Democratic Underground

Archives: March 18, 2010

Grandstanding at the Rules Committee

Grandstanding at the Rules Committee

Connie Saltonstall blogging on Crooks and Liars today - question about Dennis Kucinich's announcemen

Obama Nominates Judge Leonard Stark and Amy Totenberg to the US District Court , details on each

Nigeria's acting president dissolves cabinet

Racist comment spoken over intercom at New Jersey Wal Mart.

Sacramento repeat sex offender arrested 16 days after jail release

Urban Pollution Affects Cardiac Function: Initial Results in the Healthy Rat

Religious Right & Tea Party Turn to Michele Bachmann in Desperate Attempt to Defeat Health-Care Bill

Council passes bans on tents and shopping carts in parks

I got to laugh when Clyburn was asked

Ex-vegan target of 'pie assault'

E-Mails Show Drug Sting May Have Been Stopped For Political Reasons

Bed-Sitting Bans "Demeaning"

Rachel Just Called Out Stupak Again But I Wish She Would Call Out My Congressman (Lipinsk-IL)......

Medicare buy in

Calling SwampRat !!! - Need Your Artistry On The "Demon Pass"...

A $65,000 raise?! State workers outraged over Assembly pay boosts

Head of 'birther' movement (Orly Taitz) runs for Calif. office (Secretary of State)

KS drops covenant marriage provision. Finally something right...

One of these days...

Ok... I Will Support The Passage Of This Pin-Pricked Condom That Is Being Sold As HCR ...

State Medical Examiner To Lose Job After Drug Bust

I don't know squat about college basketball...can you help me fill in my brackets?

Sen. Alexander on Obama education blueprint :"We asked you for it, and we'll now take it from here."

Obama defends 'Louisiana purchase'

AFL-CIO Chief, Called To White House Over Last Minute Health Care Flare Up

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers Check In!! Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Dog checks himself in to the hospital...xPost from Pets Group

Retired Catholic bishop endorses health care bill

Now the fight really begins!

ARRESTED! That guy who badly beat the women who rebuffed him in a bar

Jon Stewart just compared "deem-and-pass" to a drug mule

Jon Stewart just compared "deem-and-pass" to a drug mule

Homo empathicus?

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers Check In!! Happy St. Patrick’s Day

After Calling Self-Executing Rule Unconstitutional, GOPer Admits He Previously Voted For It

Unwanted dogs set on fire, survive

Tweety confronts Mike Pence (R-IN) w/video of teabaggers mocking old guy w/Parkinsons - video

We will now be forced to buy Gold China and Jets for people who profit off the sick and dying.

GOP loses control of First US Circuit Court of Appeals as US Senate confirms O. Rogeriee Thompson

Reason we're in the MESS we're in is CIA = NAZI Wall Street Mafia Commie Gangster Warmongers

Poll: 73% of younger veterans would support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal

The History of White People...

DNA testing confirms Haitian couple are parents of baby sent to U.S.

Detroit Public Schools financial manager Robert Bobb = record red ink

Chessboxing? For real? I just saw this on Colbert, and apparently it is real.

OMG-- Rahm, the ballet dancer

Largest Theft Of Prescription Drugs Tied To Home-Grown Militia and Government Takeover Plans

If health care fails......

Desperately searching for transcript of Amanpour's Catholic Sexual Abuse presentation...

China publishes Human Rights Record of the United States

First thing to fix after the HCR bill passes, get rid of the stupid...

DeMint Belongs on the Job, Not on the Bus

Most disgusting thread EVAH!1 (so sorry). Mr & Ms Johnny EDWARDS -AND- human joke Harold FORD, Jr!1

CNN - "Chamber of Commerce lobbies against health care bill"

Our government couldn't put forth...

Another dumb facebook group

Jim Nussle

Bonehead gets cheered by the pillars of our "efficient nationwide banking system."

Joe Conason: GOP "shocked" by Pelosi's use of "deem and pass" (they've used it over 100 times)

VA Assistant Secretary Duckworth Takes on the G.I. Bill Process

Email I received from Catholics United re: contacting and correcting the US Conference of Bishops

(military) Personnel chiefs warn against cuts to bonuses

Kucinich on Larry King live now n/t

The United States should abolish the minimum wage!

Insurer Used a Computer program to drop HIV patients coverage

Insurer Used a Computer program to drop HIV patients coverage

The Republican Party's motto should be "What would Reagan do?"

Navy: LCS fuel disparity not a deal-breaker

Navy: LCS fuel disparity not a deal-breaker

Navy: LCS fuel disparity not a deal-breaker


Dreadful toll of assassinations mounts in Colombia

Get a brain morans!

I know that a lot of people are upset the Detroit is closing a lot of schools

John Yoo Celebrates Sunshine Week

The LIES Of Karl Rove

How low can CNN sink?

Abuse of pain pills concerns Pentagon

Biden: Dick Morris is quick to point out every time I put my Foot in My Mouth, Well Dick...

Quote from an ex-priest on a discussion program this morning

Great NYT OP---- The Purist by Timothy Egan.

Who draws up these districts?

NAFTA labor protections and environmental standards

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum: your brand NEW rating of your worth as a human being

How effective will this bill be with an opt out?

Orly Taitz qualifies as legitimate candidate for Calif. secretary of state

Nissan-Renault eyes tie-up with Daimler

Well *that* didn't take long.. Health Care Reform, love it or shut the fuck up..

Is there one Reagan speech where he's NOT using a teleprompter?

Two candidates for governor had teacher certificates suspended — for misconduct with female students

Both Dick Armey & Tom Daschle Have Worked/Worked For DLA Piper

Both Dick Armey & Tom Daschle Have Worked/Worked For DLA Piper

Can anyone direct me to an unbiased analysis of the implications of HCR for immigrants

Jim Cramer is Still Very Bad with Numbers

Adultery Is Still Illegal In MIssissippi

Robert Reich: Health Care 2010 and 1994, and the Political Lessons of History

Luckovich 'toon re: Texas schoolbook flap. Good one, Mike!

Newsweek: American May Truly Be In Decline

Its Thursday of Vote Week. Who's feeling happy and who's not? Check in here.

Today's American Extremists comic: "Passing fancy"

Today's American Extremists comic: "Passing fancy"

Why progressive democrats should be the ones to challenge the constitutionality of the HCR bill

CBO Score On Health Care Bill Released: Boosts Democrats' Hopes Of Passing Reform

Israel supermarket spoof parodies Dubai killing

JD Power has great news for US carmakers, Japanese not so much

Boys' club? Parties with free cigars, liquor draw fire from women leaders - Orlando, FL DU the POLL!

Email MSNBC and tell them to shut up about the process!

On health care, listen to the nuns - By E.J. Dionne

No CBO score tonight, Pelosi's office says

Do you think the majority of Americans have good credit?

Lunesta and I part ways after 3 years

Grand Jury Issues Subpoenas in Ensign Probe

NYT Breaking News: Health Bill Will Cut Deficit by $100 Billion Over 10 Years, Hoyer Says

Madoff Beaten in Prison (Assaulted by Another Inmate in December); Officials Deny Incident

An upside to oversleeping due to that stupid time change and being late for work

An upside to oversleeping due to that stupid time change and being late for work

Laid-off Wells Fargo worker: Sacramento managers sent out-of-state to train California replacements

Man-on-Dog Ricky revives bow-gate, says Dems worried Obama may go to Indonesia, bow to more Muslims

Health Bill Will Cut Deficit by $100 Billion Over 10 Years, House Majority Leader Says

Israel's UN and Human Rights Violations. Is anyone else sick of

Senate Judiciary Committee today - All 7 nominations reported by voice vote

Dem Source: CBO Says Health Bill Cuts Deficit, Costs $940 Billion



The Republicans have declared war.

