Democratic Underground

Archives: March 9, 2004

Alan Sloan (Newsweek): She's (Stewart) a Criminal? Give Me a Break.

An empty sort of freedom (w/o Saddam, Iraq women have new misery/violence)

Albright: How to Help Ukraine Vote

Robert Scheer: The lies that bind White House team to Iraq

Pan-blues make fools of themselves - TW

Guardian Profile: Karl Rove: The Brains

Robert McNamara on war

Krugman: Promises, Promises

Ashcroft Surgery - some things can't be removed

For Empire or Vocation, Ever Forward!

Media refuses to correct GOP lies about Kerry Weapon system votes

Halliburton craps all over America's soldiers, while Cheney laughs

Astrologers : Presidential Politics Update, John Kerry, Starlight News

Time to jack up interest rates?

Who Made the Fannie and Freddie Threat?

All Real Estate, All the Time

Global warming or ice age?

The coming ice age

John Kerry's energy problem and the homegrown solution

Huang admits bribing Lien - TW

Ministry pledges moral support to democracy in HK - TW

War of words over Martin Lee's trip to US intensifying - CN, HK

I'm a newbie, pro gun, and ready for the Gungeon!

How about unlocking the Zimbabwe and Chavez threads?

I use webtv. Could I be a mod?

DU Slang Dictionary question...

Just a general- you are cool post

isn't this clearly not very serious???

Twilight Zone, Fighting the Fence - Israelis kill more protesters

About Kerry and his votes for defense

54% Think Bush Ad's INAPPROPRIATE!

NASCAR question

Lisa Duggan on Working Assets Radio talking about gay marriage:

John Ramsey wants to run for state house in Michigan.

Hired Guns.

GOP Rhetoric on Kerry's Voting Record Goes Unchallenged - from FAIR

Has there ever been an amendment to the constitution that was just one....

Blix: Bush, Blair Knew They Were Hyping Case for War

"Asses of Evil" pins - anyone seen them?

Scalia Addressed Advocacy Group Before Key Decision

CBS News: Bushler and Rove have lost their Mojo!!

Shattered sacred glass replaced at Clearwater church

Unemployment is really 7.1 %!!! not 5.6% Bloomberg News

French fascist Le Pen sees his cause catching on

I finally made myself sit through the Bush ad

Arrogance from Bushco regarding importing from Canada.

HOT: Rove's testimony to FBI on Valerie Plame

3/3/04 - AP/Ipsos Poll - 60% say we are on the WRONG track.

Iraq was not worth this.....

Heads Up - Tenet testifying before Senate Armed Services Cmte tomorrow

Kerry is everything George Bush is not

Attacking Kerry as "liberal"

i just saw two of dumb asses commercials

Punch card voting

Great Source On Federal Tax Policy

Which poll?

An informed voter is a Bush Hater.

Nine Eleven

ABC Nightline: Pakistan's merchant of nukes, A. Q. Khan

What would President Kerry do with this situation?

Are you interested in world oil crisis? I think not!

Music Fans! What song

commentary: Literature of Iraq War Missing in Action

So I got Ohio PUSH-POLLED really badly tonight by Repug outfit

Democratic vs. Republican Conventions

LOL! Chimp below 50, Kerry leads accross board--"Mixed Results," says CNN!

The regime needs to practice what it preaches (re: Iraqi constitution)

For what its worth, I hope that Kerry kicks Bush’s butt

Idea for when Bush gets his arse beat

ECHO/Dish Network station ban Portland OR

Bette Midler's letter to the President

Which country is the closest to a progressive utopia right now?

Body count in war is really 1188 so far, not 560. Read this:

Does anyone here think there is an infinite supply of oil?

Stern rips Bush's ads - link to MP3 - 3 megs - can somebody mirror?

Tony Blair and the Topless Model. Truly.

After the primaries: is it normal for Kerry to be leading now?

Monday @ 9:00...

BBV: Waqshington Secretary of State fails to respond to my

Forget Nader....will Bush be on the Ballot in every state?

Please vote in this poll!

What is the severity of Peak Oil?

Ask the Labor Secretary tomorrow

Rudy Giuliani vs. Hillary Clinton ???

Tell me why I am wrong, and my detractors are right. (Conscription)

Rape is a four-letter word.

Nightline fear factor propaganda

Now HERE'S a Letter to the Editor:

Possible Kerry Supreme Court appointees right off the bat?

PROOF of CIA Faked Iraq "Celebration" Photos!

Have You Been A Victim of Christian Fundamentalism?

The problem I'm having with Peak Oil

WH: you'll never see photos of the human cost of war in Iraq.

Washington DC sued by residents over lead in water

Asbury Park residents believe first gay marriage will lead to more

U.S. troops in Iraq arrest current, former members of U.S.-trained defense

Spalding Gray's Body Found in East River

Lawyers lay out positions on impeachment standards (Rowland)

Ex-Halliburton Contracts Reassigned

Flashpoints & KPFA reports on the ground live in Haiti - Kevin Pina

Resist U.S. 'Occupation' Says Exiled Haiti Leader

JonBenet's father considering run for (Mich.) state House (Repug)

U.S. Asks Allies to Condemn Iran on Nuclear Issue

US soldiers 'must leave South Korea'

Mother Takes Home Daughter Thought Killed (A Happy news story)

Kerry hits back at Bush, Cheney over leadership

White House vs. 9/11 Panel: Resistance, Resolution

`SARS hero' blasts Beijing for Tiananmen Incident

WP: Poll Shows President Narrowly Trailing Kerry

Drop in Budget Slows Superfund Program

BBV: Disabled voters file suit in California

In Interviews, Iraqis Profess Ignorance About Law's Details

Guerrilla Warfare In Afghanistan

Gay legislator at center of storm in Georgia

Group to Start Running Anti-Bush TV Ads - George Soros

Edge to Kerry but miles to go

Kerry picks fight on Bush territory: Foreign policy

Study reveals hidden cost of PC boom

NYT: Oil Giant's Officials Knew of Gaps in Reserves in '02

Gay and Republican, but Not Necessarily Disloyal to President

White House vs. 9/11 Panel: Resistance, Resolution

More details emerge on the Plame investigation

US defends Israel's military operations in Gaza Strip

Memo Call to Secret Service (Repubs want S.S. to decide)

Many in U.S. behind on their credit cards

Civil Rights Group Seeks Kerry Apology

California lawmakers propose lowering voting age to 14

San Francisco Chronicle: Poll: Edwards leads the pack for vice-president

I have a confession to make.

