Democratic Underground

Archives: December 5, 2004

Participatory Democracy in Venezuela, part 2

Market-driven medicine

Friedman: Fly Me to the Moon (Oil Prices not Reagan Brought down Russia)

Need Flyers to Promote A Protest, March, Rally or Demonstration???

Red Hands Rally Mon. SF -> House Minority Leader Pelosi: Come if you can

Peak Oil conference

Why are our posts showing the wrong time?

Right after I opened a post by PaulaGem, an admitted non-

This seems offensive to all DUers as well assomething you should know

Is there a way to let the administrators know


I know you guys are real busy. Do you think maybe in the near future

Dead voters on rolls, other glitches found in 6 key states

I got this in my e-mail and wanted to share it with you.....

Who are you and what do you believe in?

Mistakes by ES & machines could affect outcome of WA Gov election

FBI looks into possible FL Republican ballot tampering

It wasn't about moral, lookee....feel better?

AP Story on Yahoo! News: 400 Demand Recount in Ohio (NEW LINK! RATE NOW!)

JohnKerry GELAC no longer accepting online contributions

FBI Refuses Complaint Alleging Ohio Voter Fraud


Need Flyers to Promote A Protest, March, Rally or Demonstration???

Pre-election advice on Exit Polls from Edison Media !!!

AP actually covers Ohio demonstration!!!

Hope to feel more optimistic but....

Jesse Jackson ill?

Help! Is there a website which shows # of voters by county?

Rate this Photo of Ohio Rep. D. Stewart......

The DLC joins the Republicans in the "Moore bashing"


"In a Twist, Professors Find War Affected Bush Votes"

1 in 1 billion chance Mitofsky is not an ass-brain! Eureka!

Rate this photo of Columbus rally

the 21'st Century Revolution Click and read this It is great

Letter to Rep Conyers -- important additional information from Mitofsky

Feds investigate dems in E. St. L...appears to be local, but does...

Red Hands Rally Mon. SF -> House Minority Leader Pelosi: Come if you can

The Perfect Storm?

Could this be the way they rigged the votes for Bush?

Red Hands Rally Mon. SF -> House Minority Leader Pelosi: Come if you can

Minnesota Law on Optical-Scan Ballot recounts?

disgusting racist decal I just saw on a bumper

Is anyone listening to the ohio symposium

Good Job Wisconsin!

Need paid help for vote count in WA

David Brock Rips CBS A Good One On Church Censorship

The future of health care in the US: Health Savings Accounts

would you have been an anti-war activist in the 60s?

I haven't seen this

What's with all the proposed private savings accounts?

Voice of the White House came out with some new info...if not posted yet.

Capitol Gang's Kate O'Beirne is pro Medical Marijuana!

Barack Obama on Book-TV right now...

Big problem with my computer. Please help

CNN On-Line Poll: Are You Happy That Rummy Has Kept His Gig?

Researchers: Need Link re higher abortion rates during repub admins...

I think we know where the missing 380 Tons of explosives are.

Feeding the hungry today

Early numbers from the Lousiana runoff elections

Pictures of planes crashing into the WTC could be used as a

I just saw the UCC commercial... on ABC Family.

So did anyone go to O'reilly's book signing?

Need help with website!!

Researchers: Need Link re Pro Lifer receiving stem cells in China...

Mormon Choir Cancels Overseas Trips

Christmas gift idea for freeper friends & family

The nuts where I live

A Lab Escapee in Korea (1933 Influenza)?

Remember the name Walter Lippman.

Fox v/s the FCC

is there a forum or group on labor and unions?? if not, there should be

No More Moore: The DLC Joins the Witch-Hunt

Who are you and what do you believe in?

What if Americans, in increasing numbers ,start going to India and

Do we have a genetic propensity for religious belief?

Idea - One Religious Left, many Religions

What is the purpose for voting for a Yahoo! story? Keep it around longer?

David Limbaugh (Rush's brother) doesn't care if every vote isn't counted

Social Security is SOLVENT and we MUST KEEP IT THAT WAY!!!!!

Armed robots soon marching to battle?

AFP: "Zimbabwe ruling party elects country's first woman vice-president"

Problem #1 with health care: Everyone is on drugs

Is this evidence that terrorist attacks could possibly be staged?

Rant email to The New Republic editors

Within the next decade, an economic tsunami is heading our way that

I watched F911 with wife...she is now asleep alone

Saw something chilling... (fundamentalist teen rally - "murder/kill")

It was Gorbechev not Reagan who ended Soviet communism

Help this atheist understand

The dirty little secret of ALL politics

How would you handle a situation like this?

Left has gone too far (IMHO)

I see it everywhere. People are living in their vehicles.

Busted! Bought online prescription drug from Canada....Heads Up!

Should there be a DU Investment discussion group?

Are you ready for this? It's about time! (***not for the weak at heart)

Know your BFEE: Homeland Czar & Petro-Turd Bernie Kerik

DU husbands - How to make a cheap meal for your wife

Car bombings, other attacks kill nearly 40 in Iraq

Nevada controller convicted on one of three counts in impeachment trial

Supreme Court to Hear ISP, Cable Dispute

Bush Downplays Thompson's Terror Worries

"E-elect George Bush: Evidence in Wreckage?

China's wave of commodity buying fuelling cargo shipping prices

Furore over report U.S. Military eliminated medical workers

WP: Private Firms to Chase Delinquent Taxpayers

NYT: Rulings in Texas Capital Cases Try Supreme Court's Patience

WP: Climate Talks Bring Bush's Policy to Fore (claims technology is answer

Military Official Weighs in on New Photos (Kimmitt)

Kerry Gives Money to Support Dem Races

WP: In the Kill Zone : The Unnecessary Death of Pat Tillman

Republican wins Democrat stronghold in Louisiana [LA-7, we win LA-3]

End of fiber pact may mean China-US trade war

Andrew Luster -- pond scum or rich pervert?

