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(630 posts)
Fri Oct 5, 2018, 10:43 PM Oct 2018

Let's Just Purge All Our Kavanaugh/Collins Angst All at Once, and Move the Fuck On(Ferret/ShowerCap)

Hey, today sure sucked, huh? I'll always remember October 5th, 2018 as the day Susan Collins droned endlessly on while somebody took a jackhammer to my crotch. Next year I'll bake a cake shaped like Susan Collins droning endlessly on while somebody takes a jackhammer to my crotch.

(It's a long one tonight. As always, you can find the post, with links, at: http://showercapblog.com/lets-just-purge-all-our-kavanaugh-collins-angst-all-at-once-and-move-the-fuck-on/

Oh, and donate to all our super-rad Dem candidates, at: http://showercapblog.com/vote-goddamn-midterms/)

Yeah, shit’s good n’ righteously fucked up this week, Shower Captives. I know it's got you down. So let's start with the good news, because there's a fair amount of it, and you should let it fuel and inspire you.

The fight for the House is going well. 60 different Democratic House candidates raised a million bucks or more in the 3rd quarter, indicative of an enthusiasm that a handful of conservative mega-donors can't hope to match. Republicans have already started backing out of races they view as unwinnable, abandoning some high-profile incumbents in the process.

Mom's-Basement-Dweller/Ring Around the Toilet Some Call the “Manosphere” Roosh V has closed down his pathetic little woman-hating website, because like all MRAs (look it up), he's a big ol' loser. The stunted man-children of the internet will now have one fewer site to hang out and radicalize each other on. Why? Because a shaming campaign cut him off from advertisers and payment platforms. Activism in action.

Speaking of scuzzbag hatemongers facing crippling financial consequences, I'm pleased to report that the economic dogpile burying emotional terrorist Alex Jones has been enthusiastically joined by...Alex Jones! Yessir, with revenue streams plummeting after getting banned from every significant social media platform, Captain BBQ Nips has decided to burn through his dwindling cash reserves in a fruitless lawsuit against PayPal, perhaps imagining that screaming “I WAS TOO BUSY HARASSING SANDY HOOK PARENTS TO READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE” might be a viable legal argument.

The Washington Times lost a lawsuit, and was forced to retract a column spreading baseless conspiracy theories about Seth Rich's murder, because daily gaslighting notwithstanding, the truth still matters, goddammit. The truth can still win out, and does, and you shouldn't forget that.

And just to smother these Good News biscuits in schadenfreude gravy, four more white nationalist colontumors are behind bars right now, facing charges for inciting violence in Charlottesville. Knock yourselves out chanting “You will not replace us” in the prison laundry room, you little skidmarks.

See, I know shit feels hopeless sometimes. I know the last two years have felt like a herd of drunken frat boys slapping you in the face with sacks full of dog turds, day in, day out. I know you're sick to death of it.

But y'see, our culture stomping on malignant imps like Roosh and Jones shows you that we have all this pent-up justice-seeking energy massing, straining for any outlet for release. You see it in the eagerness to track down every viral-video racist shitworm and make sure they face consequences for their hatefulness. You see it in our fundraising. You see it in your own social media feed, don't you?

Our Constitution, bless its heart, demands that we live with the consequences of any given national election for two whole years, like rubbing a dog's nose in the mess he made, I guess. We've had the will to take our country back this whole time, all we've lacked is the mechanism. But in just one short month, we get to VOTE again, friends. And then everything changes.

So yeah, the rest of the news is pretty shitty. It's full of terrible people doing terrible things, because so much of the power in this country is concentrated in the hands of outhouse-souled rat bastards. For now, anyway. But not forever.

I say, let this crap get under your skin. All of it. Every little bit of it, from the petty to genuinely abominable. Let it piss you off. It SHOULD piss you off. It'd piss any decent person off. Get so goddamn angry that you can't rest easy until you've sandblasted this repugnant political ragecult out of every nook and cranny of the country you love.

President Truck Stop Gas Station Urinal Cake, who famously can't be bothered to read multi-page national security briefings, somehow found the time to yell at a sketch comedy show again. Nice to see, nearly halfway through his term, the Dotard still understands the Streisand Effect about as well as he understands the economy.

You sort of figure that a lot of governing these days revolves around a handful of Miller-esque staffers, on Skype with Bannon and Gorka, browsing the legal code in search of whatever avenues for institutional bigotry, however large or small, fall under the purview of the executive branch.

They found one this week.

