no distant second. Trump is in a league and category all on his own.

So making a joke about Hillary (who has never been found guilty of anything in 40 years) as being a liar rings hollow when you voted for a man who lies multiple times per-day (maybe even per-hour). I guess there was a true lack of self-awareness when this joke was written? Not only is it hypocritical, it proves Russian bots corrupted Roseanne’s mind.

Again – Hillary was rated by fact-checkers as the most honest 2016 candidate for President. Trump is the biggest liar of all-time. Hillary, unlike Trump, has never been found guilty of anything. Every single Hillary investigation has turned up nothing. No trial. No guilty verdict. The same can’t be said of Trump who has been found guilty or settled out of court hundreds of times.

This is yet another example of the Russians trying to muddy the waters and make Hillary seem like just as big of a liar as Trump is. Nothing could be further from the truth.

4. Roseanne says the Clintons are equally as corrupt as Trump.

Roseanne, just like Trump, consistently re-tweeted conspiracy theories about the Clinton Foundation, even though fact-checking websites debunked all of them.

Let us remember: the Clinton Foundation was given a higher charity rating than the Red Cross and provides 11.5 million people with HIV/AIDS medication – that’s more than half of all those affected by the virus worldwide.

Many of the Clinton Foundation conspiracy theories pushed on Twitter made it seem as though Hillary was just as bad as Trump. However, the Trump Foundation illegally paid off Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi to hide Trump University fraud. Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation helps treat millions of people affected by HIV/AIDS – treating more than half of all those affected by the virus worldwide.

Furthermore, the Clintons pay 35% in taxes (what do you pay, Roseanne?). We have yet to see all of Trump’s tax returns. Who truly is the corrupt one based on tax-rates?

5. On Jimmy Kimmel, Roseanne said no American should want their President to fail.

So why did Roseanne support Trump, a man who led the racist birther movement against Barack Obama, the first African American President? And no, Hillary was not the “original” birther as Russian propaganda would have you believe.

Point is – why did Roseanne enable and spread the propaganda of those who made it their mission to make Obama a one-term President?

This is yet another example of Roseanne’s hypocrisy.

If Roseanne actually believes what she is saying, why did she enable and embolden those who wished for Obama to fail as President? The double standard is both maddening and terrifying all at once.

6. Roseanne hates Hillary’s foreign policy.

As Secretary of State, Hillary passed the first-ever U.N Resolution on gay rights (proclaiming: “human rights are gay rights and gay rights are human rights” on the world stage), and made it so trans Americans can legally change their gender on their passport. Hillary also rebuilt relations with every nation after the disastrous Bush Administration, traveling to 112 countries — more than any other Secretary of State. Our worldwide favorability rose 20% during Hillary’s tenure. Her primary focus was on women’s rights and health, bringing up issues such as forced abortion and maternal mortality rates. Hillary re-opened relations with Burma, enacted a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and killed Osama Bin Laden. She also was instrumental in putting together the Paris Climate Agreement, something Trump has since removed us from.

Roseanne supports Trump’s foreign policy because he enables Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinians. Remember: Trump appealed to all prejudices – including prejudices against the Palestinian people. As a Jewish woman, Roseanne is a hardcore supporter of Israel.

Trump’s foreign policy consists of Twitter wars with dangerous dictators. How is that better than what Hillary accomplished as Secretary of State?

7. Roseanne hates the Clintons because of NAFTA.

George Bush Senior originally put NAFTA together. Bill Clinton oversaw the implementation of NAFTA due to denying Bush Senior a second term. NAFTA was originally Bush’s baby (not Clinton’s).

Instead of only remember the negatives of the Clinton Era, let us also remember the numerous positives:

—4-balanced budgets due to the superb compromising ability of Bill Clinton
—22 million new jobs
—7 million fewer Americans living in poverty
—Minimum wage up 20%
—Assault Weapons Ban
—Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
—Northern Ireland peace process
—Campaign Against Teen Pregnancy: all-time low abortion rates
—Office on Violence Against Women
—Violence Against Women Act
—Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP): 9 million children insured
—Tax-credit for low-income Americans
—Family and Medical Leave Act
—Incomes rising at all income levels

Didn’t Roseanne also do well during the 1990s? And yes – Roseanne’s show may have helped Clinton win in 1992. But Clinton resoundingly won re-election in 1996 due to producing results for the American people.

