Democratic Underground

Archives: January 11, 2004

Pravda- Bush Vs Hitler

Cross-border thoughts on Iraq

Divided leaders of Americas to hold summit, strains evident

Dowd: The Argyle General (MoDo back to whorish self)

Hollinger's Conrad Black - Bad Press for Media Baron

Anyone here on the Atkins or any other low-carb diet?

Chicago priests oppose Vatican language on gays

Retailers Shed 38,000 Jobs In December

Oil, gas prices shoot up

Fox news uses a bit of subtle propaganda

I Need Help With a Search on the Old Forum

Still no answer to my request on clarification of the rules

How many DUers are online at any given time?

Question for any Moderators who wish to respond

I don't like any of the front runners' positions on . . .

Alex Brummer (London Observer): Why Greater Israel vision has perished

More German translation help needed

St. Rep. Lisa Boscola reconsidering entering Pennsylvania-15 race!

Edwards gets endorsement of Des Moines Register - huge!

I going to represented by another repuke

Drudge: Bush Burned: Former Treas. Sec Unleashed in Book



my letter to Faux News

The DLC disconnect on education and vouchers.

Any Thoughts how "International Coalition" will view O'Neil's Revelations

WMD found in Texas

Should caucuses and primaries use Instant Runoff Voting?

Quick! cspan!

Interesting email

Bush aides debate attacking Syria

If we can get more benign corporations instead of Militaryindustrial

WPR programs Monday on Patriot Act, Carnegie report

Do ya think ex-Treas. Sec. O'Neill has a wife who's a CIA officer?

Oneill's revelation have any impact on the David Kelly Murder?

Its the lying, stupid!

Is that moron in Crawford again?

How to end the illegal workers debate

Iraq: Tactical Evolution, or Tactical Desperation?

Which President Was the First You Remember?

what makes a democrat?

On the militarization of space.

Driver is arrested (Felony!) over car art

Don't you love the logic in Bizarroworld? (the latest Pawlocity)

Will Grover Norquist drown himself?

NPR--Discussion of LBJ's War on Poverty...

Which corporate subsidy makes you the angriest?

Turning Muslim in Texas

If Bush wins 2004 and you decide to leave the country, where?

Flashback to February, 2001... we coulda had Osama.

Should the Democratic nominee run ads on FAUX News?

BCCI trial Jan.13 in England. BCCI/Bank of America trial in June.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the tide has turned

The only group potentially worse than neocons.

Osama in Pakistan. Pakistan our ally. So we can't go get Osama or what?

Car Dealerships Face the Great Homogenization (Hummer Corp Architecture)

NYTimes calls for investigation of Administration weapon claims..

Anthrax: The "Other" MIHOP

Seriously, why does the media play along?

My RW nut brother claims we haven't lost or given up any

Freepers saying plans to invade Iraq were "contingency plans"

How do you feel about the "two party" system in America?

Debating Right-wing nuts

The difference between the DNC and the RNC

CHENEY ENERGY TASK FORCE - A "Whispering Campaign" Refresher Course

16 or more strange biologist deaths in 4 months: the odds

Democratic candidates/ and PNAC ... Will they ever bring it up?

How did you become a Democrat?

Do Repubs support "pre-emptive war" more than Democrats?

Bottom 10 Worst Presidents

jobs americans don't want

Iran Rebuffs U.S. Overtures to Start Dialogue

Brazil to Strengthen Fingerprint Policy(response to USanti-terror measures

N Korea shows off its 'nuclear deterrent'

Suspicious shells found in southern Iraq

Enron-style accounting -- now it's OIL RESERVES

U.S.-Islamic Conference Opens in Qatar

Florida Appeals Court Rules on Fetuses (Jeb loses)

US father in 'Private Ryan' plea as son is killed in Iraq

Harkin, Gore Attend Dean Rally in Iowa

G.I.'s Enjoy Plush Respite of Iraqi Army

Palestinians Want Independent State Right

Guests Asked to Leave Vegas Hotel-Casino

Chavez calls Condoleezza Rice an "illiterate" following sharp criticism

In a Logistical Ballet, U.S. Is Bringing In Fresh Forces to Iraq

Aides Say Bush Is Already Absorbed in 2004 Race

Powell withdraws al-Qa'ida claim as hunt for Saddam's WMD flags

10,000 'died of hunger' in Zimbabwe

Bush Space Plan Envisions New Spacecraft(cost $750B to $1 trillion)

Who here can be a poster child for the Democratic party?

San Antonio Spurs sign 1993 Heisman Trophy winner

Hey SCUBA divers- Thunderball's on AMC.