Why are our posts showing the wrong time?

Coffee Talk: I'll give you a topic. SNL is re-running the Jude Law

Police ID Ben Wallace's brother as one of the brawlers

Law School Finals are drivin' me crazy!

Always keep your window blinds closed.

Brititsh Marines, like fish out of water.


Nookyular Fisicysts for Bush

What I have to do to convince you I'm a freeper?

By Jupiter, I'd never thought I'd see the day...

Okay, If You Like Amazing Videos

Attention Sooner Fans...a one time only event

That woman doctor on CNN........

For number 1,000...I say thank you, DU

The Mystery

Why Peppermint?


According To This Commercial, The Only Thing That Can Stop Suicide Bombers


StRaNgE BrEw

just had a minor earthquake here and it was up on the USGS...

Flintstones, meet the Flintstones,

Just saw a great cartoon in today's NY Daily News ...

Don't you wish you had your own personal elf?

Do you live in a house with post and beam construction?

If it's Saturday night, THE SOUL EXPRESS must be on!

I don't wanna classify ya like an animal that lives in a zoo...

Chatters for Bella's Other Site sign up here

were any of you DUers ever on the old "SeaGoth" list?

How many SNL skits have been turned into major motion pictures?

Why haven't we always had a live tree?

I have been hearing this 'song' lately

My own recount effort needs $100,000 by Wed.. Come on, folks!

I haven't watched college football in 20 years. However ...

Do something nice for your wives DU husbands

Pat Buchanan on C-SPAN now on "How the Right Went Wrong


Polar bear vs. Siberian tiger, who wins?

What happens if you put yourself on "Ignore?"


Never hire a dictator

Setting myself up for a massive flame...UCLA wuz robbed!

Ok, I hate car stereos!

The Ancients Wouldn't Have Said "the KNOWN World", Would They ("Alexander"

I finally renewed my donner Star.

Why are parkways called freeways out west?

Here's a present for your Republican friends

Look out parents - MySpace is coming for your child

Akaba! Akaba!

So I *Finally* saw "Kill Bill Vol. 1"....WTF?!

Caption time: Bush and Musharraf share a chuckle over "bin Laden hunt"

Best 'Mr. Bojangles?'

Woman Auctions Father's Ghost on eBay

By Far...And I Mean...BY FAR...The Coolest Commerical Ever Made

Is it a lot or alot?

That's the way...

The nicest guy in my town is a card-carrying Communist.

Florida Freeper really makes a splash!

Any WWII memorabilia people out there?

Coverage on MS-NBC about Statesville Prison. I can't believe the media

I'm sick of the music I've been listening to. Any suggestions?

Theresa Heinz vs. Laura Bush: Mud Wrestling. Who wins?

Time to play:----- Beavis? or Betty Crocker?

halfway to 1,000!!!!!

How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb--Love it!

Kind of a random question of SC fans

Is 'Cromulent' a real word?

Out of the 700 Club, its miller time.

My best friend, Dale, back home in CA: HIV viral load is detectable. FUCK.

I'm babysitting tonight...

Has anybody ever sold their sperm on Ebay?

We turned off the cable today...

Are there rotaries beyond New England?

I never seen you looking so bad my funky one

Non Tom Cruise fans check in please

Okay, DUers...whatcha drinkin' tonight?

I love Milano cookies

Any new DUers want to put your pic in the gallery ?

A new 700 Club escapee!!!

Sirius Plug and Play People

There is something about a Goth Chick that makes me crazy....

Anyone know how to create ringtones with SoundForge or AcidPro?

SNL with Ashlee Simpson (repeat)

What does my horoscope mean?

Never hire a decorator ...

just saw Handel's "Messiah," ask me anything!

PUNK ROCK---Great young band

Big problem with my computer. Please help

Oh boy! 39 hours till I get my new home! Join me in a photo-tour...

Speaking of Donner Stars- Would you eat people if you were

QUESTION:What does "F_ckin' A" mean?

Time to play:-----Jesus? or Joe Cocker?

Son of Sam murders on Discovery

favorite Classical Masterpiece

It's "International Male" Catalog Time!

Greatest modern Western movie

Offer for all kind DUers : when in Europe...

Why are freeways called parkways back east?

Bangkok. Oriental setting.

Horrible childhood foods - list 'em here!

Social Justice vs. Family Values...just a rant

A Lion Fights A Hyena, Who Wins?

Which movie is your guilty pleasure?

People in Oklahoma do not know how to drive on the Interstate.

OK, ih8thegop and xpunkisneatx -- did you get the dogs?

Darwin Award - Couple Allegedly Report Stolen Marijuana

Scientists are discovering planet after planet circling distant stars...

Coming soon : Book Burnings in Alabama

Something I don't understand about homophobia

Were you ever beaten up for being a faggot?

Run off the road by car, cycling. Driver: "God wouldn't let me hurt you."


Astrols, if you're in New York tri state area, this is not to be missed

John Kerry's Grandparents - Fredrick and Ida Kerry


CNN Poll: 69% "not pleased" Rumsfeld is staying on as Defense Secy

locked out of my post re: Bush Arrested

Dead voters on rolls, other glitches found in 6 key states

On The Up-Side (If There IS One).....

Kerry Picks Up 17,000 Votes In Ohio

www.whitehouse.ORG --> some red person on your Xmas list needs this

Nice commentary from a Birmingham paper

Did Joe Darby get sent back to Iraq?

Money raised for the WA recount (DFA does well compared to the biggies)

What are some great progressive/democrat forums on the net?

What Will You Throw at The Presidential Limo?

Can someone explain how Kerry wins if Repug electors are sent?

The Bush Xmas 2004 greeting card ought to be....

How is Gavin Newson doing?

