Democratic Underground

Archives: January 2, 2010

Protesters Gather in Cairo for March to Gaza

A Mideast Bond, Stitched of Pain and Healing

French Peace Activist, Marie Renee, Killed by Egyptian Police During a Protest Against Gaza Siege

Toddler Killed By Stray Bullet

The Real Top Ten Stories of the Past Decade: #10- The meaninglessness of elections.

The Real Top Ten Stories of the Past Decade: #10- The meaninglessness of elections.

CIA drone attacks kill six people in northwest Pakistan

NFL, 'Idol' After All: Time Warner Cable, Fox Announce Deal on Broadcasts

The Real Top Ten Stories of the Past Decade

Earlier bedtime 'cuts teenage depression'

Watching the Rose Bowl...I think ESPN and the NCAA are getting what they wanted

Laws covering texting, tanning beds, trans fat take effect in 2010

Laws covering texting, tanning beds, trans fat take effect in 2010

GOP gaffes in the war on terror

Dems Use Karl Rove Tactics on the GOP

Ding! Lamb's head found in IKEA microwave

I beg to differ...

Woman holds fund raiser for accused killer and claims it's for victim

Bob Herbert, . . . the tax would reach a fifth of all households earning between $50,000 and $75,000

dobson to form new non-profit and radio show

dobson to form new non-profit and radio show

dobson to form new non-profit and radio show

So I'm tired of government killing....

Why the Blackwater Case Stinks

Why the Blackwater Case Stinks

Let me tell you Young Bucks some thing

2009 Global Anti-Immigrant Hall of Shame

I wonder why the Blackwater Case stinks.

Jesus returns, marries Sarah Palin and declares war on poor people.

Now that's it's 2010 are we are still waging illegal wars

Obama Was Warned About Holiday Terror Threats

Bank ad that made me smile.

P.U! What's that smell? nt

I'll admit it: because I love this country, I think it would be bad if we WON in Afghanistan

New rules take effect in California

Time Warner and Fox Reach Deal for Cable Distribution

Does the Blackwater Case really stink, or does something else smell?

Does the Blackwater Case really stink, or does something else smell?

Why Apple tablet may not be the gadget of the future (

CIA trained Al-Qaeda, and Saudi Arabia financed the Taliban

WSJ - "GOP Seizes on Security as Issue"

Biblical Scholar's date for Rapture: May 21, 2011

Bob Herbert, the tax would reach a fifth of all households earning between $50,000 and $75,000

Bob Herbert, the tax would reach a fifth of all households earning between $50,000 and $75,000

Lack of Estate Tax in 2010: Now Cheaper to Die?

So Rush Has No Heart Problems? Really?

For Some in Japan, Home Is a Tiny Plastic Bunk

PEACE, SALAAM, SHALOM--A New Year's Wish from Minneapolis !

Parting thoughts to a decade that could have been

Whoops! Iran Accidentally Wishes Israel A Happy New Year

Why the Blackwater Case Stinks

Best films of 2009 and the decade (one critic's opinion)

Best films of 2009 and the decade (one critic's opinion)

Fox News Shows Rasmussen Poll Indicating Most Want Underwear Bomber Waterboarded

Boy watches US forces shoot father in head

Limbaugh released; no heart found

Media Torture supporters twisting and shouting

its gonna be huckaby/mcdonnel

"The Republicans broke it, the Democrats fixed it."

Intel Officer: CIA Officers' Deaths Will Be 'Avenged'

Obama Administration Hires New Press Secretary For Health Care Reform

McChrystal sees victory ahead in Afghanistan

Russia 'plans to stop asteroid'

For-Profit NYC Charter skims 30% of budget in "management fees"

Where is my New Millennium?

Boy Donates 500 Books To Hospital As Birthday Gift

Krugman: U.S. to lose 1.4 million jobs over next couple of years because of China

Freedom of Choice Act-Swiftboated by Huckabee?

Montana paves way for assisted suicide

Multiple-organ transplant survivor Kristin Molini celebrates new year - and new lease on life

Senegal President Wade apologises for Christ comments

Molly Ivins: A Rebel Life

GE slashes workers' health benefits

Blue Dog PAC Lends Vulnerable Members a Hand

Blue Dog PAC Lends Vulnerable Members a Hand

Dumb Criminal - Bank Robber appeared on TV show Deadliest Catch

Fmr. Bush Official on TSA Vote: 'We've Got to Move on Beyond the Union Issues'

My Column in Saturday's Seattle Times; See Yall in Seattle on Tuesday

Picturing the Past 10 Years (INFOGRAPHIC) view!

