Democratic Underground

Archives: March 20, 2010

Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill

Malcom X assassin to walk free after 4 decades

"Looking Forward on the 5th Anniversary of Terri's (Schiavo's) Death"

For this infamous anniversary: 2003 San Francisco Anti-War Protest Pics..

For this infamous anniversary: 2003 San Francisco Anti-War Protest Pics..

Reform Bill To Increase Medicaid Payments For Primary Care

Couldn't Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) have stayed in House long enough for this vote?

Couldn't Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) have stayed in House long enough for this vote?

Insurance companies and the parable of the Hamburger Stand.

Has anyone listened to the ads on right wing talk radio

Geeky as this sounds, I wanted to write Treasury Secretary Geithner a Letter of Support.

Geeky as this sounds, I wanted to write Treasury Secretary Geithner a Letter of Support.

Geeky as this sounds, I wanted to write Treasury Secretary Geithner a Letter of Support.

Help me design a drinking game for the House health care debate

Remarkable Foresight from our President

DADT and Desegregation of the Armed Forces

DADT and Desegregation of the Armed Forces

So is the Public Option Through Reconciliation Letter to Reid no longer in play? nt

Bernanke footnote: Fed wants end to ‘minimum reserve requirements’

A Jonathan Humbert appreciation thread!

For your reference: the House roll call vote on the November HRC bill

For your reference: the House roll call vote on the November HRC bill


Just a Theory, I know, and I won't be offended if you disagree, but this Talking Point by the Repuke

Just a Theory, I know, and I won't be offended if you disagree, but this Talking Point by the Repuke

If Boehner Says So

My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain ...a letter from Michael Moore

Arizona Drops Children’s Health Program

San Onofre gets more time to ward off radiological sabotage

Speaking of NCAA, Guess who's getting out of prison in 6 short months!

"Employees will only do what you inspect, not what you expect"

Dogs likely originated in the Middle East, new genetic data indicate

Dogs likely originated in the Middle East, new genetic data indicate

Dogs likely originated in the Middle East, new genetic data indicate

Good grief! The vote this weekend is just the House. It STILL has to pass the Senate again!

Arcane, Dude, you are in the PAPER!

Tomorrow is our JDRF walk. The thousands of kids with diabetes would never be able to get

Adding the cost of the "medicare fix" to the HCR - More right wing lies and bullshit

My guys

Did anyone call their congressperson today?

School Suspensions Lead to Legal Challenge

error delete please

So like did you know Christiane Amanpour is leaving CNN for ABC's "This Week"

Rachel will be dealing with Ensign and the Ensign related

When Is The Last Time You Marched In Civil Protest?

Pelosi also confirms today that "pre-existing condition" clause is for children only.

White House extends status of Librarians in US

Dennis Kucinich is on Real Time right now

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!!

Retired Steubenville prof putting health bill online

Holy shit

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet - town hall on cnbc about america and capitalism and other topics

How does an Hourly employee become salary employee on min wage?

Burglar helps Washington police find him by using store's computer to log onto MySpace

The End-Game: It's Time for Al Pacino to Give the Dems a Pep Talk

And the repukes say about health care "NO No No No No...Nein Nein Nein Nein Nein!"

GRAPHIC! Animal abuse... too much lovin' and pettin'!

I should not be surprised, but how has John Ensign not been forced to resign???

What's the obsession we Dems have with "debunking" teh krazee..

Pelosi makes deal with Stupak

Why is it that I picture Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning every time I see a sporting event ...

Do u think that most people assume that if Banks were allowed to fail, then people on main st would

Friday LOL's - pics

You can say any hateful sort of thing you want to about Catholicism on this board.

Just received an email from NOW

Georgia congressidiot pushing theocracy.

Georgia congressidiot pushing theocracy.

GOP senator: Healthcare bill may cost immigration overhaul

VERY COOL -- How I Ran My Ad on Fox News

I used to be in the Middle Class, but My View of my Stature has Changed

Robert Reich: A Worried Postscript To The House Health Care Bill


Court: Fed must disclose bailout records

Do you ever feel like ..."This whole world was fallin' right down in front of me"?

Reported in a newspaper in the Pacific Northwest-conseratives

Watch Anthony Weiner Smack Down Peggy Noonan On Health Care

Watch Anthony Weiner Smack Down Peggy Noonan On Health Care

Pressure Drop: Brave Sir Dennis Ran Away

Pressure Drop: Brave Sir Dennis Ran Away

Fast forward to financial reform- here's the preface to the speech:

The Monster Engine: Children's Drawings Painted Realistically

CSPAN schedule today...

I will now recall a Japanese car for any reason.

The juicy details behind the Viacom - YouTube lawsuit

Pope letter on Catholic sex abuse scandal meets Irish skepticism

Obama's fallback Plan B is actually a hell of a lot better than what is on offer

Summers Takes On Boehner: "Punk Staffers" Aren't the Problem, Bank Lobbyists Are

Real ID, Part Duex

Boeing could face competition after all for Air Force tanker

Congress seeks more records on Camp Lejeune tainted water

They're baaaa-aaack

On Line poll- now open

Bernie Sanders: Fight Republicans' Hypocrisy

JFCOM’s Mattis Pushes Light IW Aircraft

Mika has finally found someone to 'fight' who is on her dazzling intellectual level:

A funny thing happened on the way to the congressional switchboard earlier this week.

The assault on Habeas Corpus continues

Just received an email from NOW is a joke.

What time is the American Taliban/abortion Mujahideen religious anti choice press conference?

Today's Epic Fail.....

Today's Epic Fail.....

Blackmail? Graham vows to table immigration reform bill if healthcare measure passes

Stupak & The Enrollment Corrections Bill = The Deal

Health Reform and the Spector of Alf Landon

"leftist" NPR aligns with National Review, comes out against "social justice" & "sustainability"

Condoleezza Rice admits Iraq regrets,

WaPo: Thousands expected in DC Saturday for anti-war protest

The Greeks have a word for it; Xenophobia rears up as Athens tightens belt

Alex Koppelman, Salon: "Why the hell would Politico run this?"

If the NCAA tournament was decided by a team's academic performance . . .

Boehner desperate, implores Dems to 'make tough choice' and defeat healthcare bill

The PUBLIC OPTION is NOT "socialism" - it is HONEST competition for the insurance crooks

Man kills kid, eats brain for epilepsy cure

Here's How I Think They Twisted Kucinich's Arm:

Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fall

Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fall

Computer snafu is behind at least 50 'raids' on Brooklyn couple's home

The Repugs in Florida legislature are getting to nuke! - courtesy of Jeb Bush!