I saw a runner that said that Spalding Gray is dead

What the %$^##& is up with that word "Mojo?"

President Bush visits rodeo and steps in a cowpattie

It's 7:34 in Southfield, MI. Have no fear. MrScorpio's Q&A is here

I have a Major Pet Peeve

I have Brigadier General Pet Peeve and he says

I have a major pet peeve.....

I have a Vice Admiral Pet Peeve

The hills of home.. The Kentucky Knobs.

Are there too many useless polls?

Are we going to help Kerry bake the bread or just eat it?

Is this John Kerry?

Flood Update:

don't step in the CAPTIONs

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Beat animated .gif EVER

Huh or Wha?

Need geek help with Money2000Deluxe printing problem...

Anyone have a video-capture of SNL's FCC Cartoon?


have i mentioned that i have a total crush on lara logan?

Way to go, Lady Phoenix!

my god what a shitty day...

I was peeved at a Major once

Uh, Ahem

Okay Question. On Holloween, we dressed up as Freepers...


TRIO special on South Park in the days before it was South Park

Have You Ever Pet Major Peeve?

Oh sleep! The Rime!

Mojo Nixon retiring, dambit! Last show 3/20/04 in Austin

du is hazardous to your heatlh

Everybody has a clique thread but me!

I have two pets, neither of them peeves.

Might be....Could be.....It is!!! Holy Cow!!!

I FINALLY made a decent omelette!

Unless you folks start posting some crazy shit, I'm booking

Let’s talk Elvis

Is this a Christian Rock song by Sheryl Crow

Anybody watching "Judas"?

Why would Jeff Garcia want to go to Tampa Bay?!?

The Official "safe activities to do with right-wing relatives" Thread

I don't have any pet peeves! Feel lost!! Help!!!

What the hell is wrong with my ear???

I have a Lee Majors pet peeve

Forgotten pop stars of the early '80s: FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS.

Anyone emotionally distraught that they were circumcised without consent?

BBC with news that we all JUST needed to know

Its like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

Alright, this place is boring tonight. New game.

Jesus's Time Is Up: The Precession of the Equinoxes

My Pet is majorly peeved!

AT LAST I fixed my distortion pedal!

new FOX show sounds ridiculous

AHAHAHA - my cat just barely escaped

my school is in the tournament again (finally), Go VCU !

What should I be most concerned about, health-wise?

I have peeves as pets!

Night on Bare Mountain



Is there a difference between adult genital mutilation and tatoo's?

PLEASE let this work

Let's try this

Have you heard of FSTV??

How should we kill our boss

Help! One of the cats ate 1/4 pound of marble cheese.

I have a Liam Neeson pet peeve...

I think my cat Abbie is broke - just stepped in Cat Puke

If I'm Protestant and cut my hands off, is that "Gentile Mutilation"?

TV Alert: Al Frankin on Tough Crowd. Comedy Central now 11:32 pm

I just Peed on my Pet

Liberal-Themed Movies This Year: Coincidence?

I'f I slowly drive a really soft feather into my eye...

Eating into the phone...

My Pet Can Kick You PEEVE'S ASS!

R.I.P. Spalding Gray---a good man...

Eating the phone...

WOW! I made one HECK of an incredible ox tail soup tonight!

The incredible unbelievable JohnKleeb/youngred/LPFF peace thread!

The incredible, unbelievable LynneSin/TXlib peace thread

Well, I guess winter is over,

Is there such a thing as a non-sexist Star Trek TV show?

I, too, have a Major Pet Peeve...

Best Pizza on Wooster Street

OK, explain this to me...I'm watching an autopsy on Trio

I have a Major Pet Peeve

Daily Show Thread

Music Fans! What song

This is not a sex thread - Women do THEY have names?

I'm watchign Judas

the best book (or series) ever?

If I do chapter 13 now, can I file for chapter 7 if I lose my job later on

Chapelle fans..... what the heck does "skeet" mean? And why does Dave

Drive-in movie confession time

I wish I had a puppy

Is this an accurate description of how a condom feels?

What was the first political rally you went to?

STScI is releasing the Ultra Deep Field tomorrow!

Any Notaries Public Among Us?

Does anyone here know if Wellbutrin...

Okay, now I am DETERMINED

My kitty is psycho...

Checking: Did Dish Network Delete Comedy Channel?

I'm having a screaming night.

why not some modified female circumcision

Where is TSIAS?????

The King returns in time for Memorial Day!!!

Bless me, DU for I have sinned.

BEST NUMBER 1 HIT of the EARLY 1960s? (Part 1)

Giving $3 to the Presidential Election Campaign

Who's your favorite Catwoman?

Entertainment Tonight doing a news bit on Chris Heinz

WP Poll - 57% want a president who steers AWAY from the course set by *.

Are there going to be primaries tomorrow?

Wow! Lou Dobbs had a long segment on BBV and confronted FL SoS

Kerry speaks tonight at a rally in Ybor City Open Market in Tampa

John Kerry's energy problem and the homegrown solution

Any exit polling results fron American Samoa yet?

Joyous photo of Teresa Heinz Kerry with 4mo old Eric in NO today!

If * spends most of his money and the polls are the same as now

Florida Voter Registrations, more repubs than dems

Very encouraging numbers I haven't seen posted (Kerry leads by 9)

Since 911 happened under Bush's watch, I have this assessment

Case Western Poll on VP: Undecided 27%, JRE 25%, HRC 14%, Dean 9, Clark 7

Baam! Here comes $4.5 Million worth of anti-Bush ads from George Soros

Polls! Polls! Polls! Get 'em here!

I see white men...and lots of them, in WPB today at John Kerry rally

Will Kerry leave the senate?

Will Kerry's pick for VP affect your vote?

Oh, did I mention that I think John Kerry....

Wes Clark Dems: Check In Please - Nice Pic!!

My local news just played a negative Kerry ad . . .

"Recovery" not being felt by workers, Kucinich says

CNN Poll: Decided vote?

The scoop on Bush's scurrilous charge that Kerry is weak on defense

Kerry leads Bush 49-44 in West Virgina!!!

Arianna Huffington: Six Things John Kerry Needs To Do To Win In November

Our support is not to be taken for granted by anyone.

