Democratic Underground

Archives: March 29, 2010

Berlusconi in trouble??

Steny Hoyer tells Obama administration to leave Israel alone

Russia says U.S. should eradicate Afghan opium

Response from WESH-2 Orlando re: their coverage of Tiger Woods and The Twit

Los Angeles' top financial officer in treatmenb after DUI

Uh-oh...(avoid if you dislike 'adventures with right-wingers' threads)

I just have to say this...

People Cost Money - A Follow Up

Online funeral being promoted in China

Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group

Pelosi's "go on offense" remarks...IMAGINE if we spent the next 3 years blistering the GOP's ASS.

Former Governor Blagojevich on Celebrity Apprentice right now (NBC)

Will i dotting and t crossing rescision still occur? Till 2014? forever?

Moneybomb for the Congressman with Guts worked: WE DID IT email from Alan Grayson.Just in!

There's a lesson here...

On the patterns of labor

I know a public relations guy in Afghanistan that is with the Army

How Cool Is This Pro Obama Healthcare T-Shirt?

How Cool Is This Pro Obama Healthcare T-Shirt?

Wingnuts think health care bill says mandatory chip implants for all

"When you say it like that, my life sounds pretty damn good" Christopher Walken takes the Census...

The repugs are being blindly obstructionist

I would take the TSA job, if they'd offer it to me

Who let the jews out?

An Ohio Marine has just died in South Africa


Pelosi basks in health care victory in S.F. - story with pics

Media plus Court Room re the militia round ups of the weekend.

Should children born to illegals be granted U.S. citizenship?

Documentary Filmmakers Looking for 'Rosie the Riveters' in MI - Anyone know any?

The history and contemporary need for judicial recess appointments

Which of the little stinkers in the picture below are the T-Party members?

Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print

Realize I'm preaching to the choir, but are Rethugs the biggest whiners or what...

Umm. what's with all the buy Boeing tanker plane ads here on DU?

After Gang Crackdown, Police Become Targets (Hemet, Ca.)

Primaries; will Right Wingers be too busy teabagging standard Republican candidates

"Ramming Health Care Bill Down Their throats?"

America's first legal male prostitute quits after only 10 customers in 2 months

Freepers even willing to throw James Baker under the bus.


Border town protest

Rachel Maddow at The Clinton School of Public Service

What medical benefits does pot provide?

Breaking Report: Blasts in Moscow metro kill at least 35

Sallie Mae Complains That Direct Government Loans Will Increase Efficiency

N. Caucasus terrorist groups possibly involved in Moscow blasts

Looks like the neo-cons are still batting for Grifterella

Victoria Jackson IS the tea-party

Double suicide bombings kill 37 on Moscow subway

IL Dem running for senate makes a fake facebook page for his Republican opponent

The People Who Say The Democrats Have A Radical Agenda

Imagine if the Metropolitan Community Church ( a church catering to gays) had the Catholic abuse

One of the largest Museums in the World Opens Today

Helluva night in North Carolina. The light of Monday morning will reveal a lot of destruction.

Freepers pull a Tom Tancredo

Just Now...Weather Channel....North Carolina Residents Want Gov Buyout

What is this???...

Socialists take on the Australian Protectionist Party party.

If I wanted to watch Fox News, I wouldn't tune into the Today Show

Christian Science Monitor: 'Open carry' gun laws vex Starbucks, again

Obama Takes Unannouced Trip Outside The Country....

Texas Bd of Ed member: "they want to make it look like we are dumb morons"

Obama Takes Unannouced Trip Outside The Country....

Note to MSNBC: Health care reform has ALREADY PASSED!

Visual of what the Teabaggers are too Blind and Deluded to see ('toon)

A terrible what if: What if the repubs countered with single payer?

Obama to Karzai: Progress needed in Afghanistan

Analysis: Next Obama test is Afghanistan

The Party of Cruelty (Kunstler)

posted on Free Republic: Vanity -- My Campaign for Congress

Treasury says it will begin selling Citi shares

The Republican leaders in Georgia are mad at the state AG because he won't file a bogus lawsuit

Rep Barrow-Embraced As Hero By Whites-Assailed By Blacks: 'I Voted Against Things I Believe In"

All of the hand-wringing over mandates is just posturing.

Beyond a clear and present danger: comments on the Lenawee County raid...

Some Hutaree beliefs. "They mean to fire their guns, and kill people in the name of Jesus."

HFCS study authors defend work against attacks

Humans Are Too Stupid to Prevent Climate Change

To conservatives, that makes her only a moderate among Democrats

Sarah Palin says that Todd is a "true blue-blooded American"

Laura Ingraham Right About Sarah Palin

Just heard a Republican caller on C-Spans Washington

My response to Sgt C, USMC

over night N.C. had 8 tornadoes

over night N.C. had 8 tornadoes

The nightmare of Canadian health care

rut roh... FReepers choking on more Liberty

Virginia's AG is a BIRTHER!

EPA proposes veto of major US mountaintop removal site (good news!)

Native Remains Nationwide to be Returned from Museums to Tribes

Pat Buchanan: Voting for a batshit crazy opponent to McCain is better than re-electing McCain

This is my fav too..POTUS fistbump

I just talked to my mom about the coffee party. Supposedly it started here

Attempting To Strip Gays Of Hate Crimes Protections, Oklahoma Removes Protections For Race/Religion

Seriously - is the American right as stupid as the rest of the World see them?

Poll: President Obama Understands People Like Me (56%)

What HCR does for your Cong. District - great resource fo LTTE

i hate to ask again,but please help me fact check Kay Hutchison's column

Any DUers watching that lovely new series on Discovery

read this letter to the editor in my paper re: "Obamacare"...

A little perspective on the Teabagger's Party in the Desert :

No return from the breach this time for my friend Jo Woodgate


Militia group suspects charged with conspiracy

The "FUCK ME" States: Millions Of Americans Are Demanding Their Freedom To Be Screwed

Measles Outbreak Triggered by Unvaccinated Child

Florida Farmer Plowing Under Strawberries Instread of Harvesting

Did the Federal Government Make Money Bailing Out Citigroup?

