Democratic Underground

Archives: November 12, 2010

Why do I see the Washington Post's front page when I try to read the Huffington Post?

Consent of the Governed and Taxation Without Representation

The chairman of the Senate Budget Committee... Really???

Good grief Charlie Brown!

Keith Olbermann: Restore Worsts? Modify? Kill kill kill? YOUR chance to vote

Racial Harassment Suit because teacher read from text that had racial slurs

Seattle Cop In Stomping Incident Accused of More Brutality

Tell EPA that we want "Fuel Economy Labels"

I will vote for a Republican or LW 3rd party in 2012 if Obama caves on SS and the Bush Tax Cuts.

I will vote for a Republican or LW 3rd party in 2012 if Obama caves on SS and the Bush Tax Cuts.

TOON: I'm laughing, but I should be crying

Fox Renews 'Simpsons' for 23rd Season

Army gets 1st Sikh enlisted soldier since 1980s

No Social, Economic and Judicial Justice, No Peace!!! Lose your house to foreclosure;Burn it!

Psst! Want to Read a Comic in Which the Villains are Banksters?

Middle class eco-terrorism

HBO... "Wartorn" tonight...

Okay, let's step through this...

Tea Partiers Protest Clean Water Rules Meant To Prevent Bladder Cancer

This is kinda funny; Yahoo's page on the USS Reagan assisting the disabled Cruise ship..... (edited)

It was a Chinese sub (No it wasn')

How do you feel about people being used as Sushi tables?

How do you feel about people being used as Sushi tables?

Weird teabagger story:

Would you eat sushi off an overweight elderly gentleman?

The rebuttal to: What The Fuck Has Obama Done So Far

F**k Fees.......

F**k Fees.......


Independent UK: Cameron warns of risk of new Great Depression

Independent UK: Cameron warns of risk of new Great Depression

George W. Bush: 'I'm not a Hater'

Teabaggers Scream About Google Logo

if Nancey wants to remain leader, then she should get a vote of impeachment against Alito during

Wow. Just wow. And I know these people.

Crippled cruise ship reaches San Diego

Jon Stewart on Rachel tonight.

What do the whiners want?

TEA PARTY Pressuring Senate Republicans to BAN EARMARKS

Yahoo layoffs coming? 650 or 2,800 workers?

Wall Street missing from the deficit commission chairs' report

Dolphins - we need get our story straight on them

Rapid City, S.D., police raid Spencer Gifts, seize 'adult' merchandise

Rapid City, S.D., police raid Spencer Gifts, seize 'adult' merchandise

U.S. has spent tiny fraction of loan-mod funds ..obstruction on every front

Damn, lawrence talking 'as if,' when NOTHING HAS HAPPENED!

The US Corporatocracy updated 11/11/2010 to include "Debt Commission Report"

The only way Dems could extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich and still hold their base (sorta)

Happy Veterans Day

S.S. & unemployment are not entitlement programs goddammit

Jon Soltz of Vote Vets on Keith tonight/soon.

Nissan recalling more than 600,000 vehicles

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women can get fucked...

What would your opinion be of Marcy Kaptur as Democratic leader in the House?

All that work to get Keith back on the air, just so he could trash our President some more

There is a seething rebellion awaiting the President when he returns home. I hope he has a lot of

Happy Veterans Day

Creepy Crawly Confab in New York

Stephen Colbert has to be elated that he is second fiddle to Jon

A Video/Song For Service Men And Women And Their Families

My Veterans Day experiences.

Newsweek and Daily Beast to Merge

Glenn BecKKK has a movie coming out

LA Times: $10-billion Medicaid plan approved for California

This week I'll hate:

if only real politics could be as honest as rachel's interview with jon i could be happy

Marta found out I've been seeing Debbie and has a photo

Did the WH not think they were going to lose the House? Did they think they had time

Bush: The Torture Decider

My last post for Veterans for you

Controlling "the economy" talk

Let the tax cuts expire! All of them during the lame duck...

I've solved the S.S. problem!

Best Bush Book jokes

For Jon Stewart's sake, we'll drop war criminal.

cop left 2-way radio on while having sex on the job

Banks planned rise and fall of housing

I did find Jon's BASIC point interesting.

Jon Stewart watches too much tv.

The not so secret source of Shrub's sanguinity: List of his vengeance.

David Brock deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom

I can PROVE that it is politically right for Obama to be a firm Liberal

Send your Thanks to the Troops:

A really good PSA from NO H8

Eugene Robinson:Where's the Democrats' fighting spirit?

Heads up: Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi, author of "Griftopia," on with Tavis tonight

She's brilliant - Rachel

2012 Dem rallying cry: 'We went along with the Republicans, but...

Weren't Jon Stewart's childhood heros Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas?

10 Political 'Nonstarters' From Federal Debt Panel

Have / will / would you read Decision Points...

Those Commie Bastards Over At Google...

Glenn Beck, psycho huckster

We went to our local Applebees for dinner

Nahhh, Jon.

Nahhh, Jon.

What is Wes Clark doing these days?

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Let all the cuts laps then reintroduce the tax cuts for the middle and working class on a new bill

Instead of agreeing to taxcuts for the rich, why not let them pick another country to attack?

Tip: Call it the Tax Increase Commission when you are talking about it w/your conservative friends

Regarding tax breaks for the wealthy,

Regarding tax breaks for the wealthy,

Go Cenk !!!

shorter Jon

Britain discloses plan to overhaul welfare system

Supermarket cashier's large breasts overcharge shopper

Received in email today: "Now I know what Americans want -- "

Faces of Pot

"Countdown with Keith Olbermann" is the most popular TV show among Democratic viewers

Remind Me....What Is Obamas End Game.....

"There Is No War on Terrorism" - Omid Memarian interviews author Reese Erlich

You can't cut your way to growth. Part 1

Obama panel probes stimulus waste -- at Ritz Carlton

Facebook Page: Beck Wants Progressives Dead

So, ... whaddya think of this toon now that the CatFood Commission has leaked its report?

Two really smart people discuss the media, waterboarding and The Daily Show.

The letter a friend of mine sent to her representatives

Assertive Chinese Held in Mental Wards

McConnell deflects questions on Bush book's revelation ....begs for help with the elections by

Vote here on Worst Person on Keith's show..continue, or no?

