Democratic Underground

Archives: March 14, 2004

Arar's wife explains her candidacy

Andrew Rawnsley (London Observer): Blair is doomed to be ignored

Dowd: The Politics of Self Pity (It's not MY fault."

'It Has To Be Al Qaeda'

"I'm Embarassed by My President Day," April 1, 2004

William F. Buckley on the "Passion"

Spain: ...crowds accuse Aznar of cover-up

What Bush and others don't understand about education.

"I'm Embarassed by My President Day," April 1, 2004

Funding the Left Blogosphere

Any chance that leaders of gay marriage movement will be seen as

SB 2082 "Constitution Restoration Act of 2004"

Rumsfeld Criticizes Brown & Root 'War Profiteering'

BBC (March 14): Karadzic search ends in failure

Garry Kasparov vs Vladamir Putin

Where do I post an article about John Kerry's position on Israel?

The Decency Enforcement Act of 2004 and Howard Stern

are coalition forces in Iraq "legitimate targets" ?

FSOD: If Spanish bombers were Hindu, as BBC initially reported...

Greg Palast, Monday night 7pm EST

Great Sources much info

Here is what the Pakistan's General Musharraf really thinks

"Harm's Way": a campaign ad

Whats amazing is....

Does anybody make "Support our Troops, not our President" signs?

I need a link to the MoveOn response about the GOP challenge to them.

Revealed: the full story of the Guantanamo Britons

"I'm Embarassed by My President Day," April 1, 2004

History of gas prices

Will CNN spend as much time on 3/20 Peace Protests in US as Madrid Protest

The Bette Midler Letter to * on gay marriage...

Really dumb RW talking point

Remember the coup that put Mushariff in power? Remember * being asked ....

Protectionism, GOP style.

thoughts about dean

"The Arabian Candidate" (Salon article on Bush's Saudi problem - Mon 3/13)

Yet another convert (from Bu$h)

Thom Friedman has been outsourced! (Warning - Parody)

After Madrid, is it London next?

Now we know what bush does all day

Anyone Have a Link on Bush & The Draft ?

in to save homeless people from freezing to death...

free coast to coast am streamlink downloads - police state

I wish that our leadership would oppose the new FCC rules and not cave

When will there be a movie made about 9/11?

I just heard the most ridiculous discussion about women on Fox

* ponders debating Kerry

What will happen first?

Spartan (with Val Kilmer) has lots of interesting things to say about...

How conservative is Richmond?

Maybe its just me

It's time for immigration reform to tackle terrorism

Politics Based Upon Sports Preferences?

Haha -- Now O'Reilly at war with Frank Rich

what's Ted Rall saying here?

Download WASTE before DOJ taps your IMs, email, VOIP calls, and browsing

Anybody following Canadian spookiness?

Is Aznar's party toast in today's election?

US Unloading WMD In Iraq?

Noble Grassroots Effort in Venezuela

in 2004, can a politician say...

Your thoughts on "Media bias controlled by ratings, not politics".

Just Got done seeing Bush'sBrain Documentary

Who wants to listen to a bunch of liberals rant and rave?

"The election cannot come too soon." -- Kennedy

Too "American" to leave the USA.

It's getting UGLY. Freepers all over this smear on Kerry

Hey, the Bush bu**lickers at FR are posting one of our posts!

"Mr. Pragmatic!" - a noisy, whiny song about Thomas Friedman & Co.

Your favorite political magazine?

Has the "Passion" movie only gotten the RW in a dither? If you like

Wacky Creationist Site

Read this interview with a soldier back from Iraq

VFW Magazine "gives permission" to Oppose Dem Vets KERRY & CLARK

Food stamps and chocolate.

Show of hands. Who is protesting the invasion anniversary March 20?

Tape Claims al-Qaida Tied to Spain Blasts

Breaking on CNN link yet...

Two firefighters killed, more than two dozen injured... (Pittsburgh)

Geo Carlin on Maher now...

FBI investigating new Hoffa confession

Kerry's Next Job: Cementing Image Among Voters

Interior Clears Rove Against Kerry Claim

Basque baker killed over blasts

WP: For Bush, New Role and Different Script

US warning over Haiti stability (BBC)

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 558 U.S. service members have died

Revealed: the full story of the Guantanamo Britons

Bush and Blair plan terror summit

Democrats More Hopeful About Senate Races

In New York City, Fewer Find They Can Make It

WP: White House Marks Invasion Anniversary

Did African coup begin in Chelsea?

