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American Politik: Endgame: What The Corporatists Really Want To Do

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MessiahRp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 03:04 AM
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American Politik: Endgame: What The Corporatists Really Want To Do
(I thought I would re-post my blog post from tonight here, for DU readers to see it.. the original is up at:

In every town, you see these now. Once a thriving epicenter for commerce and labor to co-exist and thrive. America the manufacturing powerhouse that took the ingenuity of the Industrial Revolution and turned it into an economic bonanza. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the sweat, blood and muscle of the American worker represented the kind of society other countries dreamed of. Balanced with high taxes on the rich and corporations paying their fair share, society was a place of relatively low unemployment. It was a place with a middle class that could more than keep up with the cost of living and inflation. It was where the much ballyhooed 'American Dream' was born. Born of the ability to find a job, go to work, get a good education for your children, own a home and a car. Sure there were incredibly inequities towards racial minorities and women but in general terms, the way the middle class was build and sustained itself, off of in house labor, laws to protect the Unions and workers and taxes that made the top tier pay their fair share, society worked pretty darn well.

Since that point though, something happened. A loud cry from the nation's wealthiest of them all came about as their new poster boy, Actor Ronald Reagan, was ushered into office. Using his tremendous acting skills he tricked many of the same baby boomers that had been out protesting Vietnam and speaking of peace and love while smoking weed at Woodstock, to put down their signs and joints and start caring about themselves. Their strategy was to divide America into different groups. The haves, who knew better than you and owned the companies you needed in order to be employed at all... and the have-nots, those poor people who went on welfare and stole your hard earned tax money with no actual will to go to work for themselves. They attacked Unions as threats to companies' ability to hire. Made them villains for demanding such incredible things as health care benefits or higher pay. Used the potential for strikes as a way to prove that they didn't care whether you had a job or not. Used Union dues as a way to pretend you were being taxed for their political agenda.

When Reagan went after the Air Traffic Controllers he did so to make a point. Unions had no place in this new Right Wing America. Corporate donors didn't want it and their political appointees would work on their behalf.

From that point forward the American experience has worsened dramatically. The American Dream became more a dream than a reality, so distant a dream in fact that it was like the one where you're sleeping with a supermodel who in real life doesn't know your name and would likely send security guards to rough you up if you got too close.

The Wal-Marts and powerhouse corporations took advantage. Wal-Mart stopped buying USA only products and started to push their suppliers to have costs for their products so low that in order to be featured in the store it was a pre-requisite to move manufacturing overseas. Pennies for the worker makes for cheaper product.

They continued to lower corporate tax rates, taking them all the way down from the one time 90% rate to a much lower 34% under George W. Bush. It was pretty amazing that when Democrats discussed returning the rates to the 39% they were prior to Bush that the Republican party, bought wholesale by their corporate masters and the media which was owned almost entirely by corporate entities whined like this was the beginning of socialism. Of course there were a lot of Americans with zero grasp of History to know what the hell socialism was or the prosperity we as a nation have had with strong unions and with higher corporate tax rates.

All of this made no sense anyway since Republicans (and many corporate Democrats who might have been Republicans in the past but thanks to Reagan shifting the entire political spectrum, real moderates no longer existed) used their powers to give tax break and loopholes galore to companies. To the point where GE and many other corporations don't even have to pay a dime to the IRS on their billions of dollars in earnings.

The tax burden has been consistently shifted in a way where the poor and middle class are expected to shoulder a heavier burden than the top 1% than own practically everything in the country. It's been said far and wide with complete merit this year that 400 people own more wealth than the bottom 150,000,000 combined. That's a staggering statistic.

You'd think, hey they convinced Americans and even Democrats like Clinton and Obama to fall for the trickle down economic nonsense, they used work training tapes and propaganda in the media to make union membership practically non-existent. They stalled forever on raising minimum wages while inflation priced people out of society and were gleefully overjoyed when those people, out of money no matter how hard they worked had to turn to credit debt to make ends meet. But that was never enough. Nothing is never enough. Greed is a disease. It needs to be cut out like cancer. Forcibly and physically. It exists to devour all in its path and continues to grow no matter what may temporarily hinder it.

Even with all of that they wanted more. They pushed for free trade agreements and then got Government officials to approve of and give tax breaks for outsourcing, sending your jobs overseas to pay workers pennies... not just for Wal-Mart but for every industry. Now you were expendable. The Manufacturing industry is on very weak if not last legs in this country. The places where you would normally see textile plants, automotive plants, paper mills, etc... they're filled with unemployed workers and abandoned empty building space that the cities can't fill with new owners or new hope.