"F.B.I Officially breaks the silence, investigating voter fraud"

Florida Kerry supporters meet for group therapy

Melancon won. He beat that Tauzin punk

the next chairperson of the Democratic National Committee

How is Eliot Spitzer surviving?

An E-Mail I Got: Things To Do Before The Inauguration

pro-McCain atty suing Ohio for stealing 65,000 Kerry votes!

NCLB - School May Be Shortened To 4 Days

do you love Karl Rove?

Pat Buchanan is on C-Span this weekend (book tv) He SLAMS neo-cons

How about an All-Female Presidential/VP ticket in 2008?

Red Hands Rally Mon. SF -> House Minority Leader Pelosi: Come if you can

Lessons in liberty from Ukraine

Truth in Education

OREGON: Voting complaints highlight role of press in democracy

Mexican migrants find it's brutal here

FLORIDA: LePore's hanging chad

Tom Ferrick Jr. | Voting tales: Really not much to tell

Bryan Zepp Jamieson | Gods and Suns

The Anatomy of Myth

Anglo-American "democratic imperialism" and 0.9 billion infant deaths

Ukraine and the Lessons of History

All Mosquitoes, No Swamp

FredonEverything: Wars and their Aftermath: Things Seldom Spoken Of

Many people of faith reject banning of same-sex unions

Charley Allan: Car-bombing, coup-plotting and the CIA in Venezuela

Latin America Shifts to the Center-Left --as US takes sharp Right turn

Why Iraqis should boycott the election (al-jazeera editorial)

Miami Herald hand recount of 3 Florida counties indicates signficant Kerry

The market judges our food

Okay, We Lost Ohio. The Question Is, Why?

Bigger Worries Than Ukraine

Final reminder: Protest in San Diego Today

How WE CAN (DUers) get the word out about election fraud

Organization to coodinate all the inaugural protests formed!

MoveOn TV show?

EOR could bring more oil into state

Philippines Pres. Suspends All Logging: 1,000+ Dead In Floods, Mudslides

Delaware Oil Spill Much Bigger Than Initially Thought - LA Times

UK Government To Hear "Final Warning" From RCEP On Dredge Fishing

4 Yrs. Of "Sound Science"= Alarming Climate Results, No Change In Policy

"They won't come out and fight like men"

Bolivia Takes On Goliath Of Globalization

Many killed in Somali tribal fighting

The Clash, "Guns of Brixton"

I did everything possible to avoid a dupe,yet my posts keep getting locked

Anyone care to lock this train wreck?


Can you take a peek at this thread, before all hell breaks loose?

OK - here's a question about avatars

Why was SoonToBePhoenix tombstoned?

I tried to post an image in a post of mine, but it just did the 'image'

could this be moved from GD-Politics to the Gungeon?

I just read a Post, called, "Shame on DU" now it disappeared....

A forum for the Arts?

Children in the crossfire (Gaza Strip)

Another case of IDF operational probe cover-up revealed

Attacks against Australian Jews up 50%

US to supply Jordan with 50 advanced air-to-air missiles

The lost "terror drill"?

Answers, leading inevitably to just more questions re: OH deadlines

Is it possible to protest in front of the FBI?

Anyone have this link

What do we do when...

About the "Brad" revelations on vote tampering.

So did anything new come out today through the rally?

We can demonstrate means, motive and opportunity.

Bush v. Gore "precedent" to stop recount: US Commonwealth Puerto Rico

Has Anyone Seen This Piece on Media Lockdown?

Did I miss it, or was it just now there (Warren, Ohio)

Did Barbara Boxer join the fight?

"Voting complaints highlight role of press in democracy" 12/5

"Mass media" idea?

Det. Free Press/ 2 groups still find reason to challenge Bush win

Toppling the Statue of Bush

Kerry Won the Election by at least 1.7 Million Votes

Numbers from New Hampshire

Kerry wires $250,000 to WA recount. and LA runoff...

The silence of the national media is starting to break...

Stalling the Vote

Sunday Salon - listen live - Ohio/Florida voting problems!


How can we mass market the election fraud info??

Most of the uncounted ballots in Montgomery County are in Kerry precincts

MoveOn calls for Bush to disavow voter suppression!

CNN reported election issues again

Any info about ballot placement? e.g. Kerry 1, Bush 2 or vice versa?

8 Days til the recount!

Umbrella group to coordinate all the inaugural protests formed!

Rep. Conyers-I need the list of the others supporting this

NEW MEXICANS needed for possible NEW MEXICO advertising NEWS

A crowd shot from the Columbus rally

Brand Democrat. New! - Our Candidate for President...

Greg Palast Investigation called in gets widespread

cnn just reported ohio voter fraud

I need some help. Can anyone make sense of this?

Lucas County and Wood County articles on Election irregularities

Can someone help me out? What is a spoiled ballot exactly?

This is how protests make a different

Is the Greg Palast/Jackson Ohio Vote Fraud Panel Audio Online?

If you want to contact lots of Democrats, don't forget the UNIONS!

Has Dr. Freeman posted Part II of his exit poll paper?

Where in Virginia were votes subtracted in 2003?

Collection of links I found....

Any good writers out there ?

AP: Two major challenges are expected to unfold Monday in Ohio...


Business tycoon sued in Broward court--Choicepoint mentioned

AP: FL suit puts the handling of at least 78k ballots in doubt...

Another analysis of exit polls vs "official" vote totals finds implausibil

The burden of proof is on them, not us

RNC CONFESSION>Kerry Won the Election by at least 1,7 Million Votes

Good summary doc. on voter suppression, fraud in Ohio; need to educ. Media

Best headline Australia: 181,000 voters in U.S. elections were dead

Eloriel--FBI Refuses Access To Those With Complaint Alleging Ohio Voter Fr

IMPORTANT - What website received the Repugs emails with caging lists?

Jesse Jackson and the Ohio recount on CNN now nt

JUST Heard: CNN to have segment on OHIO Recount...RECAP

New statistical analysis?