I'm walkin' on stickers

Greatest bassline?

What do these website STATS translate into?

East-Shrine Game Inspiration

MrsGrumpy is getting the night before the big game tummyache.

Should I order out for BBQ from Armadillo Willys?

Electric has been out since 8:30AM...sig other has ways of dealing with

Does anyone remember the pre-1990 Pennsylvania "state song"?

Name a good recent movie

" Whats a Yak " was a jeopardy answer today

MrsGrumpy is working a on a tribute to me

Uh, oh - I think I shoulda stopped after the third chalupa

Todd TV??? Has Reality TV gone to far?

Where does the best music come from?

The best bumper sticker I've ever seen

Writing an editorial to my union newsletter...

palindrome ALERT 37673 user registrations

Is there a card deck for mediawhores?

If you want to cause trouble in a Civil War group

Another 'guitar player' question......

We're knights of the round table, we dance whenever we're able

Hitchhikers..any old/current hitchhikers out there?

What Will We Call This Decade? The "Zero's?" The "Ots?" The "Ohs?"


These folks must vote republican


Who is the sexiest character in the Lord of the Rings trilogy?

I'm sick as a dog. Lost my voice on the "Guy James Show."

F**K Me Gently with a Chainsaw! I've entered the 700 Club!

If convalescents can convalesce...

When's the last time somebody left DU?

If Clark and Bush were to have a debate...

Undisclosed features of the new iPod mini

Ever just had odd questions?

Gay men, I'm a straight guy fielding questions.....ask away!

freaky stuff just happened

Titans vs. Patriots



Ever felt just downright dadaistic?

Bush HAS The Votes

I am open to gay people and their issues

Mike Hunt is enemy number one of Aiken Cock Fighters! (Real news story)

What is an NBALP???

I think it's four degrees outside... ask me anything.

When are the playoffs over and when is the @^&*$% Superbowl?

Should my next car be a stick-shift?

Packers or Eagles?

Ugliest Band?

Ever just felt down right ugly?

Sigh, another night on DU

Michelle Kwan wins eighth US Figure Skating Championship

Hola! Yo soy un hombre macho!

Can Peyton do it twice in a row?

Where does the best wine come from?

im scratching my foot with a hammer. ask me anything...

How gay are you? (Gay-O-Meter)

What do you think of when you think "Republican"?

Turn back the clock!

Will I ever want to marry and have kids?

Apocalypse Now Redux on Bravo

To people living in N. California and Oregon - I need tips

Big props to The White Rose Society! The latest Guy James Show is UP!

Clark supporters only, Help make a pro Clark flyer for Dean event

Which President Was the First You Remember?

How significant if Clark beats Lieberman and/or Kerry in Iowa ?

Latest from Nagourney in NYTimes: "Iowa Pivotal and Still Close"

For Clark people who want to help....

Not Responding to Attacks "a terrible mistake" (DUKAKIS)

Why Dean shoudn't have gone negative

Dean wins "first in nation" Caucus (in Santa Cruz, Calif.)!

Preemptive thread: Someone's circulating fraudulent "Dean" email

Could PACs save Clark?

Dean on c-span live right now

Kerry: What Bush Can't See

Hey! The Daily Show Was Taping At A NH Clark Event!

Clark Makes Inroads On NH Trail (Boston Globe 1/10)

Dean acknowledges Clarks Momentum

NOW (11:50 pm EST) on C-SPAN -- Kerry Interview

Let's refocus our energy on Bush the Lesser

The balance sheet for Dean

TV Alert! C-SPAN has Edwards, Dean, Gephardt, and Kerry on

Dean defends anti-Clark fliers.

Harkin, Gore Attend Dean Rally in Iowa (AP)

Dean slams Hamas

What Others Say About Wes Clark

Kucinich's 10-point plan to our troops home!

Dean comments on Paul O'Neill

The Democratic candidates should quit picking on Dean

Kucinich reclaimed the word "protectionist" in Iowa tonight.

Kucinich finishes 2nd in nation's 1st caucus in Santa Cruz CA (seriously!)

Kucinich dominating recent Iowa QC TImes polls

Dennis Kucinich on CSPAN live now!!!

Dean wins "first in nation'" Caucus! (Santa Cruz, Calif)

Iowa is going to be a nailbiter

Question for N.H. and Iowa residents...

NYT says Des Moines Register to endorse John Edwards tomorrow...

Clark's Cash Came Quickly (NYTimes 1/11)

Clark focuses negative comments

Did Democrats just advance against Bush? O'Neill talks...