Rand Paul explains Republican economic philosophy in 30 seconds:

The Greatest Generations taxes worked. Let's do what they did and make us great again!

Rachel vs. Jon: The think Rachel just isn't getting is...

Another victory in the struggle against the Bush/Obama war on schools!!!!!

Guns and Gold

We are NOT the extreme voice of the left

We are NOT the extreme voice of the left

Can someone please explain Joe Trippi to me? I never liked him but I remember....

If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones, throw rocks.

"The Third Way" does not speak for me (re: Catfood)

Fraud, theft, and extortion. The new norms.

Excuse me but WHERE is our President on the Cat Food Commission's recs and

College Republican Arrested, Claims Setup

Veterans Exposed to Carcinogen Shed Light on Secret Iraq KBR Contracting Deal

Morning Duplicity

Delta Airlines conducted 'largest anti-union campaign the nation has ever seen'

Delta Airlines conducted 'largest anti-union campaign the nation has ever seen'

New Game: I give you a quote & you tell me if it's a Republican or Democrat. 1st up: John Shimkus

I've lost respect for Jon Stewart tonight.

A Renovated CTA Station for Chicago is the Latest in the Privatization of Infrastructure

Sir! No Sir! A Film About the GI Movement Against the War in Vietnam

Seoul Ford dealer is dealt a lemon as U.S.-South Korea trade agreement stalls

A new James O'Keefe hit - against the NJ teachers' union

New help for Joe Miller campaign - AK

Career Politicians...

The truth about the privatization of Social Security

The Gobble Gobble Gobble Bubble

EPA Sued for Allowing Mercury Pollution 900 Times Safe Level (selenium 4000 times above safe levels)

Micheal Steele has a challenger..Saul Anuzis, RNC Chairman? Republican To Challenge Michael Steele

On this date 6 US union members protesting war were murdered by American Legionnaires Centralia, Ill


Dan Froomkin: Bush's Waterboarding Admission Prompts Calls For Criminal Probe

IT'S ON: Republican Announces CHALLENGE To Michael Steele RNC Chairmanship

2012. Palin. Mayan Prophesy.

Great post @ Krugman blog -- tie tax cuts to unemployment rate! Pay for Performance like education!

Didn't Bush's big original tax cut include a $600 tax rebate for everyone?

Are you listening?

Soldiers Coming Home .

Obama on the Defensive as He Travels in Asia

New Revolution Jean - Save 20% (made in the USA & 1st jean traceability)

Dana Milbank advises Obama to triangulate against his liberal base, & says "So far, so good."

Great GQ Piece Re: Holder "Hope. Change. Reality."

4 reported missing forces lockdown at Kenyon College in Ohio

In Retrospect...2004 House Democrats-From my old stomping grounds,nonetheless

How do we shift the discussion on taxes away from payroll taxes and to...

PM says Canada to remain in Afghanistan

Bill O'Reilly Used His Show To Call for the Murder of An Innocent Man, Dr. Tiller

Bill O'Reilly Used His Show To Call for the Murder of An Innocent Man, Dr. Tiller

Exposure concerns of Iraq/Afghanistan veterans

San Francisco may ban circumcision

Bill O'Reilly Used His Show To Call for the Murder of An Innocent Man, Dr. Tiller

I'm very sad to see that it's so difficult to stand by a Democratic president these days

Framing the Debate: Question for Teabagger/Republicans--What sacrifices are the top 1%

Framing the Debate: Question for Teabagger/Republicans--What sacrifices are the top 1%

Deficit Cutters Reject Gates on Shielding Defense Budget

(POLL) Defining Emotions

Curious...Do congressmen read sites like DU, TPM, Huff Post and others?

This post says nothing new.

Restore "Worst Persons"

Top Palin aide is on Soros' payroll.

General says demand for land forces will increase

first snow of the year. let it snow, let it snow.... huge flakes

first snow of the year. let it snow, let it snow.... huge flakes

Attacks strain trust between US, Afghan forces - We are back to 'Who's the enemy?'

Great paragraph in a David Sirota piece about cheap goods:

Democrat will be in great shape to win the WH and Congress in 2012

The Birth of an American Company (2002 Ohio)

I have to give Cindy McCain credit for publicly dissing her husband re: DADT.

Independent UK: Cameron warns of risk of new Great Depression

Here's where I would say Jon Stewart dropped the ball...

I'm so sick of hearing that GEM$NBC is the *LIBERAL* equivalent to Faux! It's NOT!!

i hear what stewart is saying. i agree with what maddow is saying.

"In some ways, this is a war in Washington."

Iran is Safer Without Saddam Hussein. World Isn't.

I would love to see some short-time Dem introduce a bill give the R's what they want

Pentagon Readies New Ship-Killers for Pacific Showdown

National Opt Out Day Wed. Nov. 24

Lovely. Really just lovely.

Lovely. Really just lovely.

FBI charges 17 over '$42m theft' of Holocaust survivor funds

Exactly how many tax shelters are available to a person without

Instead of a money bomb, a 'phone bomb

Philadelphia Bar Tried to Keep Out Black People, Claims Lawsuit

I'm going to read Bush's new book.

Chicago public assets for sale

Santa Clara gives final approval to smoking ban (inside apartments, outdoor eating areas, condos,)

"...kind of makes the "e" on the end look like a sinister Islamic crescent lurking behind the flag"

What about the OBAMA tax cuts?

Why not propose a *flat* tax cut instead?

We Won't Fly: national aviation opt-out day in protest of TSA porno scanner/genital grope "security"

We Won't Fly: national aviation opt-out day in protest of TSA porno scanner/genital grope "security"

Anyone remember what happened after Jon criticized "Crossfire?"

Why is it OK for Americans to buy granite from Iran, but not buy cigars or rum from Cuba?

Sometime back, I asked the question what is progressive about Obama.

New Mexico Gov Elect Doesn’t know what the DREAM Act is

Who does this anti-Semite Beck think he's fooling with his Soros smears?

Now OKC has gone way to far: Lingerie Football League banned in OKC

Amazon’s Bezos Made $152 Million Selling Shares

Clegg – the man who betrayed us all

Why do you think the taxcuts were not voted on before the election??