Team Veryfinepeople decided to stop issuing visas for the same-sex partners of visiting diplomats unless they're legally married. But, because so few foreign nations have legalized marriage equality, this is ultimately a quick n’ easy way to HURT PEOPLE, which is of course the chief aim of the ruling regime. It doesn't make one single American's life one bit better, it's just one more example of these resentment-driven colontermites saying, “We have the power to stick our thumb in your eye, and therefore we will do so.”

Oh, and the bastards are even rolling back regulations on radiation exposure, going so far as to suggest a little radiation might even be GOOD for you, kinda like a single glass of red wine with dinner! I dunno, guys. With all the rage you fucks're kicking up these days, I would be particularly cautious about creating potential Hulks.

(See, at this point, you're already well past being Mad Enough to Vote. You're Mad Enough to Make Sure Everybody You Know is Voting, right? And we're just gettin’ warmed up.)

Cuz now we can talk about the atrocities unearthed in the IG report on DHS's family separation policy, from the shameless dishonesty of administration officials, to the clusterfuck execution, to the horror of cells with nooses and guards laughing derisively at “suicide failures.”

Hear that? If anybody's still clutching at their pearls, insisting “it can't happen here?” It's happening here. That's the banality of human evil, right there. On American soil. By American citizens. It's happening. It happened. Are you angry yet? Well, what are you going to DO about it?

Tucker Carlson's steady transformation into the mouthpiece of a totalitarian government in a low-budget sci-fi TV series continues apace, as he's now openly babbling about "white genocide.” Nobody wants white genocide, you silly boy. We might take a look at culling some of the squinty, pompous, bloviating, propagandists, especially if they have Douchey-Parent-in-a-John-Hughes-Movie haircuts, but we haven't finalized the plans yet.

The Failing New York Times published a massive expose, laying out the Grand Wizard Grifter's lifetime of serious financial crimes. It's a beautiful piece of journalism, revealing all sorts of fuckery from the merely shady to the downright felonious, and it's all impeccably documented. It would have ended any one of the first 44 Presidencies within a week.

But because the modern Republican Party is so completely lawless, the immediate consequences for Boss Shart fell somewhere between jack shit and fuckall.

Does that make you mad? It makes me mad. It makes me want to install a Democratic House majority, so these claims can be investigated by folks who think maybe the President shouldn't be a gangster.

In the meantime, we can all enjoy New York State and City using the NYT story as the basis for new efforts to claw back the swindled money. Gosh, between this and all the legal fees, you have to wonder if the Swiss Family Robinshart will even be able to afford cigarettes in the prison commissary when all is said and done.

Oh, and we got further confirmation that Fat Q*Bert lied about his role in the whole Stormy Daniels payoff melodrama, denting his popularity with so-called “evangelical Christians” nary a whit, despite the whole “lawbreaking/lying about infidelity” thing, and I tell ya, folks, I'm really starting to get suspicious of all these megachurch pastors’ moralizin’.

Things're actually looking crappy all-around on Shartboy's financial front these days. Forbes informs us his net worth took a billion-dollar crotch-punt over the last year, perhaps because Charging the Secret Service to Pee hasn't panned out as a major new revenue stream. Turns out, when your business is branding, it ain't good when your brand becomes synonymous with “Evil Perpetrated by Racist Boneheads.”

And hey, we all got the Presidential alert on our phones, right? I guess Shart Garfunkel still hasn't found his own dick, and was wondering if anybody else had seen it? He's gettin’ panicky.

We're told Stephen Miller, who somehow manages to be a white supremacist even though it's Obviously Inadequate Stephen Miller staring back at him in the mirror every day, very nearly talked Boss Dotard into banning all Chinese students from studying in America, which would've provided the Dirtbag Double Whammy of serving Miller's relentless, animating, racism and sticking it to those librul elites with their book-learning and their tolerance and their VERDAMMTE HEADS FULL OF THICK, LUXURIANT HAIR.

Ok, let's do the Kavanaugh shit. Let's just dive into this overflowing vomitorium of horror, and roll around in it. Has to be done.

We spent the week waiting on the FBI investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh. Little did we know we weren't getting an ACTUAL investigation, but rather a little kid dressed up in a 10 dollar Wal-Mart Halloween costume of an investigation.

See, the FBI didn't interview all of the relevant witnesses. They didn't talk to Avenatti's new client, because they decided her accusation wasn't credible, BECAUSE REASONS, though Avenatti later issued a sworn statement from a corroborating witness. They failed to follow up with a list of potential witnesses presented by Deborah Ramirez, because the Shart House told them not to.