Oh, Sweet Jesus! Get Ready for The Ronald Reagan Centennial Celebration

The Republican Party should change its name-

another avenue of political news dying

Texas pardons convict for rape he didn't commit -- 9 years after his death

Beckkk is committing blasphemy.

Something kinda nice about us. . .

Students discover clawed dinosaur in China

Republicans don't want folks to get abortions........(well, they really don't care, really)

So what would you have done? Leaving a major chain drugstore, I had my path blocked by 2 employees

Revised CBO numbers say it HCR will INCREASE the debt after all

Revised CBO numbers say it HCR will INCREASE the debt after all

Can Canadian Perfumer Help Afghanistan Beat the Poppy Trade?

GOP Congressman: majority of Republicans on hill say Iraq was MISTAKE

When and or where will the DC anti-war protest be televised?

"The Stupak bloc is the only obstacle to passing the bill at this point."

Health care costs up 19% 4 years after Ohio passes tort reform

Guardian UK: British Airways 'declares war' on union after talks fail

Russia set to launch Proton-M rocket with U.S. telecoms satellite

"The poll numbers started to turn around when Democratic leaders took a stand."

House convenes in 15 minutes. If you think yesterday's dialogue reeked of desperation, today

House convenes in 15 minutes. If you think yesterday's dialogue reeked of desperation, today

How much do you pay for Internet service?

Ken Cuccinelli, Reich Wing VA Atty General on C-Spin

(Unconfirmed - via Twitter) - Bridge Collapse

Taliban Arrests Had 'Negative Impact': Afghan Official

The Repuks in the Florida Legislature are nuking the State - Courtesy of Jeb Bush

Boehner Claims Student Loan Reform Will ‘Eliminate Every Bank In The Country’

Real world housemate accused of urinating on toothbrush

Happy 7th birthday to the blogger Ybor City Stogie.."born from the courage of Howard Dean".

Will they go for the vote if they're not absolutely sure they have it?

So have the Palin Americans officially proclaimed it ALL CAPS DAY today.

I'm curious if the Docker Boy with a strip joint sense of sensibility...

The guarantee that greed is the basis of what we call "capitalism" spells our doom as a society


This is hysterical.

China’s Growth Shifts the Geopolitics of Oil

hey buddies can you spare a dime........please give to BuzzFlash

Obama lookalike

Chris Dodd's wife and derivatives trading

My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain

I do not support the bill despite Kucinich's switch. I would if

This clap trap about eliminating abortion services from the

what happened to the bart stupak presser?

Nicaraguan abortion law under fire (thank goodness)

Three words - not good for our country - Bwaaaaaaaaah hahahaha

E.J. Dionne: Why Democrats have rallied behind a bill that large numbers of republicans should love

E.J. Dionne: Why Democrats have rallied behind a bill that large numbers of republicans should love

healthcare reform sign ideas

Teabaggers' New Protest: "No Government Takeover of Congress"

More employers use tech to track workers

Brick Thrown Through Window In Slaughter's District Office

Brick Thrown Through Window In Slaughter's District Office

Kraft To Cut Salt In Its North American Foods, Affects 1,000+ Products

The Right Wing Reich does have strong family values,...

so when republicans use deem and pass it's ok...but it's 'demon pass' when dems use it.

Sandstorms blanket Beijing in yellow dust

Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 3.20.10

Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 3.20.10

Reid to visit House with "whip check" in hand

We are still shocked. We were never awed. We have not adjusted.

We are still shocked. We were never awed. We have not adjusted.

Democrat Enters N.Y. Governor Race as Republican

Democrat Enters N.Y. Governor Race as Republican

Fox News commentator Geraldo Rivera criticizes Bret Baier’s Obama interview.

Kathy Griffin Asks Bachmann if She's "Naturally a Bigot"

Dennis Kucinich- The Origami Congressman

If Health Care Reform will get rid of Limpblob, sign it yesterday.

House Dems Confident in Overcoming Abortion Rift

Tomorrow, tomorrow. Will we be....

Tomorrow, tomorrow. Will we be....

The Best Tea Party Video Yet?

French guillotine exhibition opens 33 years after the last head fell

self delete

At Least 1 in 6 Soldiers Is Taking Psychiatric Drugs

My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain^ Michael Moore

Just came in. watched 5 min of CSPAN 2. Why do Repukes always rudely interrupt?

kucinich on with alex twit.....m$nbc...

Petition article to prohibit computerized vote counting passes

Petition article to prohibit computerized vote counting passes

Petition article to prohibit computerized vote counting passes

"Take 2 Tax Breaks and Call Me in the Morning". Priceless!

So, I just opened the Scroogle (Google without big brother) and

Arizona Drops Children’s Health Program (scream)

A Very Important Article From November 2006

Pope attributes Irish sex abuse scandal to "growing secularization"

Owens and Hill say 'yes, Barrow a 'no' as undecideds list shrinks

What the Congressional Budget office has figured out of HCR

Iraq: Women's rights in danger

2 anonymous pro-life GOP members tell National Review why the Stupak presser was cancelled

Rep. Diana DeGette says Democrats don't need Stupak. Update: Executive order compromise?

Two more Yes votes (holds): Bill Owens (NY) and Baron HIll (IN)

Forbes - "Republican Deficit Hypocrisy" - Medicare Part D - Noted By Maddow

Forbes - "Republican Deficit Hypocrisy" - Medicare Part D - Noted By Maddow

Everyone in New Zealand has 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, no-fault comprehensive injury cover

A GOP politician and a multinational CEO with a simple proposal you will actually want to support

Here we are, Amerca, on the cusp of the medical insurance vote.

CBO Presentation On Fiscal Policy Choices - March 8, 2010 - Wonky But Short

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Wachovia/Wells Fargo Pays $160 Million to Halt Drug Money Laundering Probe

Police discover meth lab in their own lobby;

Turn Rachel On!

Lehman was warned -- accounting tricks possibly illegal

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Why would a yes vote on HCR effect election chances?

Screw you, you little prick from the DNC phone banks

Japanese Sushi Restaurant to give away free Orca (killer whale) meat

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate tactics

Help find solar storms and comets online with NASA's STEREO satellites..

Sean Hannity new defense ...... they were building "a trust fund"

Whoa... Pelosi: 'No Separate Vote' For Stupak...Or Anybody Else - TPM

Wachovia/Wells Fargo Pays $160 Million to Halt Drug Money Laundering Probe

Fuck Boehner

Are we shoving health care down the American peoples throat or are we shoving it up the republicans

Need this debunked ASAP: author just died: "7 reasons why Barack Obama is not a Christian" - "A Final Weekend of Whoppers" Re Health Care Reform

Where is last night's Countdown?.. The podcasts are not anywhere.