Kerry Campaign Issues Response to Bush's misleading attacks today

Jobs Depart, Hope Lingers Travelocity's Leaving Is Va. Town's Latest Blow

Find out how liberal/conservative your Congressperson really is

One year later: The toll on the National Guard

Blair is aware it would be easier for him if Bush were removed - Alterman

Kerry vows vigilance on Florida vote count

Are U.S. senators

Guardian speculates on Bin Laden capture

Too many American fingers in foreign pies

Gay marriage - the generation gap (New Yorker)

Sweet LOTE from today's Akron Beacon Journal

Maui County would feel Bush's cuts

Hans Blix: Bush and Blair behaved as if they were on a 'witch hunt' over I

Plugging Leaks. (Karl Rove/Valerie Plame)

(CA) Program for Seriously Ill Children Faces Cuts

Even Robins are Fleeing George Bush's America

Zbigniew Brzezinski on Cspan

Walter Cronkite: U.S. faces twin deficits: Dollars, fiscal leadership

GOP rhetoric on Kerry's voting rhetoric goes unchallenged

Salon: Florida, Again

Arianna Huffington's letter to Kerry

BushWomen - The Women of the Bush Administration

With leaders like this, who needs comedians? Molly Ivins

Salon/Conason: The vast right-wing conspiracy is back in business

US Inflation Index ‘Missing’, but Alternates Show Giant Jumps

Great Don Wright cartoon from Palm Beach Press

Analysis: Is Karl Rove the Next Joe Trippi?

Molly Ivins: Remember When?

Fresh Diebold Leaks, Keeping their software secret

Who will be documenting the noRNCinNYC protests?

PAC/ Godless Americans

CNN Lou Dobbs Poll on BBVoting:VOTE NOW!!!

WAPO notes Bush lied about "Kerry gut Intel budget in 95" but media still

No MTV or CBS on DISH network

NPR hypocrisy: Why I am not donating to NPR or or my local affiliate

any astrology sites for pets?

My electric water heater caught on fire... again.

What are some good books on Secret Societies?

Democrats Cite Politics in Probe Reimbursement (Court OK's GOP -not Dems)

anyone ever filed a complaint against a cop?

"Should we believe these promises" - Krugman on Bush Job predictions

OK, I'm scared. Filed online and got tax return $ in one week.

Fewer small businesses plan to hire

A Risky World

Is a deflationary economy a good thing?

US Inflation Index ‘Missing’, but Alternates Show Giant Jumps

scary Republican House "Sound Science" hearings

Brown Glacier (Heard Island, Southern Ocean) Melt Rate Up 400% Since 2000

Ford Will Use Toyota Hybrid Tech Under License - MSNBC

Oceanographic Team Probes Gulf Stream For Signs Of Slowdown

never has such a Parabolic Curve been stabilized at the Top

Alaska Melts, Fairbanks Buckles & Leans - Guardian

Melting of glaciers frees ancient secrets

BBC (March 9): Landmark Balkans war crimes trial opens

Political tension on the rise in KZN Midlands

President's good looks a plus with the voters - TW

Human Rights Watch (March 8): Afghanistan -- Abuses by U.S. Forces

You win!

Readers' lock-n-load response

Man Killed During Masonic Initiation

GUNS IN THE NEWS--March 9, 2004

Death for the sniper! News from ABC

What police have said about the gun registry. (CAN)

An alternative to lethal ammo?

How to get an NFA gun?

Moore's neck fractured in Vancouver attack - NHL Game

I can't help myself...

Are you guys (gals?) at a party?

How does DU get its stories linked to the Google news board?

Is there a way to access the archives of DU 1??

Since everyone else comes down here to whine,

Question about mod application

Bad mouse over

Hate Mailbag update

Three-day strike closes down religious services

“X” marks the Israeli-Arab workers at Knesset building site

Kerry: Arafat has become 'an outlaw to the peace process'

Yassin: factions should decide who controls Gaza

Homicide Bomber Kills Only Self

Hypocrisy and anti-Semitism

Chief Hamas bombmaker says Israel lost battle to destroy radical group

Plan to disguise female bomber as Israeli ambulance volunteer foiled

Israel, Jordan Breaking Ground on Center

Palestinian mother shot dead in Israeli raid (Jenin being attacked again)

British press sympathizes with Jew-killers

Why is Apartheid Touted as a Solution?

Palestinian Child: A Fatal Bullet.. For A Stone

Source: Palestinian Abbas Dies in U.S. Custody in Iraq

Quinnipiac: NJ Gov. McGreevey reelect at 28%, Bush approval at 44%

DNC blog

Howard Dean's Remarks at Pr-Gridiron Club Luncheon

Question from a newbie...

Who was the last president that was unpopular in his reelection?


Freeps caught again! Der Spiegel this time…

How long will the Iraqi Constitution last?

Cheney quote RE: Job Growth

Political divides in the home.........

The Valerie Plame thing that keeps getting forgotten

The AlertNet Challenge - Just how informed do you think you are?

a random observation about the election . . .

Outsourcing is bad, insourcing is better (Republicans test new phrase)

Is Dubya in a freefall ??

Sending love to all the Chompky reading Canadians out there!

Washington Post-ABC News Poll: Politics and Campaign 2004

When environmentalists and unions clash, who do you usually support?

Bio-defense: creating a vaccine-resistant anthrax?

Is there a good reference online for US companies that outsource

The Gang of Eight Who Can't Plot Straight

Help! Need info on voting demographics

What's the exit strategy for Haiti?

Why I'm voting in the Florida primary in 25 words or less.............

Honestly... what do you think Pres. Bush has up his sleeve...

India finds a friend in Canada on outsourcing

Anyone catch the Kerry/Bush elementary school piece on CNN?

SCO's failing case against IBM

body count 1188

Powell says Democratic government in Haiti needs to be selected

Just voted for Kerry in the sunshine state; quite a few people

Republican gasbag on C-SPAN re: FCC fines...

"If elected, John Kerry would be the most liberal president since..."

Virginia Senate committee leaves state sodomy law on the books

Would Universal Healthcare lower the wages of nurses, doctors...?

How will gay divorce work?

Daily U.S. Casualties 3/9/2004

Bush dancing on 9/11 victim's coffins:

CSAPN1 - ACLU Exec Dir Anthony Romero

Jack the Ripper - Who's your suspect?

Bush's major challenge is to get out the Republican vote...

Bill (Bet-a-million) Bennett on Cspan giving the Las Vegas Line on Bush.

David Broder Tells the Truth, Then Runs Correction!

dupe sorry

I emailed Howard Stern and invited him to come on Guy James' show

CODEPINK lifts 40 ft banner in front of WH "..Fire Bush"

Cheney's shadow government?