From The Hill: Whip Count as of 3/17: 74 of 79 "yes" from Progressive Caucus, but

Ohio congressman outraged by anti-reform ad that shows his daughters

Somali pirates attempt attack on Dutch warship

Moveon has raised 1.5 million since Monday to primary Dems who vote against HCR!

Archbishop: Let's Reexamine Celibacy

The Rude Pundit: Obama on Fox "News"(or Python Eats Kangaroo)

Boehner to Bankers: Stand Up to ‘Punk’ Senate Staffers

California considers smoking ban at all state parks

Health Insurance Rate Review Authority Kicked Out of House Reconciliation Bill!

Health Insurance Rate Review Authority Kicked Out of House Reconciliation Bill!

Health Insurance Rate Review Authority Kicked Out of House Reconciliation Bill!

Thanks to Dennis, I support passage of the bill

CBO score is posted - H.R. 4872, Reconciliation Act of 2010

Senator Tom Coburn threatens House members that switching votes will have consequences

The WH is trying to get Zack Space to vote yes.

Forget Health Care: Big Issue For Voters Is Financial Reform

Blair told Bush: "Whatever you decide to do, I'm with you."

Blair told Bush: "Whatever you decide to do, I'm with you."

Could this HCR bill pass in any other form?

Afghan Army Dropout Rate Poses 'Challenge' to Canada's Exit Strategy

Ohio Supreme Court Rules New Sex Offenders May Avoid Registry

Congressman Daniel Lipinski (D- IL 3rd) Is Still Looking Like He Will Vote No On Health Care......

Fundraiser who vanished says he has new event

How many emails are sent every day?

How many emails are sent every day?

Bachmann Pushes the ‘Kucinich Sold Out for Veganism’ Rumor

Now that the CBO has scored the reconciliation aspect of the Bill has it been posted

Now that the CBO has scored the reconciliation aspect of the Bill has it been posted

You guys see Obama punk this Fox News zomby?

Help Connie Saltonstall in two local on-line polls please!

I Sure Do Wish KO Was Back

Family cashing in on 'David After Dentist' Youtube video

Health Care Bill Will Pass This Weekend: House Democrats

Deputies Beat Him Senseless, Black Cop Says

Texas Says Hip Hop is Not a Significant Cultural Movement

CBO Report:

Rep Mary Jo Kilroy calls on the Tea Party to condemn protesters who ridiculed Parkinson's victim

Rep Mary Jo Kilroy calls on the Tea Party to condemn protesters who ridiculed Parkinson's victim

New Photos Of President's Childhood In Indonesia Emerge

New California Field Poll: Whitman leads Brown 46-43

Before Badgering Obama, Fox's Bret "Interrupt-A-Thon" Baier Compared Bush to Lincoln

I'm Surprised At How Fast The So-Called Massa Scandal Has Dropped From Existence.....

Opening The Floodgates: Tens Of Thousands Apply To Redistrict California

F-35B hovers for first time

NJ education budget cuts: State aid cuts sharp for Bergen, Passaic districts

NJ education budget cuts: State aid cuts sharp for Bergen, Passaic districts

Summers Hits Boehner, Defends 'Little Punk Staffers'

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Report-The Cost of Failure to Enact Health Reform: 2010 - 2020

New College Graduates To Be Cryogenically Frozen Until Job Market Improves

WellPoint Failed To Deliver Tens Of Millions Of Dollars It Promised To Help Uninsured Americans

Captioning the internet

NATO Plans 'Northern Afghanistan Offensive'

Why I'm supporting the HCR Bill

Do proposals to pay for excessive health care costs through "tax credits" have "timing issues"?

Record Number of Tax Filers Paid No Federal Income Taxes in 2008

Full text of California Highway Patrol officer's report on Prius incident now available online

Today's GOP Talking Point: "The CBO doesn't know what it's talking about"

HIR Its Going to Pass. and that sucks

The Excise Tax Hurts Many:

Greenspan suffering dementia: Low Fed rates didn't cause housing bubble

Why I Want Health Care Reform to Pass

CNN doing it again... just like the Iraq war

Obama: The Senate health bill tracks the recommendations of Tom Daschle, Bob Dole and Howard Baker

Would someone mind telling me why Sen. Barbara Boxer...

Obama once again postpones overseas trip! Probably doesn't have the votes to pass health bill

Stupak Is Now On MSNBC Whining

Four Very Good Points From The CBO Report (and why the HCR Bill Will Pass)

Wonder if all these people are all lying about their "fixed" runaway Toyotas?

Wonder if all these people are all lying about their "fixed" runaway Toyotas?

Senate Budget Chairman Conrad Predicts Senate Changes to Reconciliation Bill

Effigy Of President Found Hanging In R.I. School

Emergency Internet control bill gets a rewrite

China's fury at "Avatar" attack

Meg Whitman's Tax Plan Would Cut Her Own in Half. LOL

Meg Whitman (FakeMegWhitman) on Twitter - OMG, I'm back from vacation! It's so awesome to be me!

The Right Wing's Plan: Create imaginary stories, then get enraged over same fake story

The Right Wing's Plan: Create imaginary stories, then get enraged over same fake story

Toyota faces racketeering claims in consumer suits

Toyota faces racketeering claims in consumer suits

MSNBC David Shuster is going to have Alan Grayson on to respond to Palin on moose remark.

Something interesting I've learned through this HCR process- Repubs and Dems are not one party, BUT-

People Power versus Palin - as dished out by Alan Grayson

AFL-CIO Will Support Health Care Despite Last-Minute Setback

DTE, Wall Street, profit from utility shutoffs

DTE, Wall Street, profit from utility shutoffs

Local Fox Poll on HCR procedure

Oh the humanity...The fashion atrocities which refuse to die:

Republicans argue against climate legislation:

"State begins shooting wolves from helicopters in Tok area."

Activists fight for AIDS funding

My Representative is a progressive hold-out, still not willing to vote for the senate bill...

It's going to be over 60 Degrees today... all up and down the East Coast!

Congrats, Boehner, you made the Dictionary!

Taking the Tenth - The Last Hope - Fred on Everything

Report: California fails to monitor hospitals for errors/infections

So I posted something, and now when I click on "My DU"

net pay = ZERO..(the perils of renting from "the boss".

Whaaa! Rep. Ryan angry that Dems 'abused confidentiality' of CBO

French Game Show Pushes Players to "Kill" - 82% of contestants willingly "killed" fake opponent

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaah - more Grifter unreality - all the major networks

America would have been better off without Reagan..

Report: US shipping arms ahead of strike on Iran

If Americans are mandated to purchase from a government-enabled cartel, is it a tax?

If Americans are mandated to purchase from a government-enabled cartel, is it a tax?

Dennis Kucinich appreciation thread.