They were also forbidden from looking into whether Kavanaugh lied under oath about his college drinking, likely because Kavanaugh clearly lied under oath about his college drinking. It'd be funnier if it wasn't staggering corruption that will effect millions of folks' lives for decades.

Well, it was good enough to prompt the inevitable foot-shufflin', aw-shucks speech from Senator Eeyore, excuse me, “Jeff Flake,” who said, "Garsh, I only asked for an investigation, I shoulda gone and specified that it needed t'be a GOOD one, but I didn't, anyhoo I vote Aye.”

Ben Sasse must've been studying at Flake's jittery knee, since he gave a big weepy/phony speech about how #MeToo is a really important thing and believing women is another important thing even though he won’t be believing these particular women because he really really wants this particular fellow on the Supreme Court so he can take away all the very-believable women's reproductive rights.

You might expect Drumpfy to exercise a little caution with so much on the line, but caution is not the Velveeta Vulgarians style, insomuch as a septuagenarian who can neither tie a tie nor order a steak can be said to possess "style.” And so he couldn't stop himself from casually insulting a female reporter in front of the whole fucking world. "I know you're not thinking. You never do,” he blurted, and I suppose we should give him credit for declining to high-five himself over this sickest of burns.

Now, ME, if I were a widely-loathed President, lookin’ down the business end of a midterm ass-kicking courtesy of a historic gender gap, that's the kind of shit I'd avoid.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchbag could be seen, cackling like teen rom-com villain's sidekick at the offhandedly sexist dig. I wonder if he'll be as amused when he's fending off subpoenas next spring, after fed-up Americans conduct a mass-firing of his boss’ craven Congressional enablers?

Oh, and afterwards, the gaslighting brigade had the official transcript doctored to make it look like Donnie Two-Scoops had said, “I know you're not THANKING,” like some sort of 1984 coloring book.

A bunch of law professors sent a letter saying “Don't confirm this unhinged jagoff.” A bunch of church leaders sent their own letter saying “Maybe find somebody less rapey and more honest?” The stray cats in my neighborhood constructed an elaborate turd mural in the alley behind building, spelling "KavaNOPE” in perfect, glistening cat shit. Even John Paul Stevens pointed out the obvious: we can do better than this jackass, and we should.

Still, we quickly arrived at the Carpet Bomb the Victim portion of the shitshow. The full force of the Republican Party and their propaganda apparatus are coming down on Dr. Ford, and the other accusers. They're now all STD-ridden deep state dominatrix sex maniacs who self-hypnotize to beat lie detector tests and run child sex slavery rings out of pizza restaurants, prolly. It's all insanely ridiculous and easily debunked, but never forget how ready the Rube Army is to believe anything terrible about a perceived enemy; who needs evidence when you have HATE?

And now, if you find any comment thread on any internet platform even touching on the subject, you'll find Christine Blasey Ford is as reviled by the rank-and-file MAGAt crowd as Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton, spoken of in the most disgusting terms imaginable. And at the Marmalade Shartcannon’s rallies, the feral hordes madly scream, “Lock her up!”

Speaking of the rallies, yeah, let's swim to the very bottom of this septic tank. You don't need me to tell what happened; you saw it yourself. The President of the United States, looking as proud as can be, openly mocked a sexual assault survivor, to the delight of the Shittiest White Folks in All Mississippi.

Shit, I'm not even mad about that one. That one bit, that one gag with its smirking cruelty and casual male supremacy, generated thousands of dollars in donations to Dem candidates, and mobilized God only knows how many tens of thousands of work hours from door-knockers and phone-bankers. That riff, Lil’ Man Shart, will be the difference-maker in more than one Congressional race next month. I hope you enjoyed the laugh, it'll prove to be one very expensive joke.

I'm starting to think maybe John McCain was Lindsey Graham's last Horcrux, and now that he's finally shed the burden of the last fragment of his human soul, he's simply embracing the dark, pulsating core of evil that pumps not blood, but a black, acidic, tar through his veins. He's betting on hard on Trumpism even as the day of Trumpism's comeuppance looms, and I'm really looking forward to it blowing up in his face.

After a few days of protests, Mitch McConnell and his merry band of geriatric scumfucks found room for themselves beneath the blanket of Real Victimhood they hastily threw over Kavanaugh. Yertle's even speechifyin’ about how his jaunty crew of Wealthy n’ Powerful Old Guys will not be “intimidated” by the marauding armies of...sexual assault survivors.