Lay vs Stewart

BBV: ES&S Worker fired in Indianna

DU Ladies - let's not foget the women of this administration

House of Bush, House of Saud

How should Kerry handle 'Rove' attacks, propaganda, lies?

Peak Oil? Oil Giant's Officials Knew of Gaps in Reserves in '02

Read where Mel Gibson's...

Putting "The Passion" in perspective

J. Edgar Hoover supported gay marriage?.....who knew?

Your tax $$$ hard at work

Freepers Freaking At Latest USA Today/CNN Poll

Women are suffering from lack of healthcare insurance.

BBV Alert: Bev on MSNBC right now!

Excellent chronology of Bush on 9-11

Wolfowitz: funding military = patriotic ... D.C. repubs divide.

CSPAN, Hillary up

Would the people bashing Chavez and Aristide now...

High gas prices due to the Bush economic miracle

Denver Synagogue Vandalized

1/4 Of Oregon's Legislators Leaving - Term Limits, General Disgust Reasons

Funny thought, the collective chickenhawks are like a bad bond villian

What Does "BBV" Mean

For all of the people who follow Hip-Hop and Rap music.

My new Motivation for participating in GE 2k4 - We must BEAT BUSH!! LONG

Here we go again - wrong ballots given

I Credit DU

ASScroft in surgery!

Bush by the numbers

does this anti-gay marriage argument make any sense?

Laura Ingrahm sounded desperate this morning

BBV: West Virginia Signs Pledge

BBV: 7,000 Orange County Voters Were Given Bad Ballots

Today's DU front page, Gore VS Bush misses the obvious, as usual!

Southern "Hog v. Dog" "Rodeos"

Just saw "The Passion" -- criticisms unfounded...

LGBT DUers only What is the most important federal LGBT issue ?

Bev Harris on MSNBC right now

Hypothetical Moral Dilemma, Re: Republican chickenhawks

Does "the War on Terror" really mean "Holy War for Global Theocracy"?

"I endorse this message"

Mother Load of films, lectures and documentaries for DUers

Howard Stern and The Burning Bush

Did You See New AARP Ads?---A little late, baby; but interesting

Bush: down-to-earth and likeable, or a complete phony?

Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop. Do Ya Hear the Beat of How to Defeat George??

US Iraq Embassy to have 3,000 employees - now raised to 4,000 empls.

Tell us about "In my struggle to understand a person on the other side.."

Scandalous: President Bush involved in racist public display?

Q: anyone know the website with anonymous registrations

That damned map...again ...on MSRNC

Bush - Even Scumbags Think He's Scum

c-span shills for Bill Bennett

You know you are in California When

How do you argue somone when all they can say is "but Clinton......"

CNN Crossfire Tuesday: Bob Wexler (D-FL) -- BBV?

Here comes more propoganda from the Pentagon!

what happened to the Illinois-side of St. Louis?

Venezuela: Right-wing opposition clamours for another US-backed coup

Ferrall, ATL Clear Channel personality, bashes Bush!

Worldwide Threats to National Security -- CSPAN -- 9:30 AM ET -- Tenet

a variation on a theme

Where have I heard this before?

I just realized Bush doesn't even need an hour in front of the 9/11 panel

Is DU on the decline?

i think i'm right, but

Green, Reform parties may both tap Nader

Donations down, diocese cuts jobs ( even churchs are laying off)

Bush ratings slide on Iraq, economy

Paul Winfield(General Terrell in Star Trek II)Dead!

Tell us about "A Bush supporter I know will now vote Democrat because.."

Are people against gay marriage unsure about their own sexual preference?

Noam Chomsky tops best-seller list in Canada!

DISH TV Viacom feud question

heard from a Bahamian about Haiti

What we know so far about the "mystery plane" in Zimbabwe:

On a mission from God

Help!: Kent Southard/FISA Warrants/Submarine Strikes

No Sarbanes-Oxley for YOU!! "President" not responsible for jobs forecast

Latest atrocity from CT Governor Rowland

Bush's new ads are great! (on edit : not great, professional)

How long do you think Howard Sterns career will last?

I Support Dish Network -

BBV-Machine in my precinct screwed up this AM

Mark Silva, Political Editor-Orlando Sentinel on CNN.

Former Florida Election Worker Charged

Who REALLY wanted to cut intel & military budgets during the 90's?

This Time Nader Needs to Be Scrutinized---A Lot!!

America will see a different Bush* in 2004

Anyone remember this cartoon?: Marriage as an "unchanging institution...

Jesus Jail

Stern talking about bin Laden family

Rummy on C-Span repeat right now.

9/11 Panel Won't be Limited to Hour with Bush*

The House of Rep. Chaplain just asked God to destroy the wicked..

CONTEST: Ideas for Guerilla Warfare Against Bush

Tucker on the defensive, boy , his whiney voice grates

for those looking for the rationele behind gay marriage opposition

Sean Hannity Actually Thinks He's "Providing a Service"!!!!!

Should clergy who perform marriages for gays go to jail?

Anyone have a link to this cartoon about marriage as an unchanging...


Texas Democrats: Remember to attend your Precinct Conventions.


Sean Hannity in Tulsa March 11 to promote Deliver Us from Evil

Tenet's Testimony Today....

How Should Kerry Deal With The Capture of Bin Laden?

2004 - 1988 comparisons laughable!!

Blitzer: "(Martha) will probably end up serving with other white crime..."

I'm so tired of hearing this line: "Jobs are a lagging indicator"

Lou Dobbs: comments, economic isolationism; "Whatever that is", on now.

The Goat Book, Bush*, 9/11, and the Supposed "Threat" to Smirk

Lou Dobbs poll on BBV, "How much confidence do u have ?"

Dobbs is hitting all the jobs, anti-outsourcing, fair trade talking points

How Can Bin Laden STILL be alive?

Are Democrats natural pessimists?

Right now I'm listening to the Mike Malloy show and it's great to hear a

Does America deserve Bush if he wins?

I just became a Lou Dobbs fan.

Texas Gov. Perry going after rumors, Jackson T. , and websites

American Fascist, oops Family, Association wants YOU to vote!

Has anyone here seen "Hell House?"

Should John Allen Muhammad be executed?

Rebutting a Freeper Co-worker's Argument

Survey: NKU teens break abstinence pledges

I need hard facts on the notion of an upcoming DRAFT

Oh great, another distraction -- Monica Lewinsky on Abrams tonight

Marijuana Policy

What is your energy policy?

Stabbing and shooting in Madison today

has the "fringe left" decided the parties are different now?