Mobile App To Lead Illegal Immigrants To Safety, Spark Huge Debate

The new 'threat level' system:

Credit markets had a stellar year in 2009, with records shattered-key was government support

Is it just me?

The Real Top Ten Stories of the Past Decade

Deputy under investigation for pointing loaded weapon at other Deputies.

‘Londonistan’ is still the weakest link..

What government agency is going to be used to enforce

What government agency is going to be used to enforce

China opens brand new 1,100 mile Caspian gas pipeline

And Minnesota's most disgusting politician is......n't Michele Bachmann?

For Lack of a Bot, a Plane Was nearly Lost:

Calvin & Hobbes: New Year's Resolutions:

United Health stock continues slow decline

I just created a "Hey, Dick Cheney, STFU!" facebook page

Iraq to sue ex-Blackwater guards

Leprechauns Are Poisoning Our Water Supply! *snarf*

Weird? True? Then It Happened in Florida

Everywoman - Iraqi Women

50 million Americans are illegally abusing prescription medication

Russia: Turkey, Georgia, UAE finance Caucasus terrorists

Volcano erupts in eastern Congo, official says

Thanks to Bush and the Republicans: A lost decade for U.S. economy, workers

CIA renegade behind suicide attack: Taliban

'Suspicious' Christmas ornament diverts plane to Nashville....


The Horrors of Socialized Medicine

For Some of Japan's Jobless, Homes Just 5 Feet Wide

A lost decade for U.S. economy, workers

Limbaugh released; sees nothing wrong with US healthcare

This explains a lot

AlterNet: Murderous Xe Services* (Blackwater) Thugs Get Off ... Aren't They "Enemy Combatants"?

Never worked a day in your life? Just a grifter? No problem

The nature of our government.

Any bets that the Danes try the Somalian who

Amazing Job Dems!

US military meeting recruitment goals w/ video games & comic books!

Record 20 million-plus collect UC in 2009: Fewer people getting fired, but nobody finding jobs

Dana Milbank on Glenn Beck: "the first true demagogue of the information age"

In this new year, I want to thank DU and DU'ers for not taking

Climate Activists Arrested at Home for 2 month old minor trespass charges

Are people really still talking about the non-bombing from last week?

Help!! Links needed!!

Lake Superior State University 2010 List of Banished Words

Privatizing the commons: Cali law gave for-profit charters building titles, public construction $$$

Karzai Choices for Afghan Cabinet Mostly Rejected

Northwest Airlines to be eliminated, Delta to remove all NWA logos

The Degrading effects of Terrorism fears

While the Fox/Time Warner drama was on, it turned out that very quietly, Foodtv went away on

where are the teabaggers? the government takeover of our airports doesn't seem to faze them

House fire kills 5 in rural MO on New Year's Eve

Chicago:Man's Death Is Fourth Related To Cold This Winter

How we got to where we are today?

My Email Resolutions

Millimeter Radio-wave scanners are likely TOO SLOW to scan all passengers so it looks as

The History Channel is busy conflating economic problems and the ME conflicts with

A New Year's Resolution for Activists

Blame Game Backfiring on Republicans?

Tweety: "I‘m waiting for the terrorist who knows kung fu that gets on an airplane without a weapon"

Don McCanne's quote of the day, the NYT doesn't get it (healthcare) PNHP

Don McCanne's quote of the day, the NYT doesn't get it (healthcare) PNHP

CNN: After losing $3+ billion in 2008 Q4, Goldman Sachs on track to lavish $21 billion on workers

The conservative mind .... musings of a party goer

Limbaugh: "I don't think there's one thing wrong with the United States health system."

Limbaugh: "I don't think there's one thing wrong with the United States health system."

China, control of REEs and Green Technology

germany: 40 million people under control. "'Monster' German employee database goes online"

I think the time has come DU has a security check like the airports.

for all coast to coast fans... what is in the tree?

Joe Klein purports to help those he knows NOTHING about. Joe Klein: PLEASE CALL me, YOU need help.

Silent thread in support of Rep.'s Slaughter, Lee, Woolsey & others determined to pass REAL reform

bu$h* kept us safe for seven months, President Obama has already kept us safe for 11 months

Limbaugh in Hawai`i - a view *from* Hawai`i

Ya know what really makes me nuts? The poll where Palin and Clinton are essentially equal.

Haskells continue to defend story: The Man In Orange and the Merry Go Round of Ron Smith

Freeps: Limbaugh is "a perfect conserative man"


Changes in New Year: Rahm Immanuel will step down as Chief of

Useful website Worldometers

No soldiers were killed in Iraq in December - the first month since 2003

Unreal Freeper post. Freeper encounters family in crisis, confusion abounds, liberals to blame.

how would johnny mccain have handled the christmas terror attempt were he president?