Hannity Tried To Pretend It Didn't Happen-Huffington Post Now Has The Video

What Kind Of Buffoon Expenses A Topless Bar?

What Kind Of Buffoon Expenses A Topless Bar?

Is service choppy for anyone else

Freepers rally to defense of the Hutaree

President John Adams signed a law mandating employed sailors to purchase healthcare insurance

BREAKING NEWS: Pres. John Adams a SOCIALIST -- Mandates Sailors Purchase Insurance!!!

RNC “Investigating” Party Funds Spent On Bondage-Themed Nightclub

When will Michael Steele resign?

Who is the bigger whack job? Poll

Market alert: The Dow is crashing again today

Objecting to the President's Afghanistan policy is a uphill battle among Democrats polled

Should Michael Steele Resign His Post As RNC Chair Over The Current Imbroglio

Should Michael Steele Resign His Post As RNC Chair Over The Current Imbroglio

U.S. Job Losses to China:

Thank YOU mods...

Reconciliation, now 15 recess appointments . . . a revival of the activist presidency we voted for?

Why Pope Benedict's Got to Go (Boston Herald)

Chairman Breitbart at the Podium

Chairman Breitbart at the Podium

Facebook page promoting violence against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

How has it come to be that there are so many anti-American Republicans in Congress?

Gov't to Give $600M in Housing Aid to 5 States

I wonder what Mrs. Andrea Derritt Steele has to say about the strip club?

CREW, VoteVets File IRS, FTC Complaints Against Sean Hannity Charity Freedom Concerts


Freeps call Steele "Dem plant, " wonder if RNC would be called "rassist" for firing him

Well thanks guys... you crashed the RNC strip club site

The Website Of RNC Chair Michael Steele's Favorite Topless Bar Has Crashed

Lousy School Lunch Bill One Step Closer to Passage in Senate

The Thom Hartmann Tea Party Pledge.

It was Hippies that made Catholic priests sexually molest children!



Olbermann Returns to Countdown for Good Tonight

Frum on health reform: ‘Repeal is literally impossible’

Giving my bumper a break

So, who do you think Palin/Armey's Teabaggers want to replace Steele with?

I Don't Want MY Tax Dollars Used To Sue Over Health Care Reform

Monday Toons, Part 2

Maine blazes a trail in funding -- Clean election system popular

Maine blazes a trail in funding -- Clean election system popular

Monday Toons, Part 4

Op/Ed On NC No-Atheist Office Holders Law: "Atheists' Rights In Eyes Of Christians?"

Have Wall Street bailouts disproved that rich should be taxed less since they rely on gov't less?

Obama is Lion-O.

Office of Congressional Ethics Admonishes Former Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.)

"Obama kept us safe from Terror!" (Michigan Militia)

Rachel Maddow wants some help searching Hutaree Forums

Does anyone know who Donald Young is/was, and why Obama would know about his "murder"?

Rapper (from Bone Thugs-N-Harmony) arrested on old warrants during Ohio show

Yesterday Was Palm Sunday. Jesus Rode Into Jerusalem On A Donkey, Not An Elephant

'Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment.'

Listen to this

Question About Rec/Unrec Function

The word patriot now means moron in my opinion.

CNN Poll: Americans divided on repealing health care law

CNN Poll: Americans divided on repealing health care law

Ethics office: Deal acted improperly with side business

How low hath the once-mighty McCain fallen?

Monday Toons, Part 1

DU'ers: Please Help Finish this Film!!!

I need a new Bible. Stat.

The Bracket of Evil -- Semifinals!

Why McCain Needs Palin

Tea Party activism is not about political dissent - It's about vile, storm trooper sound bites

Can Someone Explain How This Militia Group, Hutaree, Is Not Being Labeled As A Terrorist Group

Keith Olbermann Makes 'Countdown' Return Tonight

UK police break into -50- homes pretending to be robbers to highlight....crime?

One day Michael Steele will be

Olympia Snowe really turned out to be one hell of a "moderate" Republican.

Anyone got some mad Flash animation skillz looking to riff Teabaggers?

HITCHENS outs his bi-curiosity (VERY ACTIVE) school sex. He was NOT "unappreciated"!1 Gross pic!1

Google "lunatic fringe", click "news" tab, the top story is about Sarah Palin

Billy Kennedy, running for US Congress against Virginia Foxx.

David Frum of GOP: Conservatives and Republicans today suffered their most crushing legislative.....

David Frum of GOP: Conservatives and Republicans today suffered their most crushing legislative.....

Leadership Dead Pool

RNC hits 'bondage club' story

Just heard on Ed Schultz Show Steele is being called out for Expense Trip to X-Rated Club by DNC!

Protesting the Government: Us versus Them

Dems On Business' HCR Cost Claims: Prove It

Right Wing Terrorism Watch: Hutaree group planned to kill a cop and then bomb the funeral

Right Wing Terrorism Watch: Hutaree group planned to kill a cop and then bomb the funeral

How long before Michael Steele is gone?

Man accused of making threats against Cantor

B.C. human rights case pits comedian against lesbian heckler

Move over Jesus. Make room for Ratzinger on that cross!

What's for lunch for freeper types today?

Best Freaker Line about the RNC Strip Club Scandal

Minuteman Leader: When I Said To Come To The Border Locked And Loaded, I Didn't Mean Locked And Load

Racial Slur Development Not Keeping Pace With Mixed-Race Births, Nation's Bigots Report

Is the media referring to Christian militia as "suspected terrorists"? Greenwald asks

A Book on ‘Arming America’s Enemies’ Written by America’s Enemies?!

Maryland man to plead guilty to tossing Chihuahua off a bridge

Romney endorsing Repubs who voted against Health Care?