Why I still support Dean

Kerry Responds to Secretary O'Neill's Iraq Charges

Slogan Alert: It's Unpatriotic to Outsource Jobs in a Time of War

Democrats flood Iowa with ground troops

Compare these two press releases from Dean and Kerry.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Karl Rove's Prescription For Solving America's Most Pressing Problems

Kerry Campaign Rep: "Clark was a Republian until 3 months ago"

Clark considering Hillary as VP?

Europe squadrons honored for high retention rates

Some (military) spouses subject to new security checks

54 Reasons NOT to re-elect the unelected fraud.

LA Times: Trashing the Media

Asahi Shimbun: Diplomacy is too important to leave to professionals

Asahi Shimbun: What is the meaning of `honorable death'?

Why should WE care?

Bush Immigration Proposal Built On Misconceptions...

NY TIMES letter says it's fine if IBM ships jobs overseas.

John Edwards -- his time is now (Des Moines Register Endorsement)

Are reserve units getting a raw deal?

Bush Economic Policies Come Under Fire

A Bold, New Messenger -Globe

The Faulty Weapons Estimates

The Barreling Bushes - Kevin Phillips

Business praises Bush plan for illegal aliens

Bush shoots self

Open Door Policy

Neo-Cons and the greatest con of all — Farish A Noor

A legacy hidden in plain sight

IRAQ: Saddam's Arrest - Yet Another Version Surfaces

Singer Rickie Lee Jones attacks Bush

Perle's Pulp Fiction

Cockburn: Hitler/Bush comparison doesn't work

The Argyle General

Maryland Republican Governor polling well with Dems

A strange thing happened on the way to the war. - Karen Kwiatkowski

The Tax Cut. Deficits Matter. Think on this Dick Cheney.

"Retire Hitler". A recent cultural movement?

Wesley Clark Buys a Sweater (Slate)

False God

Protest Oliver North in Madison Wisconsin 1/13-1/14

Protest Richard Perle in Chicago - 1/14

Protest Cheney in Portland, OR 1/13

USA Today Reporter: Used 'Poor Judgment' (Jack Kelley)

This Week Meeting the Press and Facing The Nation ....

Post banned from Conan's publicity visit

Paul O'Neill confesses

From the far right: Veterans Day = Devil's Day...

saw Big Fish Friday night

nostamj, please a cartoon fix if you may

Bush administration expands police spying powers (PATRIOT Act II)

LA Times: A Sea of Change for Natural Gas Imports

LA Times: Foreign Stocks: Good for a Long Run?

The Asahi Shimbun: U.S. bonds to fuel Japan's yen-selling

The Asahi Shimbun: Carmakers charge at rivals' strengths

IHT - Japan/EUzone to start trade war with US on Monday

The Miami Herald: Water ruling is expected to produce ripple effect

Life After The Oil Crash

The Asahi Shimbun: Japan orders ground troops to Iraq

The Asahi Shimbun: Patriotic bill on education postponed

Anybody read this in the NY Times today?

Gun control proponents this is your chance...

Trooper gives up gun and seeks counseling

Bulging state deer herd causing forests to thin

I know it's not my computer- DU was just slow/nonexistant again.

Feature request

Was someone doing a DOS attack on DU tonight?

Question on threads that are moved

Dammit this Gag Order is killing me! I want to out a Freeper

Question on where to post...

My thread . . .

Sixty Minutes Show tonight....some thoughts

Part of my post was deleted for copyright

What is does that "Latest" icon supposed to do?

What are the requirements for becoming a mod?

I have 2 computers but can only access DU on one.

I had a post deleted and was wondering why

Ok I'm really embarrassed to ask-

This thread is pretty tame, IMHO.

I have a technical question.

Report: Arafat pushing for Madrid-style peace conference

Palestinian man blows himself up in West Bank village

Two Palestinians killed in West Bank incidents

Ha'aretz (Sunday): Israel: Syria must stop terror aid before talks

Palestinian PM Urges Pressure on Israel

PMO rejects Palestinian assertion on right to declare state

When is Israel's turn?

Settlers rally in Tel Aviv

Jewish National Front 'Hayil' Party Formed

Cry, our beloved country

The settlers' only chance

A British perspective

Jeremy Glick and the collapsing south tower

DINOS vs. democrats, what are the core differences?

Dean leading in OHIO--Kucinich 4th

DINOS vs. democrats, what are the core differences?

Core issue in this election and the next and the next

If the Dem candidates don't shape up, Bush is going to win

Has anyone considered

most americans have more

Tell me about Paul O'Neill's upcoming book.

Bush HAS The Votes

The natives are getting restless....