My fetish involves ferret foots!

Any of you at Colby College? Would you say there was a "riot" today?

We picked "Starsky & Hutch" over Jesus at the movie theatre today...

Make your very own Skittles


If you have bright, creative kids and don't know about Odyssey of the Mind

Just Wondering...


Boston area DUers----She's baaacckk!!!!!!

What should be done about pyramid schemes?

What is a Crack Attack?

Prayers, please

Should I Drive or Take a Cab?

got drunk at 11AM, watched the bruins beat the sabres

I scrubbed my house all day... and now I'm bored. Ask me anything.

"Trying to throw your arms around the world by U2 - What does it make you

Who here is named after a pet?

Please don't respond to this post

A question about polls?

Do you know who this is?

Your weekly reminder: my radio show is on tonight!

To the people who recomended "soulseek" - THANKS

Anyone have a relative that looked like Freeper material but...

JOKE--'The War on Terra' and Homeland Security

Arsenio just said "America you got the Power"

I want a Roomba!

I want a drink. What should I have?

Guess what? I have a fever. And the only perscription is...

Another Name Change Poll

Geo Carlin on Maher now...

The Secret Covenant

I met the Irish tenors...ask me anything

Hey, techies, how do I save a screen shot on IE?

What is your favorite Futurama DVD volume?

Asheville residents....

I am the most pathetic man on the planet!

Aflect doing Gigli on SNL

All 8 episodes of the new season of CHAPPELLE'S SHOW on now!

i'm about to make chocolate chip cookies

Who wants the 5-layer dip in my fridge?

How long has Mary (of Peter, Paul and Mary) looked like Jerry Lewis?

Who wins tonight? (a)Wright vs Mosley and (b)Mesi vs Jirov?

1000 Posts!!!! An open letter to DU....

Julia Roberts nailed for dealing crack cocaine!

I HATE HATE HATE Story of the Year!

Who's drinkin' tonight?

You really know you're a mother when.

I am volunteering at SXSW!!!!!!

How I Already Know My Summer Will SUCK! - A Rant and a Plea

have i told you lately that I LOVE YOU....

I'm seriously considering moving to Anchorage. Am I nuts?

Has pot shrunk?

Beautiful Losers in Cincinnati.

An e-mail I got about high gas prices

what's up with Novak?

Need Bird Owner's advice please!!!

I need music preferably like Irish revolutionary stuff

Random political questions

Best song from the bubblegum era?

Who were the most annoying people of this past year? Aside from

What's Thanksgiving like at the Cheney family dinner?

My poor little brother

Scotch Drinkers - Single Malt or Blended

DU'ers, PLEASE help me unfreep this local poll!!

Skittles hits 20,000 posts! show some love or

Giving very important speech tomorrow. Wish me well...

Who will win this year's NCAA men's basketball title?

I am the most powerful man on the planet.

Any Oregon Kucitizens around?

All you Minnesota DUers!!

Sexiest Progressive Woman?

They conspire behind deep walls.....

Has Joe Lieberman endorsed Sen Kerry yet?

Free Republic post about John Kerry's stand on Israel has mobilized me.

As we speak, I'm wondering who is in charge ??

Inside the Dean Camp -- on CNN now

Where are good links to read about the contents of McCain/Feingold

The Passion of the Kucinich finds an audience in Long Beach - OC Weekly

First Kerry Ad in Michigan spotted...

Will see guys maybe trippi in SXSW panel any Q's i should ask

Rall: the New Democrats

Republicans poke fun at Kerry's French connection

Okay,say that it is the work of Al Qaeda in Spain. What is the motivation?

Affleck (democrat) hosting SNL

Gen. Clark and Mrs. Clark Stumping for Kerry in Ohio

What is Dean doing for Kerry?

Presidential Poll

Why are some people on this board scared of Clark?

A choice between progress and decline - TW

Taiwan has a chance to reject forces that harm it

A wealthy, peaceful Brunei faces uncertainty

Tim Robbins 'You Can’t Be Polite in a Satire'

NYT's Op- Ed - The Politics of Self Pity, Maureen Dowd

Poll: Texans increasingly worried about Iraq

NYT: Lethargic Recovery of Uranium

Gouging the Poor (criminalization of illness piece)

WP Op-ed: Capitol Hill Giving Up Its Clout

Finally, I've got enough posts to start my own rant . . .