Six Years on Mars

'Limbaugh: The Musical' To Play In Chicago

What the media are not telling the American people and why?

This guy working for the CIA who blew up the 7 CIA agents

Do you tip hotel maids, and if so, how much?

Bible scholar laughs at notion world will end in 2012. He says it will end on May 21, 2011.

Stupidest products part II

Rush Limbaugh's Heart Scan Leaked

One uncomfortable explanation for our economic condition...

AlterNet: Mega Giant Corporations Are Very Bad for America

Maybe it's crazy but I'm worried about the MA Senate race (Jan 19)

Is The Government Misrepresenting Unemployment By 32%?

Remote Area Medical article in our local paper (We're #37!)

All of George Bush's fuck ups are now the fault of Barack Obama

Uzbek islamists now fighting in Afghanistan

so what is the word about the underwear bomber?

New Jersey Nets' Devin Harris estimates 75% of NBA players own guns

I'm a practicing Catholic .. pretty leftist, all in all. Would love to answer DU questions

American Mantra: Free Market Capitalism and Obama

A Decade's Top Ten Quotations

Remarks by the President (Dubya) on Homeownership (2002)

Perhaps Michele Bachmann isn't the most repugnant politician from Minnesota.......

Chertoff's hands in the cookie jar...what he's not mentioning...

Skeletor Chertoff rears his ugly head

"China's economy in the early 2000s was like America's in the early 1930s"

WaPo - "New credit rules could make for a happier 2010 for consumers"

Senators as Presidents.

What are the odds this isn't true?

Reconciling the bible, homosexuality, and liberalism

Shooting Hancuffed Students

We've got a live one. Praising Limbaugh and blaming 9/11 on Clinton

Abortions rose in Illinois in 2008

Bloggers mock Chris Matthews’ fear of ‘kung fu’ terrorists

Other people

Banks Roll Out New Check, Card Fees

Trivial tidbit on a snowy day

Stupidest product of 2010 and it's only January 2nd

Another Homophobic Racist GOP Pig gets caught tweeting! "Mike Perry" MN

Two charts, one reality. Well unless you have Panglossian Disorder

Threats to suicide bombers do not work. They want to die

Cities, counties take back corporate tax breaks

People can change, when confronted with themselves (Inside Skinner's Box)

Let's bring back the best of the 1950s!

That well known socialist, Richard Nixon, called

Thank you mods!

Well there you have it - Rush Limbaugh says there's nothing wrong with HC in America...

Cities, counties take back corporate tax breaks

Time Warner, Fox Strike Cable Deal

Trapped in the nightmare

So... did Rick 'Purpose Drivel' Warren get his $900K?

Should Military Academies Drop Congressional Nomination Requirement?

Did U.S. forces murder school boys last week in Kunar Province? Maybe.

Mika B. fell down the stairs carrying her 4 monthold baby and how it changed her life.

Prisoners used to shovel snow-bound US capital

Has the government understated unemployment by 32%?????

shocking...pat buchanan thinks Obama didn't respond to terror 'attempt' soon enough

Won't Somebody Please Think of the Bankers?

"Totalitarian regimes of the future won't be based on terror... they have brainwashing & propaganda"

Want to know who is really suffering from unemployment?

Former WaPo Ombudsman Deborah Howell Dies in Car Accident

What / who is al-Qaeda?

Obama’s Af-Pak War is Illegal

Are we improving, do you think, and have we any hope our future’s not our past?

Washington Post: ZERO net job creation in the first decade of the new millenium

Starbucks to Settle NLRB Complaint After String of Legal Losses in 2009

Turning the tables....(TOON)

White House Adviser Briefed in October on Underwear Bomb Technique

Campaign to Legalize Democracy: Letter to the President

U.S. Lawyers Knew About Legal Pitfalls in Blackwater Case

The right-wing loonies in the local paper are REALLY delusional today.

Fugg you Kathleen Parker

Fugg you Kathleen Parker

Psychiatrist Sees Her Heroism as Just Doing ‘Right Thing’

VA woman fails to give up child to ex partner

Goldman's offshore deals deepened global financial crisis

Goldman's offshore deals deepened global financial crisis

Should the FCC fine everyone attending the Kentucky / Louisville game?

Should the FCC fine everyone attending the Kentucky / Louisville game?

The Shame of Sandra Day O'Connor: NOW she worries about her historical reputation

The Failure of the Culture Wars

Obama Mortgage Rescue Program Seen As Failing, Possibly Making Things Worse

I'm more convinced than ever that there is a vast right wing conspiracy to

"Go Solar" bumper sticker on the back

Cover Of The Year: The Portland Mercury

Cover Of The Year: The Portland Mercury

When Ted Kennedy died and went to heaven...