Is this happening in other states besides Arizona?

Is this happening in other states besides Arizona?

Re-Post: Veterans exposed to Chemicals Need to know

Re-Post: Veterans exposed to Chemicals Need to know

‘Slavery’ in Syracuse, Wage Theft Epidemic, Spur Nationwide Protests

Just a thought...

Obama, Democrats are not in a tough spot on Bush Tax Cuts.

Obama, Democrats are not in a tough spot on Bush Tax Cuts.

Has Politico taken over GEM$NBC

The END OF THE LINE For Holy Joe?

Beck has a problem with the revolutions in Eastern Europe against Stalinists

The Social Security War has Officially Begun...Who's with Me?

Future soldiers may be wearing 'Iron Man' suits

Oy Vey-my latest email from the Tea Party Patriots

I don't have to hate J Stew

Dumb Columnists disguised as Letters to the PD Vol 2 - "It's TYRANNY, I tells ya!!"

The trial balloon on SS cuts is an EPIC FAIL, contact your Congressional delegation

Time to lighten up - Any DUers know the political history of this calypso

Go do something silly today.

The Nation: The Money & Media Election Complex

Seven weeks ago gas by me was $2.35 a gallon for regular, today it's $2.79

What do YOU think of this TSA picture?

Time for Obama to go on the offensive on SS, Medicare, and taxes

Snoop on Pallin go to jail but spy on Americans a la bush/Rove and go free

EPIC vs. DHS - First scanner law suit

I understand Rachel's points, but I agree with Jon. Unfortunately, Jon isn't arguing the correct...

I understand Rachel's points, but I agree with Jon. Unfortunately, Jon isn't arguing the correct...

I understand Rachel's points, but I agree with Jon. Unfortunately, Jon isn't arguing the correct...

Kanye on the Today Show

Forgotten Military History: The Bonus Army of 1932.

Obama Twists Own Arm, Says “Uncle” to Extending Bush Tax Cuts

Militant's award raises concerns at UM

Teachers, are you ready for the next assault on our profession?

Feces on the High Seas: What is Your Cruise Ship Dumping?

Feces on the High Seas: What is Your Cruise Ship Dumping?

Tax deductions for charitable giving also on the chop block

The Right will chip away at the social safety net and increase their own wealth

The Right will chip away at the social safety net and increase their own wealth

RE: Tax cuts for rich. What about a signing statement and what about

David Corn: George W. Bush's Omission Points

The hard, cold truth about our political system is.........

A Different Take On The Maddow/Stewart Interview

From a republican

I'm curious. Why is Geoge Soros so bad and yet the people who attack Soros...

Without the lever voting machines, who's gonna pay for New York's hand counts?

My BIL has three kids in school...

Can someone either refute or confirm these fiscal numbers?

'Tis the Season -- Calorie Warning

cnn 'politics' page looks like republicon headquarters

I think its a tough sell for Obama on the SS and medicare cuts

Cats are better drinkers than dogs

...2.....Two months for a DOCTORS office to Issue A Refund....

PETITION to Congress -- PASS the Disclose Act NOW!

PETITION to Congress -- PASS the Disclose Act NOW!

PETITION to Congress -- PASS the Disclose Act NOW!

Sheriff Arpaio used hidden database to misspend up to $80 million

I'll say it again: we need Dr. Dean

"Mush from the Wimp"

Enough about J stew

John Stewart is right, but we need more real argument.

Caught out a rightie on his "your side does it, too" bullshit.

Fricking Whiplash From the Stewart Romance and Break-Up Here

Friday Toons, part 2 -More Derision

Yet again, the right attacks Obama for honoring veterans

I guess a whole lot more pain and suffering is needed?

Friday Toons, part 5

Friday Toons, part 1- Derision points

Chinese turning to mental wards to break activists

CENK UYGUR: Glenn Beck's Horrific Lie

Friday Toons, part 4

By the way...

Boehner's response to jobs question...I could use some help.

If I Had A Vote: An Exercise in Political Ideology

Sheesh.-Clearly a reminder is in order: Bush tax cuts KILL jobs

Another viral right-wing e-mail.

Good news from the Kentucky 6th district

Glenn Beck is SO misunderstood!

Why aren't the Dems as Creative as the Repubs? They are the ones

Have you read the regular Q&A with Michael Moore on his website? Kind of cool......

i still love jon stewart

i still love jon stewart

I called John Kerry's office today and asked him to protect SS and medicare

Rachel Maddow should get Meet the Press.

Wa Times op-ed contributor: workers need more crushed fingers

George AWOL Bush's new book inspires T-shirt fad that will sweep the Republicon Homeland

Remember, in NETWORK the anarcho-terrorists shot Howard Beale as part of TV show deal

SCOTUS refuses to uphold lower court ruling on DADT.

Obama: Fed action not designed to weaken dollar

DNA Tests Undermine Evidence in Texas Execution

Jon Stewart: This week's antichrist/hitler/devil


Today's LA Times: Will Obama Face A Primary Challenge In 2012?

Today's LA Times: Will Obama Face A Primary Challenge In 2012?

Land Office profits for gun dealers, I"m afraid...

my editorial on the uninsured/impoverished printed today

palin e-mail hacker sentenced to 1 year, 1 day

A British court on Friday threw out the results of a parliamentary election after deciding that the

Underlying all of this is the deeply corrosive, all-out war on liberalism.

Obama Commission debt plan unites liberals & Tea Party in opposition

I need help understanding why Social Security

Sigh...and the beat goes on.Reply in my paper from my "friend"

I was terribly disappointed

John Stewart was absolutely right

WTF was with John Stewart on Rachel Maddow tonight??

Today's Oakland killer cop story: They thought a guy's drug scale was a gun

Allen West won't tap Joyce Kaufman

DREAM Act to get one Last Push During Lame Duck Session

DREAM Act to get one Last Push During Lame Duck Session

Unreported (to Police) Beating of a Middle School Student in Hernando, MS

Good fucking flaming Jesus on a stick, people. Does anyone REALLY think the shrub wrote that crap?

Concerning the misguided attempt to cut Social Security....

Angry white female radio host alludes again to lynching as she bids out of West's staff chief job

dylan ratigan poll results question

USPS losses double for past year to $8.5 Billion

I get it now...