Heads Up! Walter Cronkite remembers Murrow, McCarthy

Unfreep these gay marriage polls!

No Tax Break For Me!

What Was The Difference Between 9/11 & Shock And Awe?

WSJ: "Lou Dobbs has been invaded & left with the brain of Dennis Kucinich"

AFL-CIO donated $ to anti-Chavez group. Here's an interesting article re.

Draft Board - I Got The Call Today

The Pop Quiz... Saw it on

I want to be like Granny D when I am 94. Her speeches are awesome.

Is the U.S. headed for a religious showdown?

Lou Dobbs now doing BBV story & also Chimpy's economic failures

BBV: URGENT - Super Tuesday must not be repeated in November

BBV - Robert Wexler coming up on Lou Dobbs.

Wow - Bush Failed Us on 9/11 - Flyer

Can Someone Help Me to Understand Feudalism and Federalism?

Government fails to publish PPI reports

superpower drivel

Questions about precint convention (kind of urgent)

My head is about to explode: My conversation with a Bush supporter

Space-based weaponry: it's coming, in a second Bush term

Do you vote in internet polls about your confidence in electronic voting?

Gay marriage, unpopular?

This Time Nader Needs to be Scrutinized--A Lot!!

Lynne Cheney's LOL Erotic Novel

I am sick of Carville, Kerry, other Dem politicos insulting my intelligenc

Isn't GWB Looking Rather Puffy These Days?

Ein patriotischer Akt ("A Patriotic Act")

Encyclopedias gather dust in Internet age

The Nursing Profession is in jeopardy.

Chomsky on the media & the difference between the parties (1989)

This is the scariest article I've ever seen

ABC World News tonight called, doing BBV tonight (with me)

Run This By Me Again. Why Is The United States So Upset With France.

Sad news from the "wind industry"

A very surprising online poll (AFA, of all groups)...

DEM clothing for the little ones?

Hybrid SUVs

Vet and Military Dad Reports from Baghdad

George at the rodeo can't tell COWS from BULLS!!

Holy Jesus. This is the guy Bush wants to keep as head of the CIA?

9/11Families Join In Phone/Fax/E-Mail Campaign - It's Working

"Is Your Vote More in Support of Kerry or Against Bush?"

A Sign of the "Roaring" Economy?

Bush, Columbia, and Connections

We should allow polygamy marriages.

S Korea to get Intel R&D center

Libya May Be Allowed to Keep Some Scud Missiles

Ashcroft May Have Surgery Tues.

Justice to monitor elections in 3 counties

Blix: Bush, Blair Knew They Were Hyping Case for War

Bush campaign to challenge legality Media Fund election ads

Subsidiary of Reliant may be indicted by feds (California 2000 crisis)

Halliburton says don't be surprised if audit in offing

Union leaders visit Florida beach resort to finalize political efforts

Kennedy asks for ruling on judge's appointment

Kerry expects to add to delegate total in Florida

Iraqis fear informants with a grudge

Kennedy Questions Bush Recess Appointment

Pakistan tests nuclear-capable Shaheen II missile

You need to click "Abstimmen" (or How to freep a SPIEGEL poll)

Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 552 U.S. service members have died

Yes: This champion of the little guy would add punch to the ticket

Pakistan Tests Nuclear-Capable Missile

Civil Rights Group Seeks Kerry Apology

Shocking figures reveal sad plight of birds

Guantanamo Britons on plane home (BBC)

Mystery plane flew from S Africa

Reliant Resources subsidiary facing criminal indictment (Price gouging CA)

Human Errors in Electronic Voting System Give Cali Voters Wrong Ballot

Tacoma Newspaper Reporter Resigns After Questions About Truth of Sources

PM may call June vote as scandals subside - Calgary Herald

7,000 Orange County (CA) Voters Were Given Bad Ballots - LA Times

Oil Giant's Officials Knew of Gaps in Reserves in '02

China rounds up disgruntled petitioners

Shiite Political Leader (Ayatollah Sistani) says Constitution Invalid

Pakistan Tests Longest-Range Nuke-Capable Missile

Layton to Copps: Run as an Independent - CBC News

PM unable to elevate Liberals: poll - Globe and Mail

AU slams Aristide's 'removal'

Equatorial Guinea says arrests "mercenaries"

No Safe Arbor in the City (City Trees Rapidly Disappearing)

Plugging Leaks (Rove's FBI Testimony in Plame Affair)

GI Denied Care After Speaking Out

U.N. Inspector Writes of Pressure From U.S. on Iraq

SFGate: Indonesia proposes kissing ban; part of public morality crackdown

US row as Kerry claims foreign leaders support {Guardian}

Bev Harris on MSNBC right now

Powell rejects Kerry claim that Bush hawks have undercut him

House attacked by giant rocks

Hundreds help remove anti-Semitic graffiti

Bush Campaign Seeks Probe of Election Ads

Library Directors to Propose Severe Layoffs

Consumer Confidence Falls Again in March

Bill Clinton: no plans for future office

9/11 Panel Wants More White House Help

US hands out new Iraq oil deals {BBC}

Researchers Say U.S. Barred Them From Cuba

Is Military Creeping Into Domestic Law Enforcement?

Kerry would win US presidency if election held now: poll

US brings new weapon to Iraq

Address spurs conflict (Another Scalia COI)

Lawmaker Sues to Add Paper Trail to Florida's New Voting Machines

Marines kill driver in new Haiti unrest

Riots rock Northern Algeria

Ashcroft surgery

South Africa, Zimbabwe trained 'mercenaries'

In stock market, US senators beat averages

Actor Robert Pastorelli found dead in home (Murphy Brown's Painter)

Kerry in Palm Beach Post: "Says GOP stole last election"

US soldier, Iraqi killed in blasts as seven people wounded . . .

