Democratic Underground

Archives: August 13, 2010

Romley Accuses MCSO, Thomas of Abuse of Power Grand Jury Investigation Finds Nothing Illegal

Coming up on KO

This started as sneer at DC insiders. Linked into (long) profile of Mike ALLEN, weirdo & dangerous

Calif. Chamber of Commerce opposes marijuana legalization

You know, watching MSNBC on JustinTV ain't a bad deal...

IVAW Calls for Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials for War Crimes

Dell Accused of Concealing Evidence in PC Suit

Anonymous $400K Donation Saves Big Walnut Music Program

Oh, my Southern friends, I feel for you. You are far stronger than I.

FBI Has Backlog of More Than 3,200 DNA Cases

Sheet metal workers union rejects 20% cut in pay and benefits

I really wish I could give Rachel a hug...

quite possibly the strongest arguement to let gays serve

Kan. GOP candidate's campaign links to racist blog

Jailed in Dubai, Accused Wait Long After the Good Times Have Disappeared

Was it me, or did Sharon Angle just sounded like Gore?

Astute commentary on the upcoming Novemeber elections

Astute commentary on the upcoming Novemeber elections

Intelligence Report: Movement at Root of Recent Police Murders Growing


Do airlines x-ray passangers for domestic flights?

Bennet and Romanoff urge Democrats to unite

Bennet and Romanoff urge Democrats to unite

Alex Sink leads both Rs for gov race in FL. You gotta believe!!!

Hummingbirds, on Nature, PBS, EDT, now.

Direct TV started scamming me before I was an official customer

Rumsfeld. Cheney. Bush. CondoLeeza. Abu Ghraib. Scott McClellan.

Anti-gay Prop H8ers move on to target Prop. 19

Rachel is going to tear Brewer a new one

Simple math. Real simple.

do you need an outlet?You can vote and comment in one of my local papers...

Patagonia's frozen tropical fish...

La. Blocked from Enforcing Parts of Abortion Law

Newt's Ex tells a provocative tale.

Obama action figure!

Teen actor Eitan Djiji (My Homework Ate My Dog) dies from burns suffered in L.A. home fire

Many 'fearful of helping children in need' -- BBC, Survey

Many 'fearful of helping children in need' -- BBC, Survey

Alito refers 'birther' attorney Taitz's request to Supreme Court

VIDEO: Ben Quayle's non-denial denial: "I'm not Brock Landers." (NSFW)

Letter Carriers honor neighborhood heroes who rescued worker attacked by 2 dogs

How would you debunk this claim, DU?

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

You know what I love about Republicans? And I really mean this.

Florida Republican Marg Baker: "Put immigrants in camps, put up high walls, leave them there"

" No Child Left Behind "

" No Child Left Behind "

" No Child Left Behind "

I am led to the conclusion that Robert Gibbs should resign or be fired, Part II

Cost of Going to College Jumps 28% in Two Years; Most Non-White Students Live at Home

Military recruiter from Strongsville charged with child enticement

Animal Liberation Front Resurfaces in Guadalajara, Mexico (in English & Spanish)

Evil me, poli sci class and FDR's Second Bill of Rights

The guy next to me is not bad looking

NRA Instructor Shoots Student: What Can We Learn?

A strange twist in the Farhenbach case

A strange twist in the Farhenbach case

Man faked seizures at restaurants to get out of paying restaurant bills

Anderson Cooper is being way more polite than that idiot from

Everybody knows the emperor has no clothes. Bow to him anyway, it's better than being alone.

Professional Ballet

Olbermann email (I hope he reads emails) Re: Michael Hatchell

Messaging for the midterms is easy-(Depression Economics).

And now for something completely different in subject, content and perspective, take a look/listen.

Is anyone watching AC360? He's destroying this absolute psycho who believes terror babies are coming

Ayn Randians are insane.

My Response to Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Attention Righthaven & RJ.

WikiLeaks preparing to release more files

Tillman family hopes to get truth in own way

Gunston Hall CO fired, former XO, CMC punished

Trial opens for youngest Gitmo inmate

Trial opens for youngest Gitmo inmate

Showcase Afghan Army Mission Turns Into Debacle

Discharges for adjustment disorder soar

Gates: "Congress is part of the problem" in State, USAID shortfalls

So Dr. Laura Is Being Persecuted Because She Can't Use The N-Word

Debate grows over keeping troops in Iraq

Prosecuting Khadr instead of Bush -- the supreme irony of the Obama presidency

Khadr's Guantanamo trial halted by lawyer's hospitalization

The Latest China Scandal: Hormones in Baby Milk and 'premature puberty'

US wants Iraq to pay bill for war victims

OK, 3 mil FAUX viewers, AVERAGE 65 years old, The Teabaggers want less taxes and less Government

Idle Youth

I'm Voting Tea Party!

Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Sneaky democrats ad on the front page is a Newt Gingrich advertisement.

In Case You Missed This... 'Consequences of Unequal Distribution of Wealth: The Rich Get Richer...'

What if Dr. Laura's n-word rant was planned and staged?

Texas Gov. Perry wants White to apologize for 'master-servant' remark

Alabama AG sues BP, others over Gulf oil spill

Pentagon push to phase out top brass causing much consternation

xkcd's take on full-body scanners...

Veteran NBA player gets CHRIS BROWNED by his wife

Call in segment on C-Span - Obama and the Left

A bum you can trust - honest!