N.J.'s cycles of sadness may belong to 9/11 dead

The People are Revolting: A Guided Tour of the Second American Revolution

Margolis: Bush's war is a financial disaster

NYT: Florida as the Next Florida

Mike Huckabee-Traitorous Idiot

Bush* Remembered from Social Contacts (in Alabama)

Creating more wealth but fewer jobs - David Broder

Bush in Ardmore, PA March 15th in afternoon

Town Hall Meeting in NYC about GOP Convention

Study: Journalism in Transformation

How come the Media never shared THIS with the US Public...?

Janeane Garofalo on today!

Senator Bill Nelson making an ass out of Tenet on C-Span right now.

Freeper media activism: usual very casual approach to truth

911 For Dummies

Intentional community ?

ACLU's Romero Calls Bush's Policies on Guantánamo 'Fundamentally Lawless'

The Other Gay Issue (DADT)

San Francisco Mayor Puts Future on Line

Brown U. Forms Panel to Examine Slavery

Gay Marriage Poll, please vote

Republicanism Found Genetic (Satire)

Are Gay Rights Civil Rights?


India: Retail magnet?

What are we so worried about?

Rent or own?

And The Drought Goes On . . .

Ruppert challengs skeptic to Peak Oil Debate, skeptic accepts

African Aids drug plan faces collapse

China Congress Enshrines Private Property

Chef gives politician the fingers - India

Lori Berenson Allowed Visits With Husband

Conservative Party leadership candidates to focus on Ontario now

Calm Restored After Syria Soccer Riots

911 Smoking guns - Should be viewed by Every American

Gun Maker: "finger print resistant" semi auto gun?

When is this type of shit going to end!

Skinner you are having an influence.

Please explain that *criticism* of the nominee can continue.

More of a curiosity question than anything else

Banning of a poster

Palestinians in the Australian Media

PA said to release 4 Gazans suspected of bombing U.S. convoy

Witnesses' accounts of the Ashdod port bombings

'Sharon wants US nod for land plan'

"Victory of Brutality"

Double explosion in Israeli port kills eight; Hamas/Fatah

Reuters Breaking: 3 explosions in Ashdod, Israel

U.S. sees 'historic potential' in PM's disengagement plan

Israel cancels summit with Palestinian leader in wake of suicide bombing

Israel and India: A relationship in bloom

Keep the gloves on in Gaza

Schwarzenegger to lead economic delegation to Israel in May

Carrying on the passion of activist Rachel Corrie

Could Madrid foreshadow a coming biological attack?

Barack Obama supporters, check in here

'A Bright Hope in Illinois'

Iranian Press: US Planting WMDs in Iraq

Concerning how Bush was a "pollo mierda" or a "chicken poop" on September

A blockbuster from Der Spiegel: "And then Mullah Omar screamed at me"

Did you experience any 9-11 flashbacks with Spanish bombing?

Bush: Weak on Defense

My Valerie5555 message to the victims / survivors of Sept 11 at this point

Does anyone know?

Is there a site where we can follow the Spanish election returns?

staying informed vs. information overload

Live liberal radio NOW -- Nate Clay streaming now -- listening link

"Faces of the Fallen" Bush's lie's for oil, the election...

Komedians for Kerry

If Kerry told America that "the Iraqis aren't 'the terrorists'"....

Gay Marriage Poll, please vote.

Two interesting links

Holy Moly - they are eating John Podwhoretz alive on Book TV

Get your Bush Dictatorship quotes and video here....

Kerry will destroy the world's economy?

Good LAT analysis of Iraq as U.S. for. policy, and world effect

Anyone know if Spanish media is pushing ETA as the culprits?

Dowd, Cheeseburgers and Bush ads

Spain: Protesters shouted "Liar!" and "Get our troops out of Iraq!"

What's the deal with the Bush ads?

Forget Vietnam -- the future draft format: Special Skills Draft

Is Depleted Uranium a Chemical weapon?

"Stars and Stripes" letter: 'Didn't get help'

Police to Use Containment Pens to Handle Protest on March 20

So what new war will Shrub now start , post 3/11 Madrid?

'NO TO WAR'...get on the bus...updates...March 20, come join us !

Reminder: Condi & Dean on MTP on Sun morning

Any South Dakota DU'ers? Give us the inside skinny on this race

Condi:MTP - Reduced to using Clinton to justify the war!