Clear Channel gags an antiwar conservative (Charles Goyette)

LA Times: Angelides Emerges as 'Anti-Schwarzenegger'

Miami Herald: Water ruling is expected to produce ripple effect

Anybody surprised that Bush hasn't changed the succession act...

LA Times: Congressman's Former Wife Takes Him On

I agree with Bush on space exploration

"The Price of Loyalty" (tonight's "60 Minutes") now at #5 at

LA Times: Bush's Immigration Plan Poses Major Challenges, Experts Say

Buy O'Neil Book To Encourage Other Whistle blowers!

Free-Trade Protesters Eye Suits Over Treatment

Spouting words you don't believe as a job, as a core evil in our culture

shrub's Mars nonsense = funding Heavy Lift Rocket for the USAF

Sunday Morning Talk Show Lineup --- Wash Post.

MoveOn - Were the Bush/Hitler ads ever at the site?

Is Howard Dean a Bildabergher like Clinton was ?

"No more war in zero four"

WSJ's Al Hunt has some advice for Tom Tancredo

60 Minutes tonight, an ex-cabinet member is 10 months early in reporting

Tim-May (G.E.RUSSERT) Talking 'bout Us on MtP

C-SPAN - Talking O'Neill Right Now

Dean is GOP dream candidate? Why smear him in dem primary?

Will turnout in Iowa caucuses be an indicator of national turnout....

If this pans out does it count as WMD's??

Bush happier than a hog in manure at this time of year....

Washington Journal, I am really angry about that last call this AM.

CNN spinning O'Neill - "non authority on WMD" -- baby and bathwater

Freedom of Information Act resource site

Yahoo Message boards

DINOS vs. democrats, what are the core differences?

Inspector O'Neill: There was no evidence of WMD

Treasury Secretary on This No, it's not ONeill; it's Snow

MLK DAY-A day of service

Did Snow just say..

Long article in TIME to come out tomorrow on O'Neill

Is modern day GOP nothing more than a Cult?

O'neil story on Page 18 of local paper

Wingnuts see ulterior motive in Bush's alien amnesty...

Bushflash's new video on Saddam

wolf is talking about ONeill right now

The latest reason why Bush is a TRAITOR to the people of the United States

From the far right: Gays to blame for 9/11

best part of O'Neill revelations:

Half a trillion? Entirely managable....

From the far right: Veterans Day = Devil's Day...

Limbaugh -- Lies on Loan from..... say's Fred Phelps

So I'm listening to the talking heads on the media whore

Richard Perle up next on CNN.....talking about his new TP collection

Kevin Phillips C-SPAN2 Noon Today

United for a Fair Economy and some statistics...

Could O'Neill be laying the groundwork for a Bush lay-down in 2004?

Ack! Wolf's line-up for the rest of the show is awful...

O'Neil's Bomb: Wouldn't the BFEE have known this was coming?

US/Iraq War Dead-1 year Toll surpasses Vietnam death toll in first 3 Yrs

Who should be in charge of the RICO investigation of the BFEE?

CNN online poll - Was Iraq War Justified

Back when Television reflected reality...

Check out this headline regarding "chemical weapons find" in Iraq

Would our SPINELESS Democrats in office take action on O'Neill's bomb and

When will the CIA put Richard Perle down?

Is there any info on the new WMD ?



Are governments funded by George Soros automatically good guys?

Heads up--Please sgo to C-Span--Trade Policy

Pentagon Auditors Altered Files (boy, did they)

Principal in South Carolina Drug Raid Resigns

How hard would it be to create an organization that ...

Class War: Corporations hiring Illegals as Enforcement Drops Sharply

Bush definitely wants draft back 2005

There's Only One Law: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them

Mars: Rocks and Dirt. Nothing more to see here.

Amherst (MA) unique in support of 'Monologues'

* Smacked Down by President

Read the 60 Minute Transcript - Here (this is huge guys-dividing oil etc)

What are the media whores saying about the O'Neill bombshell?

Is O'Neill our Ellsberg?

Forget about the huge's the TRUTH that hurts most

O'Neil was told that "deficits don't matter"......

The morning paper

Anyone know how to contact David Brock? An O'Neill thread.

Bush & Co. Suspend Small Business Loan Program

Will Bush's numbers be affected by this week?

Can anybody get me the link to

This gives me some degree of hope...

TIME - O'neill has "minute by minute conversations, 19,000 pages CD"

We're going to Mars (Yawn!)

No one could have imagined.....

Kristol: O'Neill War Memo Came From Clinton

"Privishing" books: how much the truth hurts, and costs

Could this be a smoking gun in the O`Neill book?

Seeking an earlier wire(?) story when O'Neill interview first broke...

Should Daschle resign and let O'Neill run?