Bankster Hiring Freeze in Europe?

In Gulf of Mexico, 'fake fishermen' angle for BP pay

Fat Discrimination at the Doctor's Office?

So could it be that the GOP is acting so bat shit crazy because...

Reagan Rules

Let's count the problems with The Hill's Tea Party headline

Dick Lugar says he'll seek re-election.

Steele: African Americans don't have a reason to vote GOP

Showcase Afghan army mission turns into embarrassment

Peru battles rabid vampire bats after 500 people bitten

Australia: Gillard rolls out right-wing education agenda

Another good one!

Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK

Dr. Laura apologizes for saying N-word on the air

Waters Makes Her Case to the Media

Gates: Time has come to re-examine future of Marine Corps

Liz Cheney breaks with Bushies over Imam behind "Ground Zero mosque"

hey-get excited!Tea Party patriots may have Recycle Government Event near you!

Stephanie Miller comes out live on her radio show

Stephanie Miller comes out live on her radio show

Nazi and Hitler phone themes in the Google Android Market.

The very expensive tax cuts for the rich

Justice Alito & Oily Taints

Life for Half an Ounce of Medical Marijuana?

Life for Half an Ounce of Medical Marijuana?

Wall Street increasingly favors Republicans: study

Tea party groups out against net neutrality

Steven Slater's Story Continuing to Unravel?

India 'may shut down' Google and Skype services

Poultry fingered as No. 1 food poisoning culprit

Chris Dodd, Top Democrat, Fights Against Elizabeth Warren

Steven Slater's Story Continues to Unravel

What the Double Dip Recession Will Look Like

Chicago Trib Op-Ed: $8 Trillion for Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

another face in the onslaught of hate

EPA Sets Limits on Mercury and Other Air Emissions from Cement Kilns

Dr. Laura's N-Word Rant: Radio Host Apologizes For Offensive Language (AUDIO)

Is anyone else listening to Stephanie Miller?

Tea Party offering consumer discounts w/loyalty card

Laugh from the past (McTongue Challenge).....

Friday's NYT publishes a major editorial questioning U.S. role in Afghanistan

Why didn't Stewart or Colbert mention the crap Gibbs spewed?

A new DU Game ... Quién está el más loco? Who is the most crazy?

Army Ordered Massive Return Fire When Civilians Present

WP: Elizabeth Warren, likely to head new consumer agency, provokes strong feelings

Illegal Immigrants Now Being Blamed For Climate Change

Newsweek: GOP Focused on Eliminating Cost Savings from Healthcare

Palin: Wikileaks is the enemy..

War in Iraq a success? Time will tell, general says

Krugman: Paralysis at the Fed

Meet Louis GOHMERT, (r-nutcase), Congresscritter from TX and former judge (TERROR BABIES!1)

Meet Louis GOHMERT, (r-nutcase), Congresscritter from TX and former judge (TERROR BABIES!1)

Chris Dodd, Top Democrat, Fights Against Elizabeth Warren

In good times and bad, there is one constant

Elizabeth Warren Wins The Support Of Two More Senators

Kan. GOP candidate's campaign links to racist blog

The Other 98%

Army Report: AWOLs Up 234% !

The way we were

Video from Rachel last night - AZ private prisons to benefit from immigration law

Reckoning with Rush. . . . Please come CAPTION OxyMan!!!

Is anyone but me having trouble with the DailyKos site?

Like James Brown....I Feel GOOD!!!!

Wow, man's bones found in the bottom of a well, he was missing 35 years

AP: Liberal groups push to exploit Target backlash

Seems like somebody slammed the brakes on fire season (DIAL-UP WARNING)

Elizabeth Gilbert author: "same-sex marriage may very well save the institution of marriage. "

NYT: Inexperienced Companies Chase U.S. School Funds

A message from the Fed

Angle Embraces Her Inner Al Gore

Well, what's the latest on Ben Qualy?

Rand Paul opened mouth, stuck foot into it. Again

From Baltimore to Mogadishu (Mugisho) one thing never ceases to amaze me

AP News Alert: US Senate nominee Alvin Greene indicted on felony charge

A campaign for war with Iran begins

Watchdogs fear loss of new ethics czar

GOP ‘Party of No’ Gambit Backfires — Voter Approval of Republicans at an All-Time Low

Man Scrawls World’s Biggest Message with a GPS ‘Pen’

NYT: Fed Official Warns of Starting a Cycle of Boom and Bust

PBS addresses Chicago killing wave --Will it address claim of link to Duncan's school closings?

Repugs: Be afraid America. Terror babies are coming!

Repugs: Be afraid America. Terror babies are coming!

German economy sees 'record' growth of 2.2%

Toon: the Original Anchor Babies

35 Tea Party Groups Send a Letter to the FCC urging it to kill Net Neutrality.

Newsweek: Overdraft Plans Pushed as Deadline Nears

You May Not Want To hear This, But Ds Are Going To Do Just Fine In November

Chernobyl: The Gift That Never Stops Giving...

Can SCOTUS make California defend prop 8?

Michael Pento FAVORS DEPRESSION vs. More Stimulus: Dan Greenhaus Can't Believe It

So, the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has Obama at 47% today

I'm cancelling my Google mail account...