News Flash: John Ashcroft To Undergo Gall Bladder Removal Surgery

Rappers reach out to teens with positive message (& To Register Voters)

US seeking new Haitian PM

EchoStar (Dish Network) Pulls Plug on Viacom Channels

CIA's Tenet Questioned on U.S. Rhetoric

Crackdown overrode liberty: Tom Ridge

Log Cabin Republicans to lauch ads tomorrow

Kerry Complains About Bush's Effort for the Nation's Seniors

State: Seizing Limbaugh's medical records was legal

Oliphant (former Broward Elections Supervisor) charged with 55 offenses

Bush ratings slide on Iraq, economy

Washington state House approves Louisiana-style primary

Terrorist Abu Abbas Dies in Iraq

Court Upholds Sixth Amendment Rights

Oscar-Nominated Actor Paul Winfield Dead at Age 62

Senate Panel Moves to Limit TV, Radio Indecency

Memos cite Shell reserves shortfall

Bush ratings slide on Iraq, economy

Survey: NKU teens break abstinence pledges

5 British Guantanamo prisoners arrested upon return to England

Senate rejects Democratic effort to hinder tax cuts, spending boosts

Nebraska mayor implements shaving `ban'

South Dakota governor seeks technical corrections in abortion ban bill

Senate committee backs $60 million 'abrupt climate change' research progra

Cardinal Egan targets gay marriage (Could Lead to People Marrying Pets)

Sources: Bin Laden may be eyeing move - Pakistan to Afghanistan CNN

Chicago Tibune- US Senate Race -Obama, Ryan out front

Rehnquist hints he'll trade robe for slippers

Texas Democrats Struggle to Hold Seats

Aristide Lawyers Demand U.S. Prosecute "Kidnappers" Of Aristide

Bush Medicare Pick McClellan Meets Resistance

Iraqi: Saddam 3 Years From Nukes in '91

Forbes report: Billionaires’ wealth grew by 36 percent in last year

Police secretly watching hip-hop celebrities in South Florida

S.D. governor backs bill to ban abortions

Tenent Bypassed on Iraq-Al Queda Briefings (Senate Hearing)

CNN Breaking: Explosion rocks Istanbul

'Murphy Brown' Co-Star Pastorelli Dies Aged 49

Dorgan Blocks Medicare Chief Appointment

Bush joins 'outsourcing' debate

'Murphy Brown' housepainter, actor Robert Pastorelli, dead at 49

End of hot meals for U.S. troops in Iraq? owed $87 million by Halliburton

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 9 March (#1)

CIA Director Sees 'Low' Chance for Iraq Civil War

"Virgin" teens have the same rate of STDs

Fannie Mae faces $25bn derivatives losses

Owens Won't Run For Campbell's Senate Seat

Roadside bomb kills US soldier

Multnomah County commissioners receive death threats for gay marriage deci

Greenpeace seeks Iraq war legal advice

R-Rating Sought in Some Smoking Films

Former Florida Election Worker Charged

Kerry Says Bush Hasn't Helped Elderly

US Virgin teens 'have same STD rate'

9/11 Panel Won't Be Limited to Hour with Bush

Hubble finds farthest galaxies strangest yet

Bush Might Be Questioned Longer by 9/11 Commission

US Marines Involved in 2nd Shooting Incident in Haiti

U.S. delegation meets with President Aristide / details of coup

CNN Breaking: Sniper Muhammad sentenced to death

Seized plane left South Africa illegally

Council on Foreign Relations : U.S. should stay in Iraq

Passengers battled WTC hijack - widow (Flight 175)

Woman arrested for trying to pass fake $1 million bill

Hijacker Abu Abbas dies in Iraq-source

Bill would outlaw lists or databases of gun owners (Florida)

Democrats Would Make It Harder for Senate to OK Tax Cuts, Spending Boosts

US Ambassador to Brazil Warns Lula about Venezuela Issues

US Ambassador to Brazil Warns Lula about Venezuela Issues

Hmmm. Marines to disarm all Haitans. On CNN just now no link

Music swappers face home invasion

Will the person who posted the movie "icons" please post again. nt

If my privates start disobeying my commands...

Avs Canucks again...

Andy Capp's Chedddar Fries are the GREATEST food in the world.

CONFESS!!! Your silliest fear.

If I pluck my eyelids out

I have a Major Pet Peeve

I want to marry Sandnsea. She's my hero

I Ordered A John Kerry T-Shirt Today

Post a peck of pickled peppers....

How long can cats and dogs live and stay healthy?

Metal/Goth people:

Here, kitty kitty kitty!

Top five bands...

The Passion....

My Ooga-Boogas would like you to know that they will be in a show...

I shot a cat in Reno, just to watch him die!

My bat, Atticus...he'd like to say hello

Anyone heard of a band called Blindside???

I woke up at 6am. I think that's a first for me.

anyone know C++? need help with code Intro to Comp Sci Class

Does this post make my butt look big?

I have a girl problem.

Military Service Drained My Husband - Can No Longer 'Perform'

Does my butt make this post look big?

For those who can't afford to have their pets or strays neutered

With this

5000 Pigeons Drown In Accident

It's starting to sink in. We can win this.

What would be the opposite of "jumping the shark"?

29 year old coach takes VCU to NCAA's "Big Dance"

At age 500, David diagnosed with weak ankles.

Sexism in a Brazilian newspaper

The Aliens Vs Predator preview is up

Harvey Pekar (American Splendor) Gets 4 Book Deal

My friend was operated on by the drunk doc in Boston!

This needs to be said, and I'm going to say it...

COFFEE! Midterms, midterms, spring break, spring break.....


Tonya Harding Signed to Hockey Contract

Apology/Peace threads make me Barf.

My life is not nearly perilous enough.

I am sorry! Peace!

Outsourcing Hits Mob - Mafia Have To Outsource Killers

DU cooks:Question on Deluxe Egg slicers

House (condo) buying question

For those who can't keep their Wifes mouth shut!

For those who can't afford to have their husband neutered

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.

Liberty.. cool shockwave

The incredible, unbelievable declaration of WAR on Slinkerwink/Will Pitt

God hates Republican controlled Congress

Bandit On The Loose Stealing BBQ Lids

Philly Gathering update: Finnfan will do the seductive 'Lord of the Dance'

How did you find DU...

Bush Is Coming To Long Island - Should I Protest?


ZombyCoffee: Name Your Own Blend Day!

Anyone have any good pictures of Bush golfing?

Putting "The Passion" in perspective

The Naders of Psychology: Are Skeptics Heroes or Spoilers?

The incredible unbelievable TXlib/LPFF peace thread!

Lottery Winner Fails To Pick Up $28.5 Million - Money Will Go To Schools

Stern is still incensed."First thing Bush did on 9-11 was get Bin Laden's

This needs to be said, and Im going to be the guy who says it.

After much research, I have unlocked the secret to making women happy

Too Drunk To Drive, Man Hands Keys To 14 Year Old

The March Lion Is About To Roar In New England

Can some DUer who is a flash genius create the following ad?

Inatti sucks.

Great bumpersticker ideas a friend sent me...

Anapolis sucks.

Amento sucks.

This should go down in history's annals of useless actions

Ntic City sucks.

A Question about Jesus

Eapolis sucks.