Incomes were rising at all income levels, 22 million new jobs were created, minimum wage was up 20%, more children had healthcare (9 million covered under CHIP), and our country had a blanched-budget and a surplus. We also passed the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Plus, in-case you were wondering, Glass Steagall had nothing to do with the 2008 financial collapse according to fact-checking websites (try blaming Republican George Bush for a change). And sure… welfare reform sucked. But that’s because we had a GOP-dominated Congress and Bill Clinton was a true pragmatist (exactly what we need in a leader).

On balance, the Clinton Era was a great era for most Americans (including Roseanne). Just look at the long list of accomplishments! Hillary’s platform would have ushered in another pragmatic Clinton era, which would be going far better than the current Administration.

The worst thing that ever happened to Roseanne Barr was her Twitter account. She was constantly subjected to pro-Trump and anti-Hillary propaganda, causing her to support the pussy-grabber over the first-female nominee for President. In her Russian corrupted brain, Hillary was just as bad, if not worse, than Trump.

It’s truly sad that a former feminist icon didn’t support the first-female candidate for President due to Russian propaganda. This former feminist icon opted instead for a well-known misogynist. (And please don’t bring up Bill Clinton as your defense because he had consensual affairs and was then held accountable for his transgressions). Trump has yet to be held accountable for his abuse of women, and a true feminist would never support a man like Trump for President.

Unfortunately, Roseanne is going to attempt to use her shows reboot to legitimize Trump and justify her vote for the pussy-grabber. However, as much as Roseanne may try, Trump is not a legitimate President. Donald lost the popular vote by 3 million votes and was elected with Russian help (treason).

I don’t care how “forgotten” you feel by the establishment – it is never acceptable to support bigotry, discrimination, scapegoating, sexism, bullying, or hatred. I will never root for this “President” to succeed so long as he is a bigot filled with hate. Because if Trump succeeds, bigotry will be validated. That is something I will never support and something the original Roseanne Conner never would have supported, either. But the original Roseanne, unlike the Roseanne of the present, wasn’t corrupted by the Russians.

Trump’s victory –aided by Roseanne/Russians on Twitter– legitimized bigotry and discrimination everywhere. Roseanne helped the very bullies she defends her grandson against. The embodiment of hypocrisy and irony.

Roseanne fell for the con-man fraud who promised to bring back obsolete coal jobs instead of researching Hillary’s jobs plan the media never covered – a plan that would have led to huge job growth, powered primarily by clean energy jobs of the future.

Roseanne is the ultimate example of the effectiveness that the Russian propaganda campaign had on Twitter. Roseanne was duped by Russian bots into thinking Hillary was as big of a liar as Trump (fact-checking websites confirm Hillary was the most honest 2016 Presidential candidate while Trump was rated the least honest). Luckily, even without Roseanne’s support, Hillary still won by 3 million votes. Roseanne will never be a member of the true American majority.

Roseanne is forever a member of the manipulated minority – manipulated by both Russian bots and a con-artist that was born with a silver-spoon in his mouth. A man who prides himself on bullying and sexism. A man who cheated working-class people out of contracts his entire life, shipped jobs to China, and hired immigrants over American workers to build his buildings. A man whose tax-plan only benefits people like himself.

The woman who always spoke truth to power and never fell for anyone’s manipulation finally did at the hands of Russian bots on Twitter. A true American tragedy.

Over 165 million Americans were subjected to Russian propaganda online saying both candidates were equally as bad. So for those that say Russia’s propaganda campaign had no impact on the election, look no further than Roseanne as “exhibit A” proof.

Roseanne preferred a “relatable” con-man over an overqualified “elitist” woman. Hillary was too “smug” for Roseanne’s taste. She preferred the pussy-grabber propaganda artist who looked and sounded like Dan Conner. A con-man who puts billionaires like himself above people like the Conners. A con-man who cheated drywallers like Dan Conner out of money his entire career.