Obama to sign $600M border security bill on Friday

Film '442' tells of Japanese American WWII soldiers

Makes about as much sense as protesting a mosque

Oh brother!!! Alvin Greene, South Carolina Senate Candidate, Indicted on Obscenity Charge

They're baaaaaack.

Jeremy Scahill is speaking now on Cspan and you should hear what he's saying

Robert Gates' crafty but inadequate plan to cut the Pentagon budget

Stone's JFK is on right now on AMC.

HuffPo: Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois Senate Candidate, Pledges To Create Senate Progressive Caucus

Print your own warning labels to stick on bad journalism

Comparing Democratic vs. GOP tax plans...

Top GOP candidate won't committ to supporting Boehner for speaker

The 'right' and Rush say he is an 'entertainer'. Since when is the future

Would you commit time to stopping Social Security cuts?

Would you commit time to stopping Social Security cuts?

Gotta love it: "Hoekstra slams Right to Life for snub, wants its director ousted"

Dodd Doesn't Want Warren Because Little TImmy's Feelings Might Get Hurt

The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Conservative Columnist Cal Thomas Says the Terrorists Are Right

Fiorina Expands Lead Over Boxer

Compromise is dead - today's Dems need to stand their ground

8-year-old painting prodigy is new art world star

This is how I envision the various possible outcomes in the midterm elections:

Liberal groups push to exploit Target backlash

You can't make this up/ fool Rand thinks no drug problem.

Gibbs, I am begging you to STFU

MSNBC TV: Alvin Greene indicted on felony charges

Ever wonder how much longer the Federal government can continue to royally f*ck over we the people

David Kelly inquest may be reopened after method of suicide found "extremely unlikely"

Hardball did a serious segment on Pat Tillman's death.

Hardball did a serious segment on Pat Tillman's death.

President Obama, FIRE ROBERT GIBBS - Yes or No?

Gitmo Juror removed from trial for saying Gitmo should be closed

Lesbian cadet quits West Point, cites 'don't ask'

Friday, August 13, 2010...the day I officially stopped giving a flying fuck about GibbsGate

Key GOP House candidate declines to support Boehner for speaker

Maryland Semen-Squirting Suspect Remains Held

Obama: Border Security Bill Will Help Overhaul Of Immigration (Can anyone translate?)

Tee'd Off the TeaBagger Politician....

Mary Tillman on Hardball. I am nearly speechless at her personal testimony.

The more I read it, the more I realize that Vaughn Walker is a freaking genius

Okay, I went there.

You Know You Might Be a Tea Partier If........

Victorious GOPer Allegedly Flashes Gun At Defeated Rival's Staffer Over Sex Allegations

Stephanie Miller Just Came Out of the Closet! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Federal Court Does Breitbart/Fox News Bidding

I just saw the new Field Director for ICE on local TV.

Bad Reporter- Chute edition

The Coming Tax War: How Letting the Bush Tax Cuts Expire Could End the Economic Crisis

NY Times: Half of Chicago Charter Schools Run Deficits

Consider the phallus.

FRONT fucking page of USA Today on line, 'Tea Party' members offer a ground-level view '

40 years ago...

40 years ago...

The Bachmann-ization of American Politics

Dr. Laura should have used the term of endearment form of the N-Word in a rap video

Go ahead and argue, it can be good for your health

Thon Hartmann, 2 days in a row now, has said if Obama did what

Heavily Armed "Librul" - The Video

How safe can the seat of a certifiably insane incumbent like Gohmert Pile be?

US agency approves 'five-day-after' contraceptive pill

Scorning debt, consumers' credit scores soar

Chess? Russian Roulette? Pin the blame on the Donkey?

Family, Friends Line U.S. Route 42 To Welcome Home Soldiers

Laura Schlessinger's "n-word" tirade contained a reasonable point.

insanity on the Tea Party website-shame on you heathens!

Fox Admits It: Union Members’ Work Is ‘Awesome’

Republicans are people too

Alabama sues BP over Gulf oil spill

Rachel on Arizona's Brewer & the Corrections Corp of America

God bless you Rachel Maddow!!! You just handed Terry Goddard the election for Gov in AZ!!!

God bless you Rachel Maddow!!! You just handed Terry Goddard the election for Gov in AZ!!!

Is this going on elsewhere in the country beside Dayton, OH? Tea party discount shopping card.

Conservative Bloggers Select The 25 Worst Figures In American History

Bogus story? Woman gives homeless "bum" her credit card, he returns it.

If this can happen in one of America's most liberal & cosmopolitan cities, it can happen anywhere

If this can happen in one of America's most liberal & cosmopolitan cities, it can happen anywhere

Just when I thought my state's (AZ) politics couldn't get any worse

How Private Prison Corporations Hope Arizona's SB1070 Will Lead to Internment Camps for Illegals

Victorious GOPer Allegedly Flashes Gun At Defeated Rival's Staffer Over Sex Allegations

Is freedom of information more important than war strategy?

Reverend Al: Dr. Laura's n word rant was "despicable," but using it 50 times in a rap "song" is OK?

Jeopardy spoiler

OMG. This is a REAL ad?

Teabagger calls Indian American Dem opponent a "turban topper"; blames incorrect link

Sestak MUST have the WORST campaign manager EVER

NYT re: Afghan War: 'We Wonder Whether-At This Late Date-There Is A Chance Of Even Minimal Success'

Did y'all see that on Big Ed's show?