And every time Chuck Grassley opens the puckered sphincter he has for a mouth, he spits out something even more vile and hateful than the last time, like the old racist grandparent you had to stop taking out to dinner because he uses ethnic slurs to call the waitress. Seriously, EVERY TIME HE SPEAKS.

Ol’ Upchuck even leant support to his Turd Emperor's crazed conspiracy theory that those weren't REAL sexual assault survivors protesting everywhere over the last week! Naw, they were paid protestors, financed by the malicious, shadowy, billionaire Jew Cabal! No worries! Just the most powerful men in the nation, belching up talking points from the darkest, frothiest, corners of the far-right!

Orrin Hatch is...no better.

John Cornyn, who had his shame surgically removed some time ago, had the audacity to compare the Senate GOP's gaggle of Dust-Covered Old White Dudes Who Smell Like a Roadside Antique Mall to...Atticus Freakin’ Finch. Truly, who can forget Atticus’ immortal line, “Before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself, and all those millions in Koch bros donations make livin’ with myself easier than you might think!”

Also, “It's a sin to drunkenly rub your penis in someone's face, Scout. JUST KIDDING, BOYS WILL BE BOYS!!!!!”

See, these old fools don't get it. We can force the CEO of a major media conglomerate out over this crap in less than a week, but we have to wait a bit before we can fire politicians. Somehow these twits will wake up on November 7th, shellshocked that cynically repeating the Anita Hill playbook failed to reap wild rewards in 2018.

Brettwurst himself published a self-pitying little editorial in the Wall Street Journal, very carefully avoiding an actual apology for his infantile, partisan, tantrum at his hearing while acknowledging that throwing an infantile, partisan, tantrum was not a good look and promising not to throw further infantile, partisan, tantrums once he gets confirmed to his lifetime appointment and elevated beyond consequences once and for all. Well, he seems like such an honest fellow, why shouldn't we take him at his word?

A quick sidebar, this whole debacle wound up giving us possibly the Most Republican Thing Ever: Senator Steve Daines, y'see, might've had trouble making tomorrow's final Kavanaugh vote, since he's attending his daughter's wedding. But never fear, Montana CongressJag Greg Gianforte, who is both stupid rich and a violent criminal, said, “No worries, you can borrow my private jet so you can zoom back to D.C. and entrench corporate hegemony for another few decades! Try not to bodyslam any reporters at the nuptials!"

And finally, in shittiest climax this side of of a DC comics movie, America was subjected to a monotonous, comically dishonest tirade from Susan Collins, which I can only assume is still ongoing even as you read this. She talked about how important the #MeToo movement is when it's forcing Democratic senators to resign, but when it stands in the way of something Republicans want, then the accusers are dirty lying whores who shouldn't be trusted.

And that website? The one that's been raising pledged funds to finance Collins’ 2020 Dem challenger? It CRASHED today. Because October 5th, 2018 will go down in history as many, many things, chief among them Day One of Senator Susan Collins’ farewell tour. Potential challengers are already surfacing.

Woooooooooo that was some rough shit, folks. Feels like I was locked in a dryer full of sandpaper and badgers. Overnight. I'm covered in sweat and piss and shit and blood, and I'm itchin’ for a fight. I could sure use a little good news.

What's this? The Mueller investigation is seizing a whole bunch of Precocious Paul Manafort's property and money? Well dang if that didn't put the spring right back in my step!

Folks, it's been a pretty damn enraging stretch. I'm reminded of a dear, departed friend's favorite quote:

“Don't let the bastards grind you down.”

We lost today. Tomorrow, we win. We win BIG.

Take their power away.

Never give it back.

This Kavanaugh vote? It's gonna end a lot of Republican careers. A LOT. That ain't a prediction, by the way, that's a SPOILER.

And with that, I will leave you with one last link. May you find it inspirational. Remember, the people we're fighting are terrible, but they are also buffoons.