Free Trade Agreements were just the start. They spent the 1990s lobbying to get media consolidation so they could snap up every TV and Radio Station as well as every newspaper in every town. They now controlled the message. They owned what you heard and what perspectives you were going to be informed from. Everything you would learn from here on out was told with spin. Your kids also would fall prey to this as they bought up the textbook manufacturers and pushed their corporate backed candidates in races for school boards where textbooks were approved. They now could rewrite American History in classes. Whitewash any negativity associated with our past. A deluded American public is defiant and much more apt to defend the dysfunctional societal setup here than ever demand change. So The Revolutionary War was a war based on high taxes from the Government (corporations pet cause) and not because people were mighty upset about the tax breaks being given to the East India Tea Company nor actual representation in Congress. The Civil War was about States Rights, not slavery. Hell slavery wasn't so bad, cheap labor never is, according to our new history professors.

They got Congress to enact laws protecting loan schemes and hedgefund managers who made money off of you losing yours and set you up to fail. Then when they drove everyone into an abyss where the lack of jobs added to the impossible payment conditions of the loans meant everyone had to lose their homes to foreclosure, they went to the Government and put their hands out to take your taxpayer dollars again with little to no oversight on how to spend it... took those billions and turned them into hefty corporate bonuses. A reward for ripping you off.

They even made sure they were well compensated in other situations as well.

Want to start some wars? Great! Our corporations will be there to provide minimal services with zero accountability, just use money laundering, er, war appropriation bills to transfer those trillions of dollars into our bank accounts.

Oil spills? Sure we'll clean it up but expect us to bill you for our mess. Oh and we want further tax cuts and more drilling permits, since you know, we've shown such massive responsibility with the ones we're operating currently.

Health Care Crisis? Sure we drove rates on insurance premiums through the roof so badly that you needed a massive "reform" but give us 40 million mandated new customers and no controls on future premium prices. Sounds like a win to us.. oh but we're still going to demand its repeal because we still aren't cool with paying out any actual claims let alone for those sick pre-existing people.

It would be laughable if it wasn't so horrific.

Americans are unemployed at incredibly high rates. If you look up any job site you'll notice most the jobs pay very low wages and have little to no benefits. The corporate elite have already won, haven't they? What's possibly left for them to pillage?

If this were a war, our city would be destroyed from firebombing raids, the last remaining structures still ablaze, a few survivors covered in soot roam the area listlessly unaware of what to do next. There is a class war in America but it's been waged by the ultra rich and it represents the conflict in Israel. The Israelis have missiles and planes and nukes and the Palestinians have rocks, sticks and the occasional suicide bomber. Not a fair fight and we've been annihilated in similar fashion.

What else could they want? They have everything already.

My ex-boss once said this about one of my accounts: "I never want you to be happy. If you make $1 million tomorrow in sales on that account, work for $1.5 million the next day and $2 million the day after that. Being happy means you're complacent and have given up trying in my opinion." Now he said this when at that point the account had never broke $55k in a single day. It let me know how vast his greed was and greed is an animal that never stops eating because it's never not hungry.

To me when is enough, enough? If I own at a company that isn't #1 in the world but is in the top ten, makes really good money to support me and my family and my workers. It shows some growth but doesn't always light the world on fire. Isn't it good enough to be comfortable? Do I have to keep that company growing bigger and bigger, taking on debt and risk to my own personal finances as well as the job security of my workforce? For whom am I doing this for? I imagine if you get into the stock market game you've already declared: "I am never going to be happy! I want to own it all and be a billionaire!" Giving away that sort of autonomy with your company means you don't mind having the influx of cash nor the masters whom you now must answer to. Myself, I see things differently.

You have to understand where these people are coming from. Their intense need for power and control allows them to take risks and have their companies obtain cash for the purpose of expansion and growth. They're cool with having to meet huge goals for their financial benefactors because they too want that growth. It increases their own pocketbook size. Step by step they use this as their ladder to power. They become more and more rich and they use that financial status to gain access to the politicians whom might have never given them a listen before. You realize really quickly that these people aren't there for their constituents, they're there for you. You can offer them a nice above the board $5k donation for their primary and general campaigns and another $25k, $50k, hell even $100k for some outside group that will advertise on their behalf.

Now the world is your oyster. Having zoning issues? Not anymore! Worried about getting a tax break for something? Have no fear! Want to gut the rights of labor so that you can make America a place of low cost slave labor like China or India and line your pockets with the profits reaped from not paying regular wages? Well now, we can do that...

And that my friends, is endgame.

That's what they want.