FreeperCONs in uproar about Obama hosting Ramadan dinners.

Watch this then tell me why the rich shouldn't be taxed a helluva lot more

Help me debate a conservative. (re: Bush tax cuts)

Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service over death threats against Barack Obama

Errant climate may be sign of breakdown, scientists say

Jeremy Scahill: WikiLeaks and War Crimes

Michael Reagan insists Republicans never use naughty words, but Democrats cuss like sailors

Arpaio could have been a modern day Hitler


Hal Turner Convicted

Prophet of bad taste: John Callahan

Robert Gibbs Is Wearing Another Man's Shoes Quite Well. My Only Wonder Now Is About the Socks.

What the Google/Verizon Deal Means for Net Neutrality – and You

Holy F*CK-ALL. Republicans Have NO Shame. Look At This Graphic:

Famous Republican women--who is the scariest of them all?

Sour Krauthammer

My friend had a heart attack about a year ago and has been seeing a cardiologist

What we call progressive today was taken for granted not so long ago.

Kosher Kush

Conservative media forecast dark results if Dems retain majority in November

Rubio's comments are reprehensible.

Obama Likely To Address Mosque & DO THE RIGHT THING Tonight

Burqa Bandit? Man in Woman's Middle Eastern Dress Robs Bank, Say Md. Cops

I like Dennis Kucinish, but either the party is not as left as him, or Robert Gibbs was right.

Newsweek: Obama's PR Offensive on Immigration (Showing how "tough" he is)

Whee! Obama signs $600M border security bill into law

More 787 Problems, Possible New Delivery Delay....Outsourcing Issues

"Christian" church spreading hate of Muslims throught the burning of the Quran

John Ensign (R-blasphemer) Blames CREW for Ethics Woes

Cenk is hosting Ratigan. Not sure if I should be glad or not.

Gibbs: Obama Still Wants To Feel Pressure From The Left

Chris Jansing just did an understanding Mormons segment on MSNBC.

Grayson re Politico: "They're a rag" "In my office, we use them to wrap fish"

A great window into the closet is what Stephanie Miller and Chely Wright gave us today

I don't know if you USA types have been following this, ship of Tamils lands in Canada

JFK: a balanced perspective.

boy, did you ever try to contact Michael Moore?

Little Feat drummer Richie Hayward died this morning.

Feds after the passenger who started it all:

This week's Friday Afternoon Challenge: Literary Landmarks!

Gay umpire's ordeal shows issues still exist in sports

Why are so many companies hoarding cash instead of investing?

Full Report: The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America


Dean critiques "in-your-face attitude of the White House staff, and I'm not just talking about Rahm"

Dean critiques "in-your-face attitude of the White House staff, and I'm not just talking about Rahm"

who here's been mean to the tea party? email i rec'd today

Defining the words, defining the discourse. Schlessinger, NAACP, Breitbart.

Capitalism can't even save itself, much less

5 schools in Mass agree to replace 50% of teachers in return for Federal dollars

Let's get this out there so people will share their Gulf contamination stories first-hand

Gibbs outed as Republican mole

Washington Post Publishes Pack of Social Security ‘Falsehoods’ by GOP Wonk Paul Ryan

years people could expect to live after reaching 65: 14 years in 1950, 18.5 years now

Gulf Health Problems Blamed on Dispersed Oil

Decision 2012: Obama Re-Election Threatened by Failure to Develop Solid Jobs Plan

Do you believe the Democratic Party is the party of minorities and the poor and lazy?

Explaining Net Neutrality In A Way Tea Partiers Can Understand

I am so freaking sick and tired of leftists/liberals

American Despair Grows

Congressional Democrats echo right-wing Republican anti-immigrant rhetoric

Family of 4 killed by wrong-way driver

Family of 4 killed by wrong-way driver

Five days left bigots. Five days.

Gibbs hit the right as hard as he did the left.

Chris Dodd so opposed to Warren he "went so far as to ask a Republican" to consider the job

This Is What Honor & Integrity Sounds Like:

Part Of The Problem For The Left, Professional Or Not... Do You Trust THIS ???

Expert Gulf conservationist admits he and others overreacted to Gulf oil spill..

Great movie on tonight.

JetBlue flight attendant wants his old job back

Tim Geithner's got to go - who's with me on this?

Stephanie Miller Appreciation Thread

What Alvin Greene did was very creepy

Stupidest stunt yet

Stupidest stunt yet

Gibbs, I am begging you to STFU

If you could write one amendment to the U.S. Constitution,

Non political website forums loaded with Obama Hate

I unsubscribed to all of my Obama emails today and

I unsubscribed to all of my Obama emails today and

BP-motherfuckers-THIS IS NOT OK:"And I was like, I did, I am giving you the knife that stabbed me."

Social Security: broke in 2040 or not?

Greene is almost certainly innocent of charges-as-reported, BTW

"Why is the world unmoved by the plight of Pakistan?" Photos/Dial-Up Warning

Help me out DUers -- talk to me about taxes...

Robert Gibbs: "That's not reality". A message to Democratic legislators.

••• The new religion of America is not Christianity. It's money. MONEY IS GOD. Vote Republican. •••

••• The new religion of America is not Christianity. It's money. MONEY IS GOD. Vote Republican. •••

"PROFESSIONAL LEFT" is a Public Relations scam - a war of words - a new nomenclature

Increasing triviality, the Gibbs 'kerfuffle' and the substance of President Obama

Police mistake bar owners for burglars, open fire

The Lord's Resistance Army's new reign of terror

Question Authority.