OMG - Fox Football spoof on Rush

Heads Up--right now on C_Span

Having read the Peak Oil posts...

Media ignoring O'Neill; is it like the Trent Lott story?

Dylan sums up my feelings about Bush and his thugs

First Russert and now Tweety. Not a word on O`Neal`s book.

I'm shrinking the alphabet by one letter.

Republican talking points countering O'Neill

What they don't want you to know. Amazing!

Those Who Know British Politics When Does Blair Meet His Political Maker??

We are winning.

We have allies in the GOP...


Homeless look for places indoors

If bush is pinnochio Who is gepetto ?

My Letter To Chuck Todd After He Let Russert Lie About Lisa Myers...

Expect slowness and downtime over the next few days

I think Pugs know in their heart now that it's over

Hey, Californians! You guys see this?

"How many vacation days has George W.

Rove issues O'Neill talking points: It's Clinton's fault (surprise!)

John Buchanan: Truth Candidate..Go baby, go!

Here is the book and the author :

"Reclaim America for Christ"

Who's gonna watch 60 Minutes?

There are 25 million veterans. How many will switch to vote Dem?

What's a terrorist? Just asking...

why did bu$h go to war ?, its Clintons fault ...

keep the faith, you faithful Americans! we've got him!

CNN O'neill comment!!! Hilarious

For those of you glad to see Senator Breaux gone...

The Lies for War Unravel

Come On DU. Show Your Love For Paul O'Neill!!

A Repuke friend claims Dubya was 'elected'

Killjoy Bloomberg turns New York into the forbidden Apple

"Orange Alert!" - a touching video tribute to the terror spectrum

The official White House response to O'Neill's statements

Honda to make "Hybrid Accord"

How I am sure O'Neil's revelations won't make a ripple.

Class War: Workers fired Christmas Eve, paid with bad checks

War on Christianity

Need help tracking GOP money trail

O'Neil was an incompetent boob

Suspicious shells found in southern Iraq

Four men on varying paths press for ouster of Aristide

Iraqis Demanding Jobs Resume Protests

US Faces Criticism on Guantanamo Anniversary

New Suspected SARS Case Emerges in China

Dean Ahead, but Iowa Still Up for Grabs: LA Times Poll

Blair says fate of Guantanamo Bay Britons to be resolved in weeks

"The Early Favorite": Dean leads by 12 in Ohio (Columbus Dispatch)

Loss puts Guatemalan ex-dictator in lion's den

Divided leaders of Americas to hold summit, strains evident (OAS)

Shape of anti-globalisation movement at stake as activists meet in Bombay

Medicare Portrayal Tailored by Parties - Seniors' Support Is Key

Saddam Ouster Planned Early '01 -says O'neill

Sebelius signs trade pact with Cuba

Iraq Governing Council details plan to root out Baath members

Iranian Reformers Protest Election Moves

Kerry on NBC's Meet the Press right now

Luxury Cars and SUVs selling like hotcakes in Iraq.

N. Korea Displays 'Nuclear Deterrent'

Second SARS Case Suspected in China

Khatami: U.S. Must Accept Iran Right to Nuke Power

American Dynasty

Alleging Gramm lobbied illegally, Dems seek probe

No Guardian for a Fetus, Court Rules

Modern skeleton U.S. bases likely to be located in northern Poland

This is a duplicate post. Sorry

Palestinians reject new US terms for financial aid

Tensions Flare in South Iraq; ... (US Citizen dead in Basra)

Iran demands Saddam be tried as war criminal

Iraqi business leaders to visit Warsaw; direct links to be established

Tunisia to boost energy sector investments in 2004

Kurds go on trial at Syrian state court

Iraqis Demanding Jobs Resume Protests (Sunday)

Chemical Found in Iran-Iraq War Shells (distraction update)

Terror Attack on Foreign Associations in Kirkuk

Kirkuk rivalries boil up on Kurdish claim

Lethal hatreds spread in Iraq's cockpit of violence (ur there in Falluja)

Winter illnesses kill at least 20 Afghan children

Two killed in Basra

Angry Iraqis Protest Killing Of Six Civilians

Killjoy Bloomberg turns New York into the forbidden Apple

USA Today Reporter: Used'Poor Judgment'

Remap bolsters GOP power play

Turkey OKs Use Of Base For Troop Changes

Falling jobless figure deceptive

Stretched US pilots may quit military

Heads up--Please sgo to C-Span--Trade Policy

(Santa Cruz) Democrats choose Howard Dean in first-ever caucus

Pot plot found in ex-aide's home ( - BC pot for coke story)