Albion W. Tourgee: The ideological antecedents of Rush Limbaugh

1805-page Kennedy-assassination book published

When Ted Kennedy died and went to heaven (Part 2).

Glaring Hypocrisy by Right-Wing Repukes

American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Report Card for America..

Increased US military involvement in Yemen could boomerang

UK's drinking culture is straining health care system

UK's drinking culture is straining health care system

Albion W. Tourgee: the beginnings of Democratic timidity

Do you think we have to be perfect in preventing terrorist attacks? Is it necessary to spend all

Long arm of law reaches into World of Warcraft

Communities clawback corporate tax breaks with non-hiring companies

What is intersectionality and why is it important?

31DEC09: GOP senators get earful on health reform

Woah. The biggest news story in 2009, and I almost missed it.

I ask for you help in my on-going attempt to understand why we are in Afghanistan

Is this a "Struggle between Left & Right" or Corporations vs: Working Class

How Cheney Made America A Torture Nation, Ctd

AP: Hilda Solis’ Approach is a Departure From the Policies of Predecessor Elaine Chao

tim tebow

I can't decide what this man's punishment should be for this 'stunt' with his daughter:

A brand new year, and huffington post using the same Obama bashing articles that it used last year

Daily Kos Weekly Tracking Poll: Obama Approval Increases to 56

Daily Kos Weekly Tracking Poll: Obama Approval Increases to 56

Temperature Poll: How cold is it right now?

Survivor of 1906 SF quake dies at age 107


It takes a lot to knock me backwards..but it has officially happened.. a friend is a teabagger

Irish atheists challenge blasphemy law

Three Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage

So, the president has linked the failed plane bomber with 'al-Qaeda' in Yemen

The Nation (5/21/2001) - "Bush's Faustian Deal With the Taliban" - Prescient? Ironic?

Audio MP3: AT&T tech Mark Klein talks about the illegal spying equipment installed at AT&T

The unofficial, unsanctioned, and unsolicited SalmonChantedEvening appreciation thread.

Waiting for Armageddon

In Spain, a Soaring Jobless Rate for Young Workers

SF Examiner separates fact from fiction: "Blaming Barack Obama for eight years of George W.Bush"

Some things I didn't know about McDonalds

WOW! My haiku got published on Rude Pundit!

WOW! My haiku got published on Rude Pundit!

Something you all should know about the attorney on that Christmas day flight....

Something you all should know about the attorney on that Christmas day flight....

Why do they call it "The Great Depression" and not just "The Depression"?

Nigeria doctor 'impregnated girls and sold the babies'

The Bush-Cheney Economy

My mother's trip to the ER with chest pains...

Guardian UK: Shafting democracy in Canada

'American soldiers are waking up.' You have to see this video

'American soldiers are waking up.' You have to see this video

USA Today - 'Locally grown' food sounds great, but what does it mean?"

2010 situation grows more difficult for Democrats

50 years ago today, John F. Kennedy began his run for the White House

My Top 10 Favorite Books that I Read in 2009

Hundreds of cars torched in France at New Year

How do teachers discipline children in this day and age?

Helping the homeless in 2010

Ayftozä lefpom ayngaru nìwotx!

This Is Your Country on Drugs

This Is Your Country on Drugs

Limbaugh fakes heart-attack in order to push political agenda

This Is Your Country on Drugs

This Is Your Country on Drugs

Zero job creation since December 1999 .... Why?

As an older boomer I now feel like such a failure

Joe Klein's Fatuous Fantasy by Michael Collins

State-Level Data Show Recovery Act Protecting Millions From Poverty

Pressure rises to stop antibiotics in agriculture

RANT WARNING: This photo doesn't inspire anger in me. It inspires white-hot motherf**king RAGE.

"Centrism" is the creation of an inaccurate self-serving metaphor, and it is time to bury it.

Joe Klein's Fatuous Fantasy

Glenn Beck cartoon

Poor and Sick in America

A personal experience with the health care system this week.

The Walmartization of Retailing

Gender War Is Over, If You Want It



Awesome find! George Washington's personal diary entirely online!

Has my Mississippi Belle gone Yankee?!

I have only one angel

Please edit your calendars to make today Jan. 1, 2009.

Did Antonin Dvorak Predict Blues and Rock?

I'd like to thank the kind DU member who donated a star to me.