I’m still holding out hope this is all satire and in the season finale of the 10th season, Roseanne will admit she was wrong about Trump and that she should have voted for Hillary (you know, the woman who worked for decades on healthcare and whose husband left us a booming economy and surplus). Because after 1 year of a Trump Presidency, can anyone really still say their vote was the right decision? I’d give anything to transport back to the Clinton years based on what we currently have now.

Roseanne Barr truly could do our country a great service by helping convince those who voted for Trump that they were wrong. Sadly, she’s still on Twitter submerging herself in Russian propaganda – believing that the Democrats are just as bad as Republicans. I guess that’s how Roseanne went from supporting Hillary in 2008 to now supporting Trump.

Thankfully, Hillary still won by 3 million votes despite Roseanne betraying women and supporting a sexist bigot. I’m proud to stand with the 66 million majority who voted for the slogan “Stronger Together.” Trump’s Electoral College victory will never represent me or the majority of Americans.

Sadly, I guess false promises and scapegoating can even manipulate those you once viewed as idols. Maybe birds of the bullying feather truly do flock together?

So please defend Hillary and tweet @therealroseanne when she bashes Hillary with lies on her shows reboot.

Because we need to declare once and for all: Hillary is not nor has she ever been “just as bad as Trump.” Just ask the millions of people who receive HIV/AIDS medication from the Clinton Foundation – over half of all those affected by the virus worldwide. Or look at the hundreds of guilty Trump convictions vs. the zero guilty convictions for Hillary. Or the fact that the Clintons gave us 4-balanced-budgets while Trump had 4-bankruptcies. Or Hillary’s work at the Children’s Defense Fund investigating African American juveniles being placed in adult prisons. Or the Clintons working tirelessly on the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Face it Roseanne: you were duped by two abusive, sexist men (Putin and Trump) into hating Hillary, the first woman to run on a major party’s ticket for President, and who will become a bigger feminist icon than you could ever dream of becoming. Critics always said Roseanne hated other women who were more powerful than her. Did Hillary take your crown, Roseanne?

The old Roseanne Conner is a true feminist icon.

The new Roseanne Conner voted for the sexist pussy-grabber, which enabled bullies everywhere (ie: the kids who bullied her grandson).

PS: Or maybe Roseanne simply wanted Trump to win so there would be a reason for her show to be given a reboot?