31 replies = new reply since forum marked as read
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Let's Just Purge All Our Kavanaugh/Collins Angst All at Once, and Move the Fuck On(Ferret/ShowerCap) (Original Post) TheFerret Oct 2018 OP
K&R ismnotwasm Oct 2018 #1
I can only hope that this victory will be their most costly mistake. olegramps Oct 2018 #24
Thank you for your words of wisdom Gothmog Oct 2018 #2
If I absolutely HAD to endure today... appal_jack Oct 2018 #3
Thanks, Ferret.. I'm looking forward Cha Oct 2018 #4
A big, fat K&R! CaliforniaPeggy Oct 2018 #5
K&R n/t Lugnut Oct 2018 #6
I do feel better. As President Obama says, "Better is good." Thank you for that. ancianita Oct 2018 #7
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. M Gandhi OMGWTF Oct 2018 #8
Badgers are bad enough, but sandpaper too? Aye-yi-yi... ZZenith Oct 2018 #9
K&R SharonClark Oct 2018 #10
K&R, Ferret. murielm99 Oct 2018 #11
Yep. I "moved on" soon as the FBI was done. Why waste my mental health on the nonsense. 7962 Oct 2018 #12
Either he or Roberts will piss off the Right. Lanius Oct 2018 #25
I agree. nt 7962 Oct 2018 #26
How about we wait till its over first. How about we keeo the anger up until after ... marble falls Oct 2018 #13
Yes, we must not waiver or saidsimplesimon Oct 2018 #17
Susan Collins reminds me of that Lily Tomlin character "Edith Ann" peekaloo Oct 2018 #14
Excellent hermetic Oct 2018 #15
As I look back on what at the time I considered youthful indiscretions... Hugin Oct 2018 #16
"mobilized God only knows how many tens of thousands of work hours from door-knockers" SunSeeker Oct 2018 #18
Next March DownriverDem Oct 2018 #19
+1 Hugin Oct 2018 #21
And a whole lot LESS happened in two years in 1783 than it does today bucolic_frolic Oct 2018 #20
Thank you. Well worth the read. K&R Tobin S. Oct 2018 #22
Let us not forget... TwistOneUp Oct 2018 #23
K&R flying rabbit Oct 2018 #27
I will remember this until elections have run every last one of the GOP out of office RainCaster Oct 2018 #28
That about covers That.... Voices Of Reason Oct 2018 #29
https://www.democraticunderground.com/100211253209 marble falls Oct 2018 #30
Good reading, but Mr.Bill Oct 2018 #31


(8,200 posts)
24. I can only hope that this victory will be their most costly mistake.
Sun Oct 7, 2018, 11:06 AM
Oct 2018

The Republican Party has been transitioned into a ruthless fascist evil enterprise with an insatiable lust for absolute power and control. They have followed the fascist's handbook with diligence in not allowing compassion or justice to deter their goal. The determination to seat their ideologue in the highest court of the land is a prime example.

They have not only totally abandoned an semblance of decency they have progressed to outright lawlessness. They are following the same course that lead to the inevitable atrocities that are justified to maintain fascist regimes. The sham of the feigned investigation by strictly controlled investigators in order to bury the truth constitutes criminal obstruction of justice is a prime example. It is unconscionable that elected citizens who have been entrusted and sworn to protect the nation's constitution would celebrate a victory of flagrant destruction of its most fundamental promise. A solemn promise bought with the blood of our founders of the guarantee that of every citizens' right to justice and equal protection regardless of their station in life, their gender or ethnicity.

It is not an exaggeration that this is a prime example of that proverbial slippery slope that leads to complete abandonment of principle. The situation must be rectified. It far past my time to be of any consequence in what may prove to be a battle for the future of the nation. That duty falls to the younger generations who will reap the consequences or their inaction if they fail to be awakened to the threat. The world is on the verge of a massive upheaval far surpassing that of the industrial revolution as artificial intelligence and automation transform the entire world. Our government is hopeless in the control of ideologues whose comprehension of the situation less than adequate. It is nonexistent. While they entertain themselves in ridiculous theological nonsense the situation is allowed to be totally ignored. I can only hope that leaders come to forward that can address the challenges. What we presently is absolutely worthless and destined for failure. Throw out these useless decrepit dinosaurs and install leaders with the knowledge and vision to meet the challenge and provide for a hopeful future.



(3,813 posts)
3. If I absolutely HAD to endure today...
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 12:26 AM
Oct 2018

... if this is not some twisted nightmare from too much red wine in the glass and too much blue cheese on the salad,* then I am glad to endure it with you, TheFerret.



*come to think of it, I have never had nightmares sick and twisted as this nation's current political reality, no matter what I ate or drank.


(297,412 posts)
4. Thanks, Ferret.. I'm looking forward
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 12:32 AM
Oct 2018

to the day when the Pendulum Swings and these Russian assets are metaphorically drowning in their own toxic swamp waste.


(149,657 posts)
5. A big, fat K&R!
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 12:51 AM
Oct 2018

Thank you, thank you, dear Ferret!

That was a truly epic post. I loved it!

They are also buffoons. Indeed they are. And we all know it!


