Democratic Underground

Archives: December 19, 2009

Interesting Times: Jim Campbell, Maine Republican, Leaves Party Over Failure To Address Health Care

Interesting Times: Jim Campbell, Maine Republican, Leaves Party Over Failure To Address Health Care

Help me word an email to my senators

So I follow a local weather blog and this is what I have to read

Obama Claims Victory On Climate Agreement

Ethics probe of Murtha, 2 others dropped

Ethics probe of Murtha, 2 others dropped

Banks repay TARP funds, government bailout of Wall Street continues

CSI Washington: Who Killed Drug Imports?

Lambda Legal: "The Obama Administration is rejecting another chance to do the right and legal thing"

Devolution: The Reality of Post-Peak Upheaval

Ah The Good Ole Days: Here's A Template For Obama

Argueably, Bushco's #1 damning quality as president..


DNC ad: GOP 'playing politics with our troops'

The other news site are reporting that the Yemen airstrikes were by that government

Tweety just called Lieberman "JOE THE BUMMER"!

What would you do, if Bush..


The Hill - "DeMint promises to delay health bill, force Christmas Eve vote"

If Dean wins the primary instead of Kucinich, I'm staying home.

"Where is Happyville, USA?"

Copenhagen agreement called ‘meaningless’ and ’shameful’

Omygawd .... this is CPac week.

Madow Just exposed McCains Hypocrisy

Fewer states add jobs as recovery sputters along

It's Friday so you know what that means...

If I tell you something do you promise not to tell anybody else?

Controversy over Christmas billboard depicting Virgin Mary

Controversy over Christmas billboard depicting Virgin Mary

"Senator DeMint won't hire homosexual teachers and troubled by the thought of a gay president"

Morning in Washington

"My date, Susan" (a fan's request for some dish)

People with disabilities: Are We Not Worthy?

Feds defy order to provide same-sex benefits

'pundits'/'talking heads' that make me holler

Now that healthcare's been shoved up our collective arses, can we prosecute war criminals?

CBS News - "Cheney Calls Obama "Radical," Says 9/11 Trials a "Huge Mistake"

Wag wag wag the dog.

Palin get pants on fire lie of the year

If Joe thretens to Filibuster, the least the dems could do is MAKE HIM DO IT!

My head is spinning from this past year....and I guess I am not surprised at where we are.

I grew up on the "wrong" side of the B & O railroad tracks in a small town in Illinois

WSJ - Karl Rove - "The President Is No B+"

The 2004 primary: who should have won?

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!!

Gotta dynamite idea! Decals of your favorite BlueCrossDog Dems for inside your preferred ...

Letter from Anthony Weiner about his live online chat this Tuesday!

DeMint: Ben Nelson Will Be 'An American Hero' If He Opposes Health Care Reform

I saw these today and thought of DU, please don't use them for evil.


League of Conservation Voters Praises Climate Deal

Heh! Hey LIEberman! Looks like you are stuck with Al Franken for a few days...

New Materials Tell Story of H-1B Visa Program

Contested climate deal under fire

Vicki Kennedy: The moment Ted Kennedy would not want to lose

I wanan grow a ponytail but it will take too long. Are there seamless hair extensions for men?

Scientists capture volcano erupting underwater in spectacular video

Scientists capture volcano erupting underwater in spectacular video

Pres Obama: "hands-off approach to healthcare...likely a mistake" & lost many progressives in August

Pres Obama: "hands-off approach to healthcare...likely a mistake" & lost many progressives in August

Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure

Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure

Rachel: C-SPAN archives have blacked-out McCain from 2002

Somebody talk to this Texan about

There is a possible strategy what the Senate is doing with HCR which may work

Kinder Surprises: Banned in the U.S.A.

Do not trust or believe ANY articles written by Jonathan Weisman unless confirmed

Over the HC Bill

Something about Joe I just picked up from Wikipedia...Maybe we could use this:

let's stop the circle jerk and put the fucking party on notice - the tent doesn't include crackers

"There's not a dime's worth of difference between Gore and Bush!"

James: Police ‘de-infest areas where gays congregate’

Jon Stewart Nails Laura Ingram for Holocaust comparison

AP - "Obama brokers a climate deal, doesn't satisfy all"

Human Ancestors Were Homemakers

I hate liberals

A Tour of Glenn Beck's Former Fortress of Crazitude - Gawker

LATIMES: Anti-Choice deal in sight in Senate healthcare negotiations

George Monbiot despairs at the chaotic, disastrous denouement of climate summit

The Pentagon is muscling in everywhere. It's time to stop the mission creep.

Climate Change: no real deal, and no exit

Al Franken: A breath of fresh air at a watershed moment in 1996 amidst centrism and compromise

Al Franken: A breath of fresh air at a watershed moment in 1996 amidst centrism and compromise

On eve of major snowstorm & defense bill vote, Lieberman has left DC

On eve of major snowstorm & defense bill vote, Lieberman has left DC

Do Senators represent their states anymore?

What is anti-X Factor song Killing In The Name all about?

Mike Gravel: 'Questioning Obama’s morality'

It is quite simple how the Democrats can get out of the situation they are in

What party does Bernie Sanders belong to?

New York: payments to cities, schools cut as Wall Street profits soar

Science's breakthrough of the year: Uncovering 'Ardi'

BALTO-DC Weather Advisory

There ain't no lite in George Bush lite.

NO MORE BULL -- a powerful video on MSNBC

An AM laugh before the sturm and drang:

I think the health care fiasco is just a red herring so we don't see what's REALLY going on

"Neocons Must Be Pissed; China and Russia Are Getting the Sweet Oil Deals in Iraq" by Pepe Escobar

Girl Says 'Superman' Neighbor Lifted Car To Free Her

Here is the video of John McCain objecting to granting Dem senator more time

The problem is not just that Nelson is a conservative Democrat, resisting a progressive policy goal

This is NOT an anti-Chinese thread. This is not an anti-Obama thread.

Boehner offers to help Obama on Afghanistan

This is so wierd. Democratic party is splitting just like the GOP did.

Lawyer From Far-Right Group Picked For Key Legal-Aid Post

Didn't Cheney lie to Patrick Fitzgerald

Read this story and tell me if I'm crazy.

Top 10 PETA protests of the decade (11 images)

Experts bid to decode Roman altar

Reward-hungry mom: Carrollton woman waiting to hear on payoff for turning in 6-year-old

After the embarrassing display from her repub colleagues over the last months, Olympia Snowe

After the embarrassing display from her repub colleagues over the last months, Olympia Snowe

any word yet on the OK abortion info law taking effect yesterday?

How the left has benefitted the healthcare debate...

Michael Bloomberg.

Compare & Contrast: The Prosecutions of Don Siegelman (D) and Ted Stevens (R)

VICKI KENNEDY SPEAKS OUT - Pens WaPo OpEd - Endorsing "Imperfect" Health Care Bill

Should an "unreccomend" vote require a comment in order to cast "unreccomend" vote?

Past Pat 'Marion' Robertson predictions

So...McCain lied. I'm not surprised

Quick question about HCR - signing statements

Breaking: Manager's amendment unveiled. 85/80 medical loss ratio in the bill.

Victoria Reggie Kennedy: Pass Health Care Reform Bill

COBRA help for laid-off workers may come by Christmas

Local 4 year old boy still missing..

Hit my forehead with my palm..what a dopey thought I had listening to President Obama in Copenhagen

3 Simple Rules of Health Insurance, Obama Style:

Florida man sentenced for threat to kill Obama

Has Obama Completely Abandoned Attacking Republicans on HCR?

Stunning Statistics About Afghan War Everyone Should Know: 179,000 U.S. personnel in Afghanistan!

Outraged Canadians get Sarah Palin booted from scheduled speech at hospital fundraiser

Washington's winter wallop

Dems just should have dusted off Nixon's healthcare proposal and called it Nixon's HC proposal!

Will the Senate ratify a new climate treaty that comes out of Copenhagen?

Who Was The More Influential Musical Figure And Why?

They're smiling cause Joe is keeping their spirits up. But they're facing a winter of discontent

Somebody tell me to stay home today- it's better to be safe

I guess progressives can now stop paying our taxes...

The bill doesn't kick in until 2014 as I understand it, and two elections will have gone by then /nt

thanks to mitch mcconnell the senate has spent 2 hours reading an amendment

Dear President Obama: How Much Do You Want?

Reading Page 113 of 383 - should be finished around 3:00.

Anyone else think Lieberman is going to bail on whatever agreement

NYT: Persistent absence of women in creative roles in film and theatre

CNN's saying there may be 60 votes...

We Americans are not too sophisticated for prophylactic sympathetic magic

What if they finally rounded up the votes for cloture - but then didn't

Part time employees under the HC bill

we should learn from history

'Repeal NAFTA' can be our '10 version of Rethugs '94 "Contract w America" and turn our party left.

We need to bring back the Equal Rights Amendment!

White House Will Try To Pull Health Care Bill Closer To House's Version

To President Obama and Harry Reid, thanks for caving in to Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman

Lil Wayne detained by Border Patrol

Full Text of the Managers Amendment!

Full Text of the Managers Amendment!

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: Sarah Palin's "Death Panels"

Inflammatory vitriol is unlikely to lead to any constructive or civil discourse.

Don't Give Up

can we stop calling it a conspiracy now?

can we stop calling it a conspiracy now?

Krugman: "Progressives are in Revolt. Obama took their trust for granted...and lost it" (August)

Fuck Ben Nelson, I hope his bullshit demands get ERASED in conference

Nelson has stated that if material changes made in House, he won't vote for Cloture in Conference

I think it's pretty obvious that most of our congress persons are bought and paid for

I think it's pretty obvious that most of our congress persons are bought and paid for

Wow... Lotsa Rain/Snow East Coast !!!

Hey, snowbound DUers, how are you doing?

Well, nice presser Harry - thanks for the royal fucking

DU was founded in 2001 to kick a little Bush ass. The jug-eared little prick stole the election ...

Senate: "Fuck you, America." ...... Pissed off Clown: "Fuck you, Senate."

CSPAN just reported lots of cheers coming from the room where the Democrats are meeting

Open letter to Bernie Sanders:

I'll get flamed for this - but these guys could fuck up a wet dream

I'll get flamed for this - but these guys could fuck up a wet dream

I don't understand what Nelson wants....

The USA is a country that KILLS it's own people!

Can we change the name to Democratic Socialist Underground?

Boxer praises Nelson "compromise" on abortion.

Why They "Managed" To Reach A "Deal"...Their MASTERS Got Everything They Wanted.

I wish like hell that Jon Stewart and Colbert would start a campaign to boycott

When and if this bill comes out of the Senate, and into conference, how many votes are required?

Why the US Economy Failed & what we must do to fix it

BANK....BUST....FRIDAY !!!!!!! Ho Ho Ho

There's a new scam in town

There's a new scam in town

There's a new scam in town

Climate summit avoids collapse by acknowledging US-led deal

Will Marshall DLC co-founder - "Shut up" & help Obama "bring home the prize"

Number of obese kids decreases among all ages of 5-to-17 group (JAPAN)

Population of NE: 1.7M Population of LA County: 9.8M

White House blanketed in SNOW!

Mitch McConnell (R-lying bast*rd) is live on MSNBC bitching and whining

We have been used by a con man

The Audacity of NOPE!

Climate deal a tough sell in US (especially in Texas)

I have a question - since the Repukes are making the clerks read the entire new bill---

The snowstorm in DC is easily explained:

Sen. Reid mentioned that Senate aides are going to meet with the press, 1 PM EST.

So war escalation with bombings in Pakistan and Yemen.

Well, now we will get to watch "our" Senators praise and congratulate each other for

As crappy as are the Dems, The Repubs are, far, far, FAR worse

As crappy as are the Dems, The Repubs are, far, far, FAR worse

As crappy as are the Dems, The Repubs are, far, far, FAR worse

Roseville Karate Instructor's Taco Bell Takedown, Arrest Raises Eyebrows

Roseville Karate Instructor's Taco Bell Takedown, Arrest Raises Eyebrows

Does anyone know if the President was flying back to DC

Did any Dem Senators comment on Senator Franken's exchange with

Mitch McConnell Just Now: "They're (The Democrats) Playing Games With The Nation's Health"

We've been had

Happy Holidays, DU!

Taibbi,Kuttner Debate Health Care Bill On "Bill Moyers Journal" (Video)

Time to kill the beast....3rd party or pull one very long thread???

Flawed climate accord good for Obama at home

SAD Failure: No Protection for Endangered Forests in Copenhagen

The state of the president's health initiative in Congress isn't surprising

The state of the president's health initiative in Congress isn't surprising

Must See: Matt Taibbi And Robert Kuttner On Bill Moyer's Journal

WOAH - China, India, & other countries LIE to the US at the Copanhagen negotiations

I wonder how many "pre-existing condition" adults will die before 2014

Dodd: 'We are about to pass into law a bill that makes healthcare

We need a facepalm smiley.

How can one senator from a state of 1.75 Million people have this

Post facts about the Health Care bill in this thread, please?

Is there anything our political "leaders" won't do for the NRA? (Gun Protection In HCR)

Sign of the times>? synchronicity? I just answered my doorbell

Mitch McConnell - We don't know what is in it but we are against it and will filibuster it

So how do we start to organize mass resistance to the forced insurance buy-in?

CBO: Senate health bill costs $871 billion, reduces deficit by $132 billion

So, has FOX had "experts" on yet to explain how this storm proves that global warming is bullshit?

Political Atlas arrows Senate Races in 2010

Politicians rank low on 'public good' poll

So... Did We Take Away The Insurance Industry's Anit-Trust Exemption ???

How have Democrats done on health care (insurance) reform?

Sci-Fi screenwriter O'Bannon dead at 63

You know what this is like?

So, this is what lies and hate will buy ya?

Some wisdom from the two greatest philosphers of the 20th Century

this health care bill is the most wondeful victory the DLC has had to date!

Thought about Medicare expansion

A certain tactic of Obama-bashers eerily mirrors right-wing rhetoric about the media.

A certain tactic of Obama-bashers eerily mirrors right-wing rhetoric about the media.

People who claim they are "true progressives" and then turn around claim others they are not. . .

People who claim they are "true progressives" and then turn around claim others they are not. . .

Pres. Obama Asks for "Up or Down Vote" on Current "Deal" on HCR:

Majority of U.S. Cocaine Supply Cut with Veterinary Deworming Drug

Going Vogue..


Dick Cheney and Barack Obama are cousins, I hear.

When does the mandate kick in? Insurance companies have until 2014

Make it Sir: Star Trek's Patrick Stewart to be knighted

The Time for Political Games is Over (money for troops set to run out Sat night?)

Here's the Obama Doormat for Progressives I Provided Back on September 1st.

Meanwhile, fetus-fetishist Ben Nelson threatened to KILL THE ENTIRE BILL

Stupak, working with GOP, trying to sink abortion compromise

Obama Says Health Insurance Reform Will Protect Patients and Hold Insurance Companies Accountable

Rahm Emanuel Assures WSJ: Don’t Worry About the Left

Obama is Live on CNN, 1:40

I've now seen the clip of Franken shutting down Lieberman more than a few times .......

Kit Bond makes an ass of himself & a mockery of a good poem

The details of the Senate/Reid HCR Bill revealed

Last night, in a small right wing back water town in Texas, the

ok - now I'm starting to get a little

If Dems knew the Pubs were going to require reading, why didn't they get that

If Obama's deathcare passes, almost everyone on DU will die immediately of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Stupak, working with GOP, trying to sink abortion compromise

How to convince voters all the RW smears they've ever heard about "Lib-rul Big Govt Dems" are true:

One Premium, Two Checks: How Abortion Will Be Paid For Under The Nelson Compromise

The "Netroots" Are Also MSNBC Viewers

To hell with the people stranded on the highway or the elderly trapped in their houses.....

Reid Hails Passage of Defense Appropriations Bill Bringing Nearly $90 Million to Nevada

Reid Discusses Lower Health Insurance Premiums in Reform Bill

Nice try, choir teacher who took 40 students to a Hooters for lunch, but Tiger is still on top

Thanks Mods.

Nelson on now. Bill will go to a very limited conference with the House

McCain/Palin. Those four syllables

So I'm a whiner... deal with it

Progressives need more leverage

"Suzanne" is homeless.

Freepers are melting down about the healthcare bill

We should primary Obama in 2012 for not reaching a better climate agreement.

Things you can actually DO to protest the Senate bill and fight back, move on petition link included

On Reproductive CHOICE (and HCR)

Banks & Bombs versus Education? "I'm really frightened for public education in Virginia"

Link to contact the Democratic Leadership Council here. They have

Harry Reid's people need to double-check that spellcheck

Is there a link to the final bill?

Republicans without the wacky Christians and the NRA nuts...

Hey gun owners - Health Care Bill has a little something for you too!!

=== msnbc "live" internet stream is working again at ...

Would Senator Kennedy vote for this bill?

Reading Page 335. Almost there kids.

Just a dumb question

Just a dumb question

After conference committee, how many Senators are needed to vote yes on the HCR bill?

Government at every level in this nation is totally and thoroughly corrupt.

How do WE do it?

Is it me: Democrats and their base vs Republicans and their base...

I'd rather have Olympia Snowe and Susan Collin's vote than

Speak out against Uganda's Anti-Gay Bill

The fallacy of "medicare and SS weren't perfect at first" argument

Like to sec 2200 of the bill: Ensuring essential and affordable health care

Air America - "Eric Cantor's Horrible GOP Ideas For Job Creation"

"Media Matters: Dragging down the health care debate"

I remember when Rupert Murdoch was cool...

I remember when Rupert Murdoch was cool...

Is there a DU type site for progressive liberals?

HCR: Best Idea Yet

San Jose police don head cameras-to record their interactions with the public

What a downer.... FAIL !!

Two and a third pages to go.

Jay Leno Interviews Glen Beck

No Single Payer? No public option? No Medicare-for-All?

If you are still confused about Afghanistan, consider Obama's handling of the health care reform

What Would be the Pupose of Industry Shills, et al Posting on DU?

What is covered by this insurance people will have to buy? What does the bill say?

What is your definition of a disruptor? A troll? A zombie?

Is not the collusion of corporate & government control the essential economic principle of fascism?

Is not the collusion of corporate & government control the essential economic principle of fascism?

Sen. Sanders Obtains More Funding For Health Centers

Grayson wants to send critic to jail for five years

*** HEADS UP - Senate in session now ***

Do they still have 60 votes ???

Now that it's a done deal- and it is a done deal- I'm going to

Is there any dem running against Stupak?

For all those who believe this is the best obtainable health care bill

wow. rielle hunter is one seriously greedy pos


I regretfully rescind my earlier post, and my blog

"Hero" Dog Takes Bullets During Home Invasion Robbery

Candidate flip, president flop

What happens after conference??

Another major defeat with this bill: states can't regulate HMO's

R. Sen. Tom Coburn saying on C-span that we're broke. So how can we continue

Is there any reason a not for profit health insurance company couldn't be formed?

27-Year Trial in Turkey Finally Ends with Mixed Verdict

Obama orders cruise missile strikes on Yemen

Joe Lieberman is MY SENATOR.

It's Not the Republicans Fault Cong. Democrats Are Bought & Paid For

Calling on Nebraska women and those from surrounding states.

Media Matters - "Limbaugh calls for "massive bombing raids" to "pound Iran into submission"

Senators Who Took Money From Insurance Companies Recuse Themselves From HCR Vote

How much power does Pres Obama have? And 3 other questions...

So when do we start paying for this shit sandwich?

Thanx a shit load Harry R. for this email

Michelle Bachmann Leads Prayer Meeting

"Senate Bill As Is Will Die In The House" says Head of Most Powerful Union

"Senate Bill As Is Will Die In The House" says Head of Most Powerful Union

There won't be one liberal or progressive Senator who will vote against the HCR act

Just for fun, the McCain Hypocrisy of the Day (re: Franken shutting Lieberman down)

Delete: Data Error

The real pay off to Ben Nelson--Fed Government will pay Nebraska's

You guys are just going to LOVE the Nelson compromise.

So they yanked out all the coverage for male reproductive health, too, right? Viagra? Prostates?

Foreign Interpreters Hurt in Battle Find U.S. Insurance Benefits Wanting

In Celebration of the passage of the Health Care bill, I plan to have my Car worked on.

Lieberman to star in

Democratic Senators opposed to drug reimportation receive 76% more Pharma $$ than those voting Yes

All your base are be screwed by me!

A question. There was a report where the Obama administration refused to accept an appellate

OK, this is really series. Who's teh shortest guy in the Senate?

Wind turbines 3x more efficient, resemble jet engine

Wind turbines 3x more efficient, resemble jet engine

I know there are anarcho-capitalists and libertarian socialists, but what about centre-libertarians?

Good article at Huff Post by Ryan Grim with latest on Senate bill

When the health care industry is writing checks to our senators

Wait a darned minute yet...this fight isn't over yet....right?

Joe Lieberman wants you dead

Mike Lux: That Gollum-Like Feeling on Health Care

Exemptions from individual responsibility requirements in Health care bill:

"10 Ways to Screw Over the Corporate Jackals Who've Been Screwing You" by Scott Thill

It's a given that this is HCR bill is going to get rammed through and the Democrats in Congress will

Does the bill about to be voted on contain anything regarding the raising of taxes on top brackets?

I would like for Senator Kerry to speak about this Bill, I trust him.

dusmcj has presented us an action plan, and I say let's get on board: BOYCOTT

dusmcj has presented us an action plan, and I say let's get on board: BOYCOTT

No deal with Spyker due to Russian owner

Defining healthcare affordability and a possible solution

Well, "Something" Is About To Pass in The Senate.

Will you call Al Franken a DLC/Blue Dog sellout now?

Charles Gibson has retired from ABC News...his legacy?

Prediction thread: What are the Republican talking points about the HCR bill going to be?

Merry CHRISTmas! 3 Churches to stop feeding the hungry/homeless over gay inclusiveness

Reid has filed for cloture

the most advanced, high tech solar

NY Times summary of the 2010 Statistical Abstract

US air raids kill 63 civilians in Yemen

So what did y'all THINK was gonna happen?

Current HCR bill Protects Gun Rights, but may threaten Abortion funding:

What is it about politicians and HAIR?

Rahm just mailed out his cards

Quick summary for my political oppositions to this bill


Partisan Stocking Stuffers to Annoy Your Friends

20 Uighurs Are Deported to China

Limbaugh Calls For "Massive Bombing Raids," War With Iran

Is anyone watching Ben Stein's "Expelled" on Showtime? Darwinism enabled Nazism is

Former NFL star Dave Pear is sorry he ever played football

Is there a Democratic Chat room? not a dating room...a Chat room?

Glenn Beck on Jay Leno now.. this guy is dangerous.....

Deleted Post Post.

Has Joe Klein ever shat on teabaggers? (Please refresh my memory.)

VOLUNTEERISM: If your employer asks you what organizations you volunteer for, try these!

GOP's latest God guru says gays are "possessed by demons."

GOP's latest God guru says gays are "possessed by demons."

So let me get this right. I am in the donut hole of the new Health Care Proposal???

Five minutes late - reminder - Matt Taibbi on with Bill Moyers now on PBS n/t

Howard Dean: "We Didn't Elect Democrats To Pass Crap."

I may never eat sausage again...

Franken Family Values

Well Shit... THIS Explains Everything...

DU Book Club: What Book Have You Read That You Recommend Reading In 2010?

I'm more sad than angry. Since the 1972 Presidential election,

What are the BEST provisions of this health care bill (for those who defend it)

What Happens If The Bill Doesn't Pass (From Krugman's Blog)

The HRC bill will most likely become law. So what are you going to do about it?

Happy Holidays from America's Banks!

A Heartbreaking Decade

For the record: It's NOT a healthcare bill!

OK, DUers, I need a civics' lesson............

Here's the language of the abortion amendment that won Nelson's vote on HCR

Doesn't Barack Obama have TWO daughters?

Should anti-choice Democrats be invited to leave the party?

This corporatist HCR bill won't be Obama's Waterloo- it will be his Iraq.

What's the difference between a Hooters and a Playboy Club? (And porn, and prostitution?)

Did the White House have anything to do with the Vicki Kennedy Op-Ed?

If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one...

Kill/Pass + Level of Enthusiasm

New Senate health care compromise co-opts a portion of Dean's 2004 campaign idea.

Fuck it. I might as well just keep smoking.

Fuck it. I might as well just keep smoking.

If the bill fails to pass the Repubs and FOX will declare victory. The "Obama's Waterloo" meme...

Well, I have everything I need for the weekend, the snow has started...

I just want to be clear with the statement the Senate is about to make


Can I get a DU Health Care Bill Head Count? (Poll)

I'm throwing a big party to celebrate when Obama signs the Health Care bill.

Ted Rall

There Is No Way Out Of This Box....

4 face sex-trafficking charges; children involved, feds say

California’s water woes worsen (and geothermal news)

California’s water woes worsen (and geothermal news)

Monica Lewinski

Were your expectations of CHANGE after only one year realistic?

Some Howard Dean quotes

Dear Rahm: F-You. Love, Pete.


If you were a senator, would you vote for this bill?

Macy's Bill Collector Calls Me Today. Really?

Sign the Damn Anthony Weiner Public Option Petition.

Repug Inhofe goes to Copenhagen and makes a complete fool of himself

Reduces Costs - most Americans will see their health care costs reduced relative to projected levels

This is the most backwards-assed legislation ever to pass through the bowels of Congress

Poll Reveals Trauma of Joblessness in U.S.

Strict abortion law in OKLA blocked for now

Stunning Statistics About the War Every American Should Know

Mandates, subsidies, show me your poverty... Prove you need it

Harry said he "spoke out, loudly and strongly" about the "public option"

Copenhagen is an absolute fucking disaster

Remember how we got here---Every single compromise---at every stage---has been to strip away

Bah-HUMBUG!! check-in here if you are OVER it!

Let me tell you all about a Xmas Card we received yesterday, opinions wanted

What are you predictions for the 2010 economy?

What are you predictions for the 2010 economy?

'They decided that they couldn’t serve food to the homeless with those who thought gays had rights'

OK I'm feeling pretty good about an accidental project

Newsweek: 'Mapping the God of Sperm'

UFO over Kremlin goes viral on Russian YouTube

Pregnant soldiers could face court-martial

The fucking horrific is also the enemy of the good.

I will not obey a mandate. I will not pay a fine.


Voices I Can't Stand To Listen To

I am 64 years old, and I just paid my quarterly health insurance

Has anyone here actually read the entire bill?

This HCR as it stands

Health Insurance You Can Not Afford to Use Is Worse Than No Insurance At All

Why I'm Supporting Passage of The HCR Bill

Senate HCR Bill: "is a legislative train wreck of historic proportions"

I would encourage all DUers who are sick of all this whining to get involved in real-life politics.

A Few Words from Our Founders about Disloyalty and Patriotism…

WARNING! Fine print in Obama's mortgage modification program contains a booby trap

One good thing about the HCR bill - it makes Lipless Mitch McConnell sad...

Fake rifle brings all-out police response

Is it time?

I knew we were lost, when ONE word changed.

Rock Art Redefines ‘Ancient’

Rock Art Redefines ‘Ancient’

Why do *people* ~ flesh & blood "real people" support corporations and their wayward 'way'?

Beer-drinking boy in dress 'wants to go to jail ... where his daddy is'

Beer-drinking boy in dress 'wants to go to jail ... where his daddy is'


Let's not fight with each other, eh?

Copenhagen deal: "meaningful" or "abject failure?"

Must Read: Obama Just Ran Out Of Slack

Project Censored's latest list of important news stories MSM thinks it best not to cover.

American women are the price for Ben Nelson's vote...

So to all those who think Politico is a right wing news source that should never be cited

Are the unemployed forced to buy health insurance? ....and other questions

Are the unemployed forced to buy health insurance? ....and other questions

Earth on track for epic die-off, scientists say

Imports are killing the US economy.

Swallow Hard and Support the Healthcare Bill

Dr.Dean photo appreciation thread

Any lawyers out there that could offer some pointers? My mother is being sued.

Any lawyers out there that could offer some pointers? My mother is being sued.

One Premium, Two Checks: How Abortion Will Be Paid For Under The Nelson Compromise

How the White House Misjudged the Political Landscape - FDL

Looks like Rahm's "Message Discipline" Program isn't working out so well.

I'm going to reenlist. I know this blows my liberal credentials...

Look at DU's Greatest Page ..... wow .......

Look at DU's Greatest Page ..... wow .......

This Health Insurance bill is really for the other corporations who pay for employee benefits

Most annoying thing about Christmas

I'm confused about Obama

This is Bizarre. Burris could end up being the most ethical guy in the Congress

U.S Kill 63 Civilians, 28 Children in Yemen Air Strikes

Team DU: Folding@Home - We've reversed the trend!

Blogger conference call with Dean, Wendell Potter, and Mike Lux..

Catch a Fire

Aren't you glad Obama got Congress to declare war on Yemen before air strike kills 63 civilians?

Could 'Avatar' Bankrupt Fox?

Get Your Own Al Franken! Please!

The Cowboys or The Yankees?

Poopy vs Doody

Armpit vs. Armhole

Cake hole vs. Pie hole vs. Asshole

Buttocks vs. Botox

I'm watching Man VS Food right now...DU Minnesotans...tell me all you can

MST3K: Joel Robinson vs Mike Nelson vs ....

Anyone watch "The Middle?"

Dick Armey vs. Army of Dicks

Let's start a movement to put the "SEX" back in Xmas!

Six vs.


Tall building vs. bridge.

I would like you to stay out of the lounge for a while.

Study: Whisky hangover 'worse than vodka'

Lady GaGa - Bad Romance

Asspit vs Asshole

Very sad news. The following smilies have been sentenced to death.

From the "Apparently It's Harder Than It Looks" file...

Picasso vs. Picasso

Why is "Pliny the Elder" the best beer ever?

don't count your eggs before they hatch

Vis-a-vis vs mano a mano?

PSA for those in the Mid-Atlantic: Stay FAR away from supermarkets tonight!

My Rights Vs. Yours

Man Ray vs. Monday

life should be like a video game

It occurs to me that some people should really retire long before they do

Hero worship

YouTube - "Lines form on my face and hands, lines form from the ups and downs..."

Manet vs. Monet

Santa's Dancin' just for you!

I gave you guys polls instead of videos today

Let's start a movement to put the "SEX" back in SEXmas!

YouTube - The Stranglers - "I'm not content to be with you in the daytime..."

Championship Football Game: Montana Grizzlies vs Villanova Wildcats

YouTube - Everyday something hits me all so cold, Find me sittin' by myself, No excuses that I know

I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

Otsuka Ai

Gin Blossoms - Found Out About Y

Hot Chocolate or Chic

Best Live Vocals I remember...

Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard...Pancho and Lefty

Someone you don't know who you're gonna hear from

Macgyver vs Colonel Jack Oneil

Sleepy Maggie

Mazzy Star - Into Dust

collections phone call question

UNKLE - "Eye for an Eye" Global Underground

The local Public Radio station just finished Handel's Messiah

Whatever happened to KitchenWitch?

lights over Norway ? Pyramid over Kremlin ? dead cows ? crop circles ?

I am a proud uncle today.

Does DU have a Shameless Self-Promotion and Bragging Forum?

It is snowing like crazy.

Renoir vs. Renoir

YouTube - 3 clips (25 minutes total) of prime Johnny Carson Tonight Show animal segments

Big Log - Robert Plant

The Psychedelic Furs - Love my Way

Sukiyaki - Ue wo muite arukou - Kyu Sakamoto

For the D & D buffs, this comic strip cracked me up.

Taupo (Oruanui eruption) vs Yellowstone (Lava Creek eruption)

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

Dr Pepper vs Mr. Pibbs vs Shasta vs

Monty Python (w/subtitles)

Best place to buy a washer / bolt / nut?

Blizzard Warnings have been posted in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Anyone baking? The teachers and friends are in the oven for nut breads .

YouTube - Patti Smith performs The Doors' "Soul Kitchen," Craig Ferguson Show, June 2007

Earth Final Conflict vs Gene Roddenberrys Andromeda

Krakatoa vs. Vesuvius

I think this whole healthcare/climate/war thing is covered in jam, made of tin-with parts of rabbit

Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby,

To hell with Christmas.

The Reverend Horton Heat - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Check out this animated short "alma" .

It's not snowing yet, but...

I'd just like to say: "Fuck Armageddon.....This is Hell!"

A little holiday cheer from Tom Waits

Dildos, strapons, and other toys for sale on Oxygen...

I live in SE Pennsylvania. I'm supposed to play at a wedding reception today.

jingle bells and Batman smells and Robin laid an egg,

I really want to ask the Weather Channel if "Winter Wallop" is a scientific term

I'm on a diet. I'm hungry for a midnight snack. Should I ......

It's still snowing here...and I see something strange in the distance

Worst. Christmas. Ever.

Okay, people. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Click here to die laughing!

Anyone here ever tried the Atkins diet (no starch). Any advice would be appreciated. Recipe ideas

Shovel now or wait until it's over?

eggnog is vile.

over a foot of snow so far in Batesville Virginia!!! and it's still coming down strong!

My flat is cold and needs to be winterized STAT..

It was Christmas in prison, and the food was real good

uncharted 2: among thieves

nothing has changed

Which means more to you?

Ramen vs. Spaghetti

What's a good song to get dressed and ready to?

DirecTV under suit for humongous list of deceptive business practices

Kayo Aiko

What's a good song to get UNdressed and ready to...

well, i've gone into therapy

Journal: Day one of the Blizzard of 2009

Jingle Bells, Santa smells, Rudolph ran away

Grateful Dead - Eyes of the World [Winterland '74]

Last day to vote for the DU monthly photo contest - beauties!

DIE of cuteness here:

I you enjoy Johnny Mercer's lyrics, tune into TCM untl 4 PM EST ..... never mind .... ending 3.30

The perfect gift idea - Toilet Paper Dispenser

Best/funniest DU sig line?

Black diamonds and pearls

Dio has rocked for a long long time...

#$%@. I think I just saw a %$^&*@#$%$!@$ snowflake.

adult children

Bozo in your eggnog: Funny, or not Funny?

Google Searching for ♥ in all the wrong places

Best LOCK of the day in GD, from cbayer to the OP that asked this...

Booze in your eggnog: Rum, Brandy or Whiskey?

BerthaVenation--how much snow did Southern Maryland get?

DIE of cuteness here:

What is this man thinking?

H1N1 Vaccine

1nce Again


Homemade brownies baking, homemade turkey soup simmering and a snowstorm tonight

Flobots - Handlebars

Doritos and eggnog. What a combination!

Are "roll out the barrel" and "the gang's all here" from the same song?


A fox tail i got in the mail a while ago.

Any good Mid-Atlantic Snow storm pics you folks want to share?

Ugh, the guy in the apartment above me TALKS REALLY LOUD!

Do you like the Pixar shorts?

If anything God forbid happens to me--DU-wise, that is--who will take up the Chuggo mantle for me?

Need ideas please. 16th b-day party....

I had some eggnog! Ask me anything!

Motown records were the shit.

Came across an old ST: TNG ep last night...

Tui comes home ( new puppy pictures/pic heavy)

how much snow do you have now?

I really like Christmas lights. I'm being serious, here...

Bikers in the Buff to Protest NY Bike Lane Removal

ST: TNG question...

East Coasters: check in, how much snow you got now?

Ha Ha HA This is funniest xmas video EVAH! People watch this

Can anyone recommend some Polish Folk music?

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Tin Pan Alley

Fantasy football players: Brady or McNabb in Week 15?

Songs about space and planets and stars and such.

Getting Tombstoned vs Quitting The Site In A Diva-Like Huff

Did you read MAD or National Lampoon, back in the day?

Back in the day.

Rabrrrrr, we are not alone

HOLY SHIT! It took him 3 1/2 years, but our rabbit finally figured out how to unlatch his cage!

Silent Night by Tom Waits

New entry on my Music Blog. Feedback welcome.

Has anyone figured out why folks MUST buy bread and milk if a snowstorm is coming?

Need help with format and size for digital picture frames

Come on, admit it...

Godzilla vs Rodan vs Mothra vs Gamera vs..DUCK!!

Lots of snow! (pic heavy)

Songs about New York. Post 'em here!

The problem with this Droopy cartoon is that there were no lobsters in the Wild West

Elvis, Cher, Sting, Bono, Lemmy...Your favorite ONE-NAMED performer

When choosing books or movies to see do you ever look for awards won?

It is such a beautiful day here!!

It was Christmas Eve babe In the drunk tank

What sane person would want a white Christmas?? Snow is ugly.

So my daughter has decided to become a vegetarian on the grounds

U.S. Ready to Release Six Yemenis

I like Obama's approach on healthcare

Stanley Reed drops out of US Senate race


Maine House Republican drops party affiliation

Red alert for Rand Paul

Arizona Senate: Hayworth Meets with D.C. Supporters

AP "Analysis: Pragmatic Obama gets what he can" - Copenhagen

Is it 60 votes or 60%? Thanks.

Photos: The Obama Presidency December 18th, 2009

"Activists rate Copenhagen pact."

Drone attacks in Pakistan are having unintended consequences (what a surprise!)

"The Time for Political Games is Over"

President Obama Leads World to Historic, If Incomplete Climate Deal

Senate health care holdout signals progress - Ben Nelson (almost) on board for health reform

Obama Emerges From Climate Talks With Slender Pact And Bruised Stature

Don't think that those of us here who are fighting against the problems in the HCB aren't wanting

Trumka (AFL-CIO President): Senate Bill As Is Will Die In The House

Healthcare is to Dems as Abortion is to Repubs

48% feel requiring people to buy insurance isn't the same as "providing" insurance.

So now the Progressives and the teabaggers should work


Reid to reveal final bill

Good blog post re: Michael Moore's threatened boycott of CT

****Heads Up: Reid About to Announcing Changes to Senate Health Bill.****

Understanding Health Insurance Reform

How many states will opt out of allowing women to purchase coverage

Bill Moyers Journal: Robert Kuttner and Matt Taibbi

Did Obama and Rahm conduct a 'Dr. Strangelove' analysis of a mandate plan?

Read the Manager's Amendment to the Senate Health Bill Here

Obama slams insurance industry going into health reform's home stretch

The stall tactic of reading going on in the senate now shows the republicans actually control

Reforms in the Manager’s Amendment to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

"Sir, we've got a situation down here...."

Hold that bus! Anthony Weiner is coming!

My 2010 Predictions

Politico: Botax Out, Tanning Tax In

Ben Nelson on CNN live

Barack Obama: I threw him on the GROUND!

Post evidence, please, that the bill will harm more individuals than it will help

Batshit Crazy!!!

Let's tell President Obama we need to have a chat!

When a media person asked Reid if he had 60 votes, he said "it seems that way". But Lieberman

Murray and Boxer about the Nelson compromise

Wasn't Obama brilliant in Copenhagen?

Obama's climate accord fails the test

Will Obama and Democrats become a laughing stock over health care?

**HEADS UP** Reid, Bacus, Harkin And Dodd Holding Press Conference At 10:45 A.M. ET

Confront that which you fear

When bill passes, don't forget to call McCain and congratulate him!

HCR has become a class issue

Rep Grayson wants a critic thrown in federal prison

Good week for climate change progress

96 percent coverage is universal health care

New Shocking Details of Senate Healthcare Plan Revealed!

Breaking: CBO scores Senate health care bill at $871 billion

Houston, I think I've discovered the problem

Notes From The Realistic Wing Of The Progressive Wing

The taste of pure, shitty pragmatic politics...

Ezra Klein: Nelson secured promise that his compromise would not be undone

Israel poised to strike Iran?

I wish I had the champagne franchise on K Street right now

"Business As Usual" from Bill Moyers Journal:

Killing friends to spite the enemy

Can there be changes to HCR bill with Up or Down Vote?

"Obama leaned closely in to Lieberman, whose back was literally up against the wall."

This bill will make my ins. costs go UP...

( VT- I ) Sen. Bernie Sanders Became A Corparate Dem. Today

The only and I mean ONLY way this can be turned into a victory is ramming thru a Public option or...

Finally! A HC bill that can pass. Here's 5 Other things that can pass..

PUMAs are always warmly welcomed on DU

Fox News - Karl Rove Gives President Obama A C-

The Senate's health care fiasco

Being the sole super-power makes a nation conservative

Obama's Weekly Address: "toughest measures we’ve ever taken to hold insurance industry accountable"

Thank You President Obama,,,and our Democraticly controlled congress

According to what I read, Nelson's abortion language is much weaker than Stupak

This makes it clear that YOU don't drive the agenda.. Only Big Business.

New Senate Bill Achieves Greater Deficit Reduction, On Track To Pass By Christmas

FIGHT!!!!!!! Bob Cesca and Lee Stranahan going at it on twitter re: senate healthcare bill

New satelite photos of Obama's INSURANCE JAILS!

Oh Boy! We get an Insurance Shopping Web Portal! Happy Day!

"No one will ever again go broke just because they got sick..."

Help us Nancy Wan Pelosi... you're our only hope.

Two good reasons I want this healthcare bill passed NOW.

Whether one can go to jail for refusing to pay insurance is yet to be decided

Villian DeJour: Bart Stupak. Aide working with GOP to derail HCR

One Premium, Two Checks: How Abortion Will Be Paid For Under The Nelson Compromise

One Premium, Two Checks: How Abortion Will Be Paid For Under The Nelson Compromise

Low-key sober question: Is the Nelson choice language tolerable?

Senator Reid's "Manager's Amendment" To Senate Bill Unveiled: Read the full text here

At least Glen Beck only accused President Obama of hating white people

There is an attempt to make poor SCHIP families transfer to private insurance

Kill the Bill, or let the bill go through the Senate and to Conference?

Senate health insurance industry bill finances "reform" on the backs of people with disabilities!

Obama campaign promise: Yes, to PO; no, to mandate. Obama as President: No, to PO; yes, to mandate

Reid's HCR protects our GUN RIGHTS people!

Fox News releases new game show relating to healthcare reform

Making a Good Bill Even Better, by Nancy-Ann DeParle (Obama's Heath Care Adviser)

A Sliver of Positivity: $$$$$ for Everglades Restoration:

Y'know what I've never understood? Why are we so scared of a filibuster?

Dodd says I won't die from not being able to afford health care? Really?

So, they can wire the guy's brain into a 10-foot tall smurf

Portion of Kerry's statement on Senate floor

If Obama treated health insurance like he did student loans, we'd have single payer

Making a Good Bill Even Better

Aren't subsidies actually tax credits? Would familes/people still have to have the money up front?

I hate the term Pro life,so why are people who are against a woman's right to choose not in the GOP

Coburn: Nelson agreement with leaders 'threw unborn babies under the bus'

Making a bad bill worse (a caution tale on DeParle's defence of HCR)

Still time to think small

If Obama was bought off by campaign donations remember his number one donor

John Kerry Breaks Out Oppo, Takes On Howard Dean For 'Kill The Bill' Comments

The Democrats will be needing all the extra $$$ they'll be getting from the insurance industry now

In the parallel universe, this bill is introduced by Republicans and the Democrats are fighting it

Just got an email from Nancy-Ann DeParle (White House.Gov)

Folks, Obama is basically saying "This HCR Bill is the best my leadership can get!"

The revised bill against the previous

BREAKING: NARAL Pro-Choice America Statement on Health Reform

Better to Start Over Than to Pass These Bills

I'd like to know who knocked Rockefeller's Medical loss ratio from 90/95

News Flash: John Kerry was our party's presidential nominee in 2004

Dear President Lieberman:

Breaking: Dems have 60 votes for Cloture

What’s In The Manager’s Amendment

John Kerry speech on why the bill should be passed

Reid's HCR is a major tax increase on the middle class!

MoveOn opposes Senate health bill, urges Democrats to block legislation

Does The Current Bill Still Allow Insurers To Discriminate Against Children Based On Pre-existing...

He’s not perfect but Obama deserves at least a B

N.O.W. opposes current HCR:

Vicki Kennedy Backs Health Care Bill: 'Finish The Work Of His Life'

Time to bring out some Good ole Spirituals

Thanks President Obama and Sen. Reid for HCR!

I'm with Krugman, Kerry & Franken on the HCR bill - PASS IT!

Pass the bill!

There are some people who just don't want it to be Obama

The real fact is that those who want to kill this bill don't really give a shit about the bill.

A Rebuttal to Howard Dean: I Am a U.S. Senator, and I Will Vote For This Bill

Release: Primary Health, Dental Care for 25 Million More Americans

Okay, so now that we finally have a bill with 60 probable votes... For or Against?

Sen. Bernie Sanders: $10 Billion More for Community Health Centers will Revolutionize Care

NBC/WSJ Poll: 57% say Iraq war a success. Who gets credit, Bush or Obama?

This Bill has to be compared to the current Status-Quo, not to some other Bill that cannot pass!

Why are people so upset with Obama? He's doing EXACTLY what he always said he'd do

I will reluctantly venture to say this: Obama looks VERY smart (health care bill passage)

Ezra Klein: "This is a good bill. Not a great bill, but a good bill." Imagine...

We Are Witnessing The End of The Democratic Party As We Know It

Attention please. Paul Krugman's status has been upgraded to "hero"

If It's a Bad Bill...It Shouldn't Be Passed

Sellout your base so you can gain... nothing on the right.

Why is this bill paying for Cialis and Viagra?

Jane Hamsher engages in nothing but distortions.

Fuck your Mandates

Choice-defense tsunami headed for DU tomorrow

We're killing Social Securiy.You are mandated to buy an investment fund at Goldman Sachs"

I just unsubscribed from after getting an email

MSNBC: Pre-existing conditions takes effect in 2014

Who Was The More Influential Musical Figure And Why?

FYI - Sunday nite HGTV is going to have the Christmas at the Whitehouse Special.

If Barbara Boxer is still on board with the HCR bill, then so am I

How much will health insurance premiums cost and what benefits are provided under the Senate plan?

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year:(Palin's) 'Death panels'

My mother, a Republican suffering from cancer, has some interesting thoughts on healthcare reform

If only the "herd mentality" in Congress to pass this had been there when it counted

Sen. Al Franken comes out in big support of the Senate bill

Nelson has caved. He's chosing to stand with Obama & Reid instead of with his state and the nation.

Senator Nelson says there will only be a "limited" House/Senate conference on Senate health bill!

Well now we know the price to sell out a woman's right to choose.

Stupak disavows emails coordinating with Senate GOP on abortion - they were "unauthorized"

Obama Administration refuses to follow Fed Judge's order to provide insurance benefits to family

I predict that what we're seeing with the administration is part of a pattern

Obama 'Burst' Into Meeting Of Chinese, Indian, Brazil Leaders

Jane Hamsher: "who is the Democratic Senator who's taken the most money from the Health Care sector?

The Defenders of the Senate HC Bill are starting to remind me of Defenders of the IWR


Mccain: Do as I say, not as I do

Howard Dean Speaks For Me - Sign In If He Speaks For YOU!

FBI agents raid home of radio host Barbara Alexander

US air raids kill 63 civilians in Yemen

Obama says 'unprecedented' deal reached on climate

China businesswoman gets death sentence for fraud

'Dozens killed' in Yemen raids

Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure

Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure

DeMint: Ben Nelson Will Be 'An American Hero' If He Opposes Health Care Reform

Grayson wants to send critic to jail for five years

Nine States Get $72.6M HHS Bonus for Expanding Children's Coverage

GOP threatens read-a-thon to slow health care bill

Nelson (D-Ne) signals progress on health care in talks

Seven U.S. banks closed by regulators; failures at 140

Feds: Arrests in Africa Link al-Qaida and Drugs

Feds defy order to provide same-sex benefits (NO to Judge's Order-For Insurance to Lesbian Couple)

Senate passes critical Pentagon budget bill

Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay

Copenhagen deal: "meaningful" or "abject failure?"

Revised Senate health bill cuts deficit: CBO

Stupak, working with GOP, trying to sink abortion compromise

Four Eurostar trains stuck in Channel tunnel

Weekly Address: Obama demands up or down vote

December from tonight

BP oil refinery workers in Texas win damages of $100m

Storm expected to bring 20+ inches of snow to Northeast

Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists

National Organization for Women opposes Senate health bill

Obama: U.S., Russia ‘close’ on new arms treaty

Test of newest U.S. missile defense technology will simulate attack by Iran

(60) Schumer: We've Reached Agreement With Nelson

Obama hails 60th Senate vote for health care

Study: 1 in 110 U.S. children had autism in 2006

Feds defy order to provide same-sex benefits

Anthony Weiner: ‘Howard Dean Is Wrong,’ We Shouldn’t ‘Let The Perfect Be The Enemy Of The Good’

NASA Reveals First-Ever Photo Of Liquid On Another World

Do you want someone to run against Obama in the 2012 Primary?

President Obama reaches climate control agreement with China, South Africa, India

China's delaying tactics threaten climate deal

Copenhagen climate conference: The grim meaning of 'meaningful'

Seattle Times: President Obama, Congress should set health-care reform aside

"Auschwitz Sign Stolen: The Historical Implications are Disturbing" by Daniel Levin

Republicans filibuster bill to fund American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq

The Pentagon is muscling in everywhere. It's time to stop the mission creep.

Sarah Palin's climate change flip-flop

Congress Must Resist Health Insurance Lobby: Obama

Senate Approves $636 Billion Military Spending Bill

The truths Copenhagen ignored: Politicians have chosen low taxes and oil money today over survival

Reform Flashback: The Secrets to Healthcare Political Profiteering

Venezuelan Government Continues Restructure of Banking Sector

The centrifuge that betrayed boligarchs

Top 10 Environmental Issues Copenhagen Failed to Address

Pass the Bill.

Homeowners often rejected under Obama's loan plan (and houses sold without notice to homeowner)

What are effects of electromagnetic weapons? Human Rights info 101

Defense Bill Raids Personnel Funds to Pay For Weapons

All Hail The Almighty CBO And Its Crippling Of Medical Loss Ratio

The Senate's health care fiasco

AlterNet: 10 Ways to Screw Over the Corporate Jackals Who've Been Screwing You

Teabaggers target global warming

Friday Talking Points (105) -- One Bad Week

Democracy & Theocracy -- Part I: 'People’s Power' Usurped By Elites (Jim Miles)

Democracy & Theocracy -- Part II: From Communalism To Occupation Subjugation (Jim Miles)

AlterNet: Pockets of White America Are in the Throes of an Existential Crisis

Insurance Exec Reid Comes Out of the Closet with Fellow Senate Criminals

Nations Hail Copenhagen Accord on Limitation of 'Meatballs'

Bank of England Calls Bluff of Bankers Who Threaten to Depart UK to Avoid Taxes

Why does Reid have 60 votes? Why? Where are the screaming progressive Senators?

How bad biology killed the economy

The end of American exceptionalism

Reid confident revised health bill will pass (Reid to reveal final bill)

Support Obama? Then oppose him...

Venezuelan Government Continues Restructure of Banking Sector

Drone attacks in Pakistan are having unintended consequences (what a surprise!)

Weekend Economists Better Late Than Never December 18-20, 2009

Health Insurance Stimulus

Neocons Must Be Pissed; China and Russia Are Getting the Sweet Oil Deals in Iraq

Stunning Statistics About the War Every American Should Know (Jeremy Scahill)

If Democrats kill health care bill, Lieberman and Republicans win

Obama's climate accord fails the test

Hopefully this HCR does't turn out like lando's deal

President Lula Of Brazil Urges Leaders To Act Now To Save Poor Nations

Countdown: Howard Dean - 'We Didn't Elect Democrats to Pass Crap' (Future of Health Reform)

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) Votes Against Ben Bernanke

Jesus kills Santa

Hugo Chavez: "Can A Finite Earth Support An Infinite Project?" (Full COP15 Speech + Transcript)

Dummies Protest the Hard Knock Life

Al Franken Fart Fest

Young Turks: Dem Senator Figures He Can Push Obama Around

Protest in Iceland - December 12th 2009

Greece caught between voracious bankers and militant workers

Cornel West: Obama is for Big Business not Jobless

It's a lousy bill - and the best we're gonna get

Flag burned at a protest in Iceland - December 19 2009

President Obama Weekly address 12/19/2009

Rachel Maddow: Hypocrite McCain Denied Sen. Dayton "30 Seconds" To Continue During Iraq War Debate

Politics Meets The Arts

Conservatives Have No Voice In the Media?

Adventures of the Town Electrician; Front yard health-care summit.

TYT: Internet Wars Between TYT and Alex Jones

The Real Meaning Of Christmas

TYT: Jane Hamsher Drops An Elbow from The Sky On Lanny Davis

Palin On Blacking Out McCain Visor With A Marker

Top US General Bans Pregnancies For Soldiers Under His Command!

Flashback: McCain Objected to Granting Dem Senator More Time

U.S Kill 63 Civilians, 28 Children in Yemen Air Strikes

TYT Destroys Chris Matthews

Judge upholds surveys for species before logging

In Bhutan, 26 Glacial Lakes, Swollen By Melt, Pose Immediate Threat To Downstream Towns & Temples

Dutch Gov. Orders Slaughter Of At Least 30,000 Goats & Ewes After Q Fever Outbreak - AFP

Of 1,500 Youth Advocates Accredited For COP 15, 12 Allowed To Attend Final Session

After Copenhagen - Five Degrees, Five Scenarios - Guardian

New Scientist - 3.5C Increase - It's The New Black, Fresh From Copenhagen

Graph Of The Day - Hardiness Zone Changes - 1990 - 2006. Wow.

Millions Will Die Because Of This Decision


MIT invents hybrid bicycle that stores braking energy in a battery for reuse

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Yells at Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) - Will Apologize

I try debunking Pat Boone's latest liberal-bashing rant

Photo series: First skate at Fenway

Record drug busts of the Chavez government in Venezuela

The Big Winners in Honduras Are Lula and Brazil's New Moral Authority in LatAm

Venezuelan Government Continues Restructure of Banking Sector

"Pragmatic" Human Rights

From Bebelplatz to Cinefilia: The #1 enemy of Fascism.

Colombia to build new military base on Venezuelan border

From Isis Obed to Walter Tróchez

Colombia to build new military base on Venezuelan border

Israeli peace activist arrested for leaking secret FBI documents`

Are we like Sudan?

The Ongoing Repression of Palestinian Protesters

Jimmy Carter - Gaza Must Be Rebuilt Now

Israel settlements: rabbis say soldiers' loyalty to God trumps army orders

Two Qassams hit Israel, in second Gaza rocket attack this week

Hamas spends $2M on anniversary celebrations

'The UK is not a banana republic'

The worst pro-gun video ever made

Amicus States’ Motion for Leave to Participate in Oral Argument in the 2-A Incorporation Case

21 of 32 Democratic State AGs sign Amicus brief in McDonald case.

I-90 AK-47 Shootout Video Released

Reid's HCR protects our GUN RIGHTS people!

Today in Labor History Dec 19 Worst month in US coal mining history, with over 3,000 dead, bus strik

Today in Labor History Dec 18 Agricultural laborers who fought for a minimum wage were executed

Artistry and activism: Stonecutters have made their mark in communities, workplaces

Minnesota law failing to improve meatpacking safety, survey finds

USW President Gerard Mad As Hell At “Insurance Democrats”

Nightmarish Unemployment In Detroit – Officially 27% While Mayor Says It’s Closer to 50%

Fusion Vs. Prius

Trumka blasts Senate health bill as favoring insurance companies

"BP oil refinery workers in Texas win damages of $100m"

Hey guys did you hear that Rahm Emanuel is the devil?

Under The Bus!

View from a few steps off my porch

See ya...


More Snow

back in business, we have (so far) survived

The Snowman Exterminators.

Turns Out, Sunshine States Really Are Happiest

Military to Hack Stormy Skies to Lord over Lightning- Testing begins in the States

'Boat' could explore Saturn moon

Modellers claim wars are predictable

Clearest sign yet of dark matter detected

Cattle plague: An extinction worth celebrating

The Ultimate Star Wars

I know this picture is immature, but I feel compelled to post it.

Feds defy order to provide same-sex benefits

Minneapolis City Council Denounces Uganda’s “Kill Gays” Bill

Base8: The Arts, Entertainment, News & Media Section is up!

Thorium-fluoride reactor advocacy in 16 blistering minutes

The Known Universe (video) by AMNH

Harder to buy US Treasuries

New site; TheSpiritGuides in UK. (Moscow UFO coverage here too, btw)

Shroud of Turin

From GD: video of putative UFO over Moscow goes viral on Russian Youtube

So are all the Cappys here unhappy?

2012..."But will people actually be any different?"

Can we chat about ASAH?

Mars, the planet of action, turns retrograde

What part of you is not worthy of being loved?

Holiday Blues Check-In - Clouds building - let the LIGHT shine IN !!!

Did y'all see this: Adventures of the Town Electrician; Front yard health-care summit.

Disease Risk Depends on Which Parent a DNA Variant Is Inherited From

Stem cell therapies for hearts inching closer to wide use

Has Bernie Sanders pulled a fast one?

Are the 30 million w/o health insurance now being forced to 'buy-in' going to vote Democratic ?

Richmond, California, teachers union pushes through concessions contract

An Exchange on School Business/Busyness

Local school principals' pay reaches new heights: new orleans charters

Teacher's Holocaust denial causes uproar

I will sit a home in 2010 and 2012 if Obama/Duncan keep it up.

low life vermin steals baby Jesus and holds him for ransom.

low life vermin steals baby Jesus and holds him for ransom.

"Ditchkins! You Ignorant Twit!"

Making jam from canned fruit?

Anyone have an easy apricot filling recipe. Want to fling it into store bought pastry and still

We're having a weird dinner tonight.

So I started a food blog