Here's another question: why, in the face of possible HCR, would

'demon' is a religious word - when and who used it first re: health reform

Waxman: No health deal with abortion opponents

Arrest made in Wal-Mart racial announcement incident

On the RW argument that the Democratic health care reform cost too much:

On the RW argument that the Democratic health care reform cost too much:

Driving While Black: Cops Racist Tirade recorded on tape..

San Marcos Owl Cam (Molly & MaGee)

Man arrested for hitting door with hoe

Disputed Memo Tick-Tock: Where'd The 'Hoax' Start?

The "NCAA Corporate Champions"

GOP Lawmakers Use Christian Hate Radio To Concoct Conspiracies, Build Opposition To Health Reform

Sunshine and Shadows: The Clear Obama Message for Freedom of Information Meets Mixed Results

Fox News won't show a wide shot of the teabaggers!

Four U.S. Congressional Districts have no say in upcoming health care vote

Brick hurled through Louise Slaughter's office in NY

Dana Perino: Fox's Bret Baier didn't "beat up" Obama, it was WH staff's fault for not being prepared

New threat puts Calif. police on heightened alert

I just called Zach Space's office...........

What would be the strongest message for a Dem challenger to a GOP Congressional seat?

Large gathering of Tea-Partiers at the Capitol today - exclusive picture:

Large gathering of Tea-Partiers at the Capitol today - exclusive picture:

I understand why the Nun's are for the health care bill

I understand why the Nun's are for the health care bill

Former Interior Secretary Stewart Udall - has died

HCR question: Keeping your older kids on your insurance

Is that Tanning Tax still part of this bill?

Is that Tanning Tax still part of this bill?

Duncan ED Budget: Segregation Wins 2-1

POPE: "sorry" for all the rape

Lead gay legal group sues senior openly-gay Obama official for anti-gay discrimination

Man, 81, Charged With Selling Marijuana

Hmm, what would you do?


For those that didn't see it: Morning Joe Charter School Debate Today & Next Thursday Show Debate

What issues or topics should be discussed in General Discussion group?

What issues or topics should be discussed in General Discussion group?

Hoyer announces tomorrow's vote procedure for House.

Hoyer Says Reid Promises Reconcilation Votes Are There

Bernie Sanders for president!?

Saving Stupak's Face

Saving Stupak's Face

BREAKING -- House to vote (no deem and pass) on the Senate bill - Politico

EDIT - DELETE Thanks to all who responded! I learned it's an old virus BS e-mail. Thanks! nt

Who's speaking at the Dem Caucus right now, before Obama's turn?

Violence report- Brick through window

By trolling conservative fringe sites, am I part of the problem?

Feds investigate brick thrown at Louise Slaughter's office in Niagara Falls

Feds investigate brick thrown at Louise Slaughter's office in Niagara Falls

Just saw the latest scare-tactic anti-HCR ad.

From Josh Marshall: Menacing Crowd of Protesters Taunting Dem Lawmakers

From Josh Marshall: Menacing Crowd of Protesters Taunting Dem Lawmakers

*** Happy VERNAL EQUINOX *** Mar 20 2010 - 1:32 PM EDT ***

I just told BO to 'ram it through' on c-span....n/t

31 Minutes Ago... Hoyer: "clearly we believe we have the votes"

From the heart of Red-country: The most positive responses to this statement of the issues:

Republicans Are Still Lying Out of Their Ass!

FOX News unfair and unhinged.

I agree with Kucinich more often than with Stupak. But when it comes to having balls...

I agree with Kucinich more often than with Stupak. But when it comes to having balls...

Time to repost this.

Could someone please provide a chronology of events that will occur?

Fat Old White Guy at Freeperfest -- Caption

One signature piece of legislation per year....

President on CSPAN

McNerney a yes!!!!

Online Video coverage of the Teabaggers today? I'm striking out

What type of computer are you presently using?

OK seriously this is like the last scene in a Godfather movie.

The ultimate paradox

The Debate boils down to this number: $210,241,936


Pro gay provisions stripped from health reform

Indonesian Forces Tapped by Obama for Renewed US Aid Implicated in New Assassinations

SXSW - 12 bands, 12 hours, Pure Bliss

Will we have the votes to pass the bill by tomorrow (if we don't already have them now?)

If it wasn't for the nasty pictures of Obama at the tea bagger protest

Honda recalls 400,000 Elements and Odysseys due to brake problem

Honda recalls 400,000 Elements and Odysseys due to brake problem

Wow, we are getting some interesting posts and new insights here on DU!

Topless, yellow thong & pink glove-clad Colorado resident fights... for her right ... to GARRRRR-den

Any DUers ever work for the Census?

#Cuellar Goes From On The Fence To "Yes"

Hate groups increasingly using social media, report says `

In Bid to Sway Sales, Cameras Track Shoppers

So this is why Rice was out yesterday: Feds Finds Massive Fraud in Bush's $150 Billion Iraq Reconstr

Wal-Mart to slash grocery prices

I'll tell you another reason why we need to pass this bill

Michael Moore: My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain

US tanker bid war heats up with Airbus, Russia in wings

US tanker bid war heats up with Airbus, Russia in wings

Swimmer Describes Culture of Abuse in Aquatics Community

Have any of you used the Credit Bible Secrets manual to conquer

Where does DU stand on the current HealthCare Reform Bill

Looking forward to the teabaggers enjoying the taste of defeat

Most creative jury duty excuse ever

With all this talk about the tea-baggers out in DC today I'm wondering why they

"Debt is the weapon used to conquer and enslave societies......

Huffington Post's lead story: "10 VOTES AWAY FROM HEALTH CARE REFORM"

DeLay back at Capitol for healthcare protest

The Happy Meal that didn't Spoil, Would you eat this?

Cute doctor alert! CNN has white coat dude and cutie pie Matt Heinz (Representative - D)

U.S. Turns a Blind Eye to Opium in Afghan Town

Grit TV was cut off, anybody else?

Scott Murphy on Board. And Kosmas. 217 yes, 214 no per whip count, per Fox News...

Just Some Thoughts On Health Care Reform...

Thousands rally on anniversary of invasion of Iraq (pics)

RAHM: Repubs 'at the behest of fringe group that's taken control of their party & they're scared'

When will a convenient video of Bin Laden praising the HC reform bill/s hit the MSM

Teabaggers threaten to kill the President

"We fought wars against this kind of European health care,"- idiot on C-span.

