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Oh The Humanity

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-11-07 08:54 PM
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Oh The Humanity

Oh The Humanity

by CD Rodgers

Oh the humanity…that a member of this country’s GOP elite should actually have to suffer the indignities of paying a penalty for willfully lying before a federal grand jury and to be charged with and convicted of obstruction of justice. This must surely be some horrible mistake.


Now that Libby is a convicted felon, calls for a presidential pardon are coming from many of those same prominent conservatives that wrote to Judge Walton on Libby’s behalf, and then some. The right is so captivated by the plight of their fallen hero that Wolf Blitzer saw fit to ask the GOP presidential candidates during the second CNN sponsored republican debate whether they would pardon Libby if they were the president. Aware they have nothing to lose by being honest, Tancredo and Brownback gave Blitzer a rousing affirmative, Gilmore and Paul said they would not, Giulani, a former federal prosecuter, characteristically hedged with a wait and see non-answer, and if Thompson had been there, we know what he would have said.

McCain, simply echoed his evil nemesis Giulani, but it was the Omen Part Two’s Damien-like Romney whose answer was the most troubling and one that should in part compel Democratic voters to in some way quell their differences and unite to insure that this man and no one like him can become the next president of the United States. His flip, eager answer openly called into question the integrity of a respected federal prosecutor and impugned the legitimacy of the very judicial system the GOP has all but tried to reinvent since Bush took office.

Romney stated that Patrick Fitzgerald, "clearly abused prosecutorial discretion" by going after Libby when Fitzgerald knew he was not the original source of the leak.” In other words, a potential leader of the free world believes it’s a political plus to firmly declare that it’s OK to lie to a federal grand jury if you’re well off, politically connected, and a faithful member of the republican party. You will never hear any of these candidates, Libby supporters, right-wing pundits, or conservative newspaper editors so publicly decry the flaws in the judicial system that consigns countless individuals known to be truly innocent after the fact, after they have been sent to prisons or even executed, because they lacked the best legal representation money could buy, they were minorities, or they were without influential friends eager to write letters of support to presiding judges.

To the behavior and conduct of these elite individuals, these self-defined "real" Americans who are waging the PR campaign designed to smooth the path for the pardon of Scooter Libby by George Bush, I say you should be ashamed of what you’re advocating. You so transparently convey your underlying goal to safeguard what people like you created, one of the worst and most ingrained aspects of our culture that what was built-in to the governing structure, which is the socioeconomic disparity that exists between the tiny percentage of individuals at the top of this country’s social registers and the rest of us.

That inequity that so often determines who gets the best jobs, who goes to prison, and who profits from it. I wonder what Libby’s second book will be about?
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