Newsweek Poll - Go Vote!

Bush oil buddy despot saved from Mercenaries -"Kuwait of Gulf of Guinea"

Bush's 9/11 ad letters to the editor

Condi is a crazy bitch.

Wash. Journal host rephrasing/changing callers questions/comments

Howard Dean was great on "Meet the Press" this morning.

Thinking About 2004, and 9/11,,,,

Memo To Condi: "You Cannot Prove A Negative"

Debunking the Media's Lies about President Aristide

CSPAN caller: they hate us because of Janet Jackson's BOOB!

I use to train against the National Guard, I gotta tell you, they sucked.

How many DUers take a commuter train to work?

Egyptian Play Blasts U.S. Foreign Policy

The death toll in Iraq has surpassed 600 this weekend

Dean on Meet the Press now! Giving bush* hell

March 20-- marching is almost as important as voting!

FCC censors Pink Floyd . . . (yeah, you read it right) . . .

The Fear Bomb

Gay marriage. . . a perspective on why it's important

Sissy Planet?

Important Peak Oil story in Environment/Energy/Science forum.

Ashcroft would love to peek into your history

Where are the REAL Democrats when it comes to FREE SPEECH?!

Bush praises man in speech on women's rights

Talked to a former Bush supporter yesterday.

Some political cartoons (some interactive) for your viewing pleasure

TV Alert: Lieberman (R-CT) coming up on CNN w/ Wolf 12:35 pm EST

U.S. Unloading WMD in Iraq

Bush Site Unplugs Poster Tool (Too many anti-Bush slogans used!!!)

The dominoes are really falling fast...

Spain Votes in Election After Attacks. (Popular party may be in trouble)

Is socialism or communism illegal or unconstitutional?

Finally, could this be what really happened to Jimmy Hoffa?

Administering good leadership to a Nation and its Allies

Ira Glass had Howard Stern clips beginning 'This Amarican Life'

Some Frozen Lobsters Return to Life ...

Iraqi pipeline sabotage.. (We aren't hearing much about these)

Breaking CNN: 1 of the 5 arrested in Spain is tied to Al Queda

has this country ever 'celebrated' the BEGINNING of a war?

Vote in this poll!

A Mexican Worker Dies Each Day...(and no pesky lawsuits)

Daily U.S. Casualties 3/14/2004

Probes could put damper on Bush race

Kerry's voting....per ACLU

"If I were President" - Good advice from an 18 Year old

Richard Perle on Late Edition

For you Historians, - How many sitting US Presidents did NOT visit Canada?

Have you ever accidentally channeled Rumsfeld?

Military Governmental Contract.

BBV - Florida as the next Florida - NYT op ed

Vote.conjob -- Dick Morris' phony "opinion" site still hawking his book...

Howard Stern: Thanks for the 8 million new Kerry votes..

US Revealed to be Secretly Funding Opponents of Chavez

Nader could be on ballot as Green AND Reform AND independent

WMD. Did Saddam send his MIGs into Iran in 1991?

How nasty is this campaign going to get?

MSNBC has a poll out today

Details revealed on "Al Queda" bombing in Spain

what's in your well water? - Uranium is in Nevada wells

Rome is burning.

Some Sanity from a Republican

"Imagine there's no w".....apologies to John Lennon

Richard Perle you are such a murdering POS.

Does the US have a "large bloc" of undecided voters?

Best Secretary of State, 1969-2000

Today's (3/14) elections -- Spain and Russia

C'mon, somebody tell me that capitalism works great...

endless love, boys and i rolling on for laughing

Kerry's "War Room" More Effective Than Clinton's? Kerry on the offense!

NYT staffer unintentionally violated the ethics code

Dean Meet the Press Transcript - DEAN ROCKS - DEAN AS VP!

Is The World Rebelling?

Take Bush's strongest issue and attack him there .....

Condesleeza's Catch Phrase

91 wolves shot in Alaska

Liberals of a lesser God

Why does the media pretend ignorance about CIA intelligence on Iraq?

Debating with a righty...(Al Qeada growing)

The anti war crowd was and is right.

The toll on the National Guard

Should the Dems try for Florida?

Some lady on Chris Matthews said Kerry was like Lurch

Time Magazine Cover "Moms Staying Home" instead of "Spain 3-11" Grrr

From 9/11/01 to 3/11/04 (Madrid bombings) was exactly 911 days.