MoveOn moves on with no mention of election fraud?

John K. Galbraith on kpft soon discussing election fraud - edit topic

VOTING FRAUD ACTION - Need DU'er help ASAP - thx!

For Those Who Missed 12/4 Rally Catch It Here

Help!! Can someone direct me to

Anyone at the RALLY in Columbus, please help me remember!

Kerry, in NH visit, sounds a lot like a candidate

We Need To Stop Blackwell

Quit blaming it on vote fraud. Kerry didn't win in a landslide because:

Why the "Greens" Dropped Nevada from Recount Efforts...Just So You Know.

Some fascinating California data. - did a survey recently that showed...

Full page advertising in NYT - DU media taskforce searched!

Ok, We Lost Ohio. The Question is, Why

Poll: Are you expecting something to happen from DNC/ KE in the next week?

Brave folk at the Crawford Texas Iconoclast are at it again....

Cobb still needs money!! (KEEP KICKED)

Gulf County, FL - No Absentee and no Early Voting ballots?

Conyers is hoping to get coverage on CSPAN.


Suggestions for more national and international coverage

Kerry did not lose FL, OH or NM. Posts which claim otherwise are FOS.

Shrubs Campaign & GOP Emails contain Voter Fraud Master Spreadsheet

Kerry strategy, unpopular, but probably right.

My night w/ Thom Hartmann


Request for the fraud deniers that visit the forum

Wonderful New Olbermann Blog, if you haven't seen it yet!


Wood County

Why is it that exit polls since 1988 have ALL overstated the Dem vote?

FLORIDA STUDY: A Statistical Nightmare

Activisms-Jeff Fisher-CyberNET scam revealed


Warren County, Ohio

New Mexico Was Blue: 18,659 Missing E-Votes

The "Texan" connection (it was there all the time?)



How we can count OUR votes (no Secretary of State needed)

Protest Censorship By Major Networks

Marshall Fields Policy Shift or Political Target?

Another DUer published in the Strib today

Sunday STrib slams Mpls gov't

Question: how can i send messages across my home network ??

180 Search Assistant Alert

Ohio DUers needed to blast Blackwell

Democrats take aim at Santorum

Honestly: Should I run for CD-03?

Rant email to NPR's In The Media

Is it illegal to spam ??

A return to America's founding principle

Ethical Question about job

Marijuana Bale Found in Food Bank Shipment

Alexander is one of the worst movies ever!

Male vs Female - always what it boils down to.

The Yes Men have posted notes on their BBC Bhopal Dow hoax

Does anyone have a link to the not-so-glowing report by the Pentagon

The recount and the irregulatities are on the news programs now...

When did the word UNION become a bad thing.

The Republicans rediscover Evolution!

Bernard Kerik/Julius Streicher, Peas in a pod?

Pat Tillman and GOP logic.

Stocking stuffers/small gifts/package decos: yellow/blue ribbons

How many texans got unfair trails?How many innocent put to death?

A letter to Frist

Another threat of terrorism and violence from the Christian Right

Do I Have This Right? During Bush's campaign he said over

I have generally been critical of the Bush Administration's policies

The Schism appears, and our chance for Victory has also appeared

Need a new folk hero ? Check out these lyrics !!!

Protest Censorship By Major Networks

I have the following questions for the DLC.

Caught the last 2 minutes of "The Capitol Gang" last night.

If you voted for Kerry you have on morals

We need the DNC to start hammering the lack of Vaccines producers IN USA.

All about Dominionism

Cleveland, Ohio; the tiresome and certain to be futile efforts

Backbone Campaign

What are the functions of our Press and Media?

Was Reagan ever in full command of his faculties to be a real President?

new torture pics taken during US home invasions in Iraq

Would Bush still have invaded Iraq, had there been no 9-11?

How many Repub Family Members of Friends have you been...

46% of Pakistanis consider suicide bombings against the U.S. to be AOK

Dollar Store

Ride Out to Meet Them: Some Post-Election Thoughts by Starhawk

It's not about "liberal" vs "moderate" - it's about reality versus fantasy

racist appointed to S.C. Board of Education - nasty Ron Wilson

Could the world survive a US depression?

is oliverwills down?????

Check out this link to e-mail congress about important issues...

True Democracy world wide will be dangerous to the interests of the U.S.

Whoa! where's that MANDATE Georgie???

I Hate These Guys

Meet the Press today's Video clips

Bumper stickers in "Freeperville"

Thomas Frank (... Kansas) streams LIVE on Media Matters Sun 2pm EST

No one is tolerant of everything

In the age of Bush II, has mailing Anthrax powder replaced an overt

Did Teresa Heinz Kerry influence the women vote in last election ?

A Nation of Rhinos.

Can someone please set up a web based TV service

Capital Gains Tax Question

Thai Government "Origami" bombs Muslim South

Has anyone watched "With God on our side"...

Illegal Invasion pic

If you haven't been here, trust me...

Parents of mother who killed baby criticize pastor's influence

Rep. Don Young opens mouth & dissed 300 scientists (he knows better)

I have been silenced by Yahoo

Support the Troops - Let's discuss the specifics of *how*

If we dems abandon all principles to win.... what should we stand for?

Wolf Blizer Video highlights!Musharraf-We are less safe!

What happened to O'Reilly's Loofah?

From "Care and Treatment of Republicans" ...

Cop asks me if DU is a terrorist website

wow...caption this.

A Blunt Slap to the Right

Adam Nagourney's blog (very funny):

American Christians in Politics and Government

Need Advice: Might Need to Sue former Bosses. But before I do...

The falling dollar$

Illegal Strip Searches at Reagan National?

There's a manger scene

Where should the Democrats draw the line?

Anyone see Harry Reid on Timmy's MTP?

Tactic: Use Google News to Promote 'Unreported' Newsstories

Are you sick of the religion, god and jesus posts in GD?