Sharp heatwaves likely to be common for European summers: scientists

BBC (Sunday): New power struggle erupts in Iran

US soldier critically injured in road accident near Afghan capital

Iraqi WMD: Myths and ... more myths

Niue aid kept from victims

Chemical weapons found in Iraq by Danish troops

Bush and Blair behind Khadaffy's WMD sham

Bush and Blair behind Khadaffy's WMD sham

More than 500 US soldiers killed in Iraq: Pentagon

Top Shi'ite cleric says no to US plans for Iraq

US Mortuary Sees No Let-Up From Iraq War Dead

Gay lives in limbo

Time: Confessions of a White House Insider (O'Neill Interview)

Bank of America appoints treasury managers in China

Treasury Secretary Snow Sees Job Growth

3000 new soldiers desert

China Wants U.S. to Leave Hong Kong Alone

Soldier carrying land mine kicked off flight

Amid Mad-Cow Fear, Worries in Maryland Death

Paul Bremer intends to leave Iraq in late June

Another Test for Qaddafi: Who Infected the Children?

US navy bombs Iraq

Bush's deception on Iraq

Bush economic advisers: Tax cuts will create jobs

Argentina says it will not revamp debt restructuring plans

Baker Backed Loans That Added to Iraq Debt (Poppy Bush financed Saddam)

Bush Sought ‘Way’ To Invade Iraq? (O'Neill 60 Min. transcript)

Blair says WMD may never be found in Iraq, unrest in British-run south

Ex-Treasury Chief: Saw No Evidence of Iraq WMDs

Gas prices shoot up

Bush advisers debating what to do about Syria - Invade of course!

GOP's right has Specter in its sights

U.S. Keeps Military Program in Uzbekistan

Foreign nurses decry hurdles to jobs in the U.S.

Florida's Harris May Shake Up 2004 Season

Bush orders settlement to conservative GOP website by City of Fresno

Serb ethnic cleansing brigade in training for Afghan mission

Expect slowness and downtime over the next few days

"Apocalypse Now" is on Bravo right now.

I Can't Wait. March 11 I Am Going To See My Red Sox And Baltimore

OK... I'm sick of this guy.....

As allways, classic Gothic/New Wave webcast:

Anybody Else Having A Tuff Time Trying To Get Access To DU.

Set phasers to "SARS"

I must be going mad.....

Are you returning more things lately?

Some really "mindbending" visuals..

More "halos" for *....and some just plain creepy pictures

Al Franken BACK on SNL...

Batteries Can't Keep Up (Lithium Ion)

No Tools Needed...

I'm about to do something possibly stupid

Who's sick of them using the word "freedom"?

Which team will win "The Apprentice" this week?

Do you TOO want to live life as a CYBORG?

I had TWO dreams about Donald Trump last night!

Anyone see the official call a penalty on the LOS ANGELES Rams yesterday?

Woo hoo! Saw the Spiderman 2 trailer last night!

Prankster picks on drive-through customers

Funny eBay Auctions

What should my next career be?

Drug war comedy

180 wins New York State Lottery prize!

How come we get weird news stories but not followups?

Remember before the intranet. How nice was it?

Girl Who Lost Arm to Shark Surfs in Meet

"Reality TV" - entertainment or vile social engineering?

Finally!! Relief from anal itching!!!

Welfare state in Utopia

Living to Be Eighty

Bloomberg! U should listen to Guthrie, Wilco & Bragg! "Aginst th’ law"

If I don't buy a TV with a digital tuner...will my old tv work in 07?

What's your Cell phone's Ringtone?

Good news on Coffee

Comment on a recent thread about Gay rights

NHL fans, the season is half over - who's gonna win the cup

Shrub in 41.2 seconds


Our society is socialism! Or is it?

Win a free DVD - 1 week left

How crappy is your town's daily newspaper?

Nero question

Republicans...and kittens.

What is your personality type?

I'm having the worst day in the history of days. Someone love me.

Is it me or is 'Chicago' equivalent to shit-stained celluloid?

Damiana: Aphrodisiac, or just Funny Bottle?

LSD influenced art

A silly Burger King prank (teens hack into BK drive-thru speaker)

Did anybody post in the "Positive Discussion about Joe Lieberman" threads?

Bluegrass fans - 24/7 bluegrass streaming!!

How Can There Be NO Degrees?

Science question, why does the snow around a tree

I propose a DU gathering for the montana Alberta Idaho region

Has anyone read Gore Vidal's "Creation" ?

Ace's numbers didn't hit...yet.

Did Will Pitt survive the "Freeze-out in Foxboro"?

Att: chefs.... can I add psyllium husks to a crockpot stew?