Comment about DU heard today at a Dem fundraiser in suburban SE PA

TV alert: Alterman, Conason, Corn, Green, & Hartung on BookTV (4:15 EST)

Army sent mentally ill troops to Iraq

Looks like there may be a regime change in Spain?

A Revelation: Our Military and Our Intelligence no longer capable of....

‘Old Europe’ unrepentant

Spanish opposition could pull troops from Iraq

David Cord on C-Span2 now. . .

A call for Christians to PROVE that bush is NOT one

Why were all the crooked, lying dogs on the news shows this morning?

History repeating itself

FBI wants cable, dsl to rewire to allow easy tapping. Scary stuff.

Do you think this man is lying? Former Guantanamo 'guest'.

This is why questioning Bush's 'leadership' on 9/11 might be fruitless.

Condi on Faux News saying it is still too soon to

Can you believe this crap?

Why would a Republican consultant named Charlie Black have black teeth?

Bob McChesney interviews Janeane Garofalo

Rummy on Face The Nation now... Doing his Nosferatu routine...

A different approach to "same-sex marriage"....

Are Fundamentalist Christians welcome in the Democratic Party?

have the exit poll results from the 2002 election ever been released?

Possible Defense Against TAX HIKE Charge

Freeper Response Alert: Here's one you can throw back at 'em

libel/defamation of character

Slideshow of Florida - Great Summary

Is there anyway James Carville would manage the Kerry campaign?

freepers punish Spokane reporters for AWOL story

Protest against the war at Dover AFB

Ellen Bork,deputy director of PNAC on C-Span this morning....

Those Ads "Paid for by the US Army/Navy/AF/Marines"...

Release the Marijuana prisoners NOW!

spain has just kicked chimp's ass

If Congress were majority Democrat, would Bush be impeached?

When does Bush* become a lame duck & the ramifications of?

A Bush victory in November is EXACTLY what Al Qaeda wants!

Jenna Priceless...

Are people aware that Katherine Gun (UK whistle-blower) won her case?

Yahoo busy deleting anti Barbara Bush messages

Hollywood Disaster Film Set to Turn Heat on Bush

Colin Powell has a lot of nerve

Is there any accurate data on the cost of the Iraq war?

An Historic Revolution in Spain (please help)

"I don't know why but I give Colin Powell the benefit of the doubt"

James Baker (smirk Fixer) is defending S.A. against 9/11 survivors

Ret. Colonel calls for return of the draft: Austin-American Statesman

Bush* Flip-Flops

Faux analyst: If there's an al Qaeda attack on US, Bush WILL win election.

MSNBC Poll: do you believe the U.S. did the right thing by invading Iraq?

There is a lot to take from what happened in Spain the last few days.

Drudge Is SO-o-o-o Far-Right ...

Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us

Tell me if this letter to the editor doesn't make you sick....

Reopening the books on a community -- Libraries build community!

Iraq on the Brink

George Bush is responsible for the train bombing in Madrid.

does anyone here know anything about spain's socialist party

The Fix is In! (Florida touchscreen voting)

Where did the 87 billion actually go...?

Sunday's Doonesbury is GREATTTTTTTTT

The Games of Bush?? Poker, Hearts, Chess, Golf, Nintendo, Atari,

George W. Bush has initiated the draft. NOT a joke.

I just saw a DU'er on FSTV.

Should Kerry apologize poll...

Marcus Wesson Should be executed. agree or disagree?

Free Elections and Democracy: Elsewhere

Is the US openly trying to remove Mugabe of Zimbabwe?

DUer makes the Pundit Pap at American Politics Journal

I saw a UFO yesterday. This is not a joke.

Posted, a traitors list!

Explain LIHOP exactly...

House Members criticize Venezuelan Governement


Here it is folks! The true state of the economy. We're in a depression.

National Advocates for Pregnant Women's Statement on Melissa Rowland

Venezuela Opposition Slams 'Errors' in Vote Ruling

Pan-greens hold huge rally in Kaohsiung, blast Soong - 1/2 Mil.