Never normalize the con-man bigot silver-spoon fraud.
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Thank you for this. Aristus Mar 2018 #1
Ditto. iluvtennis Mar 2018 #19
We need to always correct the record when it comes to Hillary. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #41
Well, it's no longer about Hillary. It's about Trump. Honeycombe8 Mar 2018 #76
Roseanne is a promoter, like the Big Con.... pbmus Mar 2018 #2
Yes. They are very similar. Almost too similar. The male and female versions of each other. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #58
As Roseanne once said, "We're America's worst nightmare....white trash with money." Honeycombe8 Mar 2018 #62
I hate to hear she's a Trumper. I can't watch the show, then. Honeycombe8 Mar 2018 #63
She is playing a character...for money and fame... pbmus Mar 2018 #64
I think she really is a Trumper. Judging from what she said on the Kimmel show. nt Honeycombe8 Mar 2018 #66
That was promotional character acting... pbmus Mar 2018 #68
No. I did a search. She's really a Trump supporter. Honeycombe8 Mar 2018 #69
Do you think Roseanne is another one of those "burn the system down" type of people? TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #73
Sounds like it. She really IS a Trumper. What some thought were joke lines in her show.... Honeycombe8 Mar 2018 #75
Excellent Post Progressive2020 Mar 2018 #3
What a post.. Upthevibe Mar 2018 #4
I admit -- I probably included too much... TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #13
This wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, christx30 Mar 2018 #16
Great overview! dawg day Mar 2018 #5
Nice recap. I do believe you hit all the points. SunSeeker Mar 2018 #6
Everyone keeps saying it's too long. But I had a lot to say... TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #8
It's good to have it all in one spot. SunSeeker Mar 2018 #12
Never watched her before not gonna start now underthematrix Mar 2018 #7
The original series tackled gay marriage, gay characters, abortion (pro-choice), marijuana TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #14
The reboot has a boy who dresses in girls clothes and everyone accepts him. Also my body, my choic emulatorloo Mar 2018 #78
Bookmarked, TreeStarsForever! Cha Mar 2018 #9
Did you watch the show? nolabear Mar 2018 #10
I watched. The second episode was much better. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #11
It is a wonder. Im curious about the difference nolabear Mar 2018 #15
Roseanne supported Hillary over Obama in 2008. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #17
I heard her on the radio doing an interview a couple years ago.. xor Mar 2018 #25
On the show the Jackie character accidentally voted for Stein. nolabear Mar 2018 #43
I'm with you on that assessment. xor Mar 2018 #24
I'm a little curious if the show is playing a long game. LisaM Mar 2018 #18
i think they are only doing like 10 episodes JI7 Mar 2018 #22
Fantastic njhoneybadger Mar 2018 #20
Thank You!! TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #27
She was a total ass to Jimmy Kimmel tikka Mar 2018 #21
Yeah. Roseanne can be a bit of a bully. Just like Trump. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #23
I did not care for her show the first time. True Blue American Mar 2018 #26
She supports Trump? I've always found her annoying, now it's gone beyond that. C Moon Mar 2018 #28
That's like saying videohead5 Mar 2018 #29
In real life Roseanne supported and voted for Trump Raine Mar 2018 #30
Don't know... Mike Nelson Mar 2018 #31
and you're only addressing the sanitized version of her from the past few weeks or so Adenoid_Hynkel Mar 2018 #32
I hope all of her old tweets are posted everywhere online. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #33
It continually kills me Proud Liberal Dem Mar 2018 #46
THIS is why I refuse to watch. Shame on ABC for "white-walling" her Twitter feed flibbitygiblets Mar 2018 #52
Roseanne is just another Trumpezodian Deplorable. None of them oasis Mar 2018 #34
I think she is a racist like Trump.. helpisontheway Mar 2018 #35
The Best Thing That Could Happen To The Rosanne Reboot... LovingA2andMI Mar 2018 #36
+1 I ain't gonna watch it!!! demigoddess Mar 2018 #55
THANK YOU! betsuni Mar 2018 #37
Awesome! Thank you!! TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #40
I enjoyed her old show (due to kids and Laurie Metcalf) and Tim Allen's old show but won't watch now wishstar Mar 2018 #38
I love Laurie Metcalf, too. She's a great actress. Did you see her in Lady Bird? TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #42
Haven't seen Lady Bird yet. Love Laurie and Sairse Ronan too wishstar Mar 2018 #67
K&R Scurrilous Mar 2018 #39
Thanks!! TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #56
There Are Not Enough Recs in All Time and Space to Do This OP Justice Leith Mar 2018 #44
I think that we give the Russian Bots too much credit Proud Liberal Dem Mar 2018 #45
you beat me too it. People voted for racist, regressive Republicans before Putin yurbud Mar 2018 #51
I know lots of people like this. Initech Mar 2018 #47
Fox News has literally been the worst thing to ever happen to this country. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #60
Ive been saying that for years! Initech Mar 2018 #61
Great post dalton99a Mar 2018 #48
You are most welcome!! TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #59
K&R ismnotwasm Mar 2018 #49
Thanks!! TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #72
RESIST: Barr is just another greedy puke low life!!! FreeStateDemocrat Mar 2018 #50
Ill never watch it MFM008 Mar 2018 #53
K&R. Excellent post lunamagica Mar 2018 #54
Thanks!! I hope I was able to correct the record on Hillary. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #57
Great Summary of Facts but I would like to suggest one correction Tbear Mar 2018 #65
18 million people tuned into her show last night. We gotta correct the record. TreeStarsForever Mar 2018 #70
Roseanne is the same unbalanced, attention-hungry loon she's always been misanthrope Mar 2018 #71
Roseanne's photos dressed as Hitler, much worse than Kathy Griffin's joke. greyl Mar 2018 #74
Roseanne is a Jewish woman and said that this was satire TreeStarsForever Apr 2018 #79
That's fine. greyl Apr 2018 #81
wait until trump has a "guest appearence" on roseanne's show...it will happen beachbum bob Mar 2018 #77
If only some of the Susan Sarandons of the world believed this. TheSmarterDog Apr 2018 #80
Roseanne is a working advertisement piece for Trumps administration UCmeNdc Apr 2018 #82
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