For now on, my predominant clothing color is black.

Turning Fallujah into the new Warsaw Ghetto???

The wars that Bush has unleashed on the world have come even as

Is it wrong to feel this way...(Patriotism Overload)

GREAT NYT article re: TV media

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem?

Live and Let Live?

Bush's Christian rhetoric is just a tool

"Covenant" Marriage-Good or Bad?

What makes the DLC democratic?

Give me that

Thomas Frank on Media Matters in 30 minutes!

Rightwing Freakish Homophobes On Cable News Shows Go Unchallenged

GI Joe sales up!!

A Message To Fellow Liberals About Abortion (long)

Choose The Blue

FRANK RICH | The Nascar Nightly News | another must-read from Rich!

Hostile Work Environment at Friends?

"Holding the American flag, Christian Flag, and the Blood-stained Banner..

What If.....

I have an embarrasingly naive question about global warming....

Has anyone pointed this out about Kerik? He spent his last year

Homeland Security scumbag Bernard Kerik knocked up woman in Korea

Who owns (Gay Friendly?) HGTV?

I'm Doing All My Christmas Shopping At Target, How About You?

Bush cutting veteran's benefits?

If Silver gets to $8.30 BUY!!

Who is Al From? Where is he from? What qualifies him to be the

Can anyone explain this?

Fighting for Democracy...

what does fox news want me to believe?

Best Rush Limabaugh quote ever.

Bill Frist makes a fool of himself on This Week/Video Clip

How many Athiests and Religious people here agree that we need

Sly and the Family Stone - Stand! --Passion we still need today

Fundie Sunday

These fundamentalists really remind of the Commie Hunters

I'm not anything.... spiritually, that is....

Did anyone see Biden on This Week this morning?

PLEASE forgive me

Am I the only one

Any good book recommendations for a "waiting room?"

The Company Making The Armed Robots Is Part Of The Carlyle Group

Tolerance is a two-way street.

How did we lose Jesus?

Some comments on propaganda in pre-WWII Germany

Mister Bosh longs for snack foods

Message to Democratic Party "Leaders"

Stop our side from using the terms "Racist" and "Racism".

Anyone else get a "Not Me" bracelet?

Let's Stop Scaring Ourselves.....M. Crichton

A Message To Fellow "Liberals" On Democratic Underground

"Joy to the World (Except France)" | 'tis TOON season again...

Have you noticed a drop in the price of milk?...

linzer cookie recipe

Dresden Stollen

Which website was it

New revelations of Deepcut's 'climate of fear'

New photos of difft abuse.

Guerrillas Kill Two U.S. Soldiers in Iraq's Mosul #1269 #1270

NYT: God, Am. History and a Fifth-Grade Class (San Fran teacher lawsuit)

Children in the crossfire (Gaza Strip)

General: New Photos Could Be Used As Tool

Long-term care a challenge for soldiers

Moqtada Sadr to join Sistani’s election list

Ala. Joins Calif. on Medical Marijuana

High court, 5th Circuit battling over death row

OREGON: Concern about fraud dogs election results

Google reveals Iraqi prison abuse photos on photosharing site

Four U.S. Troops, 16 Others Killed in Iraq

Election is not over for Green Party's Bobier

Romania demands U.S. marine return to face trial

NYT:Medicare Law Said to Trouble Nursing Homes(big probs w/ pres. drugs)

New round of challenges expected as Ohio certifies vote

Parents Television Council files almost all FCC complaints

GOP aide blamed for tax return provision

GOP, Democrats Trade Congressional Seats

FLORIDA: New elections chief Anderson learns ropes, as LePore bids farewel

WP: Musharraf: Bin Laden's Location Is Unknown

Mine explosion kills 23 in Kazakhstan

Iraq carnage kills 21 as UN official warns time not ripe for polls

Backers of Iraqi election delay step up campaign

LAT: Proposal Would Hit Blue St. Taxpayers (st., local tax deduction)

Tundra Study Backs Longer Oil-Search Season (thanks to global warming)

Tom Ferrick Jr. | Voting tales: Really not much to tell

OC: Missouri HB 35: Evolution Targeted

Activists Steadfast on Ukraine Vote Reform

Fallujah refugees vow revenge for attack

Insurgents kill 17 Iraqis working for coalition forces

WASHINGTON: Top vote-getter? We may never truly know

Ex-CIA Chief Gates Warns on Cyberterror

Conspiracy theories on Ohio vote refuse to die

McCain says more forces may be needed in Iraq

NYT- U.S. Slows Bid to Advance Democracy in Arab World

South American Community not to compete with OAS.

UN honours its own

Peace conference wants UN fact-finding mission in Central Mindanao

68 Iraqis Die in Weekend Insurgent Attacks

Bush plans to dump civil rights panel chief

LAT: Global Nuclear Inquiry Stalls (Khan's black market trade)

NYT: U.S. Slows Bid to Advance Democracy in Arab World

State Republicans challenge vote

New US Homeland Chief Fathered Daughter in Korea

Nigeria recovers stolen radioactive materials from US oil company

LAT: Public Pension Funds (activist investors) Forced on Defensive

Rebuilding Fallujah a big task for Iraqi leaders

Baghdad worse than ever, says Hill

Alabama against medical pot law but backs California

Marine's death in hospital examined

Ranchers push 'corner jumping' bill

U.S. may sell missiles to S. Asia

Showing the Muslim world why the Western World is superior ...

Modesto Guard members allege bias (training poor for part-timers)

Police probing fund transfer to Sharon family business

Dead voters on rolls, other glitches found in 6 key states

U.S. policies cause other countries to suffer

Rally demands speedy Ohio recount Blackwell urged to certify official vote

Broadband challenges TV viewing (Yurpeens)

Ohio -- Ground Zero: Full Text with permission of Iconoclast

Russia, India Rekindle Trade Ties

Okay, We Lost Ohio. The Question Is, Why?