Chinese efforts to thwart support of Taiwan backfire

Kazakhstan officials plan new route from China to Europe

Justice, FBI Seek Rules for Internet Taps

CNN: Man suspended for anti-Bush message

'It Has To Be Al Qaeda'

LAT: Strengths, Limits of U.S. For. Policy Evident (year after Iraq)

**BREAKING NEWS** -- THE RETURN OF ARISTIDE: Democracy Now!'s Exclusive

Kurdish Unrest Spreads in Syria; Toll Is Put at 15

PSOE accuses Aznar party of witholding knowledge of Al Q'aida involvement

Kerry Challenges Bush to Debates

$1M Robot Race: No One Wins (CBS/AP)

NH Gitmo Bay Awarded Meritorious Unit Commendation. (No one killed yet)

Palace plays Spanish anthem

Bombs Kill Six U.S. Soldiers in Iraq

Terror's Next Stop (Newsweek 3/22 issue)

NYT: U.S. Set to Ease Some Provisions of School Law (NCLB)

Rumsfeld is lying live on T.V.

Donald Rumsfeld on Meet the Press

Bombs Kill Six U.S. Soldiers in Iraq

Dean Meet the Press Transcript - DEAN ROCKS - DEAN AS VP!

GOP reassessing stance on importing cheaper medicine

Spain Votes in Election After Attacks

Bush may get past spending limits

Tens of thousands rally across nation to denounce Assembly action(S.Korea)

Spanish Intelligence Reportedly Blames Muslims for Bombs

U.S. Officials Stand by Iraq War on Anniversary

MSNBC has a poll out today

Powell expresses concern about conduct of Russian presidential election

French troops replace U.S. Marines in hostile Aristide stronghold

Ex-WorldCom chief Ebbers to face federal criminal charges

Iraqi Governing Council Has Doubts About U.N. Role

U.S. agents trying to find 400,000 for deportation

One Mexican Worker Dying a Day, AP Finds (In US unsafe working conditions)

Study: Journalism in Transformation

Reuters Breaking: 3 explosions in Ashdod, Israel

Another Briton alleges torture at Guantanamo

Bob McChesney interviews Janeane Garofalo

**BREAKING NEWS**--THE RETURN OF ARISTIDE: Democracy Now!'s Exclusive

Support for the war in Iraq declines in Texas, poll finds

Serious Fire Breaks Out Near Red Square...the Manezh Exhibition Hall

Powell says nations will not 'sit by idly' while Iran pursing nuclear ambi

U.S. Officials Defend Iraq War on Anniversary

Bush's partial history

Al Qaeda Claims Obscure, May Be Islamist 'Branding'

Newsweek: Saddam's Links To 9/11? How the Pentagon Made Its Case

Six Iraqis killed in attack on village

Rumsfeld: Bush Orders No Campaigning for Him

Putin appears to have won second term

 'Making some blacks rich means nothing'

Rumsfeld: Bush Orders No Campaigning for Him

Kennedy criticizes Bush "credibility gap"

U.S. Forces May Hand Over Abul Abbas Body

Dems Demand Investigation into Charge by Medicare Officer

Kerry talks health care in two battleground states

Once a Bitter Rival, Dean Praises Kerry

(Innocent) locked up in jail for 25 years...That’ll be £80,000 please

TVE EXIT POLL: Partido Socialista Obrero Español wins elections in Spain!

Florida public records closings on rise

Guerrilla Attacks Kill 4 U.S. Soldiers in Baghdad (Reuters 3:03AM Sunday)

Ohio Terror Database (very suspicious)

U.S. families protest war

AP: Congress Let Privacy Protections Die

Thousands Of Swiss Children Sold Into Slavery

Kerry Won't Say Which Foreign Leaders Support Him

Bush courts the bigot vote with anti-Arab ads

Many fuming over soaring gas costs

Republicans plan all-out fight to win California for Bush

Official results - general elections Spain

AP: Madrid Bombing, 9/11 Suspect Linked

Mom(bush) doesn't want to see Bush follow

Army Offers Bonuses for Troops in S. Korea ( it is getting drafty in here)

Powell says prewar intelligence wasn't `cooked'

God's banker: the final judgment

News flash: Ashcroft released from hospital

Amy Goodman reports the delegation has landed in CAR to meet Aristides.

Time: Raising the Volume

Socialists Claim Victory in Spain Election

Iran TV English Language Broadcast on Now

Do you have dreams about Election Night?

*sigh* Fargin college radio....

Bush ads on SNL

Hey - what did you just scratch?

If whittle do fooh sa dango

How do you post pictures?

You know Stetson Kennedy is still alive? That guy that attacked the KKK...

What's it called when you're perfectly happy but you believe the worst...