If you could sell a product and were guaranteed a 15% profit, would you sell it for

HA HA Freepers are JUST NOW worried about Insurance

Stripper claims affair with Oscar winner's husband

Katrina and the Lost City of New Orleans (rather long story)

Followup: Toyota considering stall fix for 1.2M Corolla and Matrix models

Wachovia Laundered Money for Mexico Drug Cartels; To Pay 160 Mil

Fox News Exclusive: President Obama (video)

The Dems (leadership) want HCR to pass, the Rep's want it to fail. When it passes....

Condoms in porn would be required under plan

Q about Medicaid expansion in HCR

And, then what?

Kucinich explains his vote, Nader explains his concerns : Democracy Now

Union hits back at Blanche Lincoln

Obama in a bow tie?

Fess Parker, who played Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone on TV, dies at 85

POLL link; Is America ready for a 3rd party?

"it won't be too long and the government will tell you when you can use the RR"

"it won't be too long and the government will tell you when you can use the RR"

Would you rather have a for profit worker decide if you get a treatment

A Pledge for Teabaggers--Git'r Dun

As chairmen of their respective oversight committees, what did Henry Waxman

Student Loan overhaul to be included in HCR (WaPo)

AILES defends his baby BecKKK against Faux's own"journalists" - bemoans "divisiveness" (within Faux)

Here's what the majority in the House, The Senate, And the Oval Office

Fixed Toyotas hit with new complaints

As a I have the wrong slant on Biden?

Whose Face is in the Apple? Does Newsweek Know?

Prosecutors: Teens roamed the streets solely to target, kill a Hispanic immigrant

Sen. Conrad scores special student loan deal for ND bank - - in HEALTH reconciliation

What irks you most about the Health Insurance Reform Bill?

Oops! Ensign investigation widens to include NRSC

Look I understand your pain about the HRC bill. Pass the shitty bill indeed.

AFL-CIO: Not Ready For Explicit Primary Threats

AFL-CIO: Not Ready For Explicit Primary Threats

Forget Texas, Do Your Own Local Schools Teach This History?

85% of the monies taken in from by insurance companies has to go to health

Stupak keeps saying "he isn't one of my 12..."

ALERT! Please Watch... Also Posted At GDP... Not Sure Where To Post

ALERT! Please Watch... Also Posted At GDP... Not Sure Where To Post

Rep. King (R-Iowa), Beck, slam Sabbath vote, have found The Lord!

Target Is Slashing Full-Timers' Hours

Meet Erick Erickson: CNN's newest political commentator

Mary Matalin on Colbert Report tonight

Do You Think The Health Care Reform Bill Will Become Law?

We were watching Pelosi and her presentation on CSpan, and my wife asked,

GOP obstructionism has killed 44,000 people in the last year

Eerie, remember how J. Edgar Hoover just could not admit the existence of Organized Crime?

Question about youtube

LOL! WHEREAS, Politico Reported on a GOP Memo

Health Care Updates: Democrats, Republicans Respond To CBO Score

chris matthews is tearing the guy

OK, Health Care is a done deal, now, what's next

Question that occurred to me as I attended a seminar about Haiti

Question that occurred to me as I attended a seminar about Haiti

New Idaho Law: AG Must Sue Federal Government If Health Care Reform Bill Passes

Is anybody here doing the Google Trial for High Speed Internet.

Dennis Kucinich addresses the 2008 Democratic National Convention CLASSIC KUCINICH

Walgreens: no new Medicaid patients as of April 16

Machinists Union Leader on Democratic White House/Congress: "Don't stand to close to this volcano!

Betsey Markey (D-CO) flips from no to yes on HCR

59,000 Nuns voice support for HCR. Stupack says: I don't listen to nuns. I listen to the Bishops.

I hate having only two political parties.

U.S. Investor $$$ Outflows: Privatizing Developing Nations' Infrastructure & Exporting U.S Jobs

Tweety Is Raking an A$$hole over the coals

Tweety Is Raking an A$$hole over the coals

Barney Frank To Boehner: Apologize For Your 'Punk Staffers' Comment

Barney Frank To Boehner: Apologize For Your 'Punk Staffers' Comment

Tweety schooling stupak on the Nun issue

If you think that marriage is only reserved for heterosexual couples, you are a homophobe.

Stupak dismisses nuns’ letter: I don’t listen to them, I listen to ‘leading bishops’

CAAC: Over 450 Boeing 737 have potential safety hazards

Colorado Caucuses - The Rising Tide of Anti-Incumbency

Civil disobedience continues in DC:

Hannity & Palmreader Barbie piss and moan over "Unconstitutional, Un-American" HCR "tricks"

Unelected multi-millionaire takes charge in New York budget crisis

Breaking: Chuck Todd did a factual report on NBC News!

Video shows lorry pushing trapped car along motorway

Japan IBM 'concealed 400 bil. yen taxable income'

What would happen if people realized the MSM didn't give a shit and turned them off?

What would happen if people realized the MSM didn't give a shit and turned them off?

WI-Sen: Thompson Lead vs. Feingold Evaporates

I met Frances Mayes, author of "Under the Tuscan Sun" today!

Man gets $95,000 after grill ripped from mouth for mugshot, cop/teeth-puller demoted

Unbelievable lack of empathy-Video from HC Rally outside Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH) Office:

Unbelievable lack of empathy-Video from HC Rally outside Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH) Office:

Anderson Cooper is on Celebrity Jeopardy

Legal minds weigh in: Can our textbooks lie to our students legally?

Dysaethesia Aethiopica : This passed as science in the 19th century , wow

Dysaethesia Aethiopica : This passed as science in the 19th century , wow

Condom requirement for porn film actors to be voted on in California

Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 3.18.10

You know, I would be more receptive to the "incremental change" idea...

Co-pay, deductible, and premium cost...what stops them from skyrocketing?

Christiane Amanpour to anchor 'This Week'

Is the country as right wing as the media seems to indicate it is?

Cornell Suicides Raise Questions about Ithaca's Gorges, 6 suicides in 6 months

House Reconciliation Bill Posted At This Link!

India amending constitution to designate that one third of all seats be held by women.

"We're not just building a camp, we are trying to build a movement,"

Nuke Pushers to Vermont: "Drop Dead"

Kucinich now helping to whip up votes for health care bill

Kucinich now helping to whip up votes for health care bill

Britain's Brainiest Family is Black and Has 9-Year-Old High School-Bound Twins

Britain's Brainiest Family is Black and Has 9-Year-Old High School-Bound Twins

Who Wants To See Boehners' Sprayed On Tanned Mug Laughing If The Republicant's Kill Heatlth Care?

"Topless Gardener Causes A Stir In Boulder" CBS4 Denver

bart stupak should not be a democrat

bart stupak should not be a democrat

Daymn Tweety is ON fire

The New National Broadband Plan - Test/Report Your Dead Zone

DOT Puts Bike, Pedestrian Projects on Par with Roads, Transit

How many of you think that Obama will amend the HCR

How many of you think that Obama will amend the HCR

$10 an hour? Try $8 an hour while caring for a family that the government refuses to recognize.

Detroit & North St. Louis: Slum creation, slum clearance, & the role of "investors"

Did Progressives Win Anything In The Health Reform Negotiation Process? - Chris Bowers/OpenLeft

Did Progressives Win Anything In The Health Reform Negotiation Process? - Chris Bowers/OpenLeft

Canada's veiled immigration problems (wearing veil in Canada)

China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S.