LA Times:U.N. Envoy Says Iraq Is a 'Mess'

War is a boon for Md. jobs

Uncle Sam Ups Ante For Recruiting Effort

Romania-US row over star's death

NEWSWEEK: Iraq: How Many Boots on the Ground

181,000 voters in U.S. elections were dead

WP: Fallujah Fighting Images Compel at Diff. Levels (military v blogger)

NYT: Changes May Be Needed in Superfund, Chief Says

CNN: Red Crescent suspends Falluja work

British troops wage war on Afghan drugs

Bush attends church, goes biking (aka Chimp again out of his league)

Sistani poll official in 'US custody'

NYT: Interior Official and Federal Biologists Clash on Danger to Grouse

Taliban Wanted List to Be Drawn (more troops for Iraq?)

Pastor Decried After Child's Arms Severed

Washington state scare ends over fake flu shots

Thais Drop Peace Bombs On Muslims (Millions of folded paper cranes)

U.S. Army Deserter Wants to Stay in Canada

FBI probe may involve more than vote fraud allegations

New US Homeland Chief Fathered Daughter in Korea

Two Task Force Olympia Soldiers Killed # 1269 & # 1270

Doctor fears war's horror kept hidden

Memories of Iraq haunt Tri-City man, ordered to abandon tortured prisoners

US admits the war for ‘hearts and minds’ in Iraq is now lost

NYT: A Field Guide to the Falling Dollar

What happened to the middle class? Retail, auto sales, job numbers...

Acute malnutrition nearly doubled among Iraqi children: UNICEF

Bush sets out plan to dismantle 30 yrs of Environmental Laws

Boston Globe: You'll Need Your Retina Scanned to Re-enter Fallujah

Aid Cuts Threatened by US Over War Crimes Tribunal

CyberNET widow was 'enforcer'

Kerry, in NH visit, sounds a lot like a candidate (going to IRAQ)

West Wing Documentary Special on now on ABC

Do we need a DU group forum for "Lurkers"

Do you enjoy attending church/synagogue/mosque, etc.?

I switched to Linus!!!

I Switched to Linux!!!

Do You Eat Your Boogers?

Switched to Fire fox!

saliva or semolina?

to paraphrase Chris Rock

So I'm in the supermarket today...

Bob Dylan sing along!

The average colleagues dorm room is bigger then my cell.

Anyone here missing a large roll of $20 bills wrapped in a rubber band?

Will this non-stop rain actually drive me crazy?

"Hey kids, we're eatin' dinner tonight!"

Ok Xbox players, What did you think of Halo 2?

It's the coldest I've ever seen it with there being no snow on the ground.

Tonight's flamebait debate: wedding vows

Is Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas racist?

I just hit it ... now what?


I am also bored, ask me anything

Tomorrow's assignment: Start a fight with a total stranger.

I'm bored - ask me anything

A fun game:

guess who this is and win - part 2

Hey there, does anybody wanna see DU???

First person that guesses who this is wins!!!

Computer help: I have an "Aolascd" Error message won't go away

The average prisoner's cell is larger than my dorm room.

guess who this is and win - part 3

guess who this is and win - part 4

your feelings on the coca cola polar bears

guess who this is and win - part 5

the "Cockroach" episode of the X-Files is on my tv right now...

CanuckAmok - Have you packed or are you procrastinating?

does anyone else still have their yard sign up?

What NEW movie shall I see tomorrow?

I think my dad is wasted at the bar and never coming home

Went to Friday’s tonight…

I want a PC game that will truly scare the hell out of me. Ideas?

Alexander is one of the worst movies ever!

Dog lovers...have a question...


How do I look???

I'm sleepy...

Who's still up?

I learned something about myself today.

As I go to bed....

Best excuses for why you were speeding...

DU Post # 300....

So, 2,891 SPAM emails in under 2 weeks

Update on my neighbor. She died.

A new DU "generation?"

the new weapon against terrah...Arabic Sesame Street

BARKING DOGS & Rude Owners

this is my 500th post ! ask me anything!

Irate driver

Armed gang steals escalator. Hoping to move up in the world?

I haven't shaved or showered in three days- off to lowes I go!

It's "International Mole" Catalog Time!

I've now seen it all---a crimefighter who uses his nose-hairs in combat.

What ever happened to the Saturday Night Movie Threads?

Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way-To say "Merry Christmas" to you

Parking for expectant mothers and people with infants ONLY

Wooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo

Does anyone know how to open luggage w/o a key?

The "NOT ME!" Campaign Update.

WHAT THE HELL? Neighbor Cranks Up The Leafblower at 7:15 On Sunday Morning

A thread about the depth and breadth of Milan Kundera's characters!

Has anyone looked into plasma and LCD tvs?

"Be prepared. Jesus is Coming" on the back of a church van

My new theme song

Male cheerleader goes nuts runs onto Army-Navy game field

Folktown 38 - I've found my home

If she were my daughter, I'd...

Looking for a new neighbor.......sad story.

Trio used laser technology to cheat, Casino says they can keep winnings

Wedding nightmare

Missouri Pulls Violent Video Games From Prison

Dogs and stomach flu/gastroenteritis. How long does this last?

If you had a daughter (or if you do) What would be her rules for dating?

OK Buckaroos - Scamp Walker time again.

Now for sale: The "Tweety" Heart Pendant!!! Get it NOW!!

Coffe vs Tea--What brands?

Only $175 per person gets you into "The Free Republic W2 Inaugural Ball"

My buddy Doug is a true friend!

There's very well endowed woman doing weather on Fox football.

Admit It - THIS is a REAL Babe!!!!!

Note to self:

Admit It! This is a REAL Babe!

More than a week after Thanksgiving - who's still eating turkey?

Just got back from the Imax

Does your cat walk across your keyboard?

My Partner's Off To Hawaii Today!!