This is one reason Americans wanted a Canadian style medical system

Need more votes?

I want to tell you about my friend Big D.

Happy 15,000 Posts to Me!

Unemployed Man To Newt: Unemployment is NOT Welfare-"I Paid Into It For 35 Years"

40 Religious Leaders Denounce Sarah Palin and Fox’s Hate Speech

If you were in the late Roman Empoire, chances are you wouldn't know the end was coming

Sedition and Treason

Sedition and Treason

K-9 Cop lets his canine partner die alone in a hot patrol car

When roles reverse: The rise of the stay-at-home husband

Cincinnati police dog left in hot car dies

Obama's School Turnaround Strategy Means Everybody Gets Fired - Including The School Lunch Lady

N-word or not, Dr. Laura showed herself to be a bigoted wing-nut

Will You Support a War with Iran?

"The biggest lie that people like me tell people like you during the election season is

Yay! Obama/Defense Dept. to survey 150,000 troops' FAMILIES on DADT!

Emergency Prop 8 Appeal Filed

COUNTDOWN TO COLLAPSE: The Recovery is Not Recovering

Stephanie Miller just came out as a lesbian

Obama Urging Early & Risky IPO for the "new" GM, as Workers' Wages Slashed, Offshoring

After Over Four Decades, Justice Still Eludes Family of 3 Civil Rights Workers Slain

"We are up against an empire which will not go quietly. They never do, but they can be beaten."

Satan is waiting his turn...

When theremins are outlawed, only cats will have theremins

What is the permalink option for?

Dog lovers: Taos, NM "Gayest Dog and Car Wash"

Police find live cat 'marinating' in car trunk

In the movie A League of Their Own, did Dotty drop the ball at home plate for her sister Kitt.

I heard that some guy named "Nick Nack" whacked a Paddy...

What is this music?


Happy Friday the 13th, Dude!!! (Ladies, too!)

Oh no!! RIP Richie Hayward :(

Abbey Road on the River in D.C.

Great moments in American badassery...

I bought a new .mp3 player.

Friday the 13th

I have a strong craving for Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone Dream

So my A/C has had enough of this heat...

I also gotta say that Marmite is perhaps Britain's greatest gift to the world.

Dupe, self-delete, sorry.

Just attended a foodie's dream-come-true benefit.

Behold: The Cat Whisperer

Recently Single Al Gore Finally Able To Listen To W.A.S.P. Albums

This is a cat food thread and that's all it is.

"Heal It Up" by Concrete Blonde, from 1993.

Help please!

I am going to spend 5 days in franktown colorado

"Cathy" is ending in October.

The guy next to me is not bad looking

Thoughts on correcting things.

I gotta tell you, frozen chopped collard greens are nothing like fresh.

CGI portrait of Selena

Tonight for dinner, it's gonna be beef stew, Emeril style.

Oh, bullshit - MGM says it doesn't have the moneyt to do another Bond movie.

Used car selling question

How hot is it?


Rose Elinor Dougall? I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I love you, darlin'..(dialup warning)

Can anyone explain to me why DU felt the need for a gray box smiley?

Is ColbertWatcher still on DU? n/t

Just watched the movie the professional.

Gram Parsons & Emmylou Harris - A Song for You

No Nukes

I Am Just Glad This Week Is Finally Over

Going to have to stay in tonight..

I miss my friend...

The nerds of "The Big Bang Theory" clean up nice in this slideshow:

Where's Tobin R???

I have had enough political fighting and name calling...I WANT FOOTBALL!!!

I'd like to get a GPS

Can I brag a little bit? This was the cake I made for my baking practical.

Carmelita - Warren Zevon

Dear Mr. Scorpio. I have a question, if I may.

I just tripped over a cat in the dark

Donate to the Paris Hilton Defense Fund

Okay, who's seen that ad with the guy who changes his train tickets on his phone to meet

Fuck death.

The car show across the street from me...

Vent - my friend/coworker is a giant bitch.

Two Mosrite guitars on Jon Stewart.

boston med

Sigh , I feel so blue today

Why do you read or post on DU?

Attention Righthaven & RJ.

Was Irvin Kershner (Empire Strikes Back) the ultimate one-hit wonder?

Say 'hi' Newton...

Fucking screaming child narwhals at Disney World!!! Shiiiittt!

DMV = black hole

Veterinary costs

Man Scrawls World’s Biggest Message with a GPS ‘Pen’

Best song in The Blues Brothers

Happy Birthday Scarlet and Melanie! 15 years young today!!!!

So, Stephanie Miller's gay. There goes my fantasy.

I rented the "Lovely Bones" the movie. I had avoided renting it because of the topic. It was as

Disney World

Xultar appreciation thread.

Some John Hiatt, and Los Lobos: Pefectly Good Guitar, and Evangeline--- A great show last night

Are we there yet?

Ford to revive Mustang Boss for 2012

Would you preople quiet down, I'm trying to get some work done

Dammit, someone gimme some new music. Anything

The Dog Chronicles chapter 3. Olive finds a home :)

Need some workplace bullying advice

OK, DU...tell me WHY I should watch 'Firefly.'

Julia Roberts' new move "Sit Pray Yawn" comes out today.