Sediton....yes! I like that word to describe all these nutball

Cantor will have to share his lunatic(Leboon-"Son Of Enoch") with Obama, VP, Pelosi & Reid, etc, etc

Help Me Refute Claims About Dubya's Deficit Spending

Tucker Carlson responds to RNC complaints about DC’s Michael Steele article

What Frum’s Firing Tells Us About Politics Today

LOL right wing radio station gets bit by FCC regs forcing it to air an offensive ad

YOO: I Think Of Myself As A Shining Beacon Of Capitalism & Democracy-Surrounded By Hippies

Dem Memo: We’re Kicking Butt In Local Papers

Not much talk of the Moscow bombing here. Surprising

Tina Brown zings McCain

If the Russian government learned anything from Bush, here is what they will do:

9 Christian Militia members arrested in murder plot

Militia members were going to kill a cop and then kill cops at his funeral.

imagine if they were a muslim militia

The Catholic Church is guilty...

Been to may a Strip club--and I gotta say $1,946.25 is a hell of a lot of lap dances.

Been to may a Strip club--and I gotta say $1,946.25 is a hell of a lot of lap dances.


Rep. Eric Cantor threatened (no, really!)

U.S. Military Doing ‘Limited’ Drug War Work In Mexico

I Was Just On Thom Hartman!

DU IT experts have you tracked down

Chris Hedges: Is America ‘Yearning For Fascism?’

Most Americans: "Tax the rich but not me"


Overqualified? Yes, but Happy to Have a Job

Help get rid of David Dreier- donate if you can, to Russ Warner.

Why do they always look the same?

Tomorrow is Seward's Folly day. How should we celebrate?

What is on Beck? He is doing a "history lesson" on Hitler

Epic Win! Student uses Westboro Baptist Church visit as Fundraiser!

NC-SEN Gen. Wes Clark endorses Cal Cunningham

Pelosi: GOP used "campaign of fear" to turn elderly against health care bill

Weren't all Bishops and The Arch Bishops and The Pope priests once?

Please help save the whales!

Sec. Napolitano says airport full-body scanners 'do not see everything'

SO Because Chechen Rebels Bombed the Moscow Subway, we Step Up Security at Ours?

SO Because Chechen Rebels Bombed the Moscow Subway, we Step Up Security at Ours?

New Republican party mascot unveiled

"Vandals break window at Democratic Party offices"

GOP: don't tread on me: but whips and manacles are fine and dandy

Why do the GOPiacs think/feel they nhave a LOCK on the FLAG, FREEDOM, Patriotism? Democrats feel the

The GOP was so worried about nonexistent funding for abortion and look what they

Man Charged With Threatening To Kill Rep. Eric Cantor

Shame on John McCain by Tina Brown

With the passage of the medical insurance bill, who won?

A U.S. Biometrics Agency

Why the RNC won't fire STEELE....he is one of THEM....most of the GOP are members too

So, will the term "teabaggery" soon join the American slang lexicon...

Website that broke the RNC - L.A. bondage club story, is headed by Tucker Carlson

Glenn Beck and his ilk are inciting violence with their anti-government rhetoric

Man sues neighbor to shut off electronics

David Stone et al are going to prison for a long time

The Ultimate Low-Information Voter


GOP: don't tread on me.....

A beautiful tribute for a wonderful man

It is Easier to teach a Polar Bear to play the Cello.....

Pssssssssssssssssssssssst Melanie Sloan is on Ed exposing

Tweety - why are the teabaggers so angry

Tweety - why are the teabaggers so angry

White House to host eco-friendly Easter Egg roll

Complaints filed with FTC against Hannity over Freedom Concerts marketing practices

Howard Kurtz Allows Erick Erickson to Feign Ignorance on the Rhetoric Posted at His Blog

Newsweek: Osama bin Laden resurrected once more!

More Whackjob Militia Hypocrisy

CNN Poll: Obama approval up in wake of health care victory

Happy Passover!

MSNBC Video: RNC - $2K for bondage strip club was a "reimbursement made to non-committee staffer"...

Quick HCR question (I have somebody on the phone) -- is the

I LOVE Chris Matthews. Always have... always will.

Ricky Martin is livin' la vida open, says he's gay

AMC purchased 6 episode arc of Walking Dead TV series to run in October.

Who else is going to miss Michael Steele when he resigns?

I hate cold sores...

I hate cold sores...

Israel To Focus On Key Iran Nuclear Targets In Any Strike

Chalabi-led panel plans to bar 4 Sunnis who won from taking office

Senator Specter Wants to Extend US Privacy Curbs to Web-Cam Use

RNC spent $1946.25 at sex-themed nightclub Voyeur West Hollywood.

Apathy is evil

NATO Tries to Silence a Truth-Teller in Afghanistan After Killing Pregnant Women

Crooks & Liars: At McCain event, Palin denounces violence while protester gets his ass kicked

US Troop Deaths DOUBLE In Afghanistan 03/27/10

Sarah Palin Sticks to Her Guns, and Gun Imagery, in Message to Supporters

US and British deaths double, wounded triple, in Afghanistan

US and British deaths double, wounded triple, in Afghanistan

Washington considers a decline of world oil production as of 2011

Uh oh - raging Ron Christie is mad at MC Steele

To the end, a man felled by hatred rose above it

To the end, a man felled by hatred rose above it

Caption this pic

Looks like Health Insurance Co's have already found LOOPHOLES

A copy of the actual Hutaree group Indictment- 12 pages

Tea Party draws "crowd" in red state AZ - well 1200 actually.

Under Attack (from Lincoln)

Ricky Martin steps out of the closet

John McCain: Your urgent support is needed in the next 72 hours

Elementary School Puts on Production of "Scarface"

does anyone have any photographic evidence of a teabagger that is NOT white?

Excellent video on the transformation of American businesses, citizenship & the economy since 1980

Michael Steele Called Tone Deaf By GOP Brass, Urged To Resign

Obama adminstration moves to fix kids coverage gap

Wired: China Testing Ballistic Missile ‘Carrier-Killer’

Peter Roberson, Bank Lobbyist Turned House Staffer, Is Heading Back To K Street

The difference between Biden and Cheney's F-bombs...

The Rude Pundit: A Few Things That Just Don't Make Sense

John Adams signed health care mandate 1798

RNC "Bondage Club" story going mainstream...