Now *HERE* is a picture of a babe!

Why does my cat chew on used Q-Tips?

I now have a yellow "Support the Troops" sticker on my car.

Will Ty Willingham be considered a Catholic Church sex abuse victim?

Admit it: Bat Boy is odd.

Worst Holiday Specials

"The Show Must Go On": Not Just A Cliché!

This movie is a real bummer!

Those sticky-on heel protector grips...

The Zoom Quilt . . . a collaborative art project . . .

German prince allegedly gives mock Nazi salute

I want to touch you

my room-mate just got back from a film-fest in Whistler: no sleep for 26h

What's the deal with debit cards anyways?

Is it wrong for me to listen to - and like - Public Enemy?

Let Me Touch Him

Be careful about touching each other

I want to touch you

Separated at birth?

Detroit: Jones 74 yard run, next play Harrington throws an INT at the 1

Formerly good bands that ended up sucking:

Ever listen to a c.d. so much you scare other people ?

Order drugs from canda?

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, we both, oh yes we both

Nationwide shortage of defense to be declared today.

Jamaican bobsled team returns to Evanston

If you're sexy and you know it, flaunt it

Is it ok for us to get lunch from Burger King?

What's The Age Difference Between You And Your Significant Other?

Mythbusters Marathon on Discovery.

What colors are in the room you're in now?

DU Pic Gallery?

A kitten so ugly he's cute

Police: Dealers Report Stolen Marijuana To Authorities

Do not trust DU Lounge members "movie reviews"

As part of my re-introduction to society - I've discoverd...

I think my mom is wasted at the gay bar and is never coming home.

Take This Personality Disorder Test

I don't know why I'm still up. Ask me anything.

Food conversions: used to HATE popcorn, now love it...

Mythbusters Terrier-looking dude - Asshole or not?

This is me in Grade 9

Songs sung by narrators from beyond the grave?

Patriots beating Browns 42-7. Its only the 3rd quarter!

Marry Christmas!!!!!!

P. Manning just threw his 44th TD pass of the season.

White Christmas on UPN

I Wanna Post In GD - WHAT Should My Topic Be?

The perfect gift for the moron in your life.

so do you say "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", or 'other'?

Chicago is beating Minnesota?

Ever use Google as a spell checker?

The IPowerweb Mind Fuck- Update and a question for the DU techies

Good bands that ended before sucking?

OK!! I Spent All Day Trimming The Tree - How Does It Look?

I just saw a commercial for E*Trade using Jefferson Airplane's Volunteers!

John Butler Trio....

Who here takes bee pollen?

HEY! The Bears don't suck today!!!!

You're from the not-funny diarrhea club, fart face!

The Replacements Reunion of My Dreams

Q: How do you beat the Vikings???

Do you own your residence or rent?

Need advice!! should i be an extra in "the War of the Worlds" (tom cruise

I saw the Pixies last night...

Our neighbor's dog has chosen to die in my house.

We are not alone . . . .

A Woman Flashes and Taunts Fans at an 11-year-old's Hockey Game

Oh damn! Desperate Housewives isn't on tonight

This is on the chair to my right...

What are the chances of a Bhutan/Malawi war?

A Grocery Question

What are the chances of a Canada/Denmark war?

Please tell me not to adopt this guy!

Shelter: Woman brought in frozen dog, asked for new one

Need some digital camera help, please.

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign......

What are the chances of a Djibouti/Kiribati war?

I smell like a pine tree. Ask me anything!

Mythos Music Freakies, Tori Amos is THE Goddess incarnate!!

This ISN'T a sex thread!!!!

Believe it. The RAMS will win the superbowl.

Admit it! Teach1st had a rusty car...

Believe It. I Give a Rat's Ass About The Superbowl.

URGENT Need outdoor Xmas light safety advice...

Hey, Don't Forget! We have a DU Pets group.


Believe It. I Don't Give a Rat's Ass About The Superbowl.

Flame Warriors: Which one are you? (Very, very humorous)

OMIGOD, you really CAN sell cockatiel feathers on Ebay!!!

Official Packers vs Eagles thread!

Have you ever Heard of a Liberal republicain?

If I bust my ass for the next 10 days, my GPA will be 2.56.

Teacher Arrested At JFK For Carrying Ruler, Protractor, Calculator

It's 106 miles to Chicago.

Whats the angriest lyric in a song you've ever heard?

Hotmail help, please! How do I hide the 'to' addresses when

My sister gave me her old couch.


Well, it's Sunday afternoon. Time for a Manhattan.

Capital Gains Tax Question

The "Guess the Rock Song in High-Falutin' English" game

Road Rage Came My Way

What's wrong with this picture?

Saw the movie, Tarnation, today and is it strange

Most annoying talentless* (female) pop singer?

Receipt checker person - Theft deterrent or job creation?

My Packers are getting their asses kicked by Philly!

The ultimate "your music sucks" vs. "No, your music sucks" DU battle royal

Just downloaded and watched an interesting bit of history...

Verified Titanic plate for sale on Ebay.

Better SUV slogans

DU law students - ready for exams?

Mental Masturbation! favorite part of a fantasy!

Interstate Idiocy

WE'VE ADOPTED A NEW LOG! What should we name it?

Question to DU ladies


WE'VE ADOPTED A NEW DOG! What should we name it?

BENGALS WIN!! Ravens bribed refs can't save the sorry ass Ravens


Hey! The Dolphins don't SUCK today!!!!

does anyone feed their dog "Greenies"?

I can't wait till the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie comes out

Ben Franklin -- "ladies man"?????

Have you seen a cuter pug?

what are the chances of a Switzerland/Sweden War?


What's up w/liberals telling me what I can and can't say all of a sudden?

went to repub xmas party


Which Magazine should I get?

Anyone ever done an "adaptive" house?

I wanted something to wear to the Inaugural Day protest so ..