This health reform process proves one thing all to true

This health reform process proves one thing all to true

I'm an old man, but I still believe change is possible...

So is the USA on a long slow path to being a poor nation?

Breaking: Dan Choi and Jim Pietrangelo handcuffed to fence at White House in DADT protest

So Al Frankin is catching the devil. this AM

Wall Street guru H. Rodgin Cohen: Fix housing mkt and create more good jobs or else

(NC) Bill seeks to bar felons as sheriffs

DK Is NOW WHIPPING Other Members Into Line!

Grayson: "I welcome a debate with her on the issues if she ever learns about any of them."

Christiane Amanpour named host of ABC's This Week

The middle class can only crash so hard before they hit bottom and go splat.

Dennis Kucinich is voting YES in order to Free the Hostages....nothing more.

Dennis Kucinich is voting YES in order to Free the Hostages....nothing more.

Jobs bill is signed, insurance reform WILL pass - Banking reform must be next!

The health bill adds 15 million people to medicaid

This is exactly why religion has to be kept away from government:

NHTSA: N.Y. Prius incident was human error

Kucinich helping to whip support for HCR

So is there a public option or not?

Almost missed this. Thom Hartmann in Top 10 Radio Hosts, Talk Magazine.

Soviet Union collapse caused our financial crisis - Greenspan

KUCINICH WEEK change your avatar to Kucinich if you support Dennis Kucinich!

The Latest Reason I Despise the Death Penalty: This Casey Anthony Circus

What % of our economy is the result of PROHIBITION (aka the drug war)?

Want to get a lot of un'recs? Say something nice about health care reform.

Obama's schools czar heads to Sept summit

Chuck Todd trying to spin...

DEVASTATING REPORT: If HCR Bill Doesn't Pass, it's Game Over by 2020

DEVASTATING REPORT: If HCR Bill Doesn't Pass, it's Game Over by 2020

FOX News Funds Research and Smear Campaign Against American Pastor - HuffPo

The Texas Taliban, State Board of Education Edition.

Will employers continue to offer medical insurance if workers are mandated to buy it?

It’s been ‘a living hell,’ says Rep. Stupak

I'm just a fully insured guy that can't afford medical treatment

Lehman whistleblower lost his job weeks after raising alarm

BBC documentary 'Requiem for Detroit?' tracks city's fall, future

Now Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely

NAACP: SunTrust Mortgage worker fired over e-mail

Bwa-ha-ha Jim Cramer's is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission

Just where in my curriculum does it say to indoctrinate the students I teach?

Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

A Letter We Should Not Forget

What the hell has happened to the Democratic Party ??

Dodge dealership reportedly refuses to honor winning Ebay bid (My title)

He Took My Lunch Money, Or, Why Women Need Full Health Care

I Don't Want President Obama To Fail And The Republicants To Cripple His Presidency

100 megabits? That's IT? Seriously, FCC?

85 years ago today, the Tri-State Tornado struck the American Midwest.

New attack on cancer forces cells to grow old and die

GHW Bush began getting the educators out of education....his successors followed suit.

How Discouraging! UN Rejects Bans on Tuna, Polar Bear Trading

Va. set to challenge federal health-care reform legislation

'Shaming' her in-laws costs 19 year old her nose, ears

I would like the final health care reform bill to make private health insurance companies weak...

Penn Gillette is such an assbiscuit.

K, so why are ALL republicans AND ALL insurance companies AND ALL of the CoC against this bill?!

Aging issues can be tougher on gays

Aging issues can be tougher on gays

Walmart Store Orders Black People To Leave

Anyone remember the wars? Anyone give a damn?

so where are all the attacks against the OTHER dems who weren't on board? (like there was for DK)

Poll: Liberals Entirely United Behind Passing Health Bill

Authorities: Prius seen with flashing brake lights (maybe he didn't fake a runaway?)

Have you noticed that the schools being shut down and are pointed

1843 Stars in the Night Sky

Don't buy the spin: public is still split over health care proposal

Will we ever have media reform?

Trial opens in Portland, with Boy Scouts accused of hiding pedophiles

Jon Walker: It‘s Not That the Health Care Bill Does Too Little Good, It’s That It Does Too Much Harm

Avoiding the tax penalty in the HIR bill; per the reconciliation bill.

Effigy Of President Found Hanging In R.I. School

What is the real goal of the right wing lunatic fringe?

What is the real goal of the right wing lunatic fringe?

This nation's Democratic rule:

Just had an idea. Why was Jim Sikes, of Runaway San Diego Prius Fame, using a hand-held cell phone?

How important is Congressman Grayson to the mental welfare of the Democratic Party...

Our health care system is the greatest in the world

What it's like to have a tea-bagger for a father

A Lot of Misinformation at DU Tonight.

New protections denied for polar bears, bluefin tuna

It appears that Sean Insanity really "IS" a crook

It appears that Sean Insanity really "IS" a crook

Banning Cluster Bombs: Light in the Darkness of Conflicts

The U.S. Chamber of Profits is against health care reform, Why?

HEROS and ZEROS...Why Americans should NOT TRUST the GOP...they have RABIES of the BRAIN

"I have rejected a whole bunch of provisions that the left wanted" - Barack Obama

Tampon-makers can't mention the V-word. Period.

Facebook virus steals bank passwords, other private information

Facebook virus steals bank passwords, other private information

Just for Fun... Powers: Toyota ranks high in dependability

Frequently asked questions about serving as a moderator on Democratic Underground. Beck on violent uprising - "begin to think the unthinkable"

The health insurance mandate provision is a massive gift to the Republican Party.

The Top Ten Immediate Benefits You'll Get When Health Care Reform Passes

Will someone please explain how HCR benefits folks with no jobs, who own their homes

Obama blocking any new investigation of 2001 anthrax attacks (!)

Zero Public Option + One Mandate = Disaster

Moderate Republicans are now running the Democratic Party

What can HCR do for you?...Would you rather be poorer and alive or financially better off and dead?

Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of The Job President Obama Is Doing As President

California police report supports Prius driver

'My family is turning feral under my very eyes'...

'My family is turning feral under my very eyes'...

Got a question for some of you

"We WIN" On HC Reform!

Tell Gerry Connolly D-VA that he need to support HCR NOW

I'm so sick of the fighting over healthcare I just want it to be over!

DAMN!!! I though Big Dog was good at taming the RETHUGS

#1 search on Yahoo is "Health care." #2 search is "birthers."

Taking advantage of Health Care Reform, a practical guide...

I thought this pooling idea was out, but if its in then isn't that a Public Option?

So...will all the "shut up and take what you're given" types back Graryson's Public Optiion BIll?

Would this bill have even helped Obama's mother?

Why do I get the feeling that some people here are HAPPY that this bill is meaningless?

The Nation editorial: "For all these reasons, we support passage of the bill"

Netanyahu's brother-in-law calls Obama 'anti-Semitic' (mentions Rev. Wright)

I'm sending Dennis Kucinich a contribution along with a Thank You letter!