Are you as Sick of Christians as I am???

Are you as Sick of Christians as I am???

Dana Loesch is an empty headed twit. Why is she on Hardball??

A belated farewell to Stewart Lee Udall. Do you remember him? (Part 1)

A belated farewell to Stewart Lee Udall. Do you remember him? (Part 1)

The Soul does not exist

When you see someone texting and driving...

Paul Wellstone calling out the Bush Tax Cuts-old Senate speech from 2001

U.S. Senate candidate's anti-Semitic ads air on Missouri radio station

Woman, adopted from Mexico as baby, turns out to not be U.S. citizen

250,000 Hens Die in Fire at Ohio Fresh Eggs

"You receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads,"

Are vaccines mandates?

An earlier example of gov't "forcing" citizens to buy something:Second Militia Act of 1792

7 arrested in FBI raid of Christian militia group. Rapture-ready board all enraged.

Banks Are Likely Winners in Obama's Latest Foreclosure Prevention Program

Prejean Sued for $64K by "Christian-focused" PR firm that crafted her "biblically correct message"

Conservative Women’s Group Rips RNC Over Bondage-Themed Nightclub

Once a month the surface of the moon is charged up to hundreds

An Open Letter to Conservatives - RE: Your Hypocrisy

CNN's Blitzer doing a FEATURE following the "Palin Tea Bag Express!"

Why Are We in Afghanistan?

The dreaded Senate hold strikes again, this time to an autism advocate

Ron Christie: 'I'm sick and tired of the slow drip'...

Am I the only one who loves the story of Michael Steele letting his freak flag fly on the RNC dime?

An Interesting Screen Capture From The 'Tea Party Patriots' Site, Ladies And Gentlemen....

Were it not for Idiot Son, would we be where we are today?

Hutaree, Hutarah, Hutaree...Hutarahahahahaha...

U.S. Contractors In Afghanistan Face Allegations Of Paying Off The Taliban

Republicans didn't get mad when.......

All washed up: Seal pup one of thousands stranded on Canadian beach due to record ice shortage

Bill Clinton admits that free trade fugged up Haiti

Searchlight Violence

RNC Voyeur bondage fetish club reviews on Yelp!

Say Goodbye to Saturday Mail

Hilda Solis: Labor's New Sheriff

Republicans spent $1,946 at topless club

Rapture-ready update! The totalitarian Obama regime is trying to make Christians look unstable

LTTE for your approval

Conservative Women’s Group "SPANKS" RNC Over Bondage-Themed Nightclub

Wesley Clark Endorses Cunningham (NC's Senate primary)

Tea Party ... or Whitey Party? / Birthers ... or Boothers?

A question for long-time marijuana smokers

Waxman asks AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson to address concerns over health bill

I applaud the charging of crimes for bullying that poor child

John Boehner Signals to Fundamentalist GOP Base That President Obama is the Anti-Christ

DU! Please Support Ari Ne’eman's Nomination to the National Council on Disability

Militia members charged with police-killing plot

Who says the GOP doesn't change?

HuffPo - "Frank Luntz Pens Memo To Kill Financial Regulatory Reform"

Social Inequality in America, debt as deliberate tool of power

Minuteman Leader: When I Said To Come To The Border Locked & Loaded, I Didn't Mean Locked & Loaded

Ever notice that some of the same people who are denouncing the Democratic Party

Winner of the "Get off my lawn" award: Man hates on musical ice cream trucks

RNC Nightclub Party was for GOP Donors

A profile of Erik Brown, who expensed the bondage club. Yeah he is involved in his church's ministry

HAHAHA!!! These teabagging dipwads are not doing their census forms!

NY Archbishop compares Pope in pedophile scandal cover up to Jesus

Survivor To Pope: "Offensive, would be an understatement to describe yesterday’s comments."

AFA's Fischer Hopes Americans Will Violently Revolt Against "Tyranny of a Repressive Central Gov't"

9 charged with bullying Mass. teen who killed self

FIFA selects all non-African talent to perform at South Africa-hosted World Cup.

Now that health insurance is fixed, they need to fix the health care system

Russian Envoy Hails Tehran-Moscow Excellent Ties

Radok? Boramander? Zulif?

CNN report suggests militia group linked to Tea Party

Let us not forget the Homeland Security Report Warned of 'Rising Right-Wing Extremism'

Let us not forget the Homeland Security Report Warned of 'Rising Right-Wing Extremism'

Dear Don McLeroy of TX. We are not making you look like "dumb morons".

AND we have an excuse from Sheehan

AND we have an excuse from Sheehan

There are so many smart, decent people in this country who work for the good of others

Working in These Times: Remembering the Triangle Fire

Working in These Times: Remembering the Triangle Fire

Insurers find loophole in health bill, say they don’t have to cover sick kids

Sebelius To Insurers: It's Over, You Lost, Stop Looking For Loopholes

Reid: Get Tea Partiers Dictionaries So They Can Look Up 'Socialism'

Well-known Militia hosting Open Carry & Tea Party Event

Dallas officials: Erykah Badu broke law by getting naked on video

Would You Support Extending Troop Presence in Iraq?

PHOTOS: Teabaggers in Searchlight or reunion of the hill folk from the movie "Deliverance?"

Pravda commentator on Sarah Palin LOL LOL

The Five-count Indictment Against The Hutaree "Patriots" (PDF) = Possible Revocation of Citizenship

NYT Invents "Important Threshold" To Scare Readers About Social Security

Steele - flying high, living like a king and spending Rep money at topless bondage club


We should start a campaign to rename all strip clubs "local RNC headquarters."

Loophole Large Enough to Bury a Child In

Checking the Racist Box: White Supremacists Stand Up to be Counted in the 2010 Census

Drone Strikes Are Legal, U.S. Official Says

There Have Been Other Attempts At Starting A Third Party That Have Been Pooh-Poohed By MSM.......


I become more and more frightened about how close Sarah Palin came to the WH.

DUers, may we have a round of applause for Dinger, who called in to the Thom Hartman show today?