OMG! 1972

Minnick lone Dem called ‘Taxpayer Hero’ by CCAGW

BP agrees to pay $50M for Texas refinery penalties

MoveOn: Save Social Security (e-mail alert)

Garnett and ShaQ?

United States of Islamophobia?

Louisiana authorities report oil sightings from Gulf of Mexico spill

Inspired Proposal of the Day: A Pelosi-Boehner Debate

Crist parties with Democrats in DC (Mark Penn)

Grand jury docs detail MCSO, MCSA probes(Arpaio,Andrew Thomas)

Air Force May Boot Aviator Who Revealed He Is Gay To Defend False Rape Claim

What will be President Obama's October surprise?

Robert Kuttner: Liberal criticism of Obama is out of tough-love

U.S. builds goodwill with quick assistance in Pakistani flooding

Obama to begin five-state campaign swing next week

The ACLU and the "Professional Left"

Despite Indian concerns, Obama to sign border security bill

GOP Plan to Extend Tax Cuts for Rich Adds $36 Billion to Deficit, Panel Finds

Demonstration raises questions about Emmer’s immigration views, Target’s actions

One-fifth of Pakistan is under water.

Eli Lilly loses patent lawsuit for Strattera

BP pays record fine of $50.6 million for deadly explosion (killed 15 and injured 170 other workers)

Unemployment Benefits Comparison by State

Sen. Akaka steps up to the plate and cosponsors Fair Elections Now Act. Thank you, Senator Akaka!

McCain: I Won’t Work With Dems

Google accuses California of rigging bidding process for e-mail contract

Why is Fiorina ahead of Boxer in California ?

AP News Alert: US Senate nominee Alvin Greene indicted on felony charge

Rand Paul's stance on fed. funding drug enforcement could cost votes

Congress approves border security bill

Eugene Robinson: You Can’t Make Up Republican Candidates Like These

MSNBC: Hardball with Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie

North Bergen hate blogger Hal Turner testifies a second day at trial on charges of threatening fed..

US casualties 01-12 August 2010

More receiving top secret clearance from FBI for terrorism cases

Time's Swampland: Melancon, way down in polls, goes after Vitter over his 'serious sin'

Foes seek to block start of gay weddings in Calif. - ask appeals court to stop same-sex weddings

Suspected Michigan serial killer arrested

HP's Sam Stein: Gibbs "offered a far more conciliatory if not diplomatic reflection on the riff"

Will Boehner's drinking problem be an issue this fall?

I'm voting for my Democratic Rep not because he is perfect or he is a liberal but because he listens

Unasur, Argentina, Venezuela condemn car-bomb “terrorist action” in Colombia

Canadians board Tamil asylum boat

Myanmar Junta Sets Election Date (Aung San Suu Kyi barred from running)

Ashtiani outrage spurs Iran to commute stoning sentences to hanging

AP: Obama to Back Religious Freedom at Islam Dinner Tonight at the White House

Suspected US killer admired Adolf Hitler

dupe - please delete

Obama to mark Katrina anniversary in New Orleans

The Hill: AFL-CIO Chief to Assail GOP Candidates Whiteman and Fiorina as 'clueless CEOs'

Sri Lanka court martial convicts Fonseka

Indy Soldier Killed In Afghanistan

secret plan Anchor Babies from Europe

Obama has decided to triple the number of helicopters providing humanitarian assistance to Pakistan

Russia to start up Iran reactor (8 days)

Iran to launch first nuclear power plant

Fiorina Widens Lead Over Boxer

Romanoff and Bennet make up

Dems Launch First IE Campaign

Colombia refuses third-country verification of rebels' presence in Venezuela

Narco-blogger beats Mexico drug war news blackout

Hiedi Harris and Joe Madison go at it on race issue on Big Ed show

Bush endorses Simpson (WY)

White House: GOP priorities 'out of whack'

Think Progress:Right-wing Conspiracists Plan to Greet Obama's Gulf Coast Trip with Birther Billboard

Republicans Meeting with Maes Today on Pulling Out

US sending aid to help Russia firefight effort: White House

Retail Sales Tepid, Inflation at 40-Year Low

Lawyer faints as Khadr trial opens

Khadr Guantanamo trial suspended

Help! The HEALTH INSURANCE LOBBYISTS are going to 'eat' the NAIC this weekend!

Fall In Support For Afghan War Worrisome: Jones

German economy sees 'record' growth of 2.2%

Alabama AG sues BP, others over Gulf oil spill

Sharron Angle: US should cut ties to U.N. (cut the program)

Democrats Must Unite to Stop Republicans from Making 2010 "The Year the Empire Strikes Back"

Investigators Question Attendant's Tale

AFL-CIO chief to assail candidates Whitman and Fiorina as 'clueless CEOs'

Guantanamo trial delayed after lawyer collapses

Lawrence Lessig: On the Rage of Gibbs

Presidential Threat Task Force Formed because of increase in threats

Study: 1.2 million uninsured New Yorkers may get coverage under federal health reform

Leave Obama Family Alone

APNewsBreak: Alabama sues BP over Gulf oil spill

Dr. Laura REPEATEDLY says the N word to a black woman married to a white guy

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday August 13

Republican Party Only Winning Key 2010 Poll In Southern States

Dayton Tea Party activist starts conservative business exchange

Family of 4 killed by wrong-way driver

Paul: Eastern Kentucky drug problem not ‘a real pressing issue’

Poll shows Palin not the clear Tea Party favorite

U.S. denies asking other nations to attack Wikileaks

So for those who aren't "enthused" on the upcoming elections and keep talking about it

Pakistan floods: Two 'major peaks' due on Indus river (now already 18 miles wide due to the floods)

Under the Bus and Inside the Bus

South Carolina Candidate Is Indicted

Pentagon Slams WikiLeaks' Plan to Post More War Logs

"Republican Party's favorable rating dropping to 24%, the lowest level ever recorded by the pollster

Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Let's play...Name That 80's Tune--First Lines!!!