Just in case you wanted to see who the Prez picked for his "March Madness" bracket

Just in case you wanted to see who the Prez picked for his "March Madness" bracket

Joan Walsh: Dennis Kucinich speaks for me

Find it easier to buy insurance = forced to buy insurance

Why I think "Deem and Pass" is a mistake

Via Ezra Klein: Capital Gains and Games: House Heath Reform Votes to Occur Saturday

E. J. Dionne: On Health Care, Listen to the Nuns

More from Ezra Klein on the CBO Score...

This is something you don't see in the media

Is Barack Obama a Keynesian or Freidman Follower?

FACT: Tripling the number of CHC's WILL lower individual health care cost in next 5 years

ALERT! Please Watch... Don't Know If This Is Where To Post This

Republicans squealing on CNN. More process arguments in last ditch effort to kill the bill.

Republicans squealing on CNN. More process arguments in last ditch effort to kill the bill.

Mitch McConnell on m$nbc now talking about the arrogance of

At best, I would consider the current HCR bill to be a stop gap measure.

Do you recognize the name Marjorie Margolies? You should.

Biden toasts Irish holiday with water: 'My grandfather Finnegan would roll over in his grave'

Senator Boxer Brings Out The Big Gun

Via Daily Beast: Boehner Tells Bankers, 'Don't Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You'

The Hill: Hoyer Says Vote Will Come on Sunday (at high noon)

The Great Reconciliation Bill Release/CBO Score Announcement Watch Thread!

White House Shifts Away From ‘War on Drugs’ Rhetoric

Greg Sargent's Plumline: Dem Leaders to Hold Presser to Unveil Final Bill Around Noon Today

Want to kick Obama's butt - here's a fun way to do it :D

Republican hypocrisy on "deem and pass" exposed: Sessions admits it's legitimate

xpost - Please help Connie in two local on-line polls.

Boehner . . . Don't Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’

Ezra Klein has link to CBO score. It's 25 pages in total.

**** Heads Up: POTUS "Focuses on Job" (signs the jobs bill), LIVE! ****

Does anyone know how small businesses will be affected by the HCR bill?

I swear the Secret Service is going to think I am stalking the President.

Nicholas Kristof: Greater Access Will Increase Life Expectancy

Update on CBO: More numbers from a second Dem source:

Reconciliation Fix Leak........

If you are an employee do you know what your employer pays to provide you with insurance?

From Progressive Holdout To Whipping Health Care -- How Dennis Kucinich Is Helping Dems

TPM: Source tell Ezra Klein CBO score says bill cuts deficit by $130 billion, $1.2 trillion

More from Ezra Klein via Twitter on the 'Cadillac' tax...

Dems 'Absolutely Giddy' With CBO Score

The only thing nuclear about this option is the Republicans

Fox News' no-calories interview with Obama

MSNBC: Andrea Mitchell

Healthcare for America Now: Hey Congress: Listen to us, not the insurance companies, DU here...

Is it for certain The House will use Deem and pass? Just pass the Senate Bill the way it is.

Text of the Reconciliation Bill Just Released.

WH: "Fox News is the "scene of the crime" on health care "falsehoods and myths"

Editorial: National Catholic Reporter backs health bill.

The Dems have done a poor job of talking about how they have presented a bill that is paid for

Greg Sargent's Plumline: AFL-CIO To Bring Hammer Down On Wavering House Dems

The Damn GOP loves the CBO when they like the numbers, hate them when they don't!

** Heads Up: Dems Announce Reconciliation Bill, LIVE! **

Here is the best argument Dems have for the Midterms and it is nearly reducable to a bumpersticker

Wyoming state senator mulls political future

Another Paul nettles GOP

Planned Switch to G.O.P. Stirs New York Governor Race

Driehaus Opposes HCR

Pence of Indiana supports Teabaggers

Isn't this a misleading headline

They really need an amendment to the HCR bill

Obama stumps for Boxer

Kucinich rules and is the King of WIN.

Fox News (had Pres Obama on last night!) Poll: 55% Oppose Health Care Reform

I'm glad the President postponed his trip to Indonesia

"Mitch McConnell may have won the award for the most lies told in a single sentence."

Is Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin still a firm NO on HCR?

Photos: The Green Party (The Obama Presidency, Day 422)

CBO numbers are out and there STILL 5 votes short WTF!!!!

Can someone get me the provisions that begin immediately once HCR is passed?

Stupak's feeling a bit lonelier. Charlie Wilson (OH) all but confirms support for health care bill.

"Being a woman shouldn't be a pre-existing condition."

Coburn warns House Dems against "selling" their votes

Representative James Clyburn stated there is no such procedure called "Deem and Pass"

Republicans 'pissed' they weren't given CBO numbers

HCR: A Chance to Be On the Right Side of History

Isn't Coburn's statement that any Democrat losing their election

Rep. Luis Gutierrez just announced he will definitely support health care bill.

Michael Steele Delivers Joe Wilson-Like Policy Analysis Of CBO Report: ‘That’s A Lie’ (VIDEO)

Greg Sargent's Plumline: Link (pdf) to Speaker's office reconciliation fix talking points

MSNBC: Ratigan with the scumbag Pence from Indiana

Dem Rep. Gordon (TN) Switches From 'No' To 'Yes' On Health Care

To the GOP: you no lika da rules, you no playa the game!

The Top Ten Immediate Benefits You'll Get When Health Care Reform Passes

Bipartisan immigration reform framework announced

Did the REC count stop showing < 0....if so why?

CT-Sen: Blumenthal Continues to Crush, McMahon Jumps Ahead of Simmons in New Q-Poll

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Lt. Dan Choi and Kathy Griffin decide to storm the White House.

MSNBC: Ratigan with the interruption by Fake News anchor Bret Baier

TPM's Live Countdown to Reform Wire

Hispanic Dems will vote yes on healthcare

AFL-CIO "viritually unanimous to support" HCR "an important first step"

Gibbs On Baier’s Obama Interview: “Better To Let The President Give An Answer” (VIDEO)

Another No to Yes! Rep. Betsy Markey (CO) intends to vote for health care bill.

Jerry Brown urges unions to go on the offensive

Blue Dog Bart Gordon (TN) flips from NO to YES on health care bill.

Remember " THANK GOD IT PASSED" ? Here we go again...

It's a show of Gross disrespect

HCAN: The people are saying YES to health reform

House Defeats Two GOP Motions Against Deem-And-Pass In One Day

Dem Congressman Michael Arcuri decides to be a self-serving asshole (updated)

Is the students loan reform in the bill?

I wish Democrats would do a sound bite rebuttal

Dems defeat GOP effort to force separate vote on Senate health bill

I Think Obama is Planning on Overturning DADT during the 2012 Election

Biden Zings Liz Cheney At RTCA Dinner: Now She's 'Questioning If Tom Brady Is A Real Patriot'

Nation’s Leading Economists Urge Congress To Pass Health Insurance Reform

AFL-CIO To Bring Hammer Down On Wavering House Dems

Westchester County, New York Parents File Suit Against Toyota for Death of Their Five-Year-Old Son

Say what you will about Fox, you've got to give them credit for hiring the differently abled.

House Vote Scheduled for Sunday at 1:00 PM.

Paul Ryan: Repealing HCR Will Be The First Goal Of A GOP Congress

Insiders Expect Health Care Bill to Pass

The most important thing in politics is momentum. This bill has momentum.

Trumka To TPMDC: 'I'm Happy' With Final Health Care Bill

Can someone explain the validity of these state bills being passed against HCR?