Monday Toons, Part 3

Do you know anyone who has switched from liberal to conservative?

Father Of Dead Marine Ordered To Pay Legal Fees Of Westobro Baptist Church Protesters

Are Republican Right Wingers Homeland Security Threats?

Poacher Devoured by Lions

Ohio AG Richard Cordray Shoots Down "HCR Is Unconstitutional" Meme

Gates: Afghan Peace Talks Should Wait Until More Troops Arrive

Why is this night different from all other nights?

Regarding The Loop Hole In HCR That Ins. Co's Are Trying To Exploit

sugar beets, must we stay in the dark ages

"I drank two shots of Jack Daniels in the car," he admitted, "but I also ate a sandwich."

I live in NJ and I am living in a Republican hell

Bill Moyers: The Health Bill Is a Bonanza for the Insurance Industry and Other Monied Interests

Palin in black leather - RNC paying for bondage club - surely this is

bring on the PUBLIC OPTION (morphing it into SINGLE PAYER)... as Aetna CEO warns of price hikes:

If the preexisting condition for kids isn't covered why should we believe any of the

"Tea Party", "Tea Baggers" Where are the posts about the coffee party?

I paid $29 for two movie tickets yesterday. Popcorn and drinks cost another $20 more

Let's get rid of the mandate and heal some of the divisivness in the country.

Christian extremism - a much more dangerous threat than Islam could ever be

So what is Michael Steele's "safe word"?

Apple boycotts FOX News because of Glen Beck

So, I got my health insurance premium increase notice for this next year. Only Three Hundred Dollars

Californians: we HAVE to keep Boxer's seat!

First its coverage that insurance companies will find loopholes for, next it will be claims.

Dems see backlash coming for GOP after unemployment block

Should Sarah Palin Replace Michael Steele As RNC Chair?

The Bases of Empire

Obama cuts to home energy assistance to have devastating consequences

Obama cuts to home energy assistance to have devastating consequences

"We used to call it segregation. Now we call it failing schools."

WP: One woman's quest to prosecute Bush

Delaware, Tennessee get top honors on Arne's Race to the Top

political blog entry of the year---- "and post on "

We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, Now you get mad!?

Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print

Kristol: The Russians ‘in some ways have brought’ suicide bombings ‘on themselves.’

Should Dr. Conrad Murray be held responsible for Michael Jackson's death?

The (D)evolution of the Republican Party

CNN report suggests Antichrist-fearing militia group hosted Tea Party

Petty Gossip

Would you support raising the retirement age for Social Security?

Obama Packs Debt Commission with Social Security Looters

What should we call the teabaggers?

HURRAY!!!!! 9 charged with bullying Mass. teen who killed self

This is what the armed insurrectionists look like (Pic Heavy)

Toyota’s Acceleration Issue Due to Electronics, Experts Say

Dem Senators Unenthusiastic about (show pony) "Public Option" (HuffPo)

Who can turn the world on with her smile, take a nothing day & suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?

peep haikus

Joy Division- "Transmission", 1979

Well, let's all sign up now!

Was Jeanine right? Does music really sound better in Dubly?

I've just seen a sarcastic fringehead on television

What are some internet phone companys?

Best upcoming holiday in the next couple weeks...

So is there someone about to make a movie saying...

Window Seat

Were the Three Stooges filmed for TV broadcast?

My new CPAP mask should arive tommorrow

BREAKING: Joe the Mentally Unstable Racist Dipshit replaces Joe the Plumber on McCain Stump Circuit

Cat problems......again.







Lady Gaga - Telephone (CHATROULETTE VERSION)

Try not to laugh by the 50 second mark of this video:

Its 2 am and I'm going to eat some DEVILED EGGS!

Alright, this is cute: dog falls for cat (video)

A Question for Lounge NFL Fans Regarding the Draft

Best portrayal of James Bond villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld

Summer Jobs for Cats

A drop of water in slo-mo

Dog that bit police car must attend classes...

Pirate Radio.

Just had my worst birthday ever... What's Yours?

Ernest "Tea" Bass

Just one more week and the DU Lounge will never be the same again...

Caught the ending of The Simpsons last night...

How Cool Is This Pro Obama Healthcare T-Shirt?

John McCain buys a Sarah Palin Blowup Doll...

On A Windy Night (a very cool little book in my humble opinion!)

Is it just me or is this a badly designed form?

Genesis-Get 'em Out by Friday

Where fashion sits....

Rush-ing into Songwriters Hall

Any fans of body modification here?

If someone asks you the same question fifty different ways, what do you do?

How would you describe Dr. Strange?

Hey Indianapolis residents! I'm coming to say hi this weekend!

Gorillaz - Stylo

Pics from Steele's big night out...

If someones ask you the same question fifty different ways, what do you do?

What would one do if someone posed the same question to them fifty different ways?

What would one do if someone posed the same question to them fifty different ways?

What do you do if someone asks you the same thing over and over again, each slightly different?

What do you do if someone asks you the same thing over and over again, each slightly different?

I could care less

The same question, but fifty different ways: What would you do?

Husky Dog Talking - " I love you "

What do you do if someone asks you the same question fifty different ways?

Let's play fifty questions

water is wet...

Some questions about Lost - what was the deal in the beginning with

When you are a tourist, do you ACT like a tourist, attempt to blend in, or not even think about it?

Post a great tribute song

What's for lunch for freeper types today?

Ever feel like a big, fat, phoney?

Innocent Ways to Drop the Word "Penis"in a Sentence

Yet another shitty day in paradise

dj cheb i sabbah

This is just disturbing on any number of levels

Time to make the Musical Donuts

Rolling Stone: Producers of original "Slap Shot" plan remake with Pauly Shore in Paul Newman role

laptop deals

Music to unwind after a seriously insane day at work...

Cat parents: Do you prefer Frontline or Advantage?

OH, THE HORROR. Dropped from somebody's Facebook friend list for my political opinions!

Dear RNC, No Matter What A Stripper Tells You. There's No Sex In The Champange Room.

Water is wet

Latest Podcast is up!