The Dakar has begun. It will be up on Versus 2 days late. Highlights

BREAKING: President Obama issues Signing Statement to officially rename year "2010" to "Barry"

We were standing, standing by peaceful waters,

Some cool art to begin the year.

What are your favorite sites?

Anybody else getting their days mixed up because of the holidays.

It's so easy to slip, it's so easy to fall..

"The Office" is on WHAT channel??!!??

Happy Binary Day 010110!

Paloma Faith

Roy Orbison

my new profile photo

The BCC Jazz Trio performs 'Linus and Lucy'

Frankly, the story just doesn't ring true


A DUer is hitting on me over the phone.

Let me tell you Young Bucks some thing

A Wii or a PS3?

We've had a major containment breach down here... We're dying like flies!

Did you know that Japanese militarists tried to murder Charlie Chaplin in 1932?

This must be at Olive Garden:

If you woke up tomorrow with Normalman's powers

Jesus, I gotta stay out of GD..

Anyone remember the Johnathan Winters skit about the Indian?

I am the World's Most Dangerous_______________

Trader Joe's 2009 Vintage Ale

Pictures of the Wild New Year's Party at Heidi & CMW's place...


13 songs up on my new website.

I miss San Francisco....

I'm sorry to say this but the Na'vi are flat out screwed.

For Odin2005: The annotated thermometer

Calvin & Hobbes: New Year's Resolutions:

How much is a lot?

Let's get it on!

"Ain't seen the light since I started this band, so MCA...get on the mic, my man..."

YouTube - Jimi Hendrix, Stockholm 1967, "The Wind Cries Mary"

YouTube - ZZ Top, Rockpalast 1980, "Jesus Just Left Chicago"

YouTube - The REAL Alice In Chains, "Would?", from Later With Jools Holland, 1993

Have you, you know, done... it during the new year yet? Well did you...

A Tim Horton's bagel with cream cheese and turkey with Vernors

Heart: Dog and Butterfly

I was stoked when an MMJ dispensery opened up three blocks

Ever see this 11-year old kid play the Blues?

Alright, line it up right here: Who did I piss off around here today and why?

Say when.

Was disappointed to see Lloyd Kaufman was a Globam Warming denier.

Baby animals are genetically evolved to elicit a sympathetic response

There's a freeware Dashboard widget for Solitaire

IF you woke up tomorrow with Stefanie Powers...

Crib solution when space is at a premium

You Tube - Paul Hardcastle, "Desire"

YouTube - Glen Campbell, the original 1969 promo film for "Wichita Lineman"

YouTube - Glen Campbell, "Wichita Lineman," LIVE on "Later With Jules Holland" (2008)

Favorite literary murderous protagonist

Tenessee Driver passes out, meth lab in back seat

Hey! Can you see why this song would be loved by hard of hearing people

girl spawn should sleep with one eye open

I just want to declare to the world

Okay Deadheads! The BAND IS EN FUEGO!

YouTube - REM, "Wichita Lineman" (1994)


Creed from the Office is of the coolest guys to ever walk the earth

One year ago, to this very day, my tomcat mixed it up with one of my bunnies. You doubt it?

How we know British television doesn't have Standards and Practices departments

for the first time in 4 weeks we went to the movie. THE BLIND SIDE is awesome

If you woke up tomorrow with Lieberman's powers, what would you do?

It's -26F here in Fargo right now. That's air temperature, not wind chill.

#*@*@*@ OFFiCIAL THREAD #^@*&@)****

My favorite SS moment ever

Die of cuteness here:

When is it just too damn cold?

So I have to say, Beatles Rock Band is the most amazing game ever

bottled my beer today.

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 1/2/09

Just wanted to see this again. This kitty is the cutest ever

Introducing my brand new Soundcloud photo. Tell me what you think

Happy Perihelion Day!

IF you woke up tomorrow with Superman's Powers... .

YouTube - Gram Parsons & The Flying Burrito Bros, "Hot Burrito #2," live @ the Avalon Ballroom 1969

I will see your Glen Campbell and raise you a Kris Kristofferson ...

I miss Santa Barbara

Good Vibes for my Puppy please!

YouTube - Soundgarden scorches the living "F" outta The Beatles' "Come Together"

So where's the Avatar (spoilers) thread?

Lawyer most expected to come out on top in a knife fight: Perry Mason or Rumpole of the Bailey?

When your "user's post count" next to your name switched to "over 1000" did you feel kinda sad?

Ok, talk to me about electronic cigarettes.

YouTube - James Taylor, "Wichita Lineman"

What was the weirdest thing you actually saw with your own 2 eyes

If someone emails me and I post his/her email in a blog, is it illegal?

Best 60s-70s Sitcom House

Why is renting a new apartment...