"Do They Know It's Christmas?" Redux... has anyone heard it?

Oh give me a break. The Dolphins suck? The Vikings suck?

Crap! My water heater went out, leaked all over the back of my

You'd be shocked if you saw me.

Bingo Night: An experience in Humanity....or perhaps not.

"Hey, where the white women at?"

Worst Ancient Method of Execution:

Post The Punch Lines From Your Favorite Jokes...

To anybody on Bella's other site.

Canadian pharmacies that ship- any recommendations? experiences? Share.

Reason why I think the moon landings were faked

what were you doing during the early years of the Carter administration?

Why the hell are so many of Spider-Man's greatest villains green?

Have you ever heard of a Liberal Republicain?

Admit it: SKITTES WAS A BABE !!!

Yaw Emas Eht Ylper Trohs A Epyt, Siht Daer Nac Uoy Fi


...and the Christmas tree was tethered to wall with tess line & great care

Which star sign are you?

The Adventures of Annie: a Flash kitty sitcom

Admit it: SarahBelle is a babe!

Visit my blog at

Admit It: CO Liberal Looked "Interesting" At His Senior Prom

Who or what is your avatar and why?

OMG! She Looking For What?

Why in the hell.....

It's almost 2005! So far, this decade sucks!

Old abandoned amusement parks.

WE'VE ADOPTED A NEW GOD! What should we name it?

Where are YOU going, after you die???

Favorite medieval disease?

Cross me, and this might happen to YOUR picture...

sativa or sensimilla?

Bird owners!!! what kind of birds do you own

Need Advice: May have to threaten to Sue my Former Bosses!!! EEEKKK!!!

Who'll play Bernard Kerik in the Miramax movie?

Need Advice: Might Need to Sue former Bosses. But before I do...

He-Cat or She-Cat Game

Weird local kids shows from when you were a kid.

anyone here a machinist?

Dark Day for the Nation

Look at the markings on Skittles (The Kitten)

well, well, well . . . a little something for everyone . . .

Cheesiest film lines

The Anti-War Christian Right Must Speak Up

Are thoughts sin?

CT Helps Find Cause Of Puzzling Cough In World Trade Center Rescue Workers

Showing the Muslim world why the Western World is superior ...

Einstein: On Cosmic Religious Feeling

Fans Against Steroids!

Biggest Game of the Season Regarding the AFC West

Texas is going to the Rose Bowl


What are you getting your pets for holiday gifts? I'm at a loss...

Anyone here also feed their pets raw food?

I've just discovered that my Chi Onyx likes Boxing!

So cute! I wish I could have kept him...

Pets and Holiday Trees.

Who has pet insurance?

The Wounded President, at Starlight News

Dover Math Teachers Required to Offer 'Alternative Value' for Pi

John Kerry's Grandparents - James and Margaret Forbes

Comments from someone who attended Kerry's visit to NH!! (very uplifting)

John Kerry's Parents - Richard and Rosemary Kerry

Favorite photographer(s)

Top 11 post-election uses for an electronic voting machine.

Bush v. Gore "precedent" to stop recount: US Commonwealth Puerto Rico

Facing reality


am I the only one not "surprised" by Thompson's food safety remarks?

I hope all the Iraqi's enjoy the "freedom" Bush is giving them.

Bush Downplays Thompson's Terror Worries

Lil billy tauzin did not concede in Louisiana

If Californians thought like Texans

Bush and the Intelligence Bill


stop hiding the GOP CHEATING - Ruy Teixeira DOES NOT dump on fraud idea

Is Reid a paid operative for the GOP?

Buy Leatherman this Christmas

Democracy is very , very ill..........

What A Self Important Gas Bag David Brooks Is...

Which One Is Most Likely To Burn bu$h?

When BBV is proven President Gore should pass the torch to...

I can see the Midwest going Democratic

Please DU this CNN poll re: improved relations w/allies...

The Weekly Standard's View of Bush......

Am I the only one not "surprised" by Bush's food safety remarks?

I need some bumper sticker/button help

What am I missing here? Why won't Blackwell certify the vote in Ohio?

What does it mean to refer to Bush as "pResident" - with the big R?

At least 68 Iraqis killed by insurgents since Friday: "Let Freedom Reign!"

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist predicted today

Social Security Reform

This ISN'T a sex thread!!!!

Barack Obama on CSPAN 2 right now...

Now I can better understand Timothy Leary....

WaPo on Torture

Stupid question Poll:

How Congress failed america on Healthcare in 1990s (from Dean's Book)

Any ideas for a political statement with Christmas lights?

Democrats Deceive Themselves

if kerry's going to kowtow, if the dnc's not going to help, and if

Anybody watching C-span. They just finished a panel on the Media in the

pro-McCain atty suing OH for fraud: Claims Bush stole 65,000 Kerry votes

Hey Everyone: CNN is about to separate fact from fiction re: Voter Fraud

Ruling May Hinder Military Recruiting

Gotta LOVE Fox: "Gen. Discusses APPARENT Abuse Pics on Arab TV"

Reid on MTP refuses to back off on calling Bush a LIAR! LOL!

Chicago Tribune Story on FBI investigation into Ohio vote tampering.

Is the media really this stupid?

WMD Labs In U.S.?

No more mister nice Democrat -- Why We Fight -- lefty black ops

An idea: The Consumer Party

Football and war

What a steaming pile of shit Jonah Goldberg is

Reid--a bigger milquetoast than Daschle?

Possible RNC leak explains vote fraud mechanish

Let me get this straight....

Steely Eyed Determination Or Battle Fatigue?

OC: Missouri HB 35: Evolution Targeted

Unembedded in Iraq....

ACT Analysis: Why Bush Won Ohio (Steve Rosenthal's Words, Not Mine)

Right-winger organizing boycott of Will Smith Constructive criticism please?

9/11 Timeline site about to be shut down

Conservatives = Nazis