I hate sold cores...

I hate hot sores...

If you say something disparaging to a person or that person's interests or group...

Ugh. Here's what I HATE about Naked drinks: Banana puree.

Is the new Clash of the Titans going to be good or bad?

What's all this then?

What do you do if someone posts the same thing over and over again, each slightly different?

Who here has also had a crush on Monty Python's Carol Cleveland?


Don't Go Back to Rockville


Whoops! my internet is too huge--takng up the whole screen

My dad is a the hospital with a strangulated hernia and possible blockage. Vibes and

Big cats play in the water and to house cats it's like poison

I try not to be superstitious, but there's something to the full-moon urban legends.

So, who's buying an iPad this weekend?

Soap Opera Fans - craziest storylines you remember from the Soaps

Was driving tonight...

How're the hard keratin covers of the dorsal portions of your distal phalanges?

Need help - crazed loungers only

What is the best way to handle bullying?

Ever feel like a big, fat, pony?


MST3K and Rifftrax fans - live streaming tonight at 9 ET/6PT of "Shake Hands With Danger"

I hate cold sores...

Aeroplane In A Bottle --- With Kitties....

Any idea/projection as to when Parenthood will be canceled?

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 3/29/10

Elementary School Puts on Production of "Scarface"

Kate Winslet's dialogue in Titanic:

Father shoots daughter's boyfriend after catching them in the act

I dunno, the whole fundraiser at the bondage club thing

Michael Savage

QUICK: How do you prepare brown rice?


Am I the only one who has never read Ayn Rand?

Vibes, Prayers etc....Needed

I Support Canada's Right to Exist

Name An Artist That You Love Their Work But Hate Their Politics

In the age of Hollywood remakes, has there ever been a remake that was better than the original?

Time again for the official DU "I LOVE STEVE MILLER BAND" thread

Yay! The Hummingbird Nest Cam is back live!

Last 5 full albums you have listened to?

"GOP senator to Obama: You do immigration bill" - Laziness As A Virtue?

Health Care Violence

Health Care Violence

Must Read Paul Krugman: Punks and Plutocrats

Great article: Paul Ryan -- bad at math, or bad at telling the truth

"Comfortable in their own skin"

"a sign of an opposition political party gone mad"

Recess appointments: Bush in 8 years, 171... Obama in 1.2 years, 15

"Secrecy, surprise: Anatomy of Obama's Afghan trip"

"No August Repeats: How The Dems Are Approaching Recess With HCR Victory Behind Them"

"Seeking To Strip Gays Of Hate Crimes Protections, Oklahoma Remove Protections For Race...Religion"

This is a good reason why that public option should have been part of the health care

Obama's Power Surge


I should call Joe Madison tomorrow and ask him WHATS UP WITH YOUR BOY !!!!

It's an uphill slog, but we have youth on our side!

First Steele now Sean Hannity accused of illegal practices

The "Wasilla Gorilla" weighs in on the "FINAL FOUR" (LOL)

Inside the Washington Post Poll, Obama a strong leader & understands the problems of people like you

Obama brought cool campaign persona to healthcare battle

The Constitutional Law Professor.

Michael Steele will be gone in a week and watch thing heat up for chairmanship

Are Real Clear Politics polls (epolls accurate)....if they are, the numbers are horrible......I'm

MSNBC just reported President Obama may take on campaign finance. O'Donnell immediately poopooed it!

AP: Ethics Report Faults Nathan Deal

More Than 250,000 White House Visitor Records Now Online

Meek looks to make history with petition drive

Griffith challenge goes to state level

American Conservative Union accuses McHenry-led PAC of corruption

Obama More Popular In Kansas Than Republican Legislature

PHOTOS Official photos from Afghanistan

Democrat Rodriguez-Salazar withdraws from 3rd District race

Cunningham endorsed by retired Gen. Wesley Clark

Utah gov not taking sides in US Senate race

Kerry names Frank Lowenstein (son of Allard as the SFRC staff director and Douglas Frantz as deputy

President Obama to throw ceremonial 1st pitch for Nats

Ratigan: Will have Militia leader on to discuss the Militia Group"Fringe"?

The Tea Party Anti-Socialism Pledge

Roth, Grisham and the fake Italian interviews (The New Yorker)

'Our vote is our arms!' Sarah Palin in Searchlight, NV this weekend

I don't know...this whole GOP lesbian night club scandal actually makes them seem cooler.

Minn. Dems endorse Clark to take on GOP's Bachmann

We should really milk this GOP obstructionism thing...

Sarah Palin totally steals Speaker Nancy Pelosi's words in her Facebook post!

A Photo to Cleanse the Palate

"Tea-Party Candidates Face Hard Reality of Campaigns"

What Are Republicans?

After Health-Care Reform Victory, Emboldened Obama Standing Tall Abroad

NY Times - R.N.C. Spends Thousands on Jets, Limos and Clubs

OMG! OMG! I co-signed HCR Bill for real and am getting a certificate!!!11!!11

Where Should We Send Your Certificate?

"Bachmann, who is by most measures stark raving mad, didn't disappoint."

2010 Census: Officials Worry Low Response Rate Is Form Of Anti-Government Protest

"Yo, yo, check it!" Michael Steele Spent RNC Funds at a Topless Bondage Club

"Which political party, the (Democrats) or the (Republicans), do you trust to do a better job ....."

Nancy Pelosi: The intent of Congress to end discrimination against children was crystal clear

Paul Krugman: File Under Vile

"If you like the war so much, go enlist."

Obama's Surprise Trip to Afghanistan: A Pro-War Pep Rally

Student Loan Amendment question...

We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, Now you get mad!?