House clearance vase fetches £53m ($85.6m)

Schwarzenegger: Lawmakers, voters get budget blame

Reid asks Michael Bennet to take over DSCC, Bennet turns it down

I used to wonder why so many people are uninformed...

Social Security and Medicare should not even be a part of the deficit discussion.

Just out of curiosity - will this totally harmless OP now

Just out of curiosity - will this totally harmless OP now

1976 Apple I to Sell For Over $200,000

Who do you think is going to be the next former president to pass away?

Apologies if I offended or broke a posting rule.

On Gay Bullying and DADT: Cindy McCain vs. John McCain

Bloomberg chief uses lunch to lobby Genachowski against NBC-Comcast merger

Life After Trading?

Post-Maddow Interview Jon Stewart poll

NO $700 Billion Tax Cut For The Rich!

I swear Grover Norquist is as stupid as he is ugly

Net Neutrality, Social Media and corporate image

Support PFAW - requesting

Pain and suffering was stacked floor to ceiling today in Omaha (remember Maria Jimenez died in 2008?

Hardball - JFk's SS agents - "nothing could have been done to prevent

Police recruits screened for digital dirt on Facebook, etc. (demanding private passwords, more)

Police recruits screened for digital dirt on Facebook, etc. (demanding private passwords, more)

"The US Corporatocracy" updated 11/12/10 to include "Debt Commission Report" and other issues

Hensarling Ludicrously Claims Ryan’s Roadmap Will Not Cut

KS rep. equates Muslims, killers

DREAM Act to get one Last Push During Lame Duck Session

The Elite Get AWAY....Hit and RUN dismissed against Bill Gates Sr.

Glenn Beck draws criticism over latest Holocaust comments

If left voices were more polite and even-handed would America improve?

OMG: Christine O'Donnell caught with "palm notes" on Leno! (photo)

Why extending the Bush Tax Cuts for Millionaires is such a stupid idea

BANK BUST FRIDAY !!!!!.....Oops, Georgia Did It Again

Wealth is what it is. Neither good nor bad, on its own.

World Bank funding anti-gay group

Walmart worker fired for using medical marijuana to appear in federal court in Grand Rapids

Vile Viral Video Star's Raging Past [documents about woman from postal video]

Rachel, could you ask Jon to come back for another hour?

Red ink for post office: $8.5 billion last year

Why is it so hard to say . . . . .

The pilot controls the plane. So what's the point of nudiescanning the pilot?

A Visit to a Site of the Batpocalypse

FB Page: "Does Beck Want Progressives Dead" - the evidence

As we watch the last vestiges of The New Deal fade from view . . . . .

Here Comes NC Dem Bluedog SHULER To Challenge Nancy Pelosi For Minority Leader.

Ariel Sharon, still in a coma, moved from hospital to his ranch

Don't Clamp Umbilical Cords Straight After Birth, Urges Expert

New movie, 'Fair Game'

Why don't they fight back??

So, folks want the President to effectively allow taxes to be raised for middle-class families

painful as it is to admit, Jon Stewart was right about this.....

painful as it is to admit, Jon Stewart was right about this.....

Poll: Voters Would Rather Tax The Wealthy Than Cut Social Security

Maddow and Stewart discuss Keith Olbermann (11/11/10 )

I don't understand WTF Jon Stewart is talking about

I fail to see the logic?

I fail to see the logic?

I fail to see the logic?

Sullenberger opposes airport body scanners

important read.."Businesses Do Not Create Jobs"

I Just Called The White House, My Senators & Congressman To Tell Them......

George W Kills a Potentialy Innocent Man....DNA Evidence Refused

What is poor Joe Lieberdouche going to do now that his 'party' will lose certification

Rachel is sitting down with Jon right now

Nobel-Winning Economists Seek to Aid U.S. Fight Against Health-Care Suit

Up until this week, I would have thought that Jon Stewart was on to them. Then, Wallace & Maddow

Cindy McCain BLASTS ‘ Don’t Ask ’ As Husband John McLame FIGHTS To Keep It Alive

Got my Blue Cross notice today - 11 percent increase for next year

Who do you blame for the loss of the public option?

A different crusade for Jon Stewart

Yummy alert! Teabaggers Release Personal Phone Numbers, Emails Of Almost 100 Incoming GOP Reps

If Ron Christie wasn't a FUCKING UNCLE TOM he wouldn't have to write a book called "Acting White"

Bush plagarized passages in his book...

Obama loyalists, conflating the permanent and temporary top 2% tax cuts won't help the situation.

Jon Stewart is now embracing what he once condemned.

Go 'Bama! First state in the nation to have a drive-thru sex-toy store.

My e-mail to Rachel about her interview with Jon

TARP 2: No Way To Create Jobs And Help Our Nation’s Economy

I see a couple of conspiracies that

Alexi Giannoulias mulling run for Chicago mayor?

Prince George's County Executive Jack B. Johnson arrested

Nancy Pelosi Is Featured In The St.Louis Post Dispatch "Punch Line Caption"...

DU doesn't have a jobs forum - we're hiring if you have a tel-comm background

2012 was lost today

NYT's Krugman: The Hijacked Commission

Kucinich to force vote on withdrawing troops from Afghanistan

What I would pay a lot to see, or hope I live to see...but probably won't.

Conyers joins growing chorus calling for Bush torture probe

Tampons. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Well this sucks, one of my cadets, one of the kids i trained

His name's Brian DUBIE and his campaign colour is GREEN. And he was a REPUBLICAN candidate?

Teachers Unions in the Forefront of Education Reform

Teachers Unions in the Forefront of Education Reform

Why S.S. & Medicare will be cut

Thought I saw Jon Stewart's point of view last night. "Clowns don't take the field."

Virginia Baptists condemn revisionist History and attacks on Church/State separation

Ok, so I have been working all day, did Obama concede on tax cuts for the rich already?

Mr. Fish: Ass

Murkowski appears ahead in Senate vote count in Alaska

Johnny Cash - Don't Go Near The Water. Lyrics and video

OK, I'll say it: ARREST HIM!