The reality is that there are too many progressives who beat Obama up for what he hasn't done. . .

Dr. Laura, word usage, being of African descent in America, and Obama.

Obama Signs $600 Million Border Security Bill

Opponent apologises to Indian-American candidate for racist blog post

Elizabeth Warren meets with White House officials

Congressional candidate Ray Lutz plans hunger strike

Robert Gibbs says that the vast majority of progressives & the left are pushing for a better country

Obama sends help to Russia

(30) Threatening letters containing white powder received in three U.S. states

The Democratic Base Staying Home This Election

Reporters Without Borders says Wikileaks 'irresponsible'

Illegal immigrant sues over lost custody of child in Mississippi

Conservative Internet shock jock Harold Turner convicted of threatening to kill Chicago judges

Free Press, Others Hold Rally to Protest Google-Verizon Deal

Senator Schumer: H-1B use undercuts pay, discourages tech enrollments

WH pollster's Memo on Weakened Republican Image

Federal government: Relief well must go forward

FDA approves 'ella' for use as emergency contraception

Dr. Laura's N-Word Rant: Radio Host Apologizes For Offensive Language

Kerry to visit Pakistan, Afghanistan

New call for Dr David Kelly ("suicide") inquest

Judge Doubts Gay Marriage Ban’s Backers Can Appeal

Gibbs: Obama Still Wants To Feel Pressure From The Left

Japanese and European far-right gather in Tokyo

Nixon urged death threats to Uruguayan prisoners

We black guys DO NOT go around using the N word

State court declares (Roseville, Calif.) Galleria's speech rules unconstitutional

Social Security Keeps 20 Million Americans Out Of Poverty, Report Finds

4 pulled to safety after plane lands on Lake Erie

Indian Forces Face Broader Revolt in Kashmir (one of most serious internal crises in recent memory)

Alvin Greene indicted on felony obscenity charge

Elizabeth Warren Wins The Support Of Two More Senators

Rep. Maxine Waters Refutes Ethics Charges

CNN POLL: 74% of Democrats want to re-nominate Obama in 2012.

When's the first time you stepped back and said, "Fuck, I'm no longer cool."

Anyone else tired of the Nook push at Barnes & Noble?

Joe or Jane Politico in First Person

My DADT story by Jarod McIntosh

Welfare Chaos in Detroit

Rachel Maddow: Hypocrite Extremist Sharon Angle Argues w/ Herself

Fights, Chaos Reported In Subsidized Housing Line 30,000 people line

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling

'In Reason We Trust' Say Tampa Area Billboards

Truly a Blasphemous Film

Thom Hartmann - 9/11 Christian Center's Bill Keller..Doing what Osama wants?

Sam Seder: Google Verizon attack Net Neutrality: That's Bullshit

Mike Stark Tips for Covering Congress

Coverage of the 99ers in NYC from Ed Schultz show

TYT: Obama Vs. Bill Clinton On Progressives w/ Mike Lux

Ground zero for stupidity over mosque

99ers fight for their rights in NY

Unemployment extension s.3706 UNIFY is the word of the day!!!

Rand Paul Takes Page From Sharron Angle Playbook, Runs From Kentucky Press

Ed Schultz: Americans Being Displaced by Corporate Greed

Keith Olbermann exposes Newt Gingrich as the true welfare queen

The Source Of The Absurd Claim By Republicans About Terror Babies - Anderson Cooper

SNEAK ATTACK: GOP's Roadmap to Privatize Social Security, Medicare

Lilith Fair 2010 DC Butterfly Boucher "I Found Out" - Justice Through Music Project

The 2nd American Revolution, Part 1

"Money" - Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey

Waters refutes ethics charges

ACORN Smear Artist James O’Keefe Unwittingly Admits He’s A Hack: What I Do Is ‘The Nadir Of Morality

A World Without Social Security?

This is who the GOP nominated for Senate from CT?

DNC Chair Tim Kaine on Robert Gibbs' "Professional Left" Comments

Yoder on Social Security

Anderson Cooper apologizes to Pat Tillman's dad for media participating in gov't coverup.

Louisiana Official Willing to Go to Jail to Protect Parish from BP Oil

Midweek Politics calls Target re: anti-gay donation, records and plays phone call and voicemail

Anderson Cooper annihilates Rep. Gohmert's nutty "terror babies" conspiracy.

TYT: Cenk Interviews DLC Chairman, Fmr Congressman Harold Ford Jr

Olbermann: Targets React to Anti-Unemployment Benefits Gingrich - 'I Was Appalled'

Anthony Weiner, Joe Scarborough

Right Wingers Oppose Building Mosques Near 'Coke Zero'

Extremist Candidates Hurt GOP Chances

Is Wall Street Making Life or Death Decisions?