Reid Promises Separate Public Option Vote In Next Few Months

I Just Read The Craziest Thread Ever In DU Re DADT

So we now can't call threads crazy even if we don't link them

Sen. Hatch to House Dems: If you Pass it, You Will Have to Vote on it Again

I'm Glad We Are Going To Whip The Republi(cant)s Tomorrow

I am hearing some conservatives say that if HCR passes..

One more reason credit unions rock!

when will Nancy Grace be run off the air???

If this Is A Republican Health Care Bill Why Won't One Republican Vote For It?

If this Is A Republican Health Care Bill Why Won't One Republican Vote For It?

Bipolar and I'm Not Giving Up

Okeefe and Breitbart should be brought up on manslaughter charges.

On the Anniversary of Illegal Iraq Invasion: Secret Government is Un-American

Come On Baby, Fight My Liar

Ten Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq

Gotta live one, Folks!

Judge marries defendant to alleged victim

Rep. Jim Himes, D-Connecticut, showing some Strength here.

is there a time for The Vote tomorrow?

Send your name on a Solar Sail

Amend the US Constitution: Individual Person Hood is an inalienable Right; Vigil at US Supreme Court

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) tells Ted Kennedy's widow "I'm a firm no"

Four more years???.

Rep. John Garamendi, D-California trying to be reasonable still."Read the bill."

The Nation: Fox Flubs at Suspending Disbelief

Making Public Information Available Online: Rep. Israel Introduces the Public Online Information Act

Mob Rule on the Hill

I think gays here have earned the right to be skeptical about new rules that occur on gay threads

The Death of American Populism

The Death of American Populism

What am I missing about healthcare?

Tiger Woods' Sexting Texts: Free Verse Poetry

Tiger Woods' Sexting Texts: Free Verse Poetry

K&R this if you think GOP Leadership should condemn the Teabaggers on the House Floor!

Authentic teabag rally or Brooks Brothers riot?

As Bad as the Banksters

Urban Harvesters Scavenge Backyards to Feed the Hungry


TPM Picking Up Teabagger Story... This Needs To Be National News By Tonight !!!

Is the HCR Clusterfaux ever going to be over with?

Alexandria HS stops morning prayers after student complains

Alexandria HS stops morning prayers after student complains

Great tee shirt seen on the road today

Gotta love CNN's coverage - "If only 6 more Dems vote NO, this measure

Cast Adrift: America’s Jobless Cope With Shredded Safety Net

"Michael Lewis: The Big Short" airing every 4 hours this weekend on Bloomberg TV

The Capital Hill police need to ARREST THE TEABAGGERS!

Mika Brzezinski VS. Miley Cyrus over pole dance

NYT: Rethinking Sex Offender Laws for Teenage Texting

It's time for Democrats to demand Republicans denounce actions of Tea-baggers...

To The GOP...

Rules Committee list of amendments out, and some are doozies-all rethug but Grayson's

How's our whip count looking?

How's our whip count looking?

Ratzinger REPEATEDLY ignored a dr's plea to keep a pedophile away from children

DADT discussion reboot. Taking showers will peenee lookers is crazy!

Unemployment soars in U.S. metropolitan areas

Rep Jan Schakowsky: 50 Dems Would Walk Away If Stupak Language Is Re-Inserted

Bush's Brain, AKA Karl Rove is Crapping in My Town Tonight!

Banished veterans - an uncovered story

I just adopted a rescue dog....

The movie Gattaca on YouTube.

The Offshored Economy

The Offshored Economy

Stewart Udall died this morning

Does anyone know how to get theCOBRA subsidy? I got my COBRA bill

From a fundy relative

Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option

Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option

My e-ltr to O'Loofah & INGRAHAM on her assault of Rep.GUTIERREZ over his Yes, which he survived

Teabagger ""Michelle, keep your hands off my kids' lunchbox"

Teabagger ""Michelle, keep your hands off my kids' lunchbox"

"Let’s hear it for Justice Clarence Thomas." Notice: I did not say let's hear from Justice Thomas


Why are there right wing ads on DU?

FINALLY: I got a job!

I need you to plagiarize my letter. Mass action to inform the Masses

Question about car accident insurance in USA

Ban on dropping people based on pre-existing conditions is effective 6 months after bill is enacted

AlterNet: Stop Student Loan Sharking, Make College Free

UNBELIEVABLE: Retired US general blames Srebrenica massacre on gay soldiers

5000 Indiana teachers may lose their jobs.

On Michelle Rhee: Marketing, Marketeing, the Business Model in America's Public Schools

The Great Public Option Flip-Flop: Sanders Will Now Work To Deny the American People an Up-or-Down V

Hedges: "We have undergone a coup d’état...They won...Brand Obama is a marketer's dream."

“Antiochians know how to navigate the world with comfort."

Where have I seen Sarah Palin's hairstyle before...

Did Ed Schultz Do A Piece On Hannity On His Friday Ed Show?......

Did Ed Schultz Do A Piece On Hannity On His Friday Ed Show?......

Did Ed Schultz Do A Piece On Hannity On His Friday Ed Show?......

"Kill the Bill" rally on Capitol Hill - lots of pics

Nestlé Faces Facebook Crisis Over Greenpeace Rainforest Allegations

Rep Emanuel Cleaver Spat On By T-Partier, Arrest Made - Crewof42 (Updated w/Clyburn Quote)

Historians speak out against proposed Texas textbook changes

BANK....BUST....FRIDAY !!!! ....... 7 More Bite the Dust !!!

I'm actually going to be damn impressed with Obama if everything goes right tomorrow...

My take on HCR bill being fixed later:

Wow... Have You Guys Heard About Solar Roadways ???

Wow... Have You Guys Heard About Solar Roadways ???

Orange man Boehner said Republicans can't stop

Pre-Existing Conditions

Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes.

What do I need to do to get a job?

President to Caucus: Let's Get This Done

Corporations can't have it both ways

What were in the 17,998 questions from loyal viewers that Fox News didn't have time to ask Obama?

Eugene Robinson: Democrats learn no good deed goes unpunished

Toyota, sans technophobia and hype

Chris Dodd's wife and derivatives trading - "all in the family"

European DUers: How does the multiple party system work for you?

Which college degree is most valuable in the new economy?

Tea partier's sign thanks "Fox, Mark, Rush, Glen, Sean, Bill

Post your predictions on tomorrow's vote right HERE.

On the eve of the bill's passage, I bet quite a few people feel as I do ......

Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill

Here's why health insurance is so expensive

Education Toons

FReeper to Michelle on health care: "Hey FLOTUS, go put the bone back your nose and F#%K OFF!!!!!!!

FReeper to Michelle on health care: "Hey FLOTUS, go put the bone back your nose and F#%K OFF!!!!!!!

Stay Classy, Tea Party.

Stay Classy, Tea Party.

Stay Classy, Tea Party.

Stay Classy, Tea Party.

Stay Classy, Tea Party.

It's about 12:30pm Saturday here in California. And I wanted to ask if we could

POLL: Do you support the passing of current health reform legislation?

New England Journal of Medicine: Abortion Rates and Universal Health Care

Eat this Mississippi bigots - the teenager you banned from the Prom gets a scholarship on Ellen

Blue Shield of CA basically tells Cary Tennis ( writer with cancer) to GET FUCKED AND DIE.

Rep. Barney Frank distributes ‘Little Punk Staffer’ buttons to Capitol Hill aides.

Health Ins Stocks Rise:

Ye gods.

John Lewis called a "N$gg$r" Barney Frank called a "F$gg%t" today on the Hill by teabaggers

Bart Stupak has a primary challenger in pro-choice Connie Saltonstall. Link to ActBlue page...

Cool Runnings II

You thought berating the man with Parkinson's was bad . . .

If the ground were to suddenly open, and swallow up, never to be seen again, ........

Teenage boy arrested in Walmart racial announcement incident

Why you should Protest, March, or Vigil this weekend March 20th or 21st (place and time in MN)

9 years ago, spied on little ol' Peace Fresno had their 1st Rally in Valley..

Kathleen Turner Channels Molly Ivins' 'Kick-Ass Wit'

Shuler to vote "NO" on HCR.

ABC just showed how Oregon is fighting meth...

Palin: 'It really reflects a lack of experience of Obama's-HCR Is-um, it's a bit over his head'

Hold The Phone... Stupak Ain't Gone Yet !!! - White House Contemplating Exec Order On Abortion...

healthcare bill idiocy on facebook....

Fierce! Reconciled HCR Bill Ditches Previously Included LGBT Health Provisions

If a hate site publicly outs PRIVATE Democratic donors is it right to expose the hate site owner?

Yes. I'm being "selfish"... I have to be.

Veterans Today have linked the hannity scandal piece. Legs are growing!

The High Cost of Reform (Health Reform Part 3 of 4)

NJ gov Christie cuts 820 million from public schools, attacks unions, praises charters.

If you decide to watch the most intellectually empty channel on tv, which do you choose?

If Private Health insurance is so good - YOU WOULDN'T NEED A MANDATE TO FORCE US TO BUY THE CRAP!

The Facade of Reform (Health Reform Part 2 of 4)

The Facade of Reform (Health Reform Part 2 of 4)

FLEA-BAG REPUBS & BOOTHERS: (what they really mean by "kill the bill")

FLEA-BAG REPUBS & BOOTHERS: (what they really mean by "kill the bill")

"The insurance lobby will spend brazillions of dollars fighting the passage of this bill"

Ford announces all-new Police Interceptor for North America

Here is MY problem with today's "Centrist" Democratic Party:

Meet a Teabag candidate - Christine O'Donnell of DE - what a joke

New York Times repeats (emphatically) its Big Lie about ACORN.

DU Demographics: Age

DU Demographics: Race & Ethnicity

DU Demographics: Income

We told you the teabaggers were more about racism and hate than anything

We told you the teabaggers were more about racism and hate than anything

DU Demographics: Education

MI Dem governor Granholm using pensions to force retirement of experienced teachers.

Feds Deem Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorists Equals

Feds Deem Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorists Equals

Feds Deem Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorists Equals

I think I've just lost a friend and perhaps my mind.

A Brief Guide to This Weekend's Health Care Vote

Photos: One More for the Road (The Obama Presidency, Days 423 & 424)

Harry Teague is a No vote

Harry Teague is a No vote

FOX is airing an anti-Obama documentary on Sunday?

Confronting the horrors of Iraq’s graves on the Anniversary...


Etheridge is a YES!! (D-NC 2nd District)

OMFG is stupak a putz

I still don't get it. Tell me again why filibuster is so bad?

How much pressure has the GOP placed on Gao this time. Recall that he was the only repub to vote

Harry Mitchell is a YES!

Obama at Virginia's George Mason University

rethugs will pay a price for voting no

Will the teabaggers come out in opposition to the financial regulations bill??

Passing this bill is like commandeering the Titanic to turn it a fraction of a degree away

We will take what we can get

A Stupak Deal?

I am betting the reconciliation bill is coming back to the House

Hey Bart....

Obama's Ratings-rethugs, be very afraid!

Saints Preserve Us

POLL: Israelis 'Overwhelmingly' Favor Obama, Mixed On Netanyahu

AMA Supports The Bill

where do you stand on these issues?

***HEADS UP*** House Rules Committee Considers Health Care Bill at 10 am (ET)

AARP Supports Health Insurance Reform Legislation Before Congress

Obama appeals to Iranian people in Internet video

Is Sanders' Amendment for State Single Payer in the bill?

The constant in Obama's presidency has been his determination to chart a new course.

"We must repeal," the GOP leader argued. "The Republican Party is pledged to do this."

5 things about health care reform

Why is there never a discussion of medically necessary abortions

Okay, that's it. I give. Pass the fucking stupid bill.

Those covered under the current HCR bill will not receive any more coverage

Those covered under the current HCR bill will not receive any more coverage

Democrats in Altmire's district unhappy with him. He has miscalulated- the republicans

Labor groups join to urge Lynch to reconsider 'no' vote on healthcare

Stupak presser canceled

Does stupak have a reputation as someone really knowledgable about the minutea of Legislative rules?

Voters in Stupak's district need to do a lot of fundraising to primary him out of a job.

Hoyer On Health Care: 'We're Going To Have The Votes' - Some won't publicly support till last minute

Dear Representative Stupak...

Health Care's Last Lap: Which House Democrats Are Still In Play?

Congressional Comittee: Massachusetts vs. Texas

Pelosi: 'No Separate Vote' For Stupak...Or Anybody Else

No Deal with Stupak

Anyone watching C-Span?!

1:45 PM ET -- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) will vote YES

Wash Post tweet: BREAKING: House Dems drop 'deem and pass' in favor of separate vote on Senate bill

What do H. Dean, M, Moore, D. Kucinich, B. Sanders, A. Weiner, and A. Grayson have in common?