A question on retirees drug benefits: Companies might drop drug coverage

Treasury looks to profit off of Sale of Citibank shares

Obama's Bagram Fly-in: What He Didn't Visit

One reason 1994 will not replay itself in 2010

President Obama, why are we not experiencing peace now? This is bullshit

Binyamin Netanyahu's efforts to heal rift marred as Barack Obama branded 'disaster for Israel'

Special relationship is over, MPs say. Now stop calling us America's poodle

More SF cases may be dropped in crime lab scandal

Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print

Washington ratchets up war threats against Iran

Crazy Palin urges teabaggers to "pull over" cars with Obama bumperstickers

Because she endorsed a Democrat, Republican Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava may face primary challenge

Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change In his first in-depth interview si

Iraq election winners face ban over Baath links

U.S. Consumer Spending Up Modestly

RNC investigating money spent at L.A. bondage club

CNN report suggests militia group linked to Tea Party

9 militia members charged in police-killing plot

Case of alleged Craigslist (College Republican) killer back in court

(Rep. Alan) Grayson snares almost $500K in massive fundraiser

CNN Poll: Obama approval up in wake of health care victory.

Netanyahu tries to play down tensions with US

Kristol: The Russians ‘in some ways have brought’ suicide bombings ‘on themselves.’

RNC Says Member Will Return $2,000 Reimbursed for Visit to Bondage Club

Democratic group targets tea party candidates

AP Sources: Militia suspected police-killing plot

Gov't to Give 5 States $600M Housing Aid

U.S. Consumer Spending Climbs a Fifth Straight Month as Recovery Quickens

Retrial due in slaying of ex-Raider's daughter

SKorea: Mine from NKorea may have sunk naval ship

Half of Commercial Mortgages to Be Underwater: Warren

California Republican returning RNC money after racy club visit

(51%) CNN Poll: Obama approval up in wake of health care victory

Iraqi children's growth stunted by war, says study

Biotechnology ruling: Federal judge says cancer DNA in genes can't be patented

Race to the Top awards go to Delaware, Tennessee

Rifleman opens fire in Franklinton (Ohio). Police urge residents to take cover

Postal Service to file five-day-delivery proposal

UAW trust fund to sell rights to rising Ford stock

Sarkozy Urges World Finance Rules in US Speech

Church charges Calif. minister over gay weddings

Berlin Jews Alarmed By Spate Of Anti - Semitic Attacks

Joe the Plumber Will Not Stump for McCain

Russia: U.S. Aiding Afghan Drug Trade

Obamas mark Passover with private Seder

Poll: 50 percent say they'd support openly gay U.S. president

Tennessee man pleads guilty in plot against Obama

RNC spent $1946.25 at sex-themed nightclub Voyeur West Hollywood.


Data Theft Hits 3.3 Million Borrowers

‘Black Widows’ linked to Moscow blast

(ABC News) Poll: No more enthusiasm gap between political parties

Deadly explosions on Moscow Metro system

12-Year-Old Murder Suspect To Be Tried As An Adult(11 at time of crime)

Marine's father ordered to pay Westboro's court costs

9 Hutaree members face federal charges of conspiracy, attempting to use weapons of mass destruction

Man accused(arrested) of making threats against Cantor

9 indicted in death of South Hadley teen, who took life after bullying

June Havoc, Vaudeville Star, Dies

Tell the Senate to Strengthen Financial Reform Legislation and Hold Big Banks Accountable

Pretty Divisive Here Lately. In the Interest of Harmony....

Joe the dog tries to change the world

Congresswoman Kosmas (FL-24) is on our side

US MSM not only disgusting: it's an intelligence/psyops shop

N@zi Flag paraded outside capital last weekend

Was JFK's Son - John Jr. Also assassinated?...

New Rule: You Can't Use There Will Be No Cooperation as a Threat When There Was Already None

Explosions in Moscow metro - rescue

Here's more of them for the FBI to pick up.

FBI Here's one using Waco images and promoting Bring Your Guns to Washington

Obama rallies troops on visit to Afghanistan

NV Tea Party Candidate: Yes, I Owe $200k In Back Taxes, No, I'm Not A Democratic Plant

In Response to All These Militia Crackpot Videos

Repeal & replace vs. repeal of HC reform

TYT: Conservative - Dems Are To Blame For Tea Party Threats (& Bonus Hate Voicemail!)

Obama skull & crossbones flag w/ bullet hole PROVES Palin is right...Teabaggers are NON-VIOLENT.

FBI Alert. Here's a WILD ONE!

Yes We Can vs. Hell No You Can't -- REMIX

Michelle Bachmann's School of Statistics

Michele Bachmann Makes A Speech From Inside A Boxing Ring, Decries "Pantywaist Republicans"

Scarface School Play

Erick Erickson Tries to Explain Some of His Controversial Comments

TYT: Nurse Gets People To Commit Suicide Over Internet (While He Watches)

Republican Caller To C-Span: Too Many Blacks Call In

Reid To Tea Partiers: Welcome To My Hometown

TYT: Rep. Boehner - Republicans Support The Bankers

Another Crackpot Planning for the Next American Revolution

Palin's Constitutional Law Professor Attack

The Baby Eating Bishop

BE COUNTED - George Takei & Brad Altman

Teabaggers in Searchlight Nevada, Obama Flag with Bullet Hole Part 2

Militias Issue a LIST OF DEMANDS to State and Federal Governments! LOL

Dennis Ross ‘peddling the same snake oil’

Nick Coleman "That reform sure doesn't go very far"

Slideshow: President Obama makes surprise visit to troops in Afghanistan

The Growing Movement for Publicly Owned Banks

Punks and Plutocrats

The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters

The Ballad of John and Loco

To the Editor : I have no respect for anyone who would beat a child

The risks of Practicing Journalism

Welcome to Glenn Beck's World: What If the Tea Partiers Ruled the Country?

Undergrads flock to computer science programs

Are Americans Too Broken By Corporations to Resist?

Tobias: Obama, Senate Need to Move Fast on Vacancies

Our Turn? (James Howard Kunstler)

Is this video going too far?

Don't Wait for Reform.

Chris Hedges: Is America ‘Yearning For Fascism?’