Even "For Better of For Worse" does anti-war

I'm finally back from Christmas Vaca...

Huge Pileated Woodpecker outside my window

The Hunt for Red October+SpongBob = The SpongBob Squarepants Movie

Question on this quote: "real peace is not just the absence of conflict..

If Looks Could Kill (my SECOND Caption Post of Sunday Morning!)

I've finished the Homeland Security painting (Dragons & Gargoyles)

What is the bus fare in your area?

Any good indy/docu flicks playing westside LA?

Should I change my signature line...

I think I've seen everything now............

And this post makes 500!

OK DU Windoze folks - Old software on XP? Talk to me

Ok now that it has been revealed that * planned to attack Iraq

SCOTUS/enemy combatant case legal research question:

Ever considered changing your username?

The teen queen we can all love..?

Ever kept running into someone with the EXACT same amount of posts as you?

Aw, Crap.

offered a job

calling all DUer's in the Savannah,Ga area?

Are ANY of these Canadian hip-hop groups known in the US?

anyone heard of Pentangle?

Quick -- turn on Fox

Mail delivery on Sunday...ask me anything!

Which Band Member Best Fits Your Personality?


Hahahaha! Was just looking at DU's first editions of Hate Mailbag...

Mandelbrot Art

There goes Dante...

Lust declared virtue, not vice

I think I finally figured out what Draco Malfoy's name symbolizes

Green running all over Philadelphia.

If you use PayPal, beware of a possible scam

Roll call: how many football fans are there at DU?

Winamp 5 is musical perfection.

stupid Fahrenheit system

I need coffee

Which excedrin product do you use?

Is 'Queer Eye for a Straight Guy' demeaning to homosexuals?

What is Love?

When do you take down your Holiday decorations?

shameless self promotion

What Color Is The Glass Bottle Of Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage?

Need some urgent advice

FReeper thread: "Tasteless paridy (sic) of Rush on Fox's pre-game show"

VOte for venue of Montana, Idahp, BC, ALberta DU gathering

Does anyone hate the Dodge Durango ads as much as I do?

Chelsea on "The National Enquirer"...

Is "Simple Life" demeaning to Heterosexuals?

Just had to post this here: "Professor Lives Life As a Cyborg"

I've saved a life!

DU Mac Fans: So I just bought a 1GHz G4 iBook...

Mouse for computer geek with MS

I just watched "Hobson's Choice"!!! Ask me anything!

Does anyone know ASL?

the "new and improved alphabet"


You think your pet is cute??

Which TV show do you think signifies the end of civilization as we know it

Ahhhhhhhhh....just had a nice long hot bath

I guess food prices HAVE gone up

I had to take my baby to the ER last night

Were/are your parents Democrats?

Eagles vs Packers game thread

Once again, Dr. Fate must ask if his Sig image is Offensive...

Good movie night for sci fi/fantasy geeks

An Early Sunday Morning Caption? (don't be frightened)

What is the purpose of the white dress?

Need your input, new lens filter for my camera...

Bands I'd like To See Erased From History (Second thread)

I am going blind, help me...

Do you think that George Bush is a mother *ucker?

Which US Military Base Do You Live Closest To?

Get this thread to 200 replies by 8:00 PM Eastern Time!

Who is your favorite Conspiracy Theorist?

Favorite Card Game????

What books are you reading right now?

Indy v. the Pats

Which music artists are you a big fan of?

My Republican dad said I'm a selfish dropout because I'm Buddhist

How's your Hamlet? Find out here.

You have the power to erase one sports franchise from history -who?

Josh Marshall on the Dean anti-Clark flyers

Candidate positions on media consolidation

Two Important Points in New Republic article on Edwards

LA Times: Democrats' Big Guns Are Called In

Kucinich confronts Dean on TV tonight on his "only Dean" antiwar flyer?

contact Dean campaign regarding payroll tax

News from Iowa, Kucinich related-

Kucinich rallies local troops

We Broke the Harkin Bat!

Too much obsession with the polls - not enough with the issues

Kucinich really inspires me

Clark & Gephardt defend the most regressive federal tax with lies.

Doctor in the House? (GREAT ARTICLE)

Dean taken to task on war stance?

I am Rethinking my Support for Dean Because Dennis is just Awesome!

Why we must play by 'Chicago Rules' in the 2004 GE

Voter Triggers Dean's Much-Talked About Temper

What Is Dean's Position On School Of The Americas?

General Clark's 1996 speech at The School of Americas

Wes Clark On Cspan's Road To White House Tonight (After Junior)

Harkin on Wolf Blitzer: "Dean is broadening our party."