(4,125 posts)
9. Badgers are bad enough, but sandpaper too? Aye-yi-yi...
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 01:58 AM
Oct 2018

If I somehow manage to survive this regime it will be in no small part thanks to you, Mr. Ferret.



(11,841 posts)
12. Yep. I "moved on" soon as the FBI was done. Why waste my mental health on the nonsense.
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 08:06 AM
Oct 2018

We've been in worse positions many times before
I look forward to the 1st decision Kavenaugh makes that pisses off the Right. because I am confident that there WILL be one. Because if you cant please those people 100% of the time they bitch to high heaven.


(599 posts)
25. Either he or Roberts will piss off the Right.
Sun Oct 7, 2018, 06:51 PM
Oct 2018

I think Roberts is really concerned that historians will record his Court as being partisan, biased and right-wing. Therefore, I think there will be cases in the future in which he sides with the progressive justices if Kavanaugh lets his unhinged political views cloud his judgement. We still need to vote and swing the court to a 5-4 liberal majority, though.


(22,977 posts)
14. Susan Collins reminds me of that Lily Tomlin character "Edith Ann"
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 09:25 AM
Oct 2018

from the dark side....."and that ain't the truth" *raspberry*

Love your writing!


(8,310 posts)
15. Excellent
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 11:08 AM
Oct 2018

As always. Love this: "we live with the consequences of any given national election for two whole years, like rubbing a dog's nose in the mess he made..." I sincerely hope Americans are as smart as the average dog and HAVE learned a lesson. This remains to be seen. Your news gave me a glimmer of hope, though. And I am glad that I now won't have to see that K bastard's face posted all over my Twitter page. So there's that...


(33,169 posts)
16. As I look back on what at the time I considered youthful indiscretions...
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 11:20 AM
Oct 2018

Last edited Sat Oct 6, 2018, 08:11 PM - Edit history (1)

none come even close to anything the rapey Kravenoway is alleged to have perped. They were indeed small potatoes in comparison and now it appears I could have gotten away with so much more and if I had, I might have made something of myself such as a CEO of a major corporation, a Senator, or dare I say, POTUS. Instead, all I have is the sincere love and trust of those who are in my sphere

I will freely admit to attending parties where there was inebriation and some amount of consensual hanky panky. However, at all times there was a high degree of responsibility and respect. Even as I was holding some big '80s hair while someone worshiped at the porcelain alter. We all loved each other and for the most part still do.

Thanks for softening the blow to my world view I've experienced this week, TF. I apparently have some waking up to how things really are to do.


(51,582 posts)
18. "mobilized God only knows how many tens of thousands of work hours from door-knockers"
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 03:54 PM
Oct 2018

Last edited Sat Oct 6, 2018, 04:38 PM - Edit history (1)

Yes it did. Just one hour ago I had the sweetest 21 year old woman come knocking on my door of my red neighborhood in red Orange County, CA. She was canvassing for Democrat Harley Rouda, traitor Dana Rohrabacher's opponent in November. I told her I too had been canvassing for Rouda and assured her I would make sure everyone in my house voted straight Democratic ticket. We both shared our rage over the Kavanaugh vote and both agreed that contrary to what Mitch McConnell says, it is not a a gift to Republicans. This has really fired up Democrats!


(43,236 posts)
20. And a whole lot LESS happened in two years in 1783 than it does today
Sat Oct 6, 2018, 05:57 PM
Oct 2018

It took months to amass a flotilla and launch a foreign war in 1800. Now it can be done in hours.


(1,020 posts)
23. Let us not forget...
Sun Oct 7, 2018, 05:53 AM
Oct 2018

That Da Veep votes in case of a Senate tie. If Sen. Collins voted No, we still woulda wound up with KavaNope.

But she's not the only traitor, and No, I am not defending her.

ALL those who voted for this miserable excuse of a Judge are traitors. Sen. Rabid ... er, I mean Jim Jordan, The Not-For-Dems Freedom Caucus, Sen. True-To-His-Name Flake, and let us not forget Sen. Manchin - a Dem! How disgusting, In Toto.


(10,892 posts)
28. I will remember this until elections have run every last one of the GOP out of office
Sun Oct 7, 2018, 09:14 PM
Oct 2018

That might take a while.


Voices Of Reason

(16 posts)
29. That about covers That....
Mon Oct 8, 2018, 12:47 AM
Oct 2018

That about covers that subject. Well said and Well met... My hat is off to your straight-to-the Heart, writing style. Even Chuck Norris took a step back in surpise. VOR

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