Someone posted about getting snow is a picture

32 truths for mature human beings

Naomi Klein speaks at fundraiser on the G20 trials and the war on activism

Article in Men's Health about Big Pizza and Big Agriculture. It's really interesting!

Please! Is this a scam?

Binational Gay Couple to Reunite?

13 Facts About Military Spending That Will Make Your Head Explode

Ralph Nader seeks suspension of GM stock offering

Is DU the largest Democratic board out there? Is there another one BIGGER?

I love you.

Social Security Cuts: Early retirement age upped to 64 and half of retirees will see benefits cut!

Bush plundered his lackeys' memoirs, passing off their memories as his own

Postal Work Secretly Films Customer's Racist Rant (Hingham, MA)

Veteran in distress released from VA, dies in cab

Awesome "Palin's Alaska" review in New Yorker

The Newtzis are coming after you and me brothers and sisters.

The "Co-Chair's Proposal": Who Wins? Who Loses? A look at the numbers:

I don't think John Stewart was saying the things many of you think he was saying.

I never thought I would say this about Jon Stewart...

What Stewart gets--Bill Moyers is a better advocate journalist than Keith Olbermann

The plunder of America: Tax breaks for the rich; Cuts to Social Security; and now More War

How will Glenn Beck's career end?

So how many jobs did these taxpayer subsidized super millionaires create

Will you be willing to see all tax cuts expire rather than giving any cuts to the rich? nt

Will you be willing to see all tax cuts expire rather than giving any cuts to the rich? nt

Friday Toons, part 3 - Aftermath

Scholastic partners with Sunny D to enlist teachers' help in peddling their drink.

Give me a reason why anyone should join your cause....

I was told to 'go away' from here yesterday. It shouldn't have bothered me, I was on a tear

39 of the new TP Congresscritters have NEVER held or served in any elective office...

Jon Stewart joined the media lynching of ACORN

Jon Stewart joined the media lynching of ACORN

The top 400 taxpayers..

DISGUSTING!!! Ron Christie defending Rush Limbaugh

Better Business Bureau accused of running 'pay for play' scheme ($400 gets you an A rating)

Remember when Al Gore talked about putting Social Security into a ''Lock Box''?

The Terrible Cost of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Whistleblower accuses HSBC and JP Morgan of silver futures scam

Kudos are in order, no?

what if Prez Obama said he will veto any bill with tax cuts for top 2%

Paul Krugman: The Hijacked Commission

Here's what really pisses me off about America - "Sarah Palin's Alaska"...

Obama softens his tone on offshoring

Racism returns with a vengeance -- "It made me feel small".

MOMENTUM on tax cuts! more than 100,000 people have signed petition.

E-petition: "No $700 Billion Tax Cut for the Rich"

Fellow woodchuck action liberals: do you agree with me about this general take on strategy?

Whiners and cheerleaders unite in criticism of Stewart! Yet they're both completely wrong

11/12/10: (New) UN special rapporteur says waterboarding is torture

Black Hingham Postal Worker Fired, Abusive White Woman Gets Away Scott-Free

Black Hingham Postal Worker Fired, Abusive White Woman Gets Away Scott-Free

You know when liberals turned on Obama? December 15, 2009.

Sanders Calls For Progressive Meeting, Alternative To Fiscal Commission

Bold Progressives Petition: President Obama, FIGHT Bush tax cuts for millionaires!

NYC pays company almost $100,000 to rid 3 schools of bedbugs. Clean-up could cost $250,000.

somebody talk me down . . .

Catfood commission co-chair Erskine Bowles says Obama administration didn't listen enough to GOP

Ten Reasons the Social Security Proposal of the Fiscal Commission Co-Chairs Should be DOA (Dead on A

Is the President supposed to be regarded as the opposition now?

The Maddow interview of Stewart was impressive.

3 Dem policy think tanks urge more "bipartisanship", say we lost because...

Warner: Eliminate Tax Cuts For The Wealthy, Give Them To Businesses

This Friday’s Afternoon Challenge: 20th century writers and their portraitists!

I Support Huffington Post’s Reporting of Obama Plans for Bush Tax Cuts

True inflation numbers - ignore manipulated government numbers

Who knew Jon was going to turn out to be an apologist for Bush, Faux News and the teabaggers.

Clinton gives thumbs-up to new Bush memoir

Your Social Security

So, THIS is why many progressive sites have gotten more conservative in the past year!

So, THIS is why many progressive sites have gotten more conservative in the past year!

So, THIS is why many progressive sites have gotten more conservative in the past year!

So, THIS is why many progressive sites have gotten more conservative in the past year!

"We didn't need a Democratic President to go after Social Security. But we sure got one."

Chinese goods to cost more

Wow, Stewart Is Really Underwhelming

Cenk Uygur @ HuffPo: Glenn Beck's Horrific Lie - He Must Be Fired

Cenk Uygur @ HuffPo: Glenn Beck's Horrific Lie - He Must Be Fired

So, I see Jon Stewart is now officially persona non grata at good old DU.

Why Jon Stewart Doesn't "Get" It

12 Year-Old Girl Beaten By Kids Over Her "Male" Name (And guess where they were before the attack?)

Osama Bin Lager - the taste of fear

Okay. So i pushed my cuticles back. and they spit. So i pused them back again.

Dino De Laurentiis Dead: Legendary Filmmaker Dies At 91

Dolphins - we need get our story straight on them

Is it my imagination or does most of the bad cruisline shit happen to Carnival?

Ways for beloved former President George W. Bush to unwind after his strenuous book tour

Help if you can. I am not able to send out email and

Have Heels Gotten Too High?

Rules in Chandler Az

It's Skittles in Australia!!!

Today's Safety Warning!

Man Lights Joint To Celebrate Child's Birth

I just saw Roger Water's "The Wall". What a fitting thing to do on Veteran's Day *spoilers*

Stupid facebook question:

Animated Dancing John McCain!

Well , that was strange! I'm having trouble with the timing on an

birding question?

A medical advertizement for Taquila....ROFL

Spam Jerky...

unfortunately named cereal

'Tis the Season -- Calorie Warning

The Rolling People


This comic pretty much sums it up

I'll bet no one's heard of the musician Olafur Arnalds!

They Call Me Naughty Lola


You fools missed out on a ton of easy money.