AFL-CIO Chief, Called To White House Over Last Minute Health Care Flare Up

Flame me all you want.....but Obama really screwed up!!!!! ADMIT IT!!!

51 Senators Sign the Reconciliation Pledge!

BREAKING-Obama postponing trip to Indonesia 'til June

The Next 72 Hours: This historic moment, and what are you watching?

Fox News' Bret Baier interrupted President Obama multiple times (VIDEO COMPILATION)

New GOP Spin: Health Reform Might Cut Deficits, but Not Enough

OH BOY here we go with Chuck(chucky cheese)Todd with his doom and gloom

OK....this bill may pass...but can everybody at least admit it's just "victory in name"?

Brett Baier interviews George W. Bush

Rep. Lynch (D-MA): "This is a very good bill for insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies"

Civilians in Waziristan support drone attacks ("holy avenging swallows")

Details of the HIR Reconciliation Bill

Details of the HIR Reconciliation Bill

For the record, let me state, I am NOT Irish.

Who put the overalls in Mrs. Murhpy's chowder?

You might be Irish if....

Broken Bells - OK we're talking another Sgt Pepper, another OK Computer, another Dark Side...

The Nightmare Before St. Patrick's Day

I have nothing to add.

Witness - Screaming Trees

No, we got nothin' to hide. We're married to the same bride.

"We have no heads!"

it's a hoot what a soporific a patch of sunshine is to a dog.

Modern Family: Moon landing vs. a splash down.

Chromium Picolinate

So today I go to Souper Salad for lunch and found out that anyone over 55 gets a discount.

Is there any (equalizing) contest for the NCAA women's championship?

Betty White is on Larry King right now.

RIP Alex Chilton...

The Replacements - Alex Chilton

Any corporate slogans you truly love?

Blow me if I wouldn't marry Old Brown's Girl

Any fans of The Waterboys here?

OMG I'm ready to SCREAM!Dingbats and Facebook don't mix.

I'm so old I can remember when milk was invented.

What handkerchief!? I didn't see a handkerchief!

In memory of Alex Chilton - Holocaust (Big Star)

Where have my snips gone?

Where have my snips gone?

Singer Alex Chilton passes at 59 of suspected heart attack...

Would you rather...



Did Thomas Sullivan Magnum have a stepfather? SPOILERS

Anyone else getting the "matrix" version of DU?

Night Street

Pissed at Obama - here's a chance to kick is ass (NCAA TOURAMENT)

Well I survived.

Why do I hate Patrick R. Cox, founder of Taxmasters so much?

Jedis stand up for religious rights

Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer...LOL!

Somebody broke into my house last night

I'm so goth...

Do you know what a turtle hull is?

Samurai Champloo Composer Jun 'Nujabes' Seba Passes Away

I'm sick about Alex Chilton dying.

DU Weirdness. Clicked on the "I'm so goth" post, got a DU page with no content.

Steve Wilkos and Chelsea Handler

Anyone play Rockstars Live?

Guitarist John Cipollina with the Dead

Buzz is on, any of you Micks wanna fight?

Buzz is on, any of you Micks wanna fight?

The food bank started giving out USDA cheese again...

In case you were wondering

Old Dominion beats Notre Dame in the first round!

Taking bets. How long before this post gets locked or moved to the lounge?

Taking bets. How long before a post about a post about a post getting locked gets locked?

Taking bets. How long before a post about a post about a post getting locked gets locked?

If corn oil is made from corn....

What would be the incentive for some guys to cheat on their hot women with total skanks?

Anybody want to buy me a ticket to see Bad Lieutenant in NYC?


Sometimes GD is so overrun with douchebags that it's like they bussed in tourists from Döucheleldorf

What did you think of the movie "The Hangover"?

Toyota simulator

You thought Japanese people were crazy before?

RIP Fess Parker

Broken Bells - "Citizen" is the highlight of this album

Ever wondered what a year-old Happy Meal (no refrigeration) would look like?

"You have successfully made a minor update to a minor program in Windows 7."

Okay, now I'm panicking. Van Morrison's site at YouTube is down. What does that mean?!

The Economy is crumbling, No one is doing anything and Alex Chilton is dead

What should the "dollar" be renamed to?

The Chuggo novella is a wrap!

It's official - Barack Obama is a better person than me

A really bad day for Jesse James: Sandra Bullock left over affair, Cinnabun the dog is missing AGAIN

Question on tipping

The 2000 census and the dumbfuck census employee in Virginia.

Any corporate slogans you truly hate?

You have got to be fucking kidding me!!!

Bean & Bacon is my favorite soup.

CONFESS!!!! Baby Jesus is crying - WTF did you do to cause it!

Okay, I just had someone reply to an email of mine claiming, "I never got your prior email."

If Milwaukee's Best is the best that Milwaukee has to offer what does that say about Milwaukee

Taking bets. How long before this post about a post getting locked gets locked?

Remember to spring forward for weekday savings time.....

Lounge movie buffs--name this film.

datasuspect's daily pep-talk (3/18/2010): don't sit there and feel sorry for yourself

Question on cowtipping

The subject of Robert Pattinson will NOT be raised in the upcoming Chuggo novella.

Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" - full series here.

I don't know squat about college basketball...can you help me fill in my brackets?

Pasta dish of choice?

Question for DU'ers regarding Philly Cheesesteaks...

Gwyneth Paltrow on her Nashville visit.

Gwyneth Paltrow on her Nashville visit.

I am watching the old Milton Berle Show on netflix, anybody remember them.

Goodbye DU

This was one of the funniest SNL skits I have seen in a long time

Hey, musicians! Is "Don't Bother Me" (Beatles) in a minor key?

NCAA Tournament Thread -- Day One

If you're looking for a particular book

My brother's book might win the contest! Please check it out and vote for it if you like it!

If Toll Booths are the best that Delaware has to offer what does that say about Delaware??

I have PROOF POSITIVE that HopeHoops is indeed Rick Santorum!!!

Italians and Poles. Don't forget to wear red tomorrow!

Why do most rock musicians produce their best stuff when they're young,

Outrageous, unprofessional, unacceptable behavior!

I tried joining the Army when I was 18-years-old

Semi-homade PIZZA!

16 y/o's getting tattoos. What stoopid tattoo would you bear now had you done this at 16?

Quick! Anyone here got something I can do to turn my luck around?

Who else thinks Irish redhead chicks are HAWT?

Just heard the first sound of spring

Pop music rant.

there is a squirrel staring at me...

Vibes and prayers for my sweet buddy, Jason,please

I want to create a bread that never fries!

Guys: Would YOU cheat on Sandra Bullock?

This is possibly the funniest, weirdest cat picture ever.

For the first time I think the House will fold and we will not have a bill until after the Nov

Senate Reconciliation bill includes Student Loan Reforms

It's time for the LOST dead pool!

China says probing report on deadly faulty vaccines

Militant linked to attack on CIA killed

Health bill picking up key votes

Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘Line’ it ’Should Not Cross’...