My Grandmother is back at the ER

-31 Actual temp here this morning

My indoor kitty found a rip in the fabric of space and time and nearly gave me a heart attack

So we have this damned neighborhood cat that's adopted us

A snow shoveler's diary

My cousin is removing her kids from their "Christian" school this month

Here in Saint Paul, it has warmed up to -12 degrees.

Warmest and Coldest Temps you've experienced

Because we all need some beauty now...tonight's sunset...

Does anyone else have to buy multiple sticks of lip balm because you keep losing them?

Videogamers...your pet peeves.


Screw you guys, I'm goin' home

Any Duers play Earth Eternal?

Which major sport would be most improved by allowing players to carry firearms?

On 9/11 19 Terrorists got through AMERICAN security and killed thousands.

I just knew that Obama wasn't going to be much better than McCain

Caption It

After watching a National Parks dumentary segment, this quote sounds like a Fox News question

"The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11"

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Got Pre-Christmas Intelligence Briefing About Terror Threats to "Homeland"

Politically charged atmosphere makes it harder for presidents on vacation

Come on did Limballs really say his hospital stay proves the health care in this country is fine

What changes to the bill would you like to see in conference?

Rush "Oxycontin" Limbaugh inadvertently makes the case for health care reform

U.S. economy took a dive in the 2000s, a lost decade for workers

Senator Hatch joins RW in grasping at straws on health care reform

I hope I never have to say Obama is as bad as Bush

'Snowbama' time in Hawaii

OK - don't be too surprised but Pres Obama "can talk about banana cream pie for a really long time".

White House Adviser Briefed in October on Underwear Bomb Technique

Afghans rally against rising civilian killings

OH LORD!!!!! Obama according to the media is tanking

So the rethugs are bashing Obama for not saying THE WAR ON TERROR

There was no net job growth in last decade.

IMO, Rush was looking for a friendly staff member or an unlocked office containing a copy of

Biggest political battle of 2010?

"I got the SnowBama"

Official Army History: Bush Administration Neglected Afghan War, Diverted Resources to Iraq

A little update on Newsweek story re Obama briefing - in case anyone needed a clarification:

As Obama continue to lose the base

Hawaii considering new holidays, parks to honor Obama

How would you recognize a terrorist threat?

Oooh! getting a little snow on the top there (PIC)

Obama should go visit Limbaugh while he's in the hospital.


Blame Game Backfiring on Republicans?

Too bad for the nimrods on the right..but letting those tax cuts for the uber rich

"Health bill would leave millions uninsured"

Huff Post has an article that says Obama was warned about attacks but the article

A little info that didn't make it into the MSM: my daughter is a civil engineer

What do you think the results of the 2010 house elections will be?

And SO What did you do on your Christmas Vacation?

Why is it so difficult for some of us to admit that a politician let us down?

K&R if you are happy that Obama is rising in the polls!

At the airport

Question for DUers: Why do the Republicans consider the Ft. Hood attacks as a terror attack, and

Pete Seeger didn't naysay and complain. He ORGANIZED and ACTED. (Read On)

He Failed. Right. Do They Realize that?

The Democrats, unlike 1994, already got the wake-up call on mid-term elections

Worst movie ever on TCM now: Old Yeller.

Lebanon fires on Israeli jets

Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs

Time Warner and Fox Reach Deal for Cable Distribution

Danish Police Stop Attack on Cartoonist

2009 Deadliest Year for U.S. in Afghanistan

CIA renegade behind suicide attack: Taliban

20,000 exotic animals seized in Texas raid

'Million dollar tortoises' shed light on state's environmental laws

Survivor of 1906 SF quake dies at age 107

Italy aims to introduce body scanners: minister

Politically charged atmosphere makes it harder for presidents on vacation

Time Warner, Fox Strike Cable Deal

Moon hole might be suitable for colony

Irish atheists challenge new blasphemy laws

2 ships reported hijacked off Somali coast

Bomb suspect "reached out" to UK militants: report

A Volatile Final Minute in a Good Year for Stocks

Afghan MPs reject most Karzai cabinet nominees

Karzai in Helmand, rockets land nearby-witness

Germany: Security command transfer to Afghans should begin in 2010

US commander in Iraq says troop drawdown on track

Banks Roll Out New Check, Card Fees

Exclusive:CIA Attacker Driven in From Pakistan

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Got Pre-Christmas Intelligence Briefing About Terror Threats to "Homeland"

U.S. Lawyers Knew About Legal Pitfalls in Blackwater Case

Iraqi Prisoners ‘Were Sexually Humiliated by Female British Soldier’ (Sexual Abuse Routine by JFIT)