(Video) Tea Party people exposed. (Hilarious).

HE'S Here, right now nt . ..

Steny Hoyer: Reid has more than 50 signatures for reconciliation.

Bernie Sanders: Fight Republicans’ hypocrisy-use reconciliation

SEIU union stands up to pass the bill, as teaparty taunts man with Parkinson.. this is who they are

Carney says "yes!"

He got this...


DeFazio (OR) reconsiders, now a YES! "Blue Dog" Cuellar (TX) also a YES!

7 yrs ago Lil Boots invaded Iraq, taking the focus off of Osama, so I just want to ask,(violent pic)

p. Paul Broun Compares Health Care Reform To "The Great War Of Yankee Aggression"

Griffith (R-"concerned") rips Obama, Pelosi for pressuring 'nameless' members

Poll: GOP opposition makes people more likely to support health care reform

"This is our Moment"


Obama looks thinner and greyer than he did last year...

You don't buy a home, and THEN say

Speaking off the cuff,

Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes.

CBC member: Health bill protesters called Rep. Lewis the N-word

Shuler NC 11 is a NO

Does anyone know how many more votes to get to 216?

What makes you think Health Insurance Dollars Won't be Spent To Make HCR WORSE after passing?

Win or lose... Here's some love for President Obama!

Gruber: Mandate Opt-Out?!

Protesting in front of McNerney's office - A Blue Dog who is NOW kinda leaning Yes!

'I Am Bound To Be True'

I shouldn't HAVE to say this, but I will: I hope the bill passes

And NO the Pubs won't win big in November...

Matheson will remain a no vote. And he just lost my vote in November.

Per Politico Congressman Space (D-OH) will flip from yes to no.

Boehner Admits Democrats May Pass Bill

"Barack the Unbreakable"

Come Senators, Congressmen, please heed the call.

'Stupak dozen' is now a half-dozen

Any district where a Dem 'NO' vote on HCR would be viewed as a positive...

Is dropping Deem & Pass actaully a sign of strength? Right?

Now presenting: Michelle Obama's closet

I guess I'll do this in a more civil manner: Matheson a no vote. That POS loser lost my support.

Would the Stupak problem go away it there were an up or down vote on the Senate bill?.

Space and now Matheson?

Educate me. How will immigration reform help the US?

Ugh! Wolf Blitzer is coming to CNN to interview Nude Boy Wonder; Scott Brown.

Opinion: 18 Myths About Health Care Reform Bill Revealed

Opinion: 18 Myths About Health Care Reform Bill Revealed

Clyburn to KKK 2.0 Teabaggers "they better go some place else!"


Teabaggers spit on one lawmaker, hurl slurs, make death threats, Sen DeMint calls them "patriots"

Feds investigate brick thrown at Louise Slaughter's office in Niagara Falls

BREAKING: House Dems drop 'deem and pass' in favor of separate vote on Senate health bill

Matheson loves spending that money when it comes to funding wars and other military issues

An added side bonus to passing HCR: this will more than likely empower

What channel are you watching to keep up w/ Health Care today. CNN sucks

Emergency: Stop Stupak's Last-Ditch Attempt

CNN just said that only 7dems are needed to kill the bill. I don't trust dems to finish this

Family history given to Michelle Obama

Dear Mr. President

Photos: " was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness..." The Obama Presidency...

Ezra tweet: It's like there's a teleprompter IN HIS BRAIN.

**** Heads Up: POTUS Speaks to the House Democratic Caucus, Live! (3pm EST) ****

It is so FUCKING EASING to sit in the corner, pout and complain about that the HCR bill is a sellout

Tomorrow's Schedule: Vote on Rule (3:00), Reconciliation (5:30), Senate Bill (after)

Why isn't Obama demanding that a strong public option be included in any bill? n/t

"baked" is really very apt description

Greatest fears that never came true.

Great video- Dog and Fawn playing soccer

Great video- Dog and Fawn playing soccer

Weirdus Maximus

Samsung Rouge

Unbroken chain...of sorrow and pearls.

Question about prescription plans

Jephté Guillaume - The Prayer

Let the Right One In. At best, a solid B+

Let the Right One In. At best, a solid B+

I need to wake up in 3 hours so I can be at work in 5 hours. GOODNIGHT, DU!

Warning ! Dirty Tricks from the Coalition for Medicare Choices

Hey, I want to tell you something.

I'm seeing triple.

New York's Ten Worst Landlords, Part 1

So listen...

I have had this jam in my head since 1972...and this guy is fantastic.

DU is all about me.

I look like Elvis.

Alright kids, let's tone it down a little in here ok?

I did not want to tell you this...but here goes...

Seriously - 2012 was the worst piece of schlock movie. What was John Cusack smoking?


An associate at Home Depot called LeftyFingerPop a tool.

Why dogs are better than children: Reason #24


If you needed reminding...

The Road: Bleak and depressing movie or...

Larry !

Lithuanian man fined for assault with genitals in Scotland

The DU Lounge makes a movie

Post a late night tune

Bye Bye Baby

My poem in honor of........Spring...Not what you expect...

Goose Creek Symphony question

Heidi Montag fires her "Psychic Manager" for making a move on fellow "Hills" star Audrina Patridge


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Over-rated! Over-rated! Over-rated!

My grandparents' puppy is getting fixed and chipped next week.

Got my package from Amazon today!

Well, phooey. Does DU accept only US CCs for donations?

Do you have a DU enemy or nemesis?

Do you still kiss

Those beer commercials that make men look like bufoons....

I miss my dog, Lily.

The first day of spring

Palin vs Ellie Mae Clampett

Filth.... thy name is Tim

Granted, Toyota sux right now. Still,

which is funnier?

How Strong Is Your Booze? True Strength Of Alcohol Revealed By New Portable Device

Happy Vernal Equinox

Ever been too lazy to go take a nap, so you sit and respond to Bicoastal's Ricky Ricardo threads?

Animal abuse case - looking for suspect

Anyone have a sense of what the Gender Gap is on HCR?

I saw one of the most amazing pianists ever last night!

Greetings from downtown Grand Rapids.

The heck with "Twilight:; THIS is a vampire!

If I could only listen to one piece of classical music for the rest of my life...

How the fuck did I ever get laid without Axe....

My cat does nothing but eat and shit and vomit, in a ratio of 1:2:3

Guitarist for the band Junkhouse has died.

How the fuck did I ever get laid without an Ax?

Instruments: Because Lyric is so overrated.

Book Suggestion: American Legend The Real-Life Adventures of David Crockett

Wowsers. I just watched Gattaca for the very first time.