On today's House Lunch Menu

first snow of the year. let it snow, let it snow.... huge flakes

Vertigo. Not the movie, the dizzy. Advice?

Song identification

Cats are better drinkers than dogs

Two of the Gosselin sextuplets expelled from school for rage, name-calling & bullying

No sleep- kitty Conspiracy

Seriously, cats are capable of learning and troubleshooting problems

I know Halloween's over, but I have a question about werewolves.

10 Surprisingly Sexy Brutal Dictators

Don't give us none of your aggravation. We've had it with your discipline

Home Improvement - Privacy Fencing

What sort of intelligent critters bear grudges?

cop left 2-way radio on while having sex on the job

I need some help with a song.

Is a 47-yr-old woman too old to be playing in a revolving door?

Marta found out I've been seeing Debbie and has a photo

LOL- I just love spam emails sometimes... check out what just showed up in my inbox's junk folder

Why does my dual-tuner DVR keep rebooting itself?

Why do people play favourites?

What is the best pen to use to sign the back of my replacement credit card?

Weekend kitteh (in memory of SoCalDem's Bubby)

Seriously "Wayne's World"???!!!! Is that the best they could come up with for Delaware???!!!

Friday night music - Stones, "Time Waits For No One" amazing guitar work

modern music is computer driven fucking static

My new workplace is right above Victoria's Secret

Anyone else here listen to songs from foreign countries?

Leonardo DiCaprio will star as Americas first serial killer, Dr. HH Holmes

Has "classic rock" always been called "classic rock"?

I am now a PAID professional medical provider.

Schwarzenegger calls special budget session

S.F. may hit drivers with variety of tolls

U.S. Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.) claims victory in close congressional race

Colombia gay rights groups protest after court's gay marriage

Webmaster Urged To Remove State Information

Obama opposes permanent extension of tax cuts for rich

Wall Street Firms Find Volcker Loophole: Report

Deficit Panel Leader Tweaks White House

Obama: Pelosi an “Outstanding Partner”

Obama hails Iraqi power-sharing deal

G-20 steers clear of endorsing US push on China

Poll: Disenchantment Remains After Midterms

AP-GfK Poll: Public mixed on GOP tax, health plans

Report Cautions Obama on High Cost of Afghan War

Military gay ban intact (SCOTUS Refuses To Stop Enforcement Of DADT During Review)

Palin e-mail hacker sentenced to a year in custody

Newt Gingrich urges conservatives to end democracy with a long range effort

Europe's Growth Slows as Deficit Cuts Dent Recovery

Polish Composer Henryk Górecki Dies, Aged 76 ('Symphony of Sorrowful Songs')

Lesbian educator's marriage leads to exit

Berlusconi days numbered with no-confidence motion

Bush: Mubarak Informed US that Iraq Had Biological Weapons

Nader seeks suspension of GM stock offering

(Las Vegas) Review-Journal publisher Sherman Frederick, editor Thomas Mitchell out

Republican election win fails to excite public: poll

Supreme Court Declines to Lift Military Ban on Gays

Protest results in Fruitvale Station closure (after alleged police brutality in Oakland)

Pentagon Investigates Leak on Gay Study

Remains could be missing Zahra

Burma generals 'sign Aung San Suu Kyi release order'

MSNBC's 'Countdown' sees a 25 percent boost

Economists Ask to Help U.S. Fight Health-Care Lawsuit

UK to develop offensive cyber capability

Christine O'Donnell's campaign finances scrutinized (U.S. Attorney, FEC investigate complaints)

Well, the hits just keep on coming. I got hurt really bad this time.

Top Palin aide is on Soros' payroll

Women in Congress Endorse Pelosi for Leader.

Liberals plan to push Obama not to compromise with GOP

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday November 12

(R-Ne) Hagel: Too early to judge Obama

Social Security reforms could be bombshell for House GOP

State cools threat to blogger over food stamp post

Chilean government supports Muslim school girl use of ‘hijab’

Pentagon's "flying car" to get robot pilot from Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute

Arizona Sheriff used hidden database to misspend up to $80 million, officials claim

Turkey Prices Hit Record Before Thanksgiving on Feed Costs

Turkey Prices Hit Record Before Thanksgiving on Feed Costs

Crippled cruise ship reaches San Diego Passengers recount three days at sea without hot food, show

President Obama says he's not caving on tax cuts

George Bush Book 'Decision Points' Lifted Passages From Advisers' Books

(UK) Single parents should 'prepare for work' when child is a year old

Hollywood Legend, Zsa Zsa Gabor, rushed to the hospital with massive blood clot

I hope someone runs against this asshole Kent Conrad why does he have a D in front of his name

Politico: Democrats angry over Obama tax deal talk (irony alert)

Pelosi won't budge on expiring Bush tax cuts

rachel maddow's jon stewart interview on now! nt

Members of the Deficit Commission

Noticed the medias narrative lately extend the Tax cuts and go to the center

Wingers Criticizing Obama for being away on Veterans' Day

Conyers Joins Growing Chorus Calling For Bush Torture Probe

I do believe this is an important moment in the Obama Presidency.

Labor Days.

Mark Fiore on compromise - about nails it

Photo: Is South Korea trying to Manipulate the President?

Peggy Noonan makes some sense.

Remember Clyburn voted against NAFTA Hoyer voted for it

CBS POLL: Only 40% pleased with election outcome (58% were pleased in 2006). 30% say GOP have plan.

Will tax cuts for the rich be extended?

Great commentary from a conservative who thinks rail projects are a good thing

'U.S. Chamber of Commerce played a central strategic role in a coordinated effort to elect Repubs'

Obama lauds Pelosi as an 'outstanding partner'

Take action: Where Do You Think Bush's Memoir Belongs?

GOP Will 'Check' Obama, Cantor Tells Netanyahu

Deficit Reduction Plan Draws Scorn From Left and Right (updated)

Rep. Todd: Illegal immigrants multiplying like rats

How the GOP, with Obama's help, might succeed in cutting Social Security and raising retirement age

Is this the speech President Obama needs to give?

Is this the speech President Obama needs to give?