US casualties 01-12 August 2010

The Work-Sharing Boom: Exit Ramp to a New Economy?

Growth of Euro-Area Economy Beats Forecasts

US dips into Mekong politics

Eat the rich? Eeeeyew, no thanks.

Attack of the Terror Babies! First They Come for Your Citizenship

Elizabeth Warren Wins The Support Of Two More Senators

Evangelicals' Stealth Mission to Sneak Jesus into Our Public Schools

Weak candidates will hurt Republican hopes in midterm elections

How greed begets hunger

House Democrats have about 'had it' with Gibbs - The Hill

Eugene Robinson: You Can’t Make Up Republican Candidates Like These

Defying Others, Germany Finds Economic Success

Air Force May Boot Aviator Who Revealed He Is Gay To Defend False Rape Claim

Prisoner of War ‘81A Gloergoer, Medan’

Is José Serra Campaigning in Washington or in Brazil?

Anger after girl, 12, held at US airport.

Weekend Economists' Triskaidekaphobia Festival August 13-15, 2010

The Jobs Crisis: What Hit Us?

Few Chernobyl radiation risks from Russia fires

Drumbeat: August 13, 2010

Embodied Energy: An Alternative Approach to Understanding Urban Energy Use

US Government Offers Additional Manufacturing Loan Guarantees

AQT Solar's CIGS Manufacturing Facility Goes Online (Calif.)

Vermont Utilities, Hydro-Quebec Sign Long-Term Hydropower Deal

Building Integrated Photovoltaics Market Gaining Traction

Block Island Offshore Wind Project Moves Closer To Development

Second wave of flooding threatens southern Pakistan

Blythe Solar Power Project Receives Proposed CEC Approval (968 MW)

US-Brazil debt for nature swap to protect forests (BBC)

Green Power Islands: A Solution for Renewable Energy Storage Problems?

NOAA, FDA to test seafood for dispersants

Draft report recommends against renewable energy projects in Oregon's key sage grouse habitat

Address Mistrust, Scientists Urge Nuclear Panel

California Public Utilities Commission Gives Green Light to 415 MW of Solar Projects

Solar Millennium (Germany) in Talks to Sell Equipment to U.S. Coal Plant Operators

Bring the water balloons, tomatoes and cream pies..... or not.

State energy giants eager to tap electric charging market (China)

SunWays Announces 19% Efficient Screen-printed 6" Solar Cell (Germany)

Scientists outline 20-year Master Plan for Global Nuclear Renaissance

What to Create Millions of Jobs? Look to China

Wow. The Sox are tied for first place.

English Premier League starts tomorrow!

Florida Marlins Delay Game Until Their Fan Shows Up

Just win, baby!

Sir Charles to King James: Miami Move was Punk

Jonathan Sanchez predicts sweep of Padres

Cuba analyst joins State Department

Is José Serra Campaigning in Washington or in Brazil?

Repsol makes new gas discovery in Bolivia

Peru battles rabid vampire bats after 500 people bitten

Mexico: Decision to prosecute indigenous human rights defender condemned

Colombia refuses third-country verification of rebels' presence in Venezuela

person who falsified license plates on car bomb identified as Gustavo Ladino

Incredibly symbolic: Cuba's patron saint is being carried around the island

Nixon urged death threats to Uruguayan prisoners

Cubans celebrate Fidel's 84th birthday

What do a taco vendor, a judge and a Iraq vet have in common

NRA Instructor Shoots Student: What Can We Learn?

Guns don't kill children, it's their 8 year-old brothers

Customer helps break up gas station holdup

49ers running back Glen Coffee quits after one year

Giants get Jose Guillen from KC..

Today in Labor History Aug 10 President Roosevelt signs amendments to the 1935 Social Security Act

Employers shouldn't be surprised that Americans won't take their crummy, low-wage jobs

Union workers keep MTA trains running on time

U.S. Letter Carriers Fight Cutting Saturday Mail Delivery

What union members' donations are building in Haiti (post earthquake)

Gays in military survey gets tepid response

Lesbian cadet quits West Point, cites DADT

And The Next Seven, Too!

Well now....Thomas Jefferson Would Have Imprisoned Walker For Treason

Prepare to be disgusted...Gingrich, Pawlenty and Archbishop Joseph Kurtz

Stephanie Miller just came out.

Family Research Council Election Advisory: Make Sure You Only Vote For Christians

Man discharged from navy shares his DADT story

Lonesome Cowboy

Bring in the Clowns

This thread needs a little love from the Photography Group

On the beach


A Night at the PBR

Libya: Palestinian prisoners freed in deal for Israeli photographer

Report: Netanyahu to offer withdrawal from 90% of West Bank

Loading the Thompson

Virology Journal withdraws paper about whether Christ cured a woman with flu

Jupiter swallowed a super-Earth?

Evangelicals' Stealth Mission to Sneak Jesus into Our Public Schools

A Couple Odd Coincidences (long)

Thought this group would be interested in this article.....

A sad story about a friend of mine

New drug reduces tumor size in women with advanced hereditary ovarian or breast cancer

Drug-resistant staph infections on the decline in U.S. hospitals

Privatize Medicare?

Doctors want statins served with fast food

Why do chiropractors order so many X rays?

The CIA's Shocking Experiments on Children Exposed