'I am not afraid of martyrdom,' Iran opposition leader Mousavi declares

Obama blames al-Qaeda for Christmas Day jet 'bomb'

U.S. Sees an Opportunity to Press Iran on Nuclear Fuel

Venezuela captures bigger drug haul in 2009

U.S. has first month in Iraq with no combat-related deaths

Ceremony formally marks end of coalition effort in Iraq

General Petraeus: British hostage [Peter Moore was] held in Iran

Man shot entering Danish artist's (creator of controversial cartoons of Mohammed) home

Sir John Major criticises Tony Blair over Iraq war

Scores killed in Pakistan attack

Scores killed in Pakistan attack

Do you believe it?

North Carolina Bans Smoking In Bars, Restaurants

My Father Was A Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story (Ramzy Baroud)

Great Birther Moments In 2009

Robert Fisk’s World: Walls never work: in the Middle East or in Ireland

New Year’s Resolution for the Americas: End the drug war; give peace a chance

CIA trained Al-Qaeda, and Saudi Arabia financed the Taliban

Rupert Cornwell (Independent, UK): Don't let on, but Obama's doing well

How Obama's best economic policy of 2009 cost us ... exactly nothing.

Ten Miserable Years

Skeletons in the closet?

Obama’s Royal Scam and The Iron Fist Of Rahm

Interview of Gore Vidal (The Humanist - Jan/Feb 2010)

Mega Giant Corporations Are Very Bad for America

AlterNet: Mega Giant Corporations Are Very Bad for America

Ellen Goodman: Letting Go

NYT: "By George"

Community Banking - Move Your Money

My 2009 "McLaughlin Awards" (Part 2)

Lessons of a weekend of free health care

Lessons of a weekend of free health care

Republicans Don't Jeopardize National Security For Partisan Ends, Do They?

Cities, counties take back corporate tax breaks!

Obama administration prepares public opinion for attack on Yemen

Judge tosses Blackwater case, Iraqis angry

Bolivian Indians see rocky exodus from serfdom

What's Next: Muslim-Only Lines At Airports?

Afghans rally against rising civilian killings

Why Capitalism Is Evil

Are Corporate Insurers Defrauding the Public?

The lost decade for the economy

Concern as China Clamps Down on Rare Earth Exports

Weekend Economists Hogmanay: Day 2 Jan. 2-3, 2010

Will a Small Group of U.S. and World Economists End Up Saving the World?

The Curious Incident of the Republicans in the Night-time

Yummy! Ammonia-Treated Pink Slime Now in Most U.S. Ground Beef

Venezuela begins 2010 with electricity rationing

Iran Crisis: Basij Militia Opens Fire On Crowds - Update

Big Pharma Ultimate Commerical


Iraqi Officials Say They're Determined To Bring Blackwater Guards To Justice

Happy New Year 2010

Ron Paul "They're Terrorists Because We're Occupiers"

Olbermann - No Conservative Media Coverage? - (funny)

Post-tsunami Sri Lanka - Five years on

President Obama Weekly Address: The Fight Against Al Qaeda

American Soldiers are waking up

GuardianFilms: Bush Threats & An $18bn Secret - Why Iran's Kidnap Squad Decided To Strike In Baghdad

Is Obama Being Too Bush-Like?

The best healthcare the world has to offer, right here in the USA, if you're a millionaire

CNN Names Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

Goodbye, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Rushed to hospital with Chest pain


'Million dollar tortoises' shed light on state's environmental laws

Ten Plug-In Cars We're Impatiently Waiting For In 2010

Antarctica is melting

Uranium Is So Last Century — Enter Thorium, the New Green Nuke

Sydney's two-wheeled tribes

The biggest control knob: CO2 in Earth's Climate History

Turbo-charging with 30% ethanol gets better efficiency than gas only powered engine - EPA study

Housing Bust Helps Conversationists: NY Times

Tennessee Basketball Arrests: Tyler Smith, Three Teammates face felony charges.

BCS has ruined the bowl system

I never seen so many fumbled kickoff returns in my life

Marc Brunell to start for Saints tomorrow

To all the OSU / Big Ten haters

The BCS should replace the Big East with The Mountain West...

Watching the Rose Bowl...I think ESPN and the NCAA are getting what they wanted

Halftime at the Sugarbowl: No. 4 Cincinnati 3 ~ No. 5 Florida 30.

A good Calvinist Protestant!

My New Year's resolution for the DU Sports Forum--- To cut down on the "Hating"

Congratulations to THE Ohio State University Buckeyes!!!

It's always nice to start the new year with a Steve Spurrier loss...