Obama says he's not caving on tax cuts

Top Palin aide is on Soros' payroll

Jon Stewart - Facts matter MOST (Facts-Facts-Facts)

WTF is Jon Stewart talking about

What should the President do about tax cuts

A Transformational Election? Not Likely

Pelosi won't budge on expiring Bush tax cuts

I have a proposal for Boner/Rethugs and the Bush Tax cuts for the richest

The Scar folks were in classic form this morning

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on The Bush Tax Cuts for Millionaires

If Obama can separate the tax cuts into two parts

GOP tax cuts for the rich = payback to corporate sponsors

2012 GOP primary poll: Palin leads field in TX, WI, WVA, ME; Romney up in FL, NH, CA, CO

Democratic sources push "nonsensical" tax cut compromise

NY Post's Big Fat Lie About Obama Veterans Day

Are there no liberal billionaires that care enough to start a network?

Joe Wilson, On Ed Schultz's show just now, poked a sharp verbal stick in W's butt

How do you think the new teabagger reps will treat President Obama at the 2011 State of the Union?

By the way, guys, there is a new Facebook group called...

"I am 'The Capitulator'; I don't do take-a-stand-and-fight for what's right."

Let Them Expire

Could Stealth Spending Decide the Presidential Race?

Could Stealth Spending Decide the Presidential Race?

Anyone notice there is almost no coverage of Obama's trip

Mark "OCB" Penn's pal Doug "Fox Contributor" Schoen on why President Obama shouldn't run in 2012

French launch bid to rewrite history books with claim that Lindbergh was NOT first to fly across the

Sanders Calls For Progressive Meeting, Alternative To Fiscal Commission

The Tax Cuts for the rich are a gift for the Democratic Party.

Nancy Pelosi: 'We Don't Let Republicans Choose Our Leaders'-Gives Bush Tax Cut Compromise Big NO!

Why would Obama give up all the leverage he and the Democrats have on the Bush tax cuts issue?

All Nancy has to do is pass a Middle Class Tax Cut in the House and send it to the Senate

What do you think of Dean-Feingold ??

Next on San Francisco's Hit List: Circumcision

George Bush is so dumb (how dumb is he?). He's so dumb he

How can our Kenyan communist president be THIS good for business?

LIBERALS aren't going to shut up and take it this time!

Barack Obama will be back on top

We may be witnessing the biggest one-year nominal drop in the deficit that has ever occurred,

Somewhere over time, basically we've lost the ability to call "bullshit".

Since when does "Shared Sacrifice" = "Cut Social Security?"

Tax Cuts: "GOP appears willing to shoot the hostage" or "Why Obama is Screwed Either Way"

Tax Cuts: "GOP appears willing to shoot the hostage" or "Why Obama is Screwed Either Way"

Al From of the DLC and the Far Center WON. Stop saying the far center does not win!

38 Colombian unionists killed this year .

Sam Greenfield hates tax cuts for the rich

A Veteran's Day Gem from Davis Fleetwood

MRN: Happy Veterans Day! DADT and Color Splash Miami

MSNBC w/ Cenk: 2010 Elections Outcome Debate

Tea Baggers Preventing People from Voting

Lt. Dan Choi Losing Patience (w/Chris Matthews, Polls, & White House)

Threatened into Nationalism

Bear chases Bison (not political)

F is for FOX

Correcting Chevron's Greenwashing "We Agree" Ad Campaign

Thom Hartmann - $100,000 cap on Social Security?

Thom Hartmann - Is Justice blind or available if the price is right?

The Rent is Too Damn High Song

Thom Hartmann - Is Food the Next Bubble?

'Multiply Like Rats' - Rep. On Pregnant Undocumented Women

Veterans For Peace Forced Again To March Behind Boston Veterans Day Parade-Nov. 11, 2010

Wolf Blitzer learns how to do the Dougie

The Ongoing Obama Fraud: More Evidence from His Asia Trip

MSNBC w/ Cenk: Debt Commission Crazy Cuts

Cenk: National Archives Wants Investigation Into Who Destroyed CIA

Thom Hartmann - Dirty little secret about Social Security

Tonight On MRN: Huffington Post

Gerald Celente: "Scenario set up for next war"

Weird Liberal Head Show #219: Democrats- Move to the Left!

Bill O'Reilly Farts Interviewing Bush

Mike Malloy - Joe Miller Just Can´t Let It Go

SKATEISTAN - To live and skate in Kabul

Differences in reactions of park-goers when a white, then black man attempt to "steal" a bike.

Thom Hartmann - Crazy Alert: France edition!

Discussing Axelrod and Extending Tax Cuts for the Wealthy on MSNBC

Mike Malloy - Recipe For Open Rebellion

Sonali Kolhatkar Interviews Matt Taibbi - Part 1

Sonali Kolhatkar Interviews Matt Taibbi - Part 2

Maddow -- Jon Stewart Interview pt.1

Debt Collector tricked consumers with phony courtroom

Dennis Kucinich: Flawed US economy works against people.

Thom Hartmann - Start learning Chinese

Papantonio: Obama Has Lost His Backbone

How Dummies Show Off Their Boehner

Whoops! Edison Tower demolition - falls the wrong way

Olbermann: Justice Alito Fund-Raises for Republicans

Inside Job

Thank You Alan Grayson

Really? Do I Have To See A Guy Eat Another Guy's Brains On MSNBC? Jon Stewart Interview pt.2

Racist abuses postal worker, and get HIM fired! (offensive language warning)

Bush Defends Torture!

The Splendid Chaps of the Military

ANIMATION: Bankrupting the U.S.A the Ben Bernanke Way.

An Anti-Bullying Message From the NOH8 Campaign

Mr. President , even a TEMPORARY extension of Tax Cuts for the rich will cost you a lot of your base

Guardian UK: Student protests planned on a national scale on 24 November

Harold Meyerson: "A post-election numbers game"

Johann Hari: Clegg – the man who betrayed us all

CNN: A hopeful Ruben Navarrette wants to apply the soothing balm of Jeb Bush to the 2012 election

Eugene Robinson: Rank-and-File Frustration

We can help build a resilient financial system that will serve real people in real communities

Eight Myths of Justice

What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones?

David Sirota: The High Cost of Low Prices

Spending cuts – the fightback begins

Matt Taibbi: Courts Helping Banks Screw Over Homeowners

WikiLeaks Ban or Global Secrecy Act?