Funniest Political Pictures of All Time

GOP's New Slogan: 'We’re the Party of Freedom, Except for Bondage Clubs'

Legion of Christ

Washington ratchets up war threats against Iran

The Rage Is Not About Health Care - Rich

A Bomber Jacket Doesn't Cover the Blood

Juan Cole: Alleged Christian Terrorists said to Target Moderate American Muslims

Key Differences Between Progressive and Liberal; how "Liberal" Thinking Can be Part of the Problem

Eighteen Million, Out in the Road

India 19th nuclear reactor joins power grid today

Getting biblical

Drumbeat: March 29, 2010

Was That Really Five Years?

Peak oil review - Mar 29

Weekend Drumbeat

The forests of the Basque Autonomous Community are progressing – slowly -, according to research...

Chemical cocktail affects humans and the environment

Weathercasters Take on Role of Science Educators; Feel Some Uncertainty on Issue of Climate Change

Halliburton Hunts New Bacteria Killer to Protect Shale-Gas Boom

Colo. gas-coal fight could preview national battle

NCAR - Asia's Air Pollution Pulled Into Stratosphere By Action Of Monsoons - AFP

Indian Survey Of 1,300 Himalayan Glaciers Shows 16% Loss Of Area In Past 50 Years - Economic Times

As China's Drought Slashes Hydropower Output, Demand Pushes Coal Prices Higher - Bloomberg

E20 Fuel Reduces Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon Emissions in Automobiles

Our climate is changing - prepare for it

The Struggle of Farming a Land Where 'Normal' Has Lost Its Meaning

Starving, Emaciated Sea Lion Pups Washing Up All Along California Beaches

Research Showing Carbon Emissions at All Time High -- And Accelerating

Microbial answer to plastic pollution?


Beijing Unveils Solution To Reeking Landfills - Giant Deodorant Guns To Spray Dump Sites - Guardian

NYC Health Board Overturns Honeybee Ban - And Wouldn't You Know It? It Was A Giuliani Rule

Popular Science looks inside GE new 4MW turbine.

Some Rainfall But No Relief As S. China Drought Spreads To Encompass 61 Million People - AP

Ocean Acidity Fuels Rapid Decline In Sulfur-Metabolizing Bacteria - Effects On Food Chain, Climate

New North Anna (VA) reactor receives enviromental approval.

For Three Dollars More

USDA Totals Show Continuing Loss Of Beehives In 2009, Though At Marginally Slower Rate

Fire breaks out at Perry Nuclear Power Plant--First Energy's other poorly managed nuke on Lake Erie

Global Warming Activist, Journalist, Perish in Antarctica

Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change In his first in-depth interview si

I just have to say this...

Giants sign Cain, Affeldt and Wilson to extensions

who is your National Champion?

OK, El! Here were my final four picks!

It's that time of the year everyone! It's ABD Time!!!!

Phillip Buchanon signs with Washington Redskins

At least she doesn't want as much as Manny is getting...

The arrogance of Michigan State is appalling

Obama to throw out Nationals ceremonial 1st pitch

Venezuela's Socialist Party Vice President Resigns

With cheap food imports, Haiti can’t feed itself

Venezuela: Revolution in the Electrical Industry

Venezuela and Ecuador Create Joint Mining, Fishing, Cacao, Auto Lubricant Companies

Ecuador Seeks Investors to Fund Hydro Plant

Securing Haiti

Whoever Becomes Brazil's Next President It Won't Be an Anti-Lula

Heckuva Job, AIPAC ++ Names of Members of Congress Backing Netanyahu

Binyamin Netanyahu's efforts to heal rift marred as Barack Obama branded 'disaster for Israel'

ADL: Apology Not Withstanding, Carter Reverts To Anti-Israel Rhetoric

Hamas security men seize money from Gaza bank

Israel To Focus On Key Iran Nuclear Targets In Any Strike

After 2-year delay, clothing to enter Gaza

U.S. and Israel sign a massive arms deal

U.S. and Israel sign a massive arms deal

“Health Care Reform is a Remarkable Achievement”

On the patterns of Labor

Israel Fears Obama Heading For Imposed Mideast Settlement

Israel's pull, or your push?

An Israeli government minister has warned that Israel may move to re-occupy the Gaza Strip.

Today in Labor History Mar 29 Sam Walton born, largest U.S. importer of foreign-made goods

Project Labor Agreement in NYC Will Preserve Construction Jobs

Teamsters Local 174, garbage truck drivers, vote to authorize a labor strike

Iran Blasts West's Support for Israel's "State Terrorism"

Fierce debate on Israel underway inside Obama administration

RNC spent $1946.25 at sex-themed nightclub Voyeur West Hollywood.

Gay military man "gets married" (Civil Partnership)

Today is a good day! If you have to get ready for work watching Morning Joke,

Albany elementary school teacher shot and killed by Amherst homeowner (Misleading headline)

Concealed-carry law passes Iowa Senate

Homeowner misuses gun

Judge rules in favor of empty holster protest

Massive Federal Raid in Lenawee County (Militia raided)

More good news out of Iowa

Criminals for gun control

In the macro theme

Stacking the moon

wet, frost-mangled flower

natures designs

WHO expresses understandable fears concerning the credibililty

spring is here in south texas

A smile for a full moon

From Yoga for School Credit

Online poll is costing "persecuted" Christians a small fortune.

Dumb ?. Where does the Vatican get all it's money?

New Rapture warning (I think it's the sixth):

Why Does Congress Allow a Pedophilia-ridden Church to Control Women’s Rights?

HIV patients 'need drug lifeline'

Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings

CDC Confirms Norovirus on 3rd Straight SC Cruise


Will Republicans aid financial reform?

Measles Outbreak Triggered by Unvaccinated Child

Housing and the Paradox of Credit Bubbles, Equity and Demand

Heading Off the Next Financial Crisis

Have a question about Ron Paul Capitalism rhetoric

Is Obama's appointment of Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education as bad or worse

Source: Feds Pick Delaware, Tenn. For Ed Grants

Deal saves 2,000 LAUSD jobs

St Louis Forum on March 27 ~ plus link to great film

The College Credit Crunch

Salute to Dinger!

I'm On Thom Hartman Next

Detroit PS: Scam cost $57M FBI investigates ex-risk manager; district sues to recover money