Clinton, Gates to Mexico to talk about drug fight

Iraq PM Maliki in tight race with rival Allawi

Dreadful toll of assassinations mounts in Colombia

Report alleges Afghan contractor shot Ind. Marine

Wachovia Laundered Money for Mexico Drug Cartels; To Pay 160 Mil

'Shaming' her in-laws costs 19 year old her nose, ears

Kildee OKs abortion provision, will support health bill (another blow for Stupak)

Gibbs: the president believes: "we will have the votes"

US wants Osama bin Laden alive, US commander in Afghanistan says

U.S. will undergo human rights scrutiny

In census, same-sex couples counted

Apple director, ex-auto executive York dies

U.S. suspect in Mumbai siege pleads guilty

NRSC Subpoenaed In Ensign Probe

Westchester County, New York Parents File Suit Against Toyota for Death of Their Five-Year-Old Son

Burma junta frees, deports Montgomery Co. activist

GOP Loses Fight With Democrats Over Health Votes

Dem Leaders To Hold Presser To Unveil Final Bill (noon)

Walmart Store Orders Black People To Leave

Polar bear ban defeated at UN conservation meeting

Journalists Launch Web site to Investigate Safety and Health Issues

House Democrats unveil latest changes to $940 billion health bill, move toward vote

Planned Switch to G.O.P. Stirs NY Governor’s Race

China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S.

GOP leader: All House GOP members to offer amendments at Rules panel

SC gov to pay $74K in ethics fines

Hundreds protest HIV funding cuts + video (South Carolina To Cut Entire HIV/AIDS Prevention Budget)

US operations already started in Kandahar: commanders

Schwarzenegger administration considering buying $5,000 devices to combat in-home care fraud

Tony Blair got cash for deal with South Korean oil firm

US, Russia Clash Over Startup Of Iran Nuke Plant

GOP Leader's 'Punk Staffers' Advice Sparks Tension

Republicans plot ways to block health reform in Senate

Orly Taitz, Head of Birther Movement, to Run for CA Sec of State

Madoff reportedly assaulted by another inmate

Activists Stage Sit-in, Tell Pelosi Move on ENDA

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday March 18

Head of Birther Movement Runs for Calif. Office

Dem Source: CBO Says Health Bill Cuts Deficit (by $130 Billion),Costs $940 Billion

Toyota official: Prius in NY crash yielding data

Report: Justice Department Subpoenas Nevada Businesses in Connection With Ensign Inquiry

Toyota to hand off pension bill to U.S. ($131-million)

Six same-sex couples ask N.J.'s top court for permission to wed

Alan Greenspan traces housing bubble to collapse of the Soviet Union

Nelson (D-Ne) back in hot seat?

As Banks Boomed, Watchdogs Got Big Bonuses

States preparing to sue over HCR

Obama postpones Asia trip to focus on health care

Arpaio to launch 14th immigration sweep Thursday

Why the fuck do you have a kid?

U.S. hopes Obama trip will boost trade with Indonesia

Toyota chief says training (to maintain quality control) lapsed amid fast growth

Trial opens in Portland, with Boy Scouts accused of hiding pedophiles

No CBO score tonight, Pelosi's office says

Cardinal apologizes for child abuse 'failures'

ABC hires Amanpour for Sunday morning job

Influential guitarist, singer Alex Chilton dies

U.S. carmakers show gains in quality (Ford and Buick are edging out luxury brands such as Lexus M-B)

Fess Parker, TV Frontiersman, Dies

Rep. Lynch (D-MA): "This is a very good bill for insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies"

Illinois Supreme Court rules Provena must pay tax

BREAKING: Lt. Dan Choi chains himself to White House fence during DADT protest-Update: Choi Arrested

ACORN branches rename, rebrand after scandal

NRC plans special inspection of cracking at Davis-Besse nuclear power plant

Retired US General: Gay Dutch Troops Contributed to Srebrenica Massacre

Congressman Pence Calls Teabaggers "Despicable" For Mocking Man With Parkinson's. "But..."

Thom Hartmann - When does assisted suicide cross the line and turn into murder?

Barack Obama NCAA Bracket: Barack-etology 2010

Thom Hartmann - The Good. The Bad. And the very very ugly.

The Dylan Ratigan Show: Congressman Grayson Sponsors "Public Option Act"

Who's The Bigger Goofball? The Nut You're Trying To Nail Down Or The Guy Flying Him On Air Force 1

GOP Says No To Jobs

President Obama vs FOX News pt.1 Newsweek described the enounter as a "interrupt-a-thon."

Michael Moore Interviewed by CNN's Wolfe Blitzer Pt 1

Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Scandal! – And David McWilliams!

What should everyone know?

Max Keiser on Manipulation in the Obamacare Prediction Market - Paul Krugman implicated

ABC Nightline: Preaching Hate in Uganda

Congressman Cohen Commemorates the Life of Alex Chilton

Electric torture show shocks France

Stop Obamacare NOW

Rachel Maddow & Tracy Weitz explain why the abortion situation is already dreadful, Stupak a dope

The Cost of Inaction

Nuns to the rescue!

US Health vote: mounting pressure on obama's healthcare plan

Rick Sanchez on Dan Choi's arrest

Dennis Kucinich "I Didn't Want To Be Responsible For Killing The Bill"

Stupid Bachmann

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH10) statement: will support Senate health care bill

Rep. Alan Grayson: We Have 74 Cosponsors For The "Medicare You Can Buy Into" Act

If Sarah Palin stays in America, the rest of us should move to Canada (satire)

Rachel Maddow explains what's good in HCR bill, takes on deem & pass, and laughs at GOP hysteria

Grayson on Democracy Now! explains his Medicare for all bill

Chris Matthews Blasts Faux News: "Absolutely No Debate" On Health Care

Single Payer activists attack the real enemy of health care..Howard Dean.

Coburn Sends Stern Warning To Dems:

2010- VP Joe Biden's Speech at the Radio & TV Correspondents Dinner Part 1 & 2 --- VERY FUNNY!

TYT: More Pro-American Textbooks Coming (Fox News)

TYT Interviews: Red Families V. Blue Families (Research on Social Conservatives & Sexual Morality)

TYT Analysis of RW Nuts Who Mocked Parkinson's Victim (Video & Bonus Videos on Teabaggers)

Wall Street's Revenge on Jon Stewart: A Takeover of 'Jonco'

FOX News Distorts Even Obama's NCAA Tournament Picks

Why I'm Voting 'Yes'

A Vote for Health Care Reform (New Eng Jour Med)

How people get recruited into coercive groups: A view from an ex-Quiverfull survivor by dogemperor

Jim Crow Redux: Is mass incarceration the ‘new racial caste system’?

Hendrik Hertzberg: Armey Flunks Pop Quiz

Gene Lyons

Deficit Hawk Returns, Much to His Party’s Dismay

Job ad seeking someone of Indian origin sparks race row in UK

CBO: Final health bill cuts deficit by $130 billion

It’s Really Quite Simple: Do We Value Each Life in America?

Joe Conason: Right Wing Gone Wild

The anti-Venezuela election campaign

Private Health Coverage Unstable for Middle Class (March 18, 2010)

Dissent among Catholics seen as nuns' groups back health bill

Catholic nuns urge passage of Obama's HCR. Call accusation it supports abortion a LIE.

Op-Ed: Why the Internet Should Win the Nobel Peace Prize

Thailand: Red v. Yellow

Jihad Jane Arraigned, Threatens Courtroom Sketch Artist

Campaign Dollars and the Financial Services Reform Legislation Debate

Health insurance costs escalating three times as fast as wages

What can HCR do for you?...Would you rather be poorer and alive or financially better off and dead?