What does a ‘Hispanic Heart’, Speedy Gonzales & the Tea Party Have in Common?

Brewing Up Trouble - Chip Berlet On The Tea Party And The Rise Of Right-Wing Populism

The Truthiness Comes Out in Rachel Maddow Interview: Jon Stewart Only 'Plays' A Liberal on TV

The Hijacked Commission

He was a Baptist pastor, not a priest

Sarkozy, G20 aiming to 'update' monetary system

Gulf hero doctor testing patients: Poisoning worsening, cancer

Businesses Do Not Create Jobs

WAPO OpEd by Ted Koppel: Olbermann, O'Reilly and the death of real news

Ky.editorial : McConnell's true colors

Angry Voters of a Decaying Empire

Weekend Economists "Give Me Your Tired" November 12-14, 2010

Wash Post Op-Ed: Obama Should Not Seek Re-Election

DNA Test Casts Doubt On Guilt Of Texan Executed In 2000

Centrica to Raise Domestic Gas, Electricity Prices for U.K. Households 7%

Peak oil notes

Drumbeat: November 12, 2010

Eggs and Baskets

A witch hunt against climate scientists?

Worst Sri Lankan Rains In 18 Years - Lower Floor Of Parliament Under 3 Feet Of Water - AFP

G20 Nations Will "Spare No Effort" At Cancun Climate Talks Blahblah "Urgent Priority" Blahblah

October 2010 Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations 387.18; October 2009 384.36; October 2008 382.98

Beijing to melt snow to address water shortage

33% - 100% Of Largemouth Bass Sampled In Delmarva Counties Show Intersex Characteristics

TVA could take lead for 'mini nuke' plants (Chattanooga Times Free Press)

Colorado Forests Already Net Carbon Source - Intermountain West Forests On Sink/Source Edge - NYT

NREL report: Big opportunity in offshore wind

‘Cool’ Climate Film Takes On ‘Truth’ (climate denier - Bjorn Lomborg)


Extent Of Medusahead - Latest Invasive Threat To Western Rangelands - Growing 12%/Yr In 17 States

Chevy Volt's battery miles cost more than the gas ones

Some questions on firearms registration

Gunman shoots 4 Texas policemen serving warrant

Has anybody had any experience with the new .327 Federal Magnum?

Pistol-packing store owner thwarts machete-wielding robber..

Mexico uses robot to explore ancient tunnel

38 Colombian unionists killed this year .

Colombia gay rights groups protest after court's gay marriage

Brazil's VP has heart attack Bradley Brooks

Bolivia, Japan sign agreement on lithium research

Colombian key in Guatemala forced disappearance case

'Drummond congratulated paramilitaries on unionist murders'

Major Mexican Drug Cartel Offers to Dissolve,"and return to our daily productive activities

Brazil’s Favorite Clown and Deputy “Tiririca” Not Illiterate After All

Meet Tlaloque I, Mexico’s High Tech Archeologist Exploring 2000 Year Old Tunnels in Teotihuacán

Former Peru president to run for top job again

Chilean government supports Muslim school girl use of ‘hijab’

A Team not in the BCS Top 20 should not be allowed into the BCS (I'm looking at you Big East)

Ho hum. Tulo & Cargo also win their 1st Silver Slugger Awards

Justin Morneau is no fan of Target Field

Oklahoma City says no to Lingerie league franchise.

Page 2's midseason NFL logo makeover

112-107. TWICE. Like taking candy from a baby!!

It's my birthday today! And as a present could you all please...

The JR Chess Report (November 12): Three Tied at the Top of the Tal

Barclays to Reimburse Gay Workers for Taxes on U.S. Benefits

Yes, this is seriously a book by George Alan Rekers

Video: NFL players discuss gay players

Come out. Or don't. Make the choice.

GERMANY: Top Footballer Mario Gomez Urges Gay Players To Come Out

Tonight I worked with a calculus student

Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber Accuses Courts Of "Kidnapping" Isabella Miller

Wells Fargo Gives $150K to AIDS Program

DADT Discharges Can Continue For Now, Supreme Court Rules

World Bank funding anti-gay group!

" It was a nightmare "....fugging cops

Not Your Average Celebrity Clip: I beg you to watch this clip. Please!

Students Wear "Straight Pride" T-Shirts (includes passage advocating death for gays)

Christian Group Calls For Nickelodeon Boycott Over Trans Character (Degrassi)

GLBT - check in please!

NC GOP hopes to pass anti-marriage amendment

‘Social Suitability’ Nears OK as Israeli Housing Criterion

Column One: Addressing our homegrown enemies

Senator Bernie Sanders- a Progressive Profile in Courage

Prisoner Speaks Out From Israeli Jail

Barack Obama: The Most Anti-Israel President!

In Coma, Ariel Sharon Is Moved Home

Could you live with Islam?

Sauerkraut or Gerbils?

Psychotropics and the Nature of Reality

A Black Theology of Liberation (James Cone, 1970)

Muslim Man Faces Life In Prison For ''Insulting The Divine Essence''

an atheist Christmas coloring book

Learning with TuxMath (free open source)

Animation of Heavy-Ion Collisions in Atlas Experiment

Cats drink using lap-and-gulp trick

Cost overruns and delays add up to $6.5 billion for NASA's next-gen space telescope

Enhanced rainbow

By a friend:

interesting blog post on sensor size

Square Tower House

Possible entries for November

Hanging my head - begging for help - stairways poll

I thought it could not get any more fiery around here

Today in Labor History Nov 11 Several gruesome deaths over several decades

Today in Labor History Nov 10 The Edmund Fitzgerald and crew of 29 are lost in a storm & more

Red Cross Workers Ask for Fair Treatment

Menino targets health insurance (teachers, police, firefighters, and other city employees, retirees)

Unions expecting GOP retribution

Why was it okay to support a Republican, Crist, but it is inappropriate to suggest that

Hi! What ever became of that questionnaire "thingy?"

Are you keeping an eye on rec/unrec patterns?

Apologies for stirring the pot about unrecs - I understand

Regarding siglines and unreccers

Could mods consider most aggressive moderation of LBN?

Why do the mods allow bigotry against the mentally ill in complaints about bigotry