How much do you pay for Internet service?

Eric Alterman: The 'Delusional Left' Wins

What the hell was Ricky Ricardo's problem?

Somethin' to Dü

Round 2--NCAA March Madness thread(Day 3)

Anyone here good with Access 2007?

Was there anything redeeming about Chinese Democracy?

Love Detective

I never did this before but I'm glad this one is gone

Poll question: the important DU Demographics poll not posted by Robb

Instrumentals: Because lyrics are so overrated.

Stop me before I SCREW!1 Relax. It's DIY question, about screws,washers, guttering

Don't you hate the feeling that people are only conditionally accepting you?

Spring Equinox = Balance an Egg Day! (pic)

Continual f-bombs, disparaging comments that even Bo the dog is a recipient (Rahm)

I'm going to New York in July!

Lostinmidlothian - what the hell is that?

Quite possibly the most important website you will ever need

DU Demographics polls posted in GD.

Weekend Pic Thread

My song in memory of my brother, Jeffrey. July 6, 1954 - March 19, 1991

What you pasty-faced loosers gonna say about me when I get the granite pizza?

We Stand on the Cusp of one of Humanity's Most Dangerous Moments

Favorite Rock-N-Roll Song featuring the Organ

Great albums from yer teen yeers

San Marcos Owl Cam (Molly & MaGee)

Blue Dog Cardoza (CA) will vote Yes! Had been undecided.

Support for Rep. John Lewis, .. Support for Rep. Barney Frank.. We stand with you

Public Option Lives

Court Rules Against Anna Nicole Smith’s Estate

Report: Obama, Netanyahu to meet in U.S. on Tuesday

Kosmas is a yes

Appeals Court Rules Fed Must Release Loan Reports

Likely Successor Emerges to Lead U.S. Forces in Iraq

Number of People Living on New York Streets Soars

Nuns Back Bill Amid Broad Rift Over Whether It Limits Abortion Enough

Deadly Traps Target Police Officers In Calif. City

Thousands of BA flights canceled as crew on strike

The Greeks have a word for it; Xenophobia rears up as Athens tightens belt

End in sight, health care battle tilts Obama's way

Nestlé Faces Facebook Crisis Over Greenpeace Rainforest Allegations

UN Chief Says Israeli Settlements Must Be Stopped

Democrats Woo Abortion Foes in Push for Health Bill

Officer allegedly handcuffs, throws down Phoenix councilman

U.S. FDIC shuts down 7 banks, 2010 total now 37

President Obama Calls on Congress to Pass Finance Reform

Feds Deem Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorists Equals

Pelosi: 'No Separate Vote' For Stupak...Or Anybody Else

Grand jury subpoenas GOP in Ensign probe

Russian company expected to bid on Air Force refueling tanker

AMA, AARP Urge Passage; Chamber Says Vote No

McNerney a yes

House Dems drop 'deem and pass' in favor of separate vote on Senate health bill

Stupak delays presser

Acorn on Brink of Bankruptcy, Officials Say

Anti-war protesters rally near White House; 5 arrested

House committee to determine rules for voting on health plan

Adolf Eichmann files kept under key - for now

White House extends status of Liberians in US

Goldman executives get big 2009 fund payouts

Thousands rally on anniversary of invasion of Iraq (carried signs that read "Indict Bush Now")

Letter: Lehman accounting tricks possibly illegal

Pope blasts Irish church,no Vatican blame in abuse

5.6 Magnitude Quake Strikes Cuba

Shell has big find in Gulf

CBC member: Health bill protesters called Rep. Lewis the N-word

Sarkozy's party braces for electoral wipeout

Russian exclave of Kaliningrad at forefront of a nationwide protest movement

Gunmen block roads in Mexico's drug-plagued north

Hoyer Confirms Executive Order Under Discussion-moments ago

Dingell says he'll work to defeat Stupak's abortion efforts

Sushi eatery accused of selling whale to close

Police: Arrest in NJ Walmart racial comment case

Former Interior Secretary Stewart Udall dies at age 90

The Real News Network: The unions and Obama

ANTHONY WEINER: 'You will NOT have Social Security under the Republican Plan...'

Senator Dodd's Lawyer Bought Stocks In Firms Right Before Bailouts!

How Slate Ran An Ad On Faux News For $100

Big Government Healthcare PSA

Wow! Charlottesville Mayor Dave Norris at John Yoo protest

The Obama Interview that FOX NEWS Wanted to Air - A Remix

health care reform saves money

11yo Marcelas Owens Reacts to Limbaugh/Beck Attacks For His Lobbying Congress for Health Care Reform

South Carolina Hospitals Urge Passage of Reform Bill

Larry Minnix: Health Reform Must Pass!

CNN: The End Of YouTube?

Rachel Maddow: Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) scandals widen, deepen, possibly toxic

To Rob a Country, Own a Bank Part 1

Hearing on Repeal of DADT - General blames gay soldiers for genocide

Don't Ask Don't Tell

Crowd reaction to arrests of demonstrators at Treasury Building

Hateful Heretic makes fun of man with Parkinsons

Targeted by the Tea Party: Parkinson's Hero Speaks

Protest Tip #4: Be Prepared to Encounter Grumpy Old Men

Glenn Beck Revealed

Hateful conservative makes fun of sick people

TFF Interview w/ Jeff Roby (extended)

Spencer Day Feeding America

Germany's free car scheme

Rep. Steny Hoyer Remarks Today On Health Care Reform Great Speech on HC reform History!

Healthcare Reform 101

Obama: We Are Not Bound to Win But We Are Bound To Be True It Is Time To Pass HCR

Guess which network cut away from Obama's health care speech?

Rachel Maddow: Ken Cuccinelli & Governor Bob McDonnell turning Va upside down!

Weiner To Sessions: You Must Be Unaccustomed To Standing Up To the Ins Industry! SNAP

Nancy Skinner vs. Laura Ingraham on O'Reilly Factor 3-19-10

TYT: Insurance Co. Targets HIV Victims & Current HC Reform Bill Commentary

Pope Slams Irish Church In Letter

Chris Hedges on 'Empire of Illusion'

Obama: I am not bound to win, but I'm bound to be true - Lincoln Quote

Young Turks Rip Glenn Beck Who Says Sunday Health Care Vote Is 'An Affront To God'

ANTHONY WEINER Rips Apart Garrett for Reading Fake Memo & Refusing to tell the Source

Matthews DESTROYS Americans for Prosperity Leader

Ed Schultz: Hannity Steals From Veterans Charity!

Jon Stewart Tears Glenn Beck's World Apart!