Underappreciated bonds?

I V O T E D Today. It Felt GREAT.

MY Cat is knocked-up

Zelda Windwaker for Gamecube is AWFUL!

Where should JCCyC go for vacation?

Underappreciated Bonds?

What do you do?

JCCyC does a Matcom

Please help me find a picture

Midday funny picture break

Dish Network pulls Viacom channels off air.

What the hell happened with JCCyC?

The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run - Who's your suspect?

How Would Your First Time Have Been Better?

I've had my rant - tell me what are your Work Place Pet Peeves?

Lower back pain/spasms -- care to share? (Can use some advice.)

Internet traffic question.

House attacked by giant rocks

I am livid!!! Dish Network vs. Viacom

Heh. I just joined the Federal Canadian Conservative Party...

After much research, I have unlocked the secret to pissing women off

What do you do to make money?

When a Cat Eats Grass

Jews Flop in Big Oscar Award Wins

Question for DU Artists

Tonight's Daily Show

One, two, three, four...

Finally. The Shield Is Back. The Second Best Show On Tv. 24 Is #1.

Two months at DU... what I have learned...

Help me!

Best, most graceful political concession speech ever (deep sarcasm)


Adelphia sucks.

Should I apply for Moderator?

An interview with GOD

Anyone else in love with Sting's "The Soul Cages"?

The Carp Diem of all CAPTIONS!!!

Q: What night of the week do they play the new Chappelle Show Eps?

I'm begining to hate running into people I have'nt seen for a while

Fun with penguins

Jack the Ripper - Who's your suspect?

The New and Improved Catwoman Poll

Okay, now I'm REALLY mad!

Either some hates me or I am very good at my job

The GOP Stole The Senate Sim

Woman Tries To Pass $1 Million Dollar Bill At Walmart

Dish Network Sucks BIGTIME.

Bus Driver Suspended For Letting Kids Play With Alligator

For PS2 owners only.

Underappreciated boobs?

What's your drag name?

I'm not sorry, but I HATE this picture

What would you like God to say to you when you meet Him/Her?

Wrote state legislators to not support gay marriage ban: Ask me anything!

NFL:Couch era over in Cleveland(signed Garcia)-T.O. era over in Baltimore

'70s Spoofs 'Wacky Packages' Are Back

The Dem-Guyz-Is-Chillin' of all CAPTIONS!!!

R o b e r t P a s t o r e l l i - Found Dead Monday

When I get older...

Who posted the first "ask me anything" thread?

Bally Astrocade/Astrovision owners only, check in here:

After much research, I have unlocked the secret to pissing

I'm about to leave for a dental appointment, ask me anything!

Gardeners, what's the diff. between potting mix, potting soil & growmulch?

Did any DUers participate in the Great Society programs?

A girl just gave me props for standing up for my beliefs...

Looking for video: Let the Eagle Soar

My nerves are shot over potential (eventual) outsourcing.

I got mugged last night. Ask me anything.

todd bertuzzi is a low-life cowardly shit.

I'm late for a meeting! Don't ask me anything!

My first thread! I want to tell you about yours truly...

How were Supertramp ever popular?!

My picture was in the Sunday paper and I didn't even know about it

****WARNING****** Bad taste alert!..... But I just can't help myself!

The Bette Midler letter that's circulating now

Saw a good one in GD...

Thin Mints or?

BIG football hits (link to video)

Best South Park episode ever: Even more relevant now!

NPR Alert! Walter Cronkite remembers Murrow, McCarthy

Should musicians/rock stars be arrogant?

Me want questions, ask me anything

I heard a pro-abstinence commercial on the radio today.

Underappreciated bombs?

"You must've been a beautiful baby...."

So I read the headline of Ashcroft's surgery

Which CD should I listen to on the way home

Remember my neighbors from Hell?

It's March 9th - is your Calendar correct yet?

Dish Network Customers: Viacom fracas - keep or dump

Oscar-Nominated Actor Paul Winfield Dies (Sounder, Julia, MLK, Huck Finn)

Bush's Dumbass campaign ad

Demons have kidnapped the leprechaun who lives in my head!

Why do so many people have such a problem just being nice.

Who Likes The Cut Of My Jib? How Is My Jib Doing In General?

Help needed.

From this week's Savage Love column, a web site you must see:

Tonya Harding to Play Ice Hockey (Ugh! In my home town, no less)

McDonald's Salad Contains More Fat Than Its Cheeseburger

World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska . . .

What would you make out of Ashcroft's gallbladder?

Caption Pickles and her Posse

The Piggy-Back Pickle-Buck of all CAPTIONS!!

get yer FREE dopey president Animation HERE!!!

CAPTION The funniest warmonger you've ever seen.

Underappreciated solo artists/duos

The Cow-Herdin' C-in-C of all CAPTIONS!

Where has Rhiannon been?

The Sardonic Shit-Kicker of all CAPTIONS

Q: anyone know the website with anonymous registrations

A CAPTION pic to end all CAPTION pics

The Practical Joker of all CAPTIONS!!!!

Susie always felt overlooked because she was flat-chested..(naughty)

Unfreep these gay marriage polls!

Is your belly button an "innie" or an "outie"???

I think I've found another way to lose weight!

Separated at birth?

John Ashcroft/bile joke & pun thread

Tenet is "SHOCKED" to hear that Cheney has been citing false intelligence

new Hannity advertiser Kwai

Not a single cat thread on the first page of the lounge?????

Confess! Have you ever written fanfiction?

Gamecube owners only.

One more reason why so many americans are so f-ing FAT.

Why Doesn't Anybody Do The Macarena Anymore?

any ebayers here? log on and see if your 'favorites' have been dumped

I think I may be SEXY.

I think I may be DYSPEPTIC!

Dean Supporters, Raise your hand if your Mama wears Army boots.

Burglar bleeds to death leaving video store

Celeb death #3 - 'Murphy Brown' Co-Star Robert Pastorelli Dies Aged 49

I tnihk I may be LYSDEXIC!!!

I think I maybe EXIST.

Favorite Charlie Chaplin Film?

anyone ever filed a complaint against a cop?

1 day out of the year, the lounge should be sex threads only


Rubics cube owners only.

Ornette Coleman: Genius

I think I may be DYSLEXIC!

I just got a wrong number call from Minnesota - Was it one of you?

Steady leadership

How Low will Kerry go

I think I may be a HYPOCHONDRIAC

An Update on my mom's health...

Butthole Surfers....

I just spent two hours updating my webpage. DON'T ASK ME ANYTHING!