They want it all. The only way to get it all is to decimate the American workforce and their rights to the point of making us like China. They need no environmental regulations, no safety regulations, elimination of paying social security taxes or paying into Medical Benefits... and then they need to gut minimum wage.. to say, "stay competitive in the marketplace with other major industrialized countries"... since China and India are definitely industrialized at this point.

They go after Public Service Unions partially to break the last bastion of Democratic Party Support after their bought and paid for US Supreme Court gave them the Citizen United Ruling and allowed them to advertise with unlimited dollars to buy any election they wanted, this just whittles down their opposition quite a bit. Also though they did it because with those unions out of the way their Republican friends can bring in corporate low paid workers from private firms to do these jobs. The CEOs will negotiate a hefty fee for this out of your tax dollar but don't expect that to be reflected in these workers' pay or benefits.

Also by taking out teachers, they can work to force kids into corporately funded private schools which will double as a propaganda factory, telling children only what they want them to know and making them feel it's okay to be trained to work at their slave labor camp like jobs.

Going after schools and teachers is the last real hurdle to the total revising of the American Education System in a way that will lead kids to accept and understand the importance of corporate overlords and why critical thinking is dangerous.

They want it all and they have a few well outlined goals to take it.

Once they achieve endgame, that is the systematic destruction of the middle class and the regulations which protect them in the workforce, they can begin to institute their dream scenario. Jobs might return to America but it won't resemble previous American Industrialism.

For some companies overseas, they already see America the way we see China and India. Honda and Toyota and many of the German Auto Manufacturers have invested huge in building auto plants in Mississippi and Tennessee and Ohio. Why here? Non-union states run by Republicans that gave them sweetheart tax breaks. They can pay their workers rather low wages compared to the going rate of their profession and not have to deal with any of the usual "headaches" that having a strong financially balanced society might have. Being a good corporate citizen with a conscience costs money after all.

Look at what IKEA has done. In Sweden their workers would make $19 an hour and get 5 weeks paid vacation. Sweden's economy thrives, unemployment levels are reasonable and they have a government run health care system. Things are good for the Swedes. You'd think IKEA would say, "we've done very well here, let's continue to have great jobs in these conditions". But greed doesn't allow them to think that way. They want to make more money than they know what to do with.

So they come to a downtrodden town like Danville, VA. This town has been run ragged by other manufacturers bolting from their city for similar outsourcing reasoning. Greed killed them. Yet it seems by some sheer magic, they would be spared from the same fate as many dead towns now face, when IKEA came to open a plant. And then they did. Low wages near the minimum wage, only 12 days of vacation, most of which were dates picked by the company not by you, a horrible morale and just not a good environment.

They are but another symptom of what America is becoming. The endgame is near. Corporate lackeys like Scott Walker and the like, they are willing to fight this war (even stealing elections to make sure of it) this time whereas their predecessors may have balked in the face of overwhelming anger. The John Kasich's, Rick Scott's, Rick Snyder's, Mitch Daniels... they all feel emboldened to finally drive the final nails in the coffin of union existence on state levels. The Paul Ryans and Eric Cantors feel emboldened to make the attempts to go after Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid in Washington. This is it, they've wanted it all for years and now they're finally going after it.

We wander down a completely uncharted path. They've never been this close before. Not even in 1927 or during the Great Depression. It's up to us to fight them off.

Court battles, mass protests, civil disobedience, general strikes, the greatest get out the vote effort ever... The term "keep your powder dry" has never been so appropriate.

Are you ready to fight for the soul of America?

I am.
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reggie the dog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 04:01 AM
Response to Original message
1. very well said
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rzemanfl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 05:27 AM
Response to Original message
2. K & R. Amazing you made the greatest page when most of DU
is still asleep. I am up at my usual hour for work, but I am not working today and after May 31st may not ever be again. I am a casualty in this. Public employees and their pensions are the gay marriage of this decade. They are out to demonize, demoralize and destroy us.
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Bosso 63 Donating Member (759 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 06:55 AM
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3. Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.
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Boxerfan Donating Member (710 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 09:17 AM
Response to Original message
4. Excellent job!!...Rec!!!
I'm always amazed at the people who wonder "how did we get here"...And don't know who Grover Norquist is for example.
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Doctor_J Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 11:00 AM
Response to Original message
5. Any suggestions?
Court battles, mass protests, civil disobedience, general strikes, the greatest get out the vote effort ever

All pretty much failed in WI. Even before Nickolaus manufactured 16000 votes, Klopp barely won, and the Cock juggernaut barrels on. Ohioans have been protesting, and have had even less effect than the Badgers.