Anti-War and Occupation Protest, Chicago, March 18, 2010

TYT Glenn Beck attacks FDR

Video of the John Lewis teabagger incident

Teabag trash throws shoes at pic of Rep Carnahan (D-MO), goad little kid to do it too

Census Forms To Be Modeled After 'NCAA-Style Brackets'

Don't Blame Facebook for the Erosion of Online Privacy

Republicans Deny American Children Health Care Coverage

Happy Birthday, Pat!: Virginia Legislature Lauds Extremist TV Preacher Robertson

Industry interests are not in their "twilight"

Friday Talking Points (116) -- Is It Sausage Yet?

In 8 years of war, ranks of amputees have risen steadily

Vanity of Vanities: The Iraq War Seven Years Later

Glenn Beck Strikes Back at Jon Stewart For Striking at Glenn Beck

AMA, AARP Urge Passage of Health Care Reform bill -

The Growing Movement for State-owned Banks

Procedural Maneuvering and Public Opinion

Health reform and the specter of Alf Landon


The Greeks have a word for it; Xenophobia rears up as Athens tightens belt

Cigna gives $110 million compensation package to ex-CEO

Lotterman: The myth of tax cuts that pay for themselves poses a threat

Patriotism is the last refuge of Sean Hannity

Tea Party Kill Health Care Reform D.C. rally nets about 300 kooks.

Congressman Wants Citizens of ALL Religions to Reflect on the Ten Commandments

The Misinformed Tea Party Movement

State research looks at cup plant as potential new biomass or carbon storage crop

Russia firm on Bushehr plant (Iran)

Entergy gets security upgrade extension (for nuclear plant)

Nuclear Power Plants Vulnerable to Attack, Former CIA Officer Says

Video: Nestle's attempt to censor Greenpeace palm oil ad backfires (Big Time!)

Newsweek: The Green Fighter (Lisa Jackson)

Searching for Water under the Sands of Saudi Arabia

ATA/DESC Announce Strategic Alliance for Alternative Aviation Fuels

Queensland braces for Cyclone Ului

Amargosa Valley Residents Fight a German Plan to Cover 4,350 acres of desert with parabolic mirrors.

Mushroom Cloud Discovered by Inmate At Solar Plant.

Feds Deem Autos, Pedestrians, Cycles to be Equals

Sinclair (Refinery) releases poisonous gas in Wyoming

Some Nukes: can nuclear power make a comeback? (Hendrik Hertzberg/The New Yorker)

What the nuclear revival is really all about - market share...

Spy Takes US/Israeli Secrets to Grave (3-15-10 Robert Parry article)

In situ uranium solution mining = pump sulfuric aid and hydrogen peroxide into ground water

12 Miles High: An Integrated Airship-Radar Is on the Horizon

Davis-Besse scrutinized: Team seeks lessons in power plant's relapse

After the Suns game, I switched to Sportscenter for highlights (About Cavs-Bulls)

Iowa Wins Third Straight National Crown

PAC-10/WCC..3 Big East..0

LeBron James becomes youngest to score 15,000 points


NCAA Wrestling Tournament Interviews

C'mon Northern Iowa!

Come on KU

Northern Iowa!?!?

I hurt my Aunt's feelings trying to make a NCAA Bracket joke

Kansas has been eliminated by Northern Iowa


PAC-10 whips the Big East.....AGAIN!!!

Brit MEP on Castro dicktatership

Freedom Schooner Amistad Visits Cuba Next Week

In Haiti, Mental Health System Is in Collapse

Worldwide Condemnation of anti-Cuba Media Campaign

Cuban Health Care, Myth or Cuentos de Hadas?

A Satirical Site Skewers Chávez and Politics


Cuba: Raúl Castro Imprisons Critics, Crushes Dissent

The Killing Machine: Che Guevara

The real threats to democracy in the Americas...

Chavez opponent charged for televised remarks

Why is Venezuela running out of money?

Free Afghans Condemn Cuba Prison

Bolivia Celebrates Results of (Cuba's) Operation Miracle Free Eye Surgery Program

Armando Valladares

How Fidel Castro killed a sustainable ethanol industry

IDF vs. democracy and freedom of speech

Rattling the Cage: Obama, it's about time

Think-Tanker Suggests Linkage Between Health Care And Israel Policy

UN Chief Says Israeli Settlements Must Be Stopped

Netanyahu thought he could take Obama, and lost

Heading into black hole

POLL: Israelis 'Overwhelmingly' Favor Obama, Mixed On Netanyahu

U.S. imposes sanctions on Gaza institutions over Hamas links

Sheikh Jarrah's peaceful protests

Poll: Nearly half of U.S. voters support total settlement freeze

AFL-CIO: Health Care Reform Bill Good For Working Families

CWA Protests New Jersey Gov’s Benefit Cuts

Today in Labor History Mar 20 "Uncle Tom’s Cabin," that publicized the evils of slavery published

Student Labor Week of Action! March 28-April 4 (STUDENTS & WORKERS UNITE!)

Florida And Washington Agree To Honor Each Other’s Concealed Carry Licenses

Man shot in bar sues bar

Gunpal CEO - innocent of all charges

Police ticket man who wore gun in store (Didn't break the law, but someone was "alarmed")



Scanning medium (or larger) format negatives

Early morning sea turtle patrols; have to take the bad with the good

Out my window 0430

Transition -

I think McDonald will mean the end of "may issue" laws and I am glad of it.

Vitamin D better than vaccines at preventing flu, report claims

Starcodes---looks like we better be

Pope slams Irish church, no Vatican blame in abuse

Religion On Dinosaurs..

Meet Shayna Bailey, Slow Food International

Acupuncture Transmitted Infections Are Underdiagnosed, Experts Call For Infection Control Guidelines

Acne Drug, Minocycline, Prevents HIV Breakout

What if we could get rid of religion?

China: the coming costs of a superbubble

Greenspan Returns

Lehman examiner's report puts 'face' on financial crisis and it looks like Fuld, Callan, O'Meara

The glare of unvarnished truth....

Anybody doing a Spring Equinox Fast?

Apple Cider Vinegar Before Meals - Vinegar/Diabetes Study

A Ruinous Meltdown (Bob Hebert)

D.C. Schools Chanceller Rhee taps media adviser Anita Dunn to help improve image

This poll needs some help

Some Beautiful Words for Demoralized Teachers

Oakland Teaching Jobs Available... on Craigslist

Why teenagers find learning a drag

AFT prez Randi Weingarten to be on Bill Maher next Friday 3/26