Olympic Snowboarding hopeful Kevin Pearce critically injured

Presidential candidate Manfred Reyes Villa flees to the United States

Starvation Predicted in Honduras

Informal Empire: The Case of Honduras, by Jeff Nygaard

Bolivian Indians see rocky exodus from serfdom

On Revolution’s Anniversary, Erol Flynn’s Amazing 1959 Documentary on Cuban Revolution

GOLINGER: CIA Agents Assassinated in Afghanistan Worked for “Contractor” Active in Venezuela, Cuba

PEACE, SALAAM, SHALOM--A New Year's Wish from Minneapolis to Gaza!

Report: IDF Strikes Militant Targets in Gaza

Roger Waters of Pink Floyd on the Gaza Freedom March

Saudi FM: Israel is acting like a spoiled child

Robert Fisk’s World: Walls never work: in the Middle East or in Ireland

Ex-military CCW holder pulls gun during road rage

CCW holder with 8 DUI's gets 9th while speeding with loaded gun

Officers: Homeowner shot at man in burglary

Police: Armed Robber Shot, Killed By Auto Sales Employee

CCW holder pulls gun over gas pump usage

76-Year-Old Man Shoots At Armed Robber

Wife with CCW permit (married to convicted coke dealer) kills FBI Agent

Coach doesn't play CCW holders kid enough. CCW holder pulls gun.

Has Anyone Been To A Gun Buy-Back?

So, what does the Guns forum have to do with Harry J. Anslinger?

CCW holder hunts suspect (shoots in back) and kills hours after petty theft

Man Who Killed Attempted Robber Speaks Out, Won't Face Charges

Man says he shot, killed robber after escaping from car

Being pushed is a deadly threat for Idaho gun carrier - shoots 2

NBA players pulled guns on each other in the locker room.

Alleged Robber Killed In Home Invasion

U.T.'s QB Colt McCoy is "Pistoles," according to radio announcer...

The ACLU isn't blamed for hate speech, so...

Girl dies in teen murder-attempted suicide south of Seattle on New Years' Eve

New Hampshire to join states with "Federal exemption" gun law, with big time twist..

Today in Labor History Jan 2 Unionists in Chicago leads to formation of IWW, 273 times for safety

LabourStart Campaign Against Vale a Tremendous Success

Hugo Boss to Close Cleveland Plant

Janitors fill Minneapolis skyways to call for fair contract

138 Journalists Died On The Job In 2009

Today in Labor History Jan 1, 14 million unemployed, national income down by 50% & breadlines, NAFTA

A special Happy New Years to Omaha Steve!

Guns in restaurants that serve alcohol....Since some seem confused...

Police: Fed-up homeowner shoots robbery suspects, then self in foot

Toddler Killed By Stray Bullet

Oh joy. Dad's taking pictures again

My last shot of 2009 & first of 2010

San Clemente Pier in So. Cal.

DR Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees

Wild chimps fashion cutlery, chop food into bite-sized portions

Evolution caught in the act

Carbon nanotubes show promise for high-speed genetic sequencing

"Superatoms" Mimic Elements: Research Reveals New Perspective of Periodic Table

Uranium Is So Last Century — Enter Thorium, the New Green Nuke

Hey guys: No photo, just an observation.

First day of the decade

A white New Year's Day

DP Review's Challenge results. Some excellent images.

A sweet memory from 2009

SUBMISSION THREAD for the January Photo Contest. Theme: YOUR FAVORITE SHOT OF 2009

COMMENT THREAD for the January photo contest. Theme: YOUR FAVORITE SHOT OF 2009

Moon hole might be suitable for colony

Starcodes for this week

StarIQ - Transformative Thoughts/Feelings For 2010

Metabolic temperature Chart

Today's Your BIRTHDAY, MorningGlow, So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, Yes we're going to a Party PARTY

-We are co-creating the idea of Charity in all of Mankind.

How to TAKE ADVANTAGE of Mercury Retrograde

Paul Volcker: The Lion Lets Loose

Teachers struggle to make ends meet

Teachers seek control at up-for-bid L.A. Unified schools

Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs

Weren’t the early Christians a bunch of long haired pinko commies?

Irish atheists challenge new blasphemy laws

Do you think Jesus believed the story of Noah's Ark?

I'm a practicing Catholic .. pretty leftist, all in all. Would love to answer DU questions

Reconciling the bible, homosexuality, and liberalism

Reflections on a Non-Theistic Spirituality

Anyone up for a challenge? I made a nice yeast type coffee

My newest food forum fave

Looking for a great scallop recipe

Paleolithic diet is so easy, cavemen actually did it.

What is with our terminology?