Kerry Calls on Clark to Disclose Sources of Special Interest Compensation

1992 Caucus and Primary Results

What do Clark supporters think of Kerry exposing Clark's hidden records?

What percent of Dean supporters wear sandals?

My letter to the Washington Post (in re MTP today)

Howard Dean Fought Methadone Treatment For Drug Abusers In Vermont

Grassroots organization can beat Bush, no matter the nominee

Mixed Feelings about Dean attacks on Clark

Lyndon Larouche

Has anybody else NOT getting e-mail from Dean - I usually get at least one

Who's telling the truth - Joe Kennedy or Wes Clark ?

Wes Clark: One DU-ers opinion on his campaign.

Things I'm expecting from a Dean presidency

Gephardt campaign dissing Iowans that want to volunteer

Founder of Earth Day endorses Clark

Did You Know Lieberman Fought To Protect Our Kids

Heathers Against Howard

Unbeating A Dead Horse, SOA and Human Rights

Why has Clark sealed his lobbyist & speaking fees records?

Can our press be more stupid?

Kerry on MTP just now: "Dean Couldn't Vote So He Isn't Accountable"

Clinton and Dean

Former Vermont Medical Director...ENTHUSIASTIC about CLARK!

W team's sizing up Dean

My adventures in door knocking

The Presidential Debates

Whatever poll there is in Iowa, add several points to Dean for new voters

position on mini-nukes?

Edwards will be on NBC "Today" show, then CNN, tomorrow

Which candidates are expected to show for the debate tonight?

TPM.....This battle in Iowa is truly going down to the wire.

First Bill Wyatt and then this guy...

What is the GOP defense of the 2000 Florida heavily black voter purge?

Could MTP be sued for slander/libel over this morning's exchange?

Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire Results from 1988

Breen cartoon: Choose one

CNN SUNDAY: ... just shut up, Joe

John Edwards populist rhetoric belied by his vote in Senate.

New OH Poll, results in... (Who is right? Kucinich or Koppel?)

New Zogby Iowa Tracking Released

Des Moines Register Warns Dean to Re-think Strategy

Dean Leads by 12 in New Ohio Poll!

Lieberman using Clinton name every chance he gets. If he'd done this last

Dean Supporters - Bill Clinton vs Howard Dean

Gephardt on O'Neill: Bush is "hard to help"

"Let's look at it another way: can YOU win?"

new electronic voting controversey in Broward county FL.

Clark and The State of the Union Speech

Clark Splicing From Dean To Mimic Web Personality? (Unintentional Humor)

C-SPAN replay of Cedar Rapids dinner on now.

Ecumenical issue for ALL the candidates

Florida's Harris May Shake Up 2004 Season

A vote for Sharpton is a vote for New York's GOP establishment...

New Iowa Poll from LA Times!

How/When will we know who has won Iowa?

New ARG Poll: Dean same, Clark - 1, Kerry same, Lieberman +1

Anyone watching Dean on This Week?

Lieberman transcript, FOX News

Linn County Last Night

David Yepsen on 'This week': "watch the turnout"

When is the primary debate today?

As Clark gains in N.H., Dean's remarks show he's taken notice

The Argyle General (Maureen Dowd's Attempt At Relevance)

Iowa's Largest Paper Endorses Edwards (Des Moines Register)

WP - Clark Focuses on N.H. as Momentum Grows

Edwards signs promise not to take PAC money

Yepsen: There's cause for pause

New North Carolina Poll....

John Kerry's wife was a republican once

Clark Closing In On Dean - Hartford Courant

Breaking MSNBC...Iowa Polls...

Phew! Dean won't copy that Al-Tipper smooch

Lieberman on FAUX w/ Chris Wallace

McGlaughlin Report thread

Trippi on CNN's Inside Politics - Sunday 10:00 am est.

Dean is GOP dream candidate? Why smear him in dem primary?

Barrage begins against Dean

Is Howard Dean a Bildabergher like Clinton was ?

PLEASE not Dean Flaming! I only want info on his son

KERRY is on meet the press today

If you think they killed us with "Al Gore Invented the Internet"

John Kerry on Meet the Press (9:00 AM EST)

Linn County To Be Repeated at 1:05 Eastern CSpan-1

New New Hampshire Poll....

Earnest style gets Edwards traction in Iowa (Oliphant - Boston Globe)

Kerry, the other Lieberman

Kerry's Lighter Side

Nader Says a Run Would Benefit Democrats

I don't like any of the front runners' positions on . . .

Gen Engineering: Clark Seems to Splice From Dean To Mimic Web Personality

Why isn't owned by Dennis?

Miami Herald: The road to the nomination