Searching for victimhood

First Post

Get Yer Tooth-Crafted Coffee Mugs Here!

Fun with online 20 questions

What just happened? I'm puzzled about Norton Virus notice

microsoft comp question.

ever wonder about the difference between a male orgasm . . .

Bush Bashing. WOOOHOOO. Right Now On C-Span 2

Check out my new sig line


Right fucking now on The Process:

Well, I got back from my Democratic party party.

311 for Dummies

Erin is not a kitten.

Has anyone seen the movie "The Boondock Saints"...

Men and women

I'd like to do something at work.

Scott's guide to writing a conservative column

New VIRUS - and no, this is NOT a joke or a poll . .

The SIMS online presidential campaign

That picture of Coulter and Ronald....

Goodfellas or Casino?

What if the U.S. was no longer the global hegemon?

I haven't quite figured this out...

Woody Guthrie avatars, check in here . . .

Help me reach 1,000 posts, ask me the big question...


How Will You Feel. What Will You Do.On Election Night 2004 When

Not all US Christians in Iraq are warmongering fundie whackos

Am I Kookoo?

"Stairway to Gilligan" . . .

The Bush twins won't PARTY with me, did I do something wrong???

Anyone watching Kingdom Hospital ?

The weekend is ending with my "gay family"...

Kenny's Dead

Make your own cartoon site (or at least caption it)

Who's the Lincoln, NE DUer with the dark gray Chevy???

Sim City 4

600,000 ex-convicts hit the streets every year

Shy DU'ers. How do you work to overcome your shyness?

amazing math trick? or . . . please tell me how this works!

More music questions. - cure fans listen up

Jupiter's new blue ring

Whoever wins...

Has anyone ever googled "Democratic Underground"?

The split in the U.S.

Man flushes €11000 down the toilet

Nun Faces Jail for Drunk Tractor Driving

Anyone here ambidextrous?

911 for Dummies

Karl Rove's dirty tricks. Check out this google link...

A poster I'm missing:

Pet owners: How many pets do you have?

Where is Ducity?

A Freeper- DU Exchange: Freedom of Speech (Satire)

Little blonde chick with a cute pussy!

Help with Nixon Admin question


Doobie or Bong

Here I was at an Apple Switchers class when

Help with Mozilla Firebird.

The "Tell Robb a Joke" thread

I'm looking for an ad that OVERhypes patriotism, any suggestions?


Have you accepted the Detroit Pistons as your personal savior?

Caption this please

I know it was "for life" but I don't want to be Wu-Tang anymore

The Great Bush Quiz. Let's play!!

hmm . . . don't think this article would ever have appeared . . .

So are we all completely FUBARED because of Peak Oil and the Dieoff?

What's Your Favorite Version of Richard Strauss' "4 Last Songs" ?

KGO San Francisco archives Bernie Ward and Ray Taliaferro


Have you guys seen this?

Spurs/Kings game....

So I've Got This Friend Who Just Won't Shut UP!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FEAR THE TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cream cheese and black olives on hamburgers.

The @#$%ing ice-cream truck woke me from my Sunday nap.

Mike Seaver says you're gonna BURN, sinner!


My daughter just moved to Fresno last week. Any advice?

afternoon chat

5PM Eastern who is the killer in Lifetime's

Why no more "Kentucky Fried Movies"?

Hey, why don't they call themselves 'Kentucky Fried Chicken' anymore?

I'm Rick James, Beeyatch!!"

Goodbye....Packing up and....................

Just saw a Great Bumper Sticker


Favorite million-dollar game show from a few years ago?

Who's got a picture of the "flag draped body at WTC" ad

Duet or group thread

Anyone else trying out UT2004 yet?

How come altercation does not have a link to us??

Michigan State is IN!!

Question. Has anyone ever gone the 700 Club in one day? Who?

Sunday haiku thread

Any WWE fans here? Ready for Wrestlemania XX tonight?

"Peak Cheese" real or myth?

Spongebob would like to know....

Ok, so we now know the seeding process for the women's tournament

BEST NUMBER 2 HIT, 1955-1959? (Part 3)

Post your predictions for the #1 seeds in Men's AND Women's Tourney

Favorite United States President, 2001-present

Duke loses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooh...Xavier gets Louisville in the first round!

Dumb Laws of North Carolina.

DU Musicians! Got a funny/weird gig story?