I enjoy reading these tirades, and recommended this one for its passion, lucidity, and readability, but IMO these should be accompanied by some suggestions for actually changing things. Personally I believe a physical shutdown of some of the more odious media outlets is going to be required, and would be a major step. IOW, legal recourse is useless at this juncture - the courts, media, and MIC are too corrupt.
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MessiahRp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 11:32 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. General Strikes haven't been attempted.
I think the next step in WI is to go forward with the SSC recount and get the recalls for the State Senators going. If those measures fail it's time to plan and execute a long term general strike of public and all union employees. Like I have said to others, Walker and the GOP can pretend they would pull a Reagan all day long but they wouldn't have the guts to fire everyone.

Walker would not fire every teacher, police officer, firefighter, corrections officer, librarian, or other state employees all at once. The system would collapse and once non-union employees' jobs were impacted by not having a school for their kids to go to and losing out on other vital services people would be ready for a massive coup. He couldn't find enough private contractors to fill all those jobs and certainly not quickly and it would cause a deathblow to the Republican Party in Wisconsin.

A General Strike by all union workers is the one ace we have in our back pocket, so if all other remedies come up short, we need to toughen up and be prepared to play it.

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WHEN CRABS ROAR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 03:23 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. I agree. Why was the WI voter turnout only 33% for the Supreme
Court Justice race after all the publicity ?
Don't these people pay attention or care anymore ?
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JDPriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #7
17. They feel defeated. That is why we have to be very patient and
celebrate our unity and each tiny step forward.
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Doctor_J Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-14-11 07:55 AM
Response to Reply #17
18. Very bad idea, IMO
Patience and tiny steps got us to the brink of fascism. It is time to either fight back in full force or give up and get used to living in hell. I frankly can't believe that anyone at this juncture is still preaching patience.
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sulphurdunn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 05:30 PM
Response to Reply #5
11. Real political power
is heating up in the streets and will become ever hotter until the molten rage of the street becomes the crucible that recasts America. All you have to do is show up in the street until finally one of the planned peaceful protests isn't. That's how revolutions start in modern nations.
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PonyJon Donating Member (165 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 04:14 PM
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8. baby boomers?
I really don't understand the reference to pot smoking baby boomers, woodstock and the 60s? You layoff Reagan Republican 80s BS on us? Come on man you gotta be kidding.
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MessiahRp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 05:12 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Of course the entire generation didn't do that.
And unlike you I don't consider it an insult. That group of people at that time were the ones that worked to end Vietnam, brought about Civil Rights changes and really started a progressive push in this country.

It's too bad so many of them were hijacked by Reagan's mantra of selfish isolationism that made those people go from 'smile on your brother, everybody work together, try to love one another' to a world of xenophobia, rampant fear and greedy money grubbing.

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WHEN CRABS ROAR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 06:13 PM
Response to Reply #8
14. Reagan used funding to various groups to divide them,
got them fighting each other for the scrapes, (money) it weakened the whole movement. He made no real attempt to stop gang bangers as long as it didn't happen in white neighborhoods. We went from pot and enlightenment to coke and speed, from hippies to punks. It was the ME GENERATION.

By the way my favorite Reagan quote, "I don't know where I'm going until they tell me."

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goodnews Donating Member (207 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 05:22 PM
Response to Original message
10. Good post. K&R. A most important thing
IMO is to get control over the means of production, to drive the overlords, via whatever means, out of their castles. There are some real big problems when you don't go far enough to do the things you need to do to get the problem solved. Big Business has learned to fend off most of most of the means currently employed: "Court battles, mass protests, civil disobedience, general strikes" you mention. This is not to say they should not be employed when the effort will probably bear fruit, especially the general strike.

In Wisconsin there were two things I saw that were very interesting--the public safety people siding with the people, and the persisence of those protesting as well as the politicians hauling ass out to another state to kill the vote. Extremely strong effort.

The recall effort is also vital. The important thing is to disrupt business as usual and recall any SOB--dem or repuke--who sides with the overlords. The problem is that with the ability to rig elections by the fascists this effort is blunted
What needs to be done in any situation is political assessment, a scientific study of the situation to determine how and where to hit them and not piss away resources on long chances. The National Initiative Process (Mike Gravel and Ralph Nader have been involved in this) and "Citizen Veto" needs alot more study and work on it to see if it could be used to put forth the people's agenda in a more direct and forceful way. It needs a legal team do that aspect.

Most importantly is hitting the overlords in their pocket books. Remember when the Unions threatened to pull money out of banks that supported Walker, et. al.? This needs much more study with questions like: Where does my, or my unions bank stand on these issues, demand answers and threaten to pull out the money if they don't support you. This could shake shit up in a serious way if it was applied more rigourously I think. Identifying the Koch Brothers is a start, but they have incredible resources to buy off, shut up and otherwise subvert efforts to bring them into the limelight, much less into a courtroom. IMO it will never work from within the system.