Attack of the Cheneys

Independent UK: Obama won't restrain Israel - he can't

Journalists Launch Web site to Investigate Safety and Health Issues

Chris Hedges: We Stand on the Cusp of one of Humanity's Most Dangerous Moments

For those in Despair over HCR! 1900 Pamphlet: "Practical Agitation" by John Jay Chapman

The media myth of Obama's "falling poll numbers"

Layered Graphene Sheets Could Solve Hydrogen Storage Issues

NCDC/NOAA Update - February 2010 Ocean Temps 2nd Warmest Feb. Recorded; Combined Avg. 5th-Warmest

High Arctic species on thin ice - 26 per cent decline in species populations in the high Arctic

Big Energy hypes offsets to avoid carbon cap, taxes

GE Tells Obama ‘Sell Hard’ in Indonesia, With China in Pursuit

First parasitic nematodes reported in biofuel crops (Miscanthus and switchgrass)

Coming soon: "oil-less" economic growth

Poll: Worries about environment hit (20 year) low (economy more important)

Nanotechnology artificial leaves for hydrogen production

Nanotech Energy Source Discovered - 500 hr laptop battery?

Drumbeat: March 18, 2010

Peak oil notes - Mar 18

New analysis points to ivory enforcement failures in parts of Africa, Asia

Future includes many feedstocks for biodiesel

Great fisheries graphic - sorry about the size, but that's what it took to make the text readable

Miami Waterworld? It Could Happen

Are you one of the 27 million who gets drinking water from the Colorado River?

GM’s Fuel Cell System Shrinks in Size, Weight, Cost (Production-Intent for 2015 Commercialization)

Major California Solar Project Moves Ahead

White House Memo - TaskForce, comprehensive strategy on CCS

Los Angeles Considers Mandatory Rainwater Capture

Villanova coach Wright (for Condem!)

When and where is/are first games?

The Census sponsors a car at NASCAR

On now,

Tim Tebow to have workout with Redskins

Fear the Bobcats ....... Oh You looking to pounce on Georgetown tonight

Congratulations to joeybee12 and the fine finish to the year for the Notre Dame Fighting Amish...

March Madness Linked To Rise In Vasectomies

2010 Big Ten Championship - Brent Metcalf Iowa vs. Lance Palmer Ohio State

Court OKs ex-Guatemalan leader's extradition to US

Dreadful toll of assassinations mounts in Colombia

Venezuelan Crisis: Guri dam at 12 meters from critical level

Peru president fires justice minister amid scandal

Sixty-eight percent of Venezuelans reject expropriations

Brazilian helicopters in place for FARC hostage release

The anti-Venezuela election campaign

Oswaldo Payá nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

A Colombian kick in the teeth to U.S. Department of Justice

UPDATE: Chaos in Colombia mushrooming

Body count of slain journos

Hugo Chavez to visit Belarus in October

duke will win it all

Obama: 'No crisis' in U.S. ties with Israel

Israeli Military Investigator Admits Failures in Investigation of Rachel Corrie’s Killing

Barghouti: Palestinians must not stay on the sidelines, official says

Rattling the Cage: Obama, it's about time - Larry Derfner

Israel supermarket spoof parodies Dubai killing

FAQ on Current Jerusalem Unrest

‘Arab-Israeli conflict hurts US’

Mideast talks stall over phone snub, sources say

The Petraeus briefing: Biden’s embarrassment is not the whole story

Poll: Nearly half of U.S. voters support total settlement freeze

Israel's UN and Human Rights Violations. Is anyone else sick of

'Softened' Nakba law passes 1st reading

Dahlan to Hamas: Join forces against Israel

Anti-Defamation League Goes After Gen. Petraeus

Clinton And Netanyahu Speak On Phone, Plan Face-To-Face Meeting Next Week

Lula visits Arafat tomb, officials fume

Economic Report: Recession Makes Workers More Punctual

Police: Man fired, assaults boss

L.A.Times, Writers to Court Over Retirement Fund Meltdown

Senate Jobs Bill Passes – Falls Far Short Of Providing The 11 Million U.S. Jobs Workers Need

Today in Labor History Mar 18 Police evict clerks occupying N.Y. Woolworth’s in fight for 40-hr week

American Airlines Flies Closer To Possible Strike

British Airways strike still on but peace talks continuing

UAW lobbying Congress to allow EPA climate laws

NUMMI workers in Fremont (Toyota) overwhelmingly approve shutdown agreement

Group calls for firehouse layoffs

After Facebook, 3 prison guards out of jobs

UFW now has it's own YouTube channel!!!

Gaza rocket kills man in southern Israel

He Asked. They Told.

Gays often excluded from medical studies

Lt. Dan Choi has just chained himself to the White House fence.

So I'm helping out a GLBT 501(c)(3) non-profit,

I'm going to miss Ugly Betty. Last night was a great episode. n/t

South Toledo store owner shoots man during apparent robbery

Suspected Robber Shot, Taken To Hospital

Clerk Shoots Would-Be Robber (Video at link)

Intruder shot in Henrico County home

Homeowner Kills Attempted Robber In Driveway Shootout

He was shot in the leg while getting into his car in an alley, police said.

Convience store clerk shoots, kills suspected robber

Would-Be Robber Runs When Victim Pulls Gun (Columbus, Ohio)

Britain more violent society than America

Shooting clowns in Wisconsin is apparently a misdemeanor

Is there a background check required for each of these or just the first one?

Police organizations and Iowans oppose concealed carry in Iowa.

Bill Effectively Prohibits African Americans and Hispanics From Buying Guns (Illinois)

Democrats back concealed carry in Iowa ...

OK someone has broken in your house. They are standing 20 feet away

7-Year-Old Girl Shot In Head On Southeast Side

Stabbing Victim Speaks Out

Black Canyon of the Gunnison (another panorama attempt from film)

Flowers. A happy accident

New exoplanet like 'one of ours'

Russia to build its own 'Silicon Valley' near Moscow

New Finding Puts Origins of Dogs in Middle East

The Shooting War

Going Extinct.......

Weak laser can ignite nanoparticles, with exciting possibilities

Any meteorite buffs out there wanna take a look see at what I found in my lawn??

The Soviet Lunokhod 2 rover located on the moon after 37 years

Lt. Dan Choi and Cpt. Jim Pietrangelo Appreciation Thread

A small sign of local spiritual healing?


March 2010 Prayer, Light and Healing Requests -Two

Appreciating Your Value as You Age

Blog against theocracy - April 2-4, 2010, a separation of church and state event.

Health Care Reform: Leaders of 59,000 nuns tell Bishops to go suck eggs

Badly Burned Child Returns Home, family blames-oops, I mean thanks God.

Religion as community/surrogate family.

Where has all the income gone? Look up.

Carte Blanche for the Banksters: By MIKE WHITNEY

How safe are statins?

The Off-Shored Economy

Turns out it is the BANKS that need Greece to be bailed out.

Bernanke wants to REMOVE minimum reserve requirements of banks??!!

One Cent Will Save Public Education

NYT: Administration Seeks Converts to Education Plan

NYT: Barriers Found to College Degrees for Hispanics

Obama Retreats on Education Reform

NYT: Mr. Obama and No Child Left Behind

Get ready for another round of teacher-bashing