Which Star Trek alien race is Kerry and the Dems most like?

What do you eBay?


What to do if you miss the rapture

I Passed 700 yesterday and nobody noticed - Sniffle Sniffle

The perfect post

Awsome Anti- Hannity sites!!!

I'm envious and I want an ATLANTA DU spring get together

Who Would You Rather Party With: The Bush Twins, The Hilton's or...

If the Bush Administration were a Star Trek Alien Race......

Are Kenny-boy Lay and his wife visiting in DC this weekend?

Tommorow marks my 21st Year in an Air Force Uniform

Worst Republican president since the First World War

Most tolerable Republican president since the First World War

Ever seen a professional Broadway show?

I'm a member of The 700 Club! I'd like to scream something!

Best Dook basketball player in the NBA

Cereals you miss from childhood

New meaning for G.O.P.

Contact with aliens?

Un-PC thread: Who played "smear the queer" as a kid?

Why is pornographic spam showing up on my computer?

6 freepers show up in "vets4bush"

Where can I find a copy of the "Hook, Line & Stinker" board game?

F%##**&% Coffee Makers

Marylanders: State Tax Return Question

Funniest "no thinking involved" book you ever read?

Bubble Teams That Didn't Get In thread

Best View Askew (Kevin Smith) film

Help! (I'm an insecure, clueless male)

And you may ask/tell yourself...

Does anyone know why there are 65 teams in the NCAA bball tourney?

A Mighty Wind

Please allow me to introduce... Myself

BEST NUMBER 2 HIT of the EARLY 1960s? (Part 2)

NYT: Newcomers Provide Fuel for Bush Money Machine

JOKE--'The War on Terra' and Homeland Security

Mayor Daley's had kind words for Howard Dean today

Freeper posts hysterically bad homemade ads (link to videos)

TV Alert: Dean documentary on CNN 6:00 am EST

Look folks, Kerry's going to make mistakes, BUT Bush has made far more!

Nine in four, tell George no more!

Kerry's Cuba policies open to attack

What's Thanksgiving like at the Cheney family dinner?

How do you like this t-shirt idea

Chek out this poll. If you want to brighten your day.

Kerry to appear at UA in Akron, Ohio today @ 5:30PM

This needs to be stopped.

Does Kerry have a comedy writer?

Illinos Voters

911 for Dummies

Deleted message

Can someone help me find Sen. Kerry's position on Northern Ireland?

Trifecta column on DU home page

Faux News Talking Head Called Franco A Socialist...

Those DUers NOT voting for Kerry in November, please respond

No Kerry on C-span anymore, it seems.

Speculation: John F. Kerry and John F. Kennedy

I could get excited about either Clark or Edwards as VP, but. . .

Holy unnecessary vanity threads, Batman!

Anyone feel Osama will be "captured" sooner rather than October?

Howard Dean: The UnNader?

Thank you, Spain - Kerry was right about the world supporting him

Ready for a Tribute to Clark?

Kucinich Supporters... request for help, pleeeez

Will there be anyone monitoring voting tallies by counties?

Firefighters on front line in Kerry's campaign

Dean on Meet the Press

Can someone tell me the difference Bush will make?

If anyone still needs some help deciding between Kerry and Nader:

Damn! There's a stupid Bush ad on TV

Keey needs to start talking about Bush's flip-flops

Help allay my fears.

The snake-oil solution. Can Bush go on selling it?

Loss in the Kucinich Campaign

Mathematics 101

Being a Massachusetts Democrats is an asset not a liability

cspan 2 Bush Lies with Alterman, Conason,Corn, and Green, 4:15pm eastern

10 Questions about Kerry and the direction of the Party

At what point will you jump on the Kerry bandwagon?

Thinking About 2004, and 9/11.....

Why on earth is Bush ceded the "strong on national security" mantle?

The Al Gore Support Center lends support to John Kerry!

I just contributed to Kerry's campaign today

Jeb on target to deliver on his promise...

Clark Merits DU V.P. ENDORSEMENT With Good Soldiering for Democrats

A linguistic note: DU's Rage at claims that the 2 parties are "the same" -

This should have been said long ago about Saddam...popular or not.

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Where's Shelton now?

Kucinich Still Wants To Influence Dems’ Platform

Faux news Said The Terrorists Won Because Spain Voted Socialist...

Anyone going to be in NYC on Saturday?

Can someone tell me the difference Kerry will make?