More later.
Thanks for posting this topic.

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WHEN CRABS ROAR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 05:36 PM
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12. I live on the Southern Oregon Coast in a town of 1200 people.
In our last election the Republican Candidate for Congress, Art Robinson, ran on a platform of getting rid of most regulations, everything from power plants, pesticides and drilling for oil.
He wanted to abolish the public school system in favor of home schooling.
He is a scientist and had a list of hundreds of other scientists that claimed climate change was a lie.
He claimed that nuclear radiation was beneficial for humans and animals, I'm not making this up, he actually said that more nuclear radiation would be good for us!

Robinson received the majority of the vote in Curry County, the county that I live in.

Lucky for us cooler heads prevailed and Peter DeFazio Dem. was reelected to Congress, thanks to other counties and larger communities.

The point here is, what is happening to our critical thinking?
Why can't Americans see and project where the road that were taking will led to?

The voter turnout for the Supreme Court race in WI after all the publicity was only 33%, Why?

I'm nearly 70 yrs. old, enjoyed better times and yes, some scary ones too. Did a lot of marching, protests, strikes and sit-ins. Heard the words "WE DECLARE THIS TO BE AN UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY" many times.

But I have never been more fearful than right now! This country is going down the road to fascism, downhill and fast!

We need to speak with one voice loud and clear that we will no longer accept the level of corporate greed that we are experiencing, that they and the rich must pay their fair share of taxes and that endless wars for endless profits must be stopped. There's lots of other worthwhile projects they can make profits with.

The movement is small and just starting and yes, it will probably require general strikes and other actions.

But I am ready, how about you, lets organize, any thoughts?
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chervilant Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 06:01 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. hmm...
Watching the hoi polloi pick sides, and lob verbal grenades at each other, as though our corporatist-driven political and/or religious ideologies are the most important framework within which we coexist on this planet, remains both disappointing and unsettling. I must constantly remind myself that our species is evolving; that every spiritual and intellectual milestone is a measurable step forward.

That being said, may I suggest a wee bit of planning and organization?

I think we need a network of coordinators to work out the logistics. It would be good to have representatives of the various 'groups' currently extant in the US.

Furthermore, everyone who plans to participate will need to start stockpiling food, water, meds, candles, batteries, and gas for the duration of the paradigm shift (this may be a big challenge if the initiative takes more than two-three weeks). People may have to talk with their friends and family and arrange alternative support strategies. People may have to walk or ride bikes to get to meetings and/or protests.

If we have enough people willing to completely withdraw from the system--no going to work, no buying tchotchkes at Wally-World or The Dollar Tree, no purchases of ANY kind, no bill-paying of ANY kind, no television, and the internet strictly for communication--this would be a valid beginning. (Eventually, many of us will lose our electricity and our cell phones because of non-payment of bills, but we can work on alternative ways to communicate.)

We are no longer living in a Democracy, and unless we want to remain slaves to the uber wealthy, slaves to our various addictions, slaves to the ennui that threatens our very souls, we MUST ACT.

Fear cannot be our justification for doing nothing to stop the Corporate Megalomaniacs! If we cannot do this for ourselves, then we must do it for our children.
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WHEN CRABS ROAR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 06:45 PM
Response to Reply #13
15. More then a wee bit of planning and organizing, but it needs to start.
All politics are local and branch out and interconnect, teaching and training in nonviolence, expect infiltration and misdirection.

Doing nothing, not going to work or buying anything is a strong tactic, but the goals need to clear and understood by all.

I agree this needs to be done for our own defense and the future of our children and of the world.

Like I said,
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-13-11 06:46 PM
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16. Excellent Post... Now they are "off shoring" here to America where jobless will work for nothing an
not get the health care that other countries offer. Our Americans will be lining up in the hundreds seeking one job from Global Economy now offshoring to America. And...these states trying to get these manufacturers to come...will offter huge tax incentives to the companies (out of your taxpayer pocket book) and they will stay in the state a few years and then move on to another state or country who will offer even "better discounts" and lower wages. Then the town or city that gave them all the tax breaks and low wage workers will settle back into a depression.

We've seen this over and over. When are we going to WAKE UP!
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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-14-11 05:07 PM
Response to Original message
19. and the path is mostly unobstructed by DLC, corporate owned Dems, who can barely manage
a token ''tsk tsk'' before voting with the GOP.
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democracy1st Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-15-11 05:37 AM
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20. kick
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