Paul Winfield(General Terrell in Star Trek II)Dead!

But, wait! There's more! Ron Popeil's genius. How many gadgets do you own?

I Think I May be SEXIST


It's March 10th - are your Income Taxes completed yet?

NHL: Steve Moore with a broken neck (The Todd Bertuzzi incident)

Painful Names.....

My cats,Siobhan and Clancy,are eating dinner right now...

SCREEEEEEECH! My little brother is joining the Marines!

Battle of the Authors: Ernest Hemingway vs. William Faulkner

I dislike landlords and unfortunately I am living with mine

Do you find "Straight Plan for the Gay Man" offensive?

Organized labor members, former members and supporters thread

LynneSin's rant for today: LAY OFF THE DAMN PERFUME!!!!

Atari 2600 owners only

Mmmm.... toasted meerkat bellies

DU chat


Domestic Violence TV Show Leads To Shooting

How Conservatives Become Instant Liberals

I'm sorry, but I LIKE this picture ***WARNING PARTIAL NIPPLE!!!***

Whats wrong with this picture?

a selfish rant about the filthy rich

Post a pet pic

XBOX Owners Only

This is a great Joke. Take a minute to read.

My New Avatar - Does it meet community standards

Ack! First job interview in 13 years!

Asimov Stamp Urged

Cool math trick

Time to share the GOOD news

In your opinion, what is the Best Live Rock Album?

What would a DU bot based on you do?

if you could ask God 1 question what would it be?

What do you do really, really well?

whats your first name (if your comfortable saying it)


Possible ad to fight back on Bush's claims about Kerry's defense cuts

Early voting not promising for Doggett (D-TX)

Kerry promises vigilance at polls

Presidential Perks - we pay

Thousands rally for Kerry: Democratic challenger knocks Bush

UK Guardian: The battle for definition

Nevada Democrats - How is Kerry looking there?

Badgering Freepers Re Kerry

Domestic issues lift Kerry in new poll

Amazon 1-Click contribution poll

Support for Bush Falls On Economy and Iraq

More detail from today's Gallup poll

Senator Covered Up Evidence of P.O.W.'s Left Behind

French town turns eyes to American cousin - John Kerry

Voting in FL today: Since when are solicitors allowed at the polls?!

Bush's Problem With Black Voters

Deja vu

Blog cabin republican ( A very funny piece about Mr. Nader)

I'm a believer... but I need to know WHICH world leaders

Revealed: how 'war hero' Kerry tried to put off Vietnam military duty

Looking for ABB and ABK?

OK JK, I just voted for you! Now go kick some ASS!

Preferred Speakers at the Inauguration...

What's Bush's position on Civil Unions for same sex couples ?

Major Concern Re: Bush ads...

Obama surges into the lead in Illinois

Jose Serano on Howard Stern now

i'm thinking of going pubbie...for the PA primary

Call me psychic...

Wes Clark Emailed me.. and all Kerry supporters

Brokaw as Kerry's running mate?

CIA budget, Statement by former Counsel

Message from Kerry/CLARK supporter

UK Guardian Predicts Richardson for Kerry's VEEP

Does anyone think we will win without a paper trail?

Novak as Kerry's running mate?

American Samoa results: Kerry - 87% & DK - 13%

Did I read speculation about Kerry/Kerrey sometime back

TV ALERT---CLARK on CNN live at 3:00 today est

The easy retort for the 'flip flop' charge

Sen. Kerry Could Learn To Point Better.

UK Guardian on Karl Rove: The brains

James Carville as Kerry's running mate Chairman Dean?

Who is Bayh?

Bill Schnieder say 2004 looks like 1988, big F'ing surpise huh?

Kerry said: " I'm often asked how it feels to run for the highest office

I Won't Vote for a Bush-Enabler!

Correct way to handle the 9/11 ads?

Thoughts on Ohio and VP

Let there be no doubt as to where Nader would draw votes from...

Though I don't like Kerry, I will say this--

Any Word On Voter Turnout Today?

Young voters appear to be strongly anti-Bush, pro-Democratic

Would another attack on American soil help or hurt Bush's ratings?

Lou Dobbs to have Part 2 of his electronic voting report.

The war the media isn't telling you about !

Do you think Dean's new grassroots org will keep Kerry on the issues?

Why does anyone think Bayh would help win Ohio?

19 reasons for Ohio to vote Dem.

Why did so many assholes just abandoned Howard Dean

Everyone check out the greatest John Kerry banner ever!

Wes Clark will be on Inside Politics, CNN at 3:30p.m EST TODAY!

George Bush continues to lie to America about the economy

Lou Dobbs poll on electronic voting

Kerry Campaign Chair Awards Bush the “Herbert Hoover Award”

Texas Democrats: Remember to attend your Precinct Conventions.

The most powerful word we know: We. - Elizabeth Edwards (at Edwards blog)

Kerry's grades vs Bush's grades...

I smiled real big today and voted my heart... Al Sharpton


Yes: This champion of the little guy would add punch to the ticket

Kerry Launches Impassioned Gay Rights Speech In Deep South

Interesting poll results

Ohio & Diebold's Political Machine

I don't think the Kerry "flip-flop" issue will stick, especially re Iraq.

okay, listen up. randi rhodes covering florida voting problems

Kerry and Cannibis

Question about taking candidates off the ballot. Clark, Edwards folks?

Sen. John Kerry and the climb for Presidency?

Kerry to meet with Dean to discuss possible endorsement

Isn't Dean's New Org. A Way to Pay Lip-Service while Nadering Kerry's base

Dennis recovering from gastroenteritis

International Election Monitors Take on Florida

There is a great possibility this election will go to the House of Reps

How informed are Nader voters?

Kerry Flip-Flop Attack Destroyed

What would happen if bin Laden is found hiding in Iraq before the election?

Let me make something clear about Evan Bayh, for clarity

Edwards WILL NOT be VP. Most likely Evan Bayh.

I have reached the conclusion that Wes Clark will be the VP nominee....

Do you believe Clark when he says "I don't want to be VP"?

Gephardt- "Miserable Failure" as running mate

So you don't think DU can make a difference in this race(check it out)

Kerry supporter raise your hand if you're sick of being called names.


they just showed a pug ad with a goofy Kerry picture: big mistake, right?

Maintaining the status quo

I'm finally seeing some strength from Kerry.

What are the chances of getting the Green Party endorsement for Kerry?

Dean supporters raise your hand if you're sick of being called names.

GD-P